
Forever and Always

I pulled the ledger from the entrance of the cafe and was greeted by one of the workers. I greet back with a warm smile and saw that our favorite sitting spot was open. I walk towards it hurriedly before it was taken and sat there confidently smiling to myself. It was dark I stare out the window as the street light turns on one by one slowly lit the sidewalks. The waitress made her way towards me slowly placing the cup of coffee in front of me. I bow my head in thanks and turn my head towards the window waiting for him. All of a sudden I heard a glass crash to the floor, I quickly look at the waitress and then saw the other cup of coffee that I order spilled and cracked on the ground. She gave a 90 degrees bow a couple of times in apology, and quickly another one came with a broom and pan to scoop the broken pieces up.

            “I’m so sorry ma’am.” said the waitress who dropped the cup of coffee.

            I kept my eyes focus on the broken glass of coffee that slowly scatters itself all over the floor. “No it’s alright. I’m fine.” I smile at her to let her know it was really ok. I stare into my cup of coffee and thought to myself, ‘What if this was no accident? Is this a sign of bad omen? Will Leo be alright? What is this sign of a glass cup broken into pieces mean?’ I quickly turn my head back towards the window and saw him standing there happily waving at me. My heart felt a bit lighter after seeing his smiling face standing there on the street. When I stood up from my seat from afar a car coming in fast closing onto him, I signal for him to move but he didn’t. I quickly ran out of the café and heard the car come to a loud complete stop. My heart began to feel heavy it was getting hard for me to breathe at the same time walking closer to where the car was at. I saw blood flowing out slowly going through all the cracks on the road, tears began to fill my eyes becoming blurry for me to see.

            “Leo?” I said walking closer to the scene, “Leo? LEO!” I cried when I saw his face covered in blood along with his clothes messily covered in blood. I ran towards him picking him up in my arms crying out his name. “Someone help!” I look around and saw that people inside the café were calling for an ambulance as they all stare at me. “Leo, stay with me. You can’t do this to me, you. You promise not to leave me. Forever and always you remember those words. Don’t you dare leave me.” the tears kept coming nonstop as it fell down to his cheek. I then felt something warm and wet touch my right cheek, I open my eyes and saw a smile on his face.

            “I promise you didn’t I, Forever and al…” he whisper to me as his hand left my cheeks and the smile on his face fade away along with his words of ‘always’.

            The tears began to fall again. I cry out his name even louder than before. I don’t know what I’ll do if I was to lose him. This heavy pain in my heart is never going to be lift if he leaves me like this. Leo! You’ll be alright, right? I believe you will. I can’t imagine being alone without you. This is my entire fault. It’s my entire fault, if only I didn’t ask to meet you. Then…Then… Then he would have never been like this. It’s my entire fault that he’s like this.’

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            The doctor soon came out of the surgery room and walks my way. I wipe away my tears and stare at him.

            “Doctor is he going to be alright?” I ask as tears began to fill my eyes again my vision became blurry.

            The doctor was silent lost in his words. He pulls off his mask and his surgery cap. “I’m sorry.” He said looking me straight in the eye, “Estimating the time of his live is hard, but I believe he only has three days to live. We don’t know what the problem is, but with his brain damage and his legs gone cripple, we cannot really do much. I’m sorry please spends the last three days with him to the happiest as you can.”

            The nurses pull him out of the surgery room with him unconscious, and took him to a room. I follow them to the room that they took him too, and watch them set him on the bed. After all the nurses and doctor left, I quickly sat by his side and held onto his hand pressing my lips onto his hand. I look at his face all fill with scratches. Someone then burst through the door it was his aunt Jade. She looks at Leo and then at me who was already filled with tears. We both hug one another as I burst out in tears. I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I was going to lose my first love in 3 days. This 8 years relationship is going to end in 3 days.

            I thought back to the old days when we were young. Eight years ago he was 19 and I was 18 years old. We met in college during my freshman year. We had a class together, and I swear he could not stop looking at me. Eventually we were put into groups and the funny thing is we were in the same group. He wouldn’t stop bugging me about everything, but when he isn’t there I felt empty. Until one day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I still remember that day so clearly.

            “Would… Would you like to become my sweetheart? I’ll cherish you. Through the good and the bad and the ugly messes that we go through, I’ll love you forever. Forever and always.” He confessed.

