
Just Walking

Have you ever wished that you could freeze a moment and keep it forever? I wish I could have captured that perfect moment, just before it flew away on outstretched wings, and locked it in my heart; a heart full of rich colours — red, yellow, orange, pink, purple, and another colour I just can't place. The colour of a miracle, perhaps? I don't know. All I know is that the moment I wished I could keep and treasure forever was the memory of just walking along the beach, with him...

The sun was warm on my face, evaporating all my bad feelings, lifting my sorrows, lightening my heart and emptying my soul of all I knew.

The sand stretched alongside me; white and pure. Only the forgotten footprints left behind remained, except for the debris and a few shells that were scattered among the footprints, as if they had been sprinkled, just for decoration.

I could taste the salt — ground up sorrows; fear not yet forgotten. I could taste the bitterness of all the bad thoughts, blowing in the tired wind.

The debris lay around on the outstretched sandy beach as though it had been thrown over somebody's shoulder in disdain; it lay hopelessly, waiting for someone's love to spill. It lay, waiting for some love to reach their aching souls. It was the skeleton of what had once been beautiful. Just like me.

I could hear the lost cries of the sulking gulls. I heard my aching heart, rising and falling; waiting. Waiting for him to return.

The waves sparkled and glittered playfully, splashing over my feet. They were happy then; calm and gentle; leaving behind their endless potential to destruct unfulfilled.

I picked up the curved and twisted shell at my feet. I placed the shell upon my waiting ear. I heard the voices of a thousand years, holding songs, thoughts, memories, joys, stories, and broken hearts. A miracle was preserved in intricate beauty, protected by the sea — forever.

The salty sea air burnt my nose; stinging the thoughts inside my head; sending shivers down my spine. I smelt the eerie mystery left behind in the sand dunes.

The sea held so many unknown wonders; breathtaking beauty. Hidden secrets held close — kept safe. All this beauty and wonder, continuing until it met the sky and all the secrets and dreams took flight — let loose, into the open, waiting skies.

My eyes followed the sea, resting on the sunset sleeping peacefully on the horizon. For once, good and evil were equal and serene — like yin-yang.

I clutched the pair of engraved rings, dangling on a silver chain, to my chest. Just over two hours ago, one of them had been flung back at me, for a girl. For my sister.

I slipped the chain around my neck, taking slow, unhurried steps towards the azure blue water. Towards where, you might ask? Even I did not know. Perhaps, even if the sand beneath my feet were to give way under me, I would not mind at all.

And so, I walked, just walked, letting the blue waves welcome me into their embrace.

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