Candy Coated Raindrops?

Candy Coated Raindrops?

~Candy Coated Raindrops?~


"Hey, Thank you for picking me up." The oversized boy ducked his head in the car.

The girl in the back seat lowered her sunglasses and looked up at her bestfriend as he got in the car.

He replied to her glance with a smile.

"No problem." The girls dad said as he waited peacefuly for the boy to close the door. "But why is your hair... PURPLE?"

The two teens shared a laugh from the back seat.

"It's swag Mr.C!" The boy replied grinning.

"It's weird!" The man corrected pulling off.

"Ah, dad, it's cool!" Daya argued, leaning forward. "It's stylish!"

"You WOULD say that." Her father rolled his eyes.

"It's pop culture!" 

"More like K-POP culture!" Zelo added and gave his best friend a high-five.

"K-Pop!? Is that some kind of Soda?  Now that I think of it, your hair does look like you dunked it in a Grape Fanta or some Kool-aide or something..." Her dad mummbled on.

"NO! K-POP!" His daughter covered , lauhing.

Zelo blinked, trying not to get too offended.

"It's Korean music dad! Zelo's Korean!"

"You ever heard of Super Junior?" She suddenly asked.

"Super Junior? Is that some of kids show?" Her dad asked scratching the back of his head and glanced back at them through the mirror.

The teens both gave eachother knowingly looks before Zendaya took out her I-Phone, and set it to full blast.

An electronic beat waved through-out the car causing the teens to knod in synce.

"What the fuc-" Her dad mummbled confused.

"BWARA MR.SIMPLE SIMPLE! GEUDAENEUN! GEUDAENEUN! GEUDAERO MEOTJYEO!" They both chanted ransomly dancing in the back seat.


"THAT'S ENOUGH! THAT'S ENOUGH!" Her father went insane for a moment.

Finally, the girl turned the sound off her phone.

"What, you don't like it?" Zelo questioned.

"No!" He answered shamelessly honest.

"Dad's not with the times." Daya smacked her lips.

"I'll show you some REAL music." 

"Oh god..." She mummbled.


Oh jesus, that man is ALWAYS embarresing me.

I shook my head repeatitdly, telling him NOT to do it, NOT to put in his CD, that this was NOT the time nor the place, that he should just hurry and take us to the skate-park, but NOOOO he just has to embarrese me in front of Zelo.

"This used to be Daya's JAM back in the day!" My dad grinned.

I bit my lips anxiously, hoping the song he chooses will at least be decent.

"Yeah, boy!" He nodded his head as he pushed the button.

I glanced at Zelo and he just looked forward attentivily.

"Oh god, I'm ruined" I thought to myself.

As the sounds of repititivly hit drums filled the car, My eyes grew wide and my face grew red.



An out of breath female voice began to sing.

I covered my face miserably.


"DAD!" I practically scream over the dirty Janet Jackson lyrics blasting through the car.

"Come on! You know the lyrics!" He grinned, obviously enjoying himself.

I sure wasn't, not when Zelo was looking at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow which told me that he was going to tourture me with this moment forever. Great.

"Fine! Fine, I'll switch it." He decided, much to my satisfaction.

"POISON!" My dad began to sing along with the song when it cam pouring through the speakers.

I groaned

Glancing over to Zelo, he looked like he seemed to be enjoying th song, he was bopping his head to the song just like her father was.

"Lame." I gritted my teeth.

He just grinned and began to nod his head more dramtically.


After about 15 minutes, Dad finally played a song he knew.

"OH! I know this song!" Zelo perked his head up.

"Oh, forreal grape soda?" My dad said sarcastically, implying that everyone should know it.


I facepalmed myself as Zelo began whaling along with my dad.

Just when I thought it was as bad as it could get, Zelo was practically performing.


"Ugh." I audioably groaned, causing my dad to look back at me.

"Come on, Daya! Join in!"


They both looked at me eagierly, to see if I'd join in.



"....No." I repeated until the part ended, and I miserably looked out the window untill they finished the song.

"Jeez, Daya, You're no fun at all." My dad muttered.

I looked up from the window to defend myself but Zelo cut me off.

"That's just because she needs some TENDER LOVE AND CARE!"

My jaw dropped as he smirked, and my dad even LAUGHED. What is going ON here?