            I was so lost in my words that I just shook my head up and down in response. He was so happy he lifted me up in his arms and hugged me tightly, that I couldn’t breathe at all. There was a time when we were going to go our own separate ways, but we didn’t. You know why? Because I forgave him and he told me, “I want you, forever and always.” We still loved each other. We couldn’t bear to see one another with another person. All we ever wanted was to be with each other, to love, and to trust building our love stronger than ever.

            For the first time I saw him cry in our many year of relationship. His tears came nonstop due to the death of his parents. We both shared our pains with one another crying as if there were no tomorrow. I couldn’t bear to see him cry so much and of having to lose his parents in process of almost graduating college. Those times were so hard on us, that it was making us go crazy. We did things un-regrettable we shared our bodies, our souls and our life with each other. We would talk about our futures and our future children and how it’ll all be like to be a family. We’ll surly be a big happy family.

            I came back into reality from my thoughts of the old days, and looks at aunty Jade who had fallen asleep on the couch. I wipe my eyes from falling asleep and held onto Leo’s hand again staring at his peaceful face. The room was silence all I heard was the beeping of the monitor screen. His heart was beating perfectly, but he has not awakened from his slumber. I got up to go use the restroom I wash my face and stare at myself in the mirror. I slap myself a couple of times to keep myself awake. From outside the restroom I heard sometimes drop. I quickly ran out the restroom to find that the television control had fallen down. I look up to Leo’s face and his eyes were still close, I look down to his hand and notice that his finger was moving. I walk closer to him and saw that all his fingers began moving one by one. I push the button for assistance and sat there holding his hands happily. The nurses and doctors rushes inside the room to check up on him.

            “He’s waking up, I believe doctor. I saw it with my own eyes. His fingers were moving one by one.” I told them happily looking at them.

            They did some check up on Leo and then left. The doctor told me and aunt Jade that he’ll eventually wake up sooner or later tonight. I couldn’t wait at all. I have so much to tell him, so many things to give him before he is gone forever.

            That night I couldn’t stay awake anymore. I have gone the whole day without sleep, hoping that he’ll wake up soon. Aunt Jade had left that night. When she left, I felt something warm my cheek, and then I felt tears drop fall on me. The next morning when I woke up his eyes were close. I went into the restroom and clean myself up. When I came back out aunt Jade just arrive in Leo’s room.

            I slightly smile at Aunt Jade, “Good Morning.”

            “Oh, cheer up my child. It’ll be alright. He’ll come back to us.” said Aunt Jade confidently.

            I shook my head in refusal to her answer, “There is something I must tell you. That you do not know of.” As I lead her outside of the room we sat on the chairs and I place my hand on top of hers. “Aunt Jade.

            She looks at me concern. Tears began to fill my eyes falling one by one, “Aunt Jade. He only has today and tomorrow to live. The doctor had said he does not know what is wrong with Leo. That they cannot find the problem that is causing his death.” I explain to her. I look up at her and tears began falling down her cheeks. She began to weep softly I couldn’t hold in the pain that we both share as I began weeping along with her.

            From inside the room Aunt Jade and I heard something fall to the ground. We quickly rush inside to find Leo awake, more tears fills our eyes. He looks at us with a wide smile as he scratches his head. Aunt Jade and I rush towards him hugging him tightly.

            “You bastard, how dare you scare us like that?” said Aunt Jade crying.

            I began to lightly hit him on his back silently sobbing.

            Leo pats both Aunt Jade and I on the head, “I’m alright. Don’t worry, I won’t be dying any time soon.” He then my hair.

            Aunt Jade kisses him on his forehead, “I’m going to go get the doctor.” She left me and Leo time alone.

            I couldn’t stop myself from crying. He pulls me away from his chest and looks me in the eye, wiping away the tears. He then gave me a kiss on my forehead and held me tightly.

            “Oh, Livia I’ll be alright. Don’t cry anymore. Remember what I have always told you. Forever and always I’ll be with you.” said Leo creasing my hair.

            I smile at him and kiss his lips. The doctor they soon came in and check up on him. Making sure nothing is wrong, but he shook his head in disbelief. He knew that he wouldn’t survive long tomorrow. The doctor soon left along with the nurses. Aunt Jade and I sat there with Leo just staring at him is more than enough, and seeing him smile once more is more than we can ask for.

