Chapter One

Life Unexpected


~Life Unexpected~

Boy Meets Boy



Luhan stands before the mirror, checking his appearance in its reflection. He brushes a strand of blonde hair from his eyes and smoothes out the front of his “Eve’s Garden” band t-shirt. Perfect. He smiles, and with one last look over his shoulder he leaves, closing and locking the door behind him.


With barely a minute to spare, he arrives at his destination. The small, shabby, café sits on the corner near an old appliance store just two blocks away from his apartment. The last of the fans are making their way through the door as the first song plays. His heart pounds against his chest with every step he takes and every note he hears. He’s finally going to hear his favorite underground band play live.


Luhan enters the café. The tiny space is packed wall to wall with a variety of screaming females. Kyungsoo, one of the main singers, is at the microphone. His cool, soulful voice floats through the air playfully as he sings one of their older, more jazzier pieces , “Love, Don’t Kill Me." Though at first listen the song wasn't to Luhan's liking the quote on quote "boy loves girl, but girl doesn't love boy," being far over played. But during late nights closing up his family's tea shop, he found himself humming the tune more so than not.

Luhan weaves his way through the crowd, wanting a decent place near the stage. He receives more than a few dirty looks in the process, but achieves his goal and scores a place in the front off to the side. From there he can see a quarter profile of Chen - the band’s bass player, lead vocalist, and temporary pianist because; Yixing having fractured his hand in an accident - and Chanyeol, the group’s drummer. Luhan can admit that he hadn't only came out for the music, but Park Chanyeol himself. Rather than on the band's fan page, where they blog about upcoming events and post group/individual pictures and videos, he wants to admire the peace sign loving maknae up close. And tonight he plans to do that.




The concert wraps up with a requested encore of their newest song, “Flower Girl”, and Luhan hovering on cloud nine. He can’t believe that he just watched Eve’s Garden play live. He feels like he needs to scream and cry as he rips out his hair in a crazed frenzy like some diehard fans he’s seen before, but he keeps his composure and moves to exit the café with the rest of the hopeless batch who sulked and whine about it being over too soon.


Outside, Luhan inhales deeply, the fresh, cool, air helping clear his mind and cool his flushed cheeks. A girl’s scream pierces the air, knocking Luhan from his current state of mind. He looks to the commotion and sees the girl standing stunned, pointing down the street with wide eyes.


“It’s… It’s them! It’s our Adams!” Before Luhan has time to register what’s going on, a group of screaming girls rush by him in a blur of colors. He blinks, clueless as he’s spun, twisted, and nearly tackled to the ground by the stampede of females. It finally clicks that Eve’s Garden is just around the corner, close enough to touch. He walks (he doesn't run because he's an adult dammit) around the corner and is met with a swarm of girls flocking around a few of the band members. They encircle them completely, giving flowers, taking pictures, and screaming love confessions. It’s a crazy sight that Luhan has only had the privilege of seeing on television.


He moves, palms sweating, towards the group of girls and the bandmates. He taps one girl on the shoulder, politely asking to get through, but she huffs, looking him up and down, and brings her attention back to the group of handsome boys. Luhan scowls at the girl. Not one to react to such childish behavior, he cuts his way through the crowd, like a pompous . Because its fans like those one's who ark his nervous.

He’s met with protests of, “Hey!”, “Watch where you’re going!”, and “Wait your turn you !” but blatantly ignores them, which is by far his easiest task of the day. He pushes his way to the front with a stern glare at a girl who had the audacity to yank at his shirt. Slapping her hand away, he smoothes the black t-shirt back down.


“Whoa there, doll face. No need to be so violent.” Luhan turns to the front, forgetting the grabby girl and everyone else behind him. “Hey there gorgeous. How can Oppa help you?” Chen says. His lips curling up into a cat like grin, having done this several times.

Offended at being mistaken as a girl for the millionth time, Luhan immediately corrects him. "I'm not a girl," he said with brows frowned, back straightened and shoulders squared.

Jongdae blinks at him for a moment, seemingly missing something in their exchange of words. "You're not? But you’re really cute, did you know that?"

Okay, so maybe he blushes like a girl this time, because a compliment is a compliment and its coming from a member of his currently most liked band.

"Look you're blushing, totally cute!" Jongdae coos, pulling Luhan into a hug to press cheeks. Making more than a number of girls green with envy and the said boy to cringe. "So my type - soft, pretty and blonde. Let's hook up." The singer says offhandedly, eyes sparkling at Luhan when they break away.

Luhan is a little more than flustered with the sudden outturn. He hadn't fought his way through the coward in hopes to get an exclusive invitation. Two pictures, a autograph maybe. So excuse him if his heart is beating a little fast and his head is spinning out of control.

To his deaf ears there are a number of girls crying in the background in bitter betrayal, because it's suppose to be them in his place and not some fake blond who is clearly to low class for their precious Jongdae.

