The One ♥ [edited]

The One ♥

- The One


"..I will tell you if you do aegyo to me" he said smirking. He knows I hate doing aegyo, I look so stupid. But I want to know who it is, so..

"You are so cuteee oppaaaa, buing buing!" I said to him with my fists in front of my cheeks, trying to do aegyo.

"Oh, I regret it so much, please don't do that ever again Hyosung! You look more ugly than you are. Sorry, but you failed! I'm not telling you" he said serious but laughing inside, I know he is joking.

"Yah! Lee Kikwang, you're such a babo!" I said walking away acting like I was mad at him.

I call him by his full name when I'm mad. I know that he will come to my arms trying to say sorry and regretting for telling me that. Oh yes! He is scared of me being mad with him, I can be pretty creepy sometimes.

He is coming in 3... 2.... "Babyyyy, I'm soooo sorryyyyy! Saranghaeee! Don't be mad at oppaaaaa." Kikwang said regretting, doing aegyo and hugging me at the same time.

Let me tell you that my heart almost fell out of my chest when he called me baby. But I kept quiet.

"Baby? Please?" he looked at my eyes with those cute puppy eyes of him. Oh, how can I stay mad to that cutie pie?

"Ok, but next time I'm not forgiving you, ok?" I told him trying to be serious and hide my blushing face.

"Ne, gomawo baby" he said still looking at my eyes.

I could feel how my face was getting hot, I knew that I was getting too red so I turned around and continued to walk. My Gosh why? Why every time he calls me baby, or hug me or comes too close to me I can't even stand properly? Is this.. is this.. called l-l-lo-love? Ani, ani! It can't be! I can't be in love with my best friend!

Yes, he is my best friend, but I love him, I don't like him like a friend anymore. I want to be more than fri.. Wait! What did I just said? Emm.. I was trying to say that I don't like him.., or do I? Ani, I don't like him! Everybody thinks we are a couple but we are just very good friends.

Suddenly Kikwang intertwined my fingers in his soft and lovely.. wait whaaat? in his hand, in his hand.. and a loud voice got me out of my thoughts.

"Omooooo! You two look so good togetheeeerrrrr! How many months have you been going out?" an auntie asked us screaming, I thought her lungs were going to fall off and once more I blushed.

"Ani, auntie, he isn't my..." Kikwang didn't even let me finish my sentence and said "Kamsahamnida auntie, we have been going out for 1 year now. Isn't she beautiful?" Kikwang said pointing at me and then kissing my cheek.

Oh God! I swear I'm going to fall off, if it wasn't because Kikwang is hugging me, I will fall off flat in my face. "Awww, that's so cute, I hope you two marry and have babies someday" the auntie said smirking.

"Yah, Kikwang-ah! Ani auntie, oh ottoke? Ani, we aren't..." then Kikwang interrupted me again.

"We will auntie, we will, kamsahamnida. Right baby?" Kikwang said looking at my eyes then kissing my cheek once more. "Annyeong!" Kikwang said to the auntie.

"Ne, annyeong, good luck" the auntie said smiling and then left.

"1 year? 1 year? W-w-we will have ba-babi..? We what? W-wh-what hap-happ-happened over there?" I said blushing and almost freaking out.

"Omo baby, you are blushing so much" Kikwang said pinching my cheeks.

"You are a babo, how can you lie like that?" I asked him with a serious face.

"I'm not lying, you are mine, now hug me" he said.

Whaaat? Mine? I must be dreaming! Hug him? Whaaat?

"I'm telling you.. hug me.." Kikwang said again.

"W-wh-why?" I asked him stuttering.

"Because everybody is looking at us and they think that we actually are a couple, and I.. I.. like that fact, so now.. hug me! or do you want to kiss me instead? Choose!" Kikwang whispered in my ear with his y husky voice and started to get closer to me.

OMO OMO OMO! I hugged him and covered my face in his broad chest because of my blushing. God! Those muscles, he is so y!

I actually enjoyed it a lot then I heard a couple of comments as "Awww, what a cuties", "They look so good together", "She would look beautiful pregnant", "Only by looking at them I can see how much they love each other", "I hope they marry soon".

Kikwang also heard them and said "Gomawo!" giving them his y eye smile.

And let me tell you that I felt kind of jealous of how some girls looked at him, but I did liked hearing all those comments. I wanted to yell at them and tell them how much I love and want him. I don't want to see this anymore like something to be embarrassed of, I wanted to tell him how I truly felt. I just wanted to keep hugging him like that, very close to each other, I wanted to kiss those plump and pink lips. But I.. Oh God! What I'm saying tooodaaay? Ok! Ok, I like him, ani, I love him! I need to accept it already.

I looked at him and he smiled, he let go of me and started to walk with me with our fingers intertwined until nobody could see us anymore.