            “We should get you something to eat.” said Aunt Jade leaving the room again to go and get food for him.

            I look him in the eyes and held onto his hands, “Leo. I’m sorry for calling you out. If I didn’t then this would have never happened. I am so afraid of losing you.”

            He pulls me into him closer and held me, “Don’t blame this on yourself, and you won’t be losing me. Didn’t I tell that last December? That night I made a vow to never leave you alone. I made that vow to be only faithful to the one I have always wanted. You were the person I long for and I won’t ever leave you. You got that?”

            I slightly smile and hug him back silently sobbing to myself. I as if my heart is going to jump right out this very moment holding him like this. How long to I have to just stop time and stay like this forever. I hate the thought of forever and always if he isn’t going to be here forever with me. My heart dies a little each day knowing that his life could be taken away any moment now. Why does life have to be this cruel? Why? Why must you take him and not me? Why must I bear this pain that it was my fault who called him out. Forever and always huh, looks like it won’t be forever anymore.

            “Yes, I know. You vow to be with me forever and that vow has made us stronger. I love you with all my heart.” I said kissing him on the lips and then rush to the restroom. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. The tears were coming; I couldn’t stop it from flowing out. How can I be strong when I know he’s gone tomorrow? I love him. I love him I can’t see him go like this. What will I do when he’s gone? How will I live? He’s the only one for me. My first love, the best I’ve ever had.

            I slump down and sat in the bathroom staring into space. I couldn’t think anymore. I couldn’t do anything to save him. I wasn’t good enough to prevent these things to happen. I wish I could see us forever and always, but now I can’t anymore. The vision to our happiness is becoming blurry and my vision is going dark. The darkness that is crawling into my heart is slowly eating it away, to stop myself from loving another. I won’t love another like Leo. Leo was the one that I devoted myself too. We were the significance of love, but now it has turn into ashes and I’ll have to bury that love soon. I can’t live without him.

            I walk back out of the restroom and Aunt Jade was feeding Leo his lunch. They both look at me as I smile at them. I went and sat next to Leo.

            “Say Leo. Let’s go have a stroll around the hospital after you eat shall we?” ask I with a big cheerful smile.

            He smile back, “Yeah! I’ll like that.” as he ate again.

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As I push him in the wheel chair we enjoy the walk in the hospital’s park. We then stop at a bench as I sat down. I look at Leo and held onto his hand smiling at him. He returns a smile back at me.

“Leo. Have you ever wonder… what you will do if I was gone?” ask I turning my eyes to a blooming flower.

He looks at me with graceful eyes and put his other hand on top of mines, “I wouldn’t know what to do if you were gone. I would surely try to follow you, but I know that you wouldn’t want me to do that at all. Instead I’ll live on, because I know that you will always love me. However, if finding a new love is also what you want me to do. I don’t know if I would be able to open my heart up again to anyone.” He smiles at me and lean his head on my shoulder.

I look back at him speechless with a tear streaming down my cheek. I notice that tears were also streaming down his face as well, when he laid his head on my shoulder. I laid my head on top of his head and we sat there until late, just enjoying the breeze.

The day became night and it was time to turn in for bed. As I stroll him back into his room laying him in his bed, fixing his blanket to make sure he is tuck in. I kiss him goodnight. He suddenly pulls me onto the bed with him and forces me to sleep with him. I try to get up but he was too strong in holding me down on the bed.

“Sleep.” Said Leo with his eyes shut, “I know that you haven’t been sleeping. I can tell from your eyes. I want you to get some sleep alright.”

I gave in after hearing his words. I didn’t know what to do. This will be the last time that we’ll actually cuddle like this. The last time for every kiss, for every hugs, and the last of hearing his voice has made me give up. I lean in closer to his chest and I can hear it. The beating of his heart, the steady of his breathe. This is surely the last time I’ll be able to hear all of this beating heart and voice.

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I woke up this morning, hopefully I didn’t wake Leo. His aunt arrives this morning and found us sleeping on the bed together. I woke up to wash my face, and pull her outside with all the supplies I had asked her to prepare. I was this little wedding ceremony to be the best he ever imagine it to be. Although it’s small I want him to go with a smile on his face.

