Greedy Man


You make me crazy, you drive me crazy, you make me angry, because of you... because of you...


Read This First!!


This is a Collection of drabbles..

every drabbles has different rating..  if you don't convinience to read one of the drabbles you can skip that..

Rating for Drabble 1,2,3,5,6 is G

Rating for Drabble 4 and 7 ermm... NC-17 i guess.. i am not really good to give a proper rating.. kkkk

So.... Enjoy!


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Chapter 1: Oh i love this version of Greedy Man lol
ShinHye24 1340 streak #2
Chapter 1: Hyunnie so byuntae girl jinjja !!!! thanks
seororo312 #3
Chapter 1: You ruined uri maknae's innocent image, author-nim! But I really love this wild side of her actually :p. Nice story! :))))))
Chapter 1: jealous Yong ftw hehehe.. I can imagine, every morning seohyun will greet Yong and boys, her mom will asks them to eat in her house ^^
kmrsanchez #5
Chapter 1: Love it... please write more...
Chapter 1: omo... omo.... where i should start to comment??

part 1 & 2
Yong?? you still jealous with her SM Oppa???..ckckckckc.. don't you remember that seohyun was "angel maknae goddess" for her SM oppa-deul?
you will kill changmin oppa and kyuhyun oppa, then you will be The Most Handsome Killer EVER *willingly accompany you in jail* #crazymodeon LOL

part 3
poor N. why from all idol he choose Seohyun as his ideal type? *but, who can refuse the charm of uri Princess, right?* kkk
but still, do you know how bad is the Dragon wrath??
double triple pity of you must experience that kind situation, death stare from yonghwa, then say him kissing your ideal girl. *thanks god you not die, yet*\
ps. this part remind me of Music Bank, when yonghwa bowed 90 degree to N, but he just have a slighty nod at his sunbae. N shocked expression really priceless

part 4
yonghwa really greedy man. One more kiss???
wonder if yonghwa can math? one mean one, not have two, three, four and more..kkk

Part 5
I LOVE CNBLUE BOYS...!!!!!!!!!!
at first they really clueless they will be live in same building LOL

part 6
i love last sentence, that's was not yonghwa hyung room alone, it was also seohyun's room. kkkkk

part 7
SO HOOOOT.....!!!!!
Seohyun boldness and teasing seduce...

*run to bathroom immediatelly, need a cold shower NOW...!!!!*

thanks mel for this oneshot, or this few drable...
why you not mention me if you update this in twitter?

all of YOngseo news lately make me worried, alot haters bash them.
even the way the comment in that article really brainless,
but as goguma, we will protect them forever, no matter what.

Haters still will be haters, but Our Ship still Sailing.

*omg. i am comment to long??*
Chapter 1: omg mel hahaha... part 1-3 still okay~ then when I scrolling down and down again ughh why suddenly I feel hot? *blush* hahaha >\\\<
yonghwa's jealousy really something... so choding of him! haha.. okay yong we all know seohyun is your property, no need to kill other boy idols.. LMAO XD
eh who taught hyunnie to be that seductive? kyaaaa~~ we must thank that person haha.. #slapmyself
I do really hope the best for them... and praying for all their happiness. we should protect uri yongseo right? so sad with all these news lately.. I hope k-media would stop it soon ><
this one-shot give me a fresh air~ thank you mel :)
Chapter 1: kyaaa... eonniiiiiii *blush*
you are jjang ^^
love this story mostly part 7.. hehe...
so... hyun loves his kiss mark now.. aigoo XDD
i thought you will post it in Sunda vers. LOL
faisazali #9
Chapter 1: haters be damned!
i believe all these had happened somewhere in the timeline..
heck, they even live in the same building!
screw the hamburger..
thanks a lot author-nim!