
The Bet


Jessica held Yuri's hand as they walked out the building. Yuri glanced down at their interlocked hands, liking the feeling of Jessica's small, soft hand.
Jessica saw Yuri glance down, and she smirked. The girls continued to walk until they reached the cafe where they would have lunch.
The girls sat a booth across from each other as they ordered what they wanted to eat.
Jessica stared at Yuri, making Yuri feel uncomfortable under the girls gaze.
"What?" Yuri asked softly.
Jessica tilted her head, "Do you still dislike me?"
The question made Yuri stiffen. It was obvious that Yuri did not dislike Jessica, in fact, Yuri is the opposite of that. She likes Jessica.
Yuri shrugged, "What do you think?"
What the hell? This girl answers Jessica back with another question?
Jessica pouted, "That's not fair, you can't answer me with a question."
Yuri sighed, "Fine. I don't dislike you."
Jessica smiled widely. Why was she so happy?
It probably because she has a chance to win the bet.
Yea, that's it.
Tiffany gasped, "Taeyeon-ah! I want to go on that!"
Tiffany pointed to the ride that was spinning crazily in circles as she held Taeyeons hand. Taeyeons heart beat rapidly as she heard Tiffany call her fondly.
Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany, "Arraso, let's go."
Tiffany squealed and pulled Taeyeon on the ride.
Both girls were screaming wildly on the ride, and they were dizzy when they got off.
Tiffany lost her footing, as she was dizzy, so she nearly fell on Taeyeon. Taeyeon gripped the younger girls waist to prevent her from falling. Taeyeon giggled at the girls dizziness.
"I feel like I'm drunk." Tiffany mumbled as she leaned on Taeyeons smaller body, wrapping her arm around the shorter girls shoulder.
Tiffanys arm that was slung around Taeyeons shoulder began to tingle. Tiffany liked the feeling, but why was it feeling like that?
'Please don't let Tiffany hear my heart beat.' Taeyeon mentally prayed since her heart was beating faster and faster the closed Tiffany got.
Tiffany finally managed to regain her footing, but she didn't let go of Taeyeon, liking the closeness.
The two girls walked around the fair, holding each other.
Taeyeon couldn't be any happier. Even though she loves Tiffany, she would never confess. Not unless, Tiffany confessed first. And Taeyeon highly doubted that she would.
So, Taeyeon would settle with being friends. 
"YAH! Sunny!" Sooyoung exclaimed as Sunny splashed the pond water on Sooyoung.
Sunny giggled at the mad Sooyoung who was slightly drenched.
"I will throw you in the pond!" Sooyoung threatened.
Sunny stuck her tongue out, "I can't swim!"
The girls were currently at a local park, which had a pond.
Sooyoung ran over and held Sunny's waist, preventing the girl from running away.
"Choi Sooyoung!" Sunny exclaimed.
"Sunny Lee!" Sooyoung mocked, still holding Sunny by the waist.
"Yah! If you throw me in there I'll drown, then I'll come back to haunt you!" Sunny threatened.
Sooyoung smirked, "I'll wait for your ghost then."
Sunny's eyes widened at the familiar phrase. She had said that to Sooyoung before.
"Yah!" Sunny yelled, hitting Sooyoungs shoulder.
Sooyoung chuckled, "Calm down Sunny, I won't throw you in."
Sunny calmed down, expecting Sooyoung to let her go, but she never did. Was it bad that Sunny enjoyed being held against Sooyoungs body? 
Sooyoungs heart was beating rapidly. Her mind was telling her to let go of Sunny, but she didn't.
She enjoyed the closeness..
What's happening to her?
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Soneisa #1
Chapter 21: Sooyoung being giddy is sooo cute ahahaha
Chapter 1: jess & soo are so mean
Chapter 1: jess & soo are so mean
I'm back hehehe
Chapter 21: I love all of this but in TaeNys part I was still listening to Girls Generation Tinkerbell and it suits their part royal ships!
Chapter 58: I still love this story even after years I just like how the Royal Ships are here and the story line too lmao
Chapter 53: It was so funny actually I almost lost my sanity lmao
Chapter 52: The last one is so funny tf lmao
Chapter 39: Mr. Hwang being our genie lmao and also Mrs. Choi though
Chapter 34: The last one though tf lmao