Kyungsoo who has been standing on the sidelines finally intervenes, the whole thing getting out of control. “Would you stop goofing around. You're making a mess of things." He says pulling Luhan away from Jongdae, who's more than grateful. If he stared into the singers hypnotizing eyes any longer he would have said yes.

"Hey! No fair, I almost had her." Jongdae whines in protest, trying to snatch Luhan back to his side, but Kyungsoo stops him, punching him in the shoulder.

"You dummy, weren’t you listening? He's not a girl."

"I don't care, I want he-him. Give him back."

"No," Kyungsoo sternly says. "We have other fans, so show some respect and stop ignoring them, or I'll make you load the van by yourself." Jongdae flinches back at Kyungsoo's no bluffing threat, seeing promise of it once before.

"Fine," he grumbled under his breath, pathetically pouting as he moves to the group of girls waiting for his attention.

"Sorry," Luhan says after a while, when Jongdae has gotten the group calmed down and gushing over his smiling face. "I honestly only came back here for Chanyeol’s autograph." He says cheeks hot with guilt. "I didn't mean to cause a problem."

"Oh?" Kyungsoo’s, left brow arches up in interest. "You came for my cousin?"

"Cousin?" Luhan questioned, missing that bit of information on the bands fan page.

"But you're so..." The blond gestures to the others small stature, not wanting to be offensive, but doing just that. Kyungsoo doesn't mind, because if anything he's average height. Its Chanyeol who should be getting questioned.

"Our moms are sisters and Chanyeol gets his height from his dad." Kyungsoo tells him, slipping his hands into his pants pockets.

'Thoroughly noted,' Luhan thinks with an understanding nod of his head.

"But about Chanyeol, you want to meet him right? He's just inside. I can introduce him to you if you like."

Luhan's eyes burst wide at the rims and his knees buckle, wanting to kneel to the ground before Kyungsoo the ole Mighty's feet. But he holds himself, because he's not that type of crazy fan. "No, that's way too much trouble." He says, coolly running a hand through his hair.

"Its really not," Kyungsoo tells him seemingly enjoying the way Luhan feigns nonchalant but looking as if he wants to yell a blood hell yes.

"Hey ah..."


Kyungsoo smiles appreciatively. "Alright Luhan. You don't have any plans once you leave here right?" The blond shakes his head no, curious in the reason he asks.

"Oh great. Then how about you join me and the guys for drinks and food?"

Luhan stares at him blankly, Kyungsoo is obviously fooling with him. And here the fan page said Jongdae is the trickster of the group. Someone should definitely fix that.

"You're kidding me right?"

"Not at all. You seem like a fun guy, so why not?"

'Why not, huh?' Luhan mentally ponders.

"Hypothetically, say I do join you guys. What do you get out of this?"

The singer shrugs." Honestly nothing. I'm just being nice and helping one of my fellow fans out."

The blond scoffs under his breath. "What are you my fairygodmother?"

"I could be," the smaller laughs. "So what will it be? You in?"

Luhan gave it a hard two minute thought, before he's agreeing. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and if Kyungsoo is extending the invite he should take it right?

They exchange numbers, with plans to meet up at a canteen just blocks over within the next thirty to four-five minutes.




Luhan arrives at the familiar canteen, the owner smiles at him, recognizing him as soon as he passes through the plastic tarp.

“Hello, Auntie,” he smiles.

“Aigoo! Look at you! You look so thin.” She fusses over Luhan, guiding him over to a nearby table.  “What have I told you about eating properly?”

“But I-” Luhan is about to lie that he does, but stops mid-sentence when she gives him a condescending look.

“Ah, joesonghamnida. I promise to eat more,” he says, bowing his head apologetically. The elderly women laughs and pats his head affectionately in forgiveness. He asks for a table that can fit  five. Within a few minutes, the auntie has him seated, with enough food on the table to feed ten.


Luhan’s popping a third mouthful of rice and bulgogi into his mouth, when his phone buzzes in his pocket. The yellow messager light flashing at the top left corner when he pulls it from his jeans pocket. It's Kyungsoo. He hopes its not some type of troll text.


From Kyungsoo:

To: Luhan


Just pulled up, be in shortly.


Luhan text back right away, happy to know that he wasn't being too gullible.


From: Luhan

To: Kyungsoo




When Luhan’s tucking his phone back into his pocket the band is making there way inside. Luhan stands to flag Kyungsoo over. The brunet catches him adjacent the owns vendor stand. He guides the boys over and prompts them that there’s a table already waiting for them.

They make it to the table, Luhan feels a chill creep up the back of his neck the moment he sets eyes on the gangly red haired drummer.

"Hey guys, this is Luhan. He's a fan I decided to let join us tonight." Luhan's grateful that he hadn't told them he was solely here for Chanyeol.