The both of us rush to the rooftop of the hospital and began to prepare the place, with the help of some wonderful nurses. I walk back into the room to check up on him and he was already wide awake, eating the breakfast that the nurse had brought in for him. I quickly kiss him on the lips and walk back out. I knew he would be confused and so I turn back and told him I love him very much. Closing the door behind me tears began to fall as I rush into the nurse’s locker room fitting into my beautiful white dress. I walk out and people were eyeing me in awe. I blush a bit and made my way up the stairs to the top of the roof.

The decoration and the walk way all of it were set up beautifully, along the side of the carpet stood beautiful daisy. I walk towards the front where the priest stood and took my place standing there. The door then flung open. Leo and Aunt Jade walk through the door dress up nicely. He was dress in a tuxedo with his hair neatly combo and style. Aunt Jade was in a beautiful silky blue dress with her hair style to her left side. They both made their ways to the front as tears began to roll down my face and theirs. We both face the priest both holding hand in hand. He went on muttering about love.

“Leo you may give your speech,” said the priest closing his book.

Leo faces me and grasps my hand, “Livia, ever since the first day that I met you. I knew you were going to be someone that I was going to be the one that spend the rest of my life with. However, unfortunately it seems as if it won’t go that way. I promise this love of ours to be forever and always, but it doesn’t look that way at all anymore.” He starts to cry tears falling down his eyes one by one, “You deserve to be happy, and I know the time for me to go is coming. I love you, even if I’m not here. I’ll always love you, forever. We’ll grow old together. Go through the bad, the good and the ugly. Forever I want you and for that just remember that I love you.”

“Oh! Leo. I love you too. You’re my first love and you’re my first in everything. The love I experience were the best with you. Forever I’ll love you, forever and always will you stay in my heart.” said I as tears stream down my cheeks.

His face began to become pale, his words became short, and his eyes barely can keep open.

“Livia do you accept Leo to be your beloved husband. Through thick or thin forever love and cherish.” said the priest looking at them both.

“I do.” said I keeping my eyes focus on Leo as my vision became blurry.

“And Leo do you accept Livia to be your beloved wife. Through thick or thin forever love and cherish.” said the priest.

His hands slip off of mines, falling to his side. His head hung down low, his shoulders not moving. That smile that I love so much was not smiling at me at all anymore. I feel to my knees as more tears came down running. I cried his name over and over again clenching onto his clothes. Before he could even say, ‘I do’ he was gone. This can’t be happening. Everything we done has just become a memory in my mind. He is no longer with me.

“Leo! Leo! Leo! LEO!” I cried pounding on his chest.

The nurses and Aunt Jade they all cried in this awful situation as they held me back from hitting him any longer. I tried to force my way back to him but they held me back from him.

“LEEEEEOOO!!!” I cried out loudly reaching my hand towards him.

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After his burial I came back to the same hospital room, sat in the same spot I sat in, and ran my fingers through the place he slept. I turn around from hearing a knock on the door, there stood a nurse that took care of Leo when he was still here. She walks towards me and hands me an envelope. I accept it not knowing what it was. She then left after handing me the envelope. I sat down on the bed and open it. It was a letter from Leo.

“Dearest my sweet Livia,

       I wrote this letter to let you know that I love you. No matter what happened just know that I’ll always be in my heart. I have already overheard you and Aunt Jade talking about my issue. It’s hard knowing that I may die tomorrow and that I won’t be able to see your beautiful face, or hear your beautiful voice, or even hold you close to me again. I don’t want to go like this, but if… if there was ever a miracle I want to come back and be your husband. I want you forever, forever and always. I have long for you and for that this cruel fate has lead us to this path. If this cruel fate was to take one of us, it would be me honey. I don’t want to see you go and I know that you don’t want to see me go as well. But I want you to move on, find a new love. I want you to be happy, for me the only thing that I want to see from heaven above is your beautiful smiling face. Forget about me and move on my darling. I’ll always be in your heart, Forever and Always will we be together. I love you!

                                                Love Leo.”

My tears began to fall nonstop from his letter. The pain that I felt when he died before my eyes came back. It pokes me in the chest causing it to control my cries and my breathing. I lost him. I lost the man of my dreams, the man of my life, and the one I truly loved. I lost him forever.

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Chapter 1: Oh my god... This is like the best love tragedy I have ever read! This was just beautiful!! Keep up the great work in your other story!!!