And So It Starts

Reaching Out {HIATUS}

Sitting criss crossed on the ground, in the middle of a small beam of light seeping from small crack in the cement slab covering where there were once windows, Jongin could hear his perent's "whisperings". Speaking of how they would have to search harder for a mental institute that would accept him. About how the farther away it was, the better. Just thinking of having a strange man barge into his "room" one day and dragging him out of his room and into some white vehicle while his parents stood at the doorway of his old house and waved, smiles plastered on their faces, just disgusted him. He quickly tried chasing the thought away, but it was already too late. The mere figment of his imagination started morphing into a full blown mightmare. The stranger's face melted into his own father's, and with a leering smile on his face and moving towards him with slow, dragged steps before standing in front of him and yanking him up by the arm. Pushing him out the door and into some van, sending him away to a place that would probably torture him forever. Jongin opened his mouth and a silent scream escaped his chapped lips. The scream was long, and gained volume until he could almost feel the whole house shaking beneath his curled up form on the ground. H scratches his bofy, trying to rid his mind of the horrible images flashing behind his eyes. 

Jongin's door slams open and his father is standing there, yelling about Jongin had better shut up before he makes him. Jongin ignores this threat and continues to scream, increasing his volume by the second. Suddenly, he is picked up roughly and thrown onto the thin mat that was used as a bed. A pillow covered hi face, but he continued to scream, his only reaction, reaing the volume once more. jongin knew, that once his lungs ran out of breath and the pillow did it's job in shutting him up, his father would leave. So with this thought, he just continued on. 

Eventually, when Jongin ran out of breath and gasped and flopped aroung for air for a while before going limp and unmoving, his father lifted the now slobber covered pillow off his face and threw it on the ground next to him, and stalked out of the room, yelling to Mrs. Kim on the way out that it was all good now. After returning to his now cold seat on the couch, he sighed and picked up the phone to call another institution, hoping that this one would be it.

Light fluttered in through an unknown source and Jongin groaned at the brightness of the warm light. His eyes slowly fluttered open to see a beautiful creature before him. Big, wide, chocolate brown colored eyes stared back into his own dark orbs, and a smile that lit up his room like the sun were all placed around a cute nose and fitted into a  perfectly shaped oval face. Whoever this was, God had certainly spent a lot of extra time molding him. Jongin's mouth gaped open but no words came out. finally, after multiple minutes of a staring contest between the two boys, Jongin's voice began to work again.

"W-who are you?" He asked, words coming out as a breathy whisper and wincing as his still sore throat stung from the screaming before. 

The boy just smiled and said nothing. Only turning more towards Jongin's crouched form on the ground. He reached out a hand and softly caressed Jongin's trembling face. Dropping his hand, he turned towars one of the plain grey cement walls that were is room, and stepped towards it slowly, his image fading, until he had passed through the wall and was gone. 

Jongin slowly stood on unsteady legs and took wobbly steps towards the wall the they boy had just walked through, pinching himself as he went because maybe, just maybe, he was actually insane. For the rest of the day, he was silent, just standing and touching the wall where that strange boy had gone, until his legs gave out beneath him due to exhaustion and he fell to a lump on the ground, fingers sliding down on the wall with his body. 



A/n: Thank you everyone who read my story!! I hope you guys continue to support this fic! Thank you again and I jope you guys enjoyed my first chapter!

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Chapter 3: NO!!! Why so short?! Need an update pwease *o*
azeli_ouo #2
Im somehow looking forward for the next chapters~ 8D