I blinked at him multiple times, but he just winked and acted normal.

I swear I felt my hear sting a little.

Stupid Zelo.


About ten more minutes later, Zelo practically learned all the lyrics from "Big Puns- I don't wanna be a player" because according to my dad, that's his "JAMM!"

So now, Zelo has some very innapropraite things to say when he feels like getting in trouble in class... I can just see him now staning on the desk screaming "HOT TUB! POPPING BUBALY!!!"

"Dad, I get it. You like this type of music-"

"Shut up, Daya." My dad cuts me off.

"Yeah, Why you gotta be startin' something?" Zelo smirked.

"Oh god, now he's going to be talking in music titles all day." I thought to myself.

"All Summer long, We've been together."

"Ugh, why'd he have to go and play this song." I thought to myself as I started to feel embarressed.

"And I've never felt so good, Cuz when I'm with you, Your such a good time!"

I stared at the window, trying to hide my smile that grew on my face as I thought about how Zelo and I spent the summer so far.

"And when you get next to me, You make my heart beat fast! You through me back when you smile!"

I couldn't help but to glance at Zelo, who was staring out the window, so I turned back to mine.

"And when we're alone, I know we're in love cuz I can't get enough of that!"

My heart pattered as the chourous began. 


My dad suddenly turned the song, and like clockwork, me and zelo sat up straight.

I swear, our eyes met for a secound, but we both looked away for some reason.


"WHAT IS THIS?!?"  My father and I both turned to look at Zelo confused by why he was laughing so hysterically.


"The-The song!" He was practically crying.

"WHAT?" My dad started to get more confused.

"Why would his lover ever dream of candy coated raindrops."

Our faces both deadpanned.

"Like! That's not even logical! If they're raindrops, it can't be candid coated!" He reasoned.

"Like unless it's candid coated water, but you can't candy coat water, the mixter with just be mixed in the water...unless maybe an icecube."

"Zelo." I gave him an annoyed face.

"Maybe, they're talking about a Kiss."

"A what?" My cheeks felt warmer when I heard him mention "kiss" with his own lips.

"Like the candy, Kiss." He nodded.

"Oh." For some reason, I felt a little worst than before, but I managed to shake it off.

"Because, Kisses look like raindrops, and there candy."

"You're kidding?" My dad asked annoyed from the front seat.


We were only 4 minutes away from the skatepark, THANK GOODNESS!  But we were stuck behind a traffic light, and then dad just HAD to play one last song. It just had to be this one...


This very song, that Zelo sung around school when it was in last month. He esspecially sung it when he wanted to start some mischeif...and unfourtunatly, I was apart of his perfoming retuin so much that I just rememberd my cue.

"How HIGH?!" He pointed to me.

"Real High." I answered Semi-enthusicastic.

My dad seemed suprised that I actually replied back, which made me kind of embarresed.

But silly Zelo, was Un-Phased and continued singing.

Just in time of the song ending, dad pulled up to the skate park.

"THANK GOD!" I hurridly unlocked the car door and got on my knees happy to see ground.

Zelo chuckled and thanked my dad before he drove off.

"Whew!" I sighed, getting off the ground. "We made it!"

When I looked at him, I did not like the expression he made on his face.

"What?" I asked.

He just continued to minicly smirk at me.

I asked him one more time "what?"

He just shook his head and we continued to walk to the admission.

"I was just wondering if you were excited that we were going to skateboard, i mean you seem like it because you practically fell on your knees when we came here."

"Yeah, It's my first time her!" I grinned.

He laughed. "SO EXCITED!"

I gasped. I couldn't belive that he remembered that song, I even forgot that dad even PLAYED that song.

"SHUT UP!" I punched his multiple times. "IT WAS 5th GRADE!"

He laughed at me even more. "Ha, that's disgusting."

"I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE SONG MEANT!" I explained as we walked in the skate park. "It was just a nice beat."

"HEY GUYS! FINALLY! YOU MADE IT!" Jongup greated us from across the park.

"Aye, let's go!" Zelo cut me off losing interest, plopping his skateboard down and skating away.

Soon, I caught up with them and they were already laughing.

"What?!" I frown as I sat down at he picnic table accompanied by the rest of the guys.

"We heard you're pretty excited?" Himchan rose his eyebrows.

"YOU BABO!" I punched his shoulder again.