He let go my hand and I looked at him. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"They aren't looking at us anymore, so, I know that you weren't comfortable, ..though I was.. and well, I can't make you do something you don't want to do" He said the "though I was" mumbling, but I heard it, and I almost smiled. And that's another thing that I love about him, he have manners and is so considerate with me.

Without thinking it two times I said "Ani oppa, I don't feel embarrassed anymore." I said smiling but blushing because I intertwined our fingers again and started walking like nothing happened.

I could see his wide smile and I.. wait.. he smiled? Is he happy too? I hope so! I want to walk with him like this every day. Without even noticing it, we arrived at my house very fast. I didn't want to let go his hand. Maybe he didn't too, because he then held both of my hands and stared at my eyes.

I snapped out of my daze in that moment and asked him "Oppa, I'm not doing it to ruin the mood, but you never told me.." I said looking at his eyes.

"About what baby? About the girl that I like?" I thought he forgot about our conversation before, because of the aunties and everyone, but no, he remembered.

I looked to the other way trying to hide my sad face and looked at him. "...Yes" I looked at his eyes, hoping that it was just a joke and that he didn't really like anybody.

If he really liked someone, I hope it was me, but I know that I'm not the one. The thing that he was going to tell me was about a girl he liked, (that's why he make me do aegyo). I needed to ask him because one day

I was going to meet him and I heard that Dongwoon yelled at him "That girl is pretty, you can lose her. Go for her and don't be shy. I know that she likes you too."

When I heard that, I wanted to know who it was. I mean.. he is my best friend, I kind of deserve knowing who is that girl that he likes.

"..Emm.." Kikwang said and looked away.

"Oppa, jebal!" I kept looking at his eyes trying to find an answer.

"It's hard telling your true feelings for the first time, I never felt that way about a girl before and I really don't want to lose her because of my feelings, so.." he said.

I didn't want to feel sad, but unconsciously I was a little disappointed hearing that, but I have to be happy for my best friend, right?

"Oppa we are best friends right?" I asked him never leaving his eyes.

"Obviously baby" he said it again.

He always called me baby before, but these last days it drives more electricity to me, I noticed that I really like him, I've always liked him.

"Then, tell me the truth. Be honest with me, who do you like?" I asked him one more time.

"I don't think I like her, I love her, since the first day I met her" he said with his eyes sparkling.

I was a little scared of hearing who it was. "..Do.. I know.. her?" I asked him a little slow, pretty scared.

"..Yes! You.. know her" Kikwang answered me a little slow too.

Oh God! I want to die, I know her! Why did I ask? I wouldn't be suffering right now! But I continued asking, I don't know why.

".. Well.. call her, I want to know who is that girl, the one that you like" I told him with anxiousness in my voice.

".. Then ok.. let me get my phone." he said looking at our hands, I didn't even notice that we were still holding hands.

I let go his hands and thank God it was pretty dark, if not, he would saw my blushing face.

He got his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number.

Then I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. "Wait.. Give me a moment, my phone is ringing." It was an unknown number so I answered.

"Yeoboseyo?" I said in the phone.

"I love you baby, you are the one." the person in the line said.

I noticed it was Kikwang's voice, I looked at him and saw him looking at me with a wide smile.

My phone almost fell of my hands and he put his phone in his pocket. I swear I was going to cry, but of happiness. He did the y eye smile again and looked at me in the eyes.

"Hyosung, baby, you are the one. From now on, you are only mine." he said and kissed my cheek.

I looked at his eyes with tears in mine, but smiling a lot. I could feel his sincerity.

And for the first time, I felt this plumps, big pink lips that I so badly wanted to eat.. I mean, kiss. Then I could feel him smiling in the kiss. I swear I was going to die of happiness. It was the happiest day in my life.

He looked at me and said "Mine!", again.

I swear I saw fireworks when he whispered mine at my ears, once more with his y and husky voice.

Then, the boy of my dreams, now my y boyfriend, kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and the slow but sweet kiss, got a little bit of passion.



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Aegyoooo timeeee! *buing buing* ♥
Gifs and photos not mine, credits to the owner ♥ (:


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Guyssss! I hope you liked this oneshot  and like I said pleaseeee don't be silent readers, subscribe and comment, I want to know what you think.. Let us know what kind of do you want for the next storie, sad, romance, breakups, what? Let us knowww :P Gomawo! Bye-yeom

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lovedaehyun #1
Soo cutteee!!! Hyokwang forever!!
Chapter 1: Omo! Unnie this was beautiful!! <3 keep up the awesome stories! :D
primitian #3
Chapter 1: oh my :))) cute
Chapter 1: it's so cute!! ehehehe!! ^_^
Aegyooo time..
the story came out fine..
keep it up v('o')v