"OWE! WHY YOU ALLLWAYS gotta be startin somethin!" He rolled his eyes.

"Stop sayin that." I growled.


Through the whole day, Zelo kept slipping some titles at me.

"Hey, Let's switch boards." Zelo came to me holding a skateboard.

"No!" I pouted.

"Aw," He dropped his board to the ground. "Look's like I'm stuck with this board. GUESS I'M GONNA HAVE TO RIDE IT TONIGHT!" He cleverly used his Janet Jackson reference and winked at me before rolling away.

I facepalmed myself again.


Disappointly, I fell for it and asked "Where?"

"That uhm.. girl, AROUND THE WAY GIRL." He pointed around th corner.

I glared at him, as if on cue, he rolled away again.

When we met again, I anticapted him to say something corny again, but instead he told me that him and the guys were eating and I should join them.

But when I did, it was back to normal.

"Hey," I looked at what Zelo was eating. "Are those chili cheese fries."

With his mouth full he replied "NO DIGGITY!"

Laughing daehyun replied "What?"

"He's referring to an old soung." knowledgable Youngguk said.

"You WOULD know that." I said skeptacilly.

"What, I like that type of music, what do you want me to listen to? Polka?"

"HEY!" Zelo stood up. "DON'T go chaseing waterfalls. Pleas stick to the RIVERS, and the LAKES that you are USED to."

"Zelo." I dead panned.

"I that know you're going to have it your way or nothing at all, but I think you're moving TOo fast." He held up his hands "Ok, so slow down."

"Ugh," I groaned miserably. "You're so annoying."

He scoffed and pointed at me "That girl is POISONNN!"

"Now, If you excuse me, I have to go to the tinkle station."

"Tinkle station?" I questioned myself as he walked away.

"That means he's got to go pee." Jongup tried to help me out.

"I KNOW what it means."


After I finished eating my food, I was tired of skateboarding so I sat down on a bench that was sort of disloacted from the rest of the park.


I jumped a little, not expecting anyone to find me. Let alone Zelo. I left when he was in the bathroom!

"How'd you find me."

He just smiled and sat down next to me.

"Heard it through the grape vine." 

I glared at him, knudging him a little with my shoulder I responded "and YOU'RE the grape."

I shuffled his hair a little.

Laughing, he took my hand out of his hair and smiled.

BUT. He didn't let it go. He just held it.

My heart began to race so I think I paniced and randomly acted.

"So how'd you're tinkle go!?" I pratically yelled.

His face scrunched up and he just laughed, causing me to feel releaved.

"I was gonna ask you why...why....but, I already know that it's Human Nature."

I face palmed myself "I walked right into that one."

He laughed harder and took my hand off my forehead to examine it. 

"Look you made a red mark."

I glared at him, but my glare quickly diminished as I saw his face was really close.


I was silenced.

The corniest thing he did, was yet so sweet. It was another song he qouted.

"You should let me love you, let me be the one too, give you eveything you want and need. Baby. Good love and protection, make me your selection. Show you the way loves Su-pose-to be."

Although I was blushing like crazy, I just had to say it...

"You know Mario isn't old school music right?" I said with an raised eyebrow "That song came out like 2006 or something."

He blinked for a secound.

"But he hasn't made a comeback... in like 11 years..."

I just laugh, and leaned in boldly and did something I wanted to do since we were in the car.

My lips sweetly complemented his as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Wait." Secounds into the kiss he pulled away.

"...what?" I asked nervously.

"I have a question!"


"My love,... do you ever dream of candy coated raindrops?"

I facepalmed myself harder.

"Woah!" He took my wrist "Don't get too EXCITED!"

"LET IT GO! ZELO!" I practically yelled.

Welp, that's done. it's a little...different than other oneshots.  I thought of it in the car when I was holding my skateboard and my dad was BLASTIC music like that, like he always does, and I was thinking if I had a boyfriend, it'd be embarresing.  But I don'


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(I don't spell ,ok?)


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kaeryunsoo #1
Chapter 1: It's sure silly.. It's really embarrassing.. Kekeke.. I like it..
MitsuKyuYamazaki #2
Chapter 1: XD haha it's cute and funny at the same time
Good job~
Chapter 1: Forreal grape soda? LOL I DIED
Chapter 1: Awesome!
Loved it :D