"Hello," he greets, nervously bowing at a sixty-five angle.

"Ah, the cute blond from before. You're here?" Jongdae pipes in, toothy grin on his face.

"You know him?" Lay curiously asks, staring the unfamiliar male over.

"Something like that," Jongdae answers winking a Luhan. Said male physically cringes.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. "Hitting on him hardly counts as knowing him."

"You hit on him?" Chanyeol says wide eyed, then stares Luhan over and understands why. The blond's neck grows hot at the slight gesture.

"He's hot. Can you blame me?" Kyungsoo doesn't even bother with his inappropriate bandmate and moves to take a seat to Luhan's left, whilst guiding Chanyeol to the seat on his right.

"Hey, I want to sit next to Luhan." Jongdae bickers once noticing the seating arrangement.

"And so does the president of south korea, but it doesn't look like its happening." Kyungsoo snarky remarks.

Jongdae mumbles under his breath about Kyungsoo being a ball buster and takes his chair next to Lay, who's already begin to eat at the assortment of food on the table.


Minutes of eerie, awkward silence pass around the table. No one is talking, on account Jongdae has taken to glaring daggers into Kyungsoo, who's busying himself with cooking the beef. And Lay's eating whatever he can get his unfractured hand on. Chanyeol....

"So Luhan-ssi?"


Luhan’s head rotates to the drummer next to him, finally something productive is happening.

"Ah..yes. And please, Luhan or hyung, no need for formalities."

Chanyeol is surprised that Luhan is older than him, with his young features and all. But the twenty-three year old explains how's he gotten the same reaction since he was a child.

"Okay, Luhan-hyung." Luhan’s grip tightens around his chopstick, enjoying the way his name so pleasantly slides off Chanyeol tongue. Kyungsoo notices the effect and snickers beside him.

"You're a fan of the band?" The answer should be obvious enough, but Chanyeol asks for conversation sake.

"I am," Luhan answers with a controlled smile; ecstatic he's engaging into tedious conversation with Chanyeol.

"Then is there a particular song you like?"

The elder gives it a thought. "If I have to choose, My Precious Love." He answers. "I enjoy how the protagonist of the song whimsically speaks about this person, lover they've never might."


I bet you're the type of person who dances with two left feet.

Do you play in the rain, to feel closer to the sea?

You smile when you’re down, because a frown doesn’t suit your face.

Oh my precious love, I hope to meet you some day.


Chanyeol blinks and stares at the elder in awe, after he finishes singing the small verse. "You sing really well." Luhan retreats into himself at the compliment. "T-thank you," he stutters scratching at the back of his head. "But its nothing compared to you guys."

"I thought it was pretty nice," Lay says from across the table, working hand tucked under his chin. "Have you thought about singing in a band?"

"Oh gosh no," Luhan tisks and waves his hand in an exaggerated manner.

Chanyeol’s brows meet in a frown and his lips pucker out in small offense. "Why not? Is there something wrong with being in a band?"

Luhan hears the offended tone in Chanyeol's voice, and hurries to explain the misunderstanding. "No, no you have me wrong. I would love to be in a band, except I have terrible stage fright." He explains. "The most people I've sung in front of are you and my parents. I don't particularly like the fact that other's know that I can. It's a secret I try to keep to myself."

The younger’s mouth rounds out in 'oh,' and he nods. "You shouldn’t be scared hyung. Jongdae, use to be the same way, even though his voice is phenomenal." Jongdae chippers up at the said praise; others complimenting his singing abilities always creating a bubble of glee in him.

"If you practice, you can sing in front of a crowd bigger than five." Jongdae says encouragingly.

"Practice, huh?" The blond his lips in thought. "It would be nice but being a singer isn't something I'm thinking of pursuing. I appreciate the encouragement, but I'll stick with singing in the shower."

"Well if you ever want to jam out with us, you’re fully welcomed." Kyungsoo says, chewing down a piece of meat.

"Yeah, join us sometime, it'll be a lot a fun." Chanyeol smiles, big and bright in hopes that he does.

Luhan returns the gesture and smiles back. "I might have to take you up on your offer."




The atmosphere turns light and meek around the table, mostly because of the way Chanyeol and Luhan emulate cute and fluffy, with the way they sheepishly laugh and conversing amongst one another; sharing small stories about pink hair, ferret clubs and childhood best friends who don't like to return their calls. And flushing red when they go to feed each other out of courtesy.  Between each moment Luhan blesses Kyungsoo his fair godmother for this glorious opportunity.

"You should come, hyung." Says Chanyeol speaking about the band festival at the end of the summer. "There's so many bands that come from across the city, with so many different sounds."

"Sounds exciting," Luhan answers over the rim of his can of beer, admiring the way Chanyeol speaks of other bands and music in general. The younger prepares another wrap, with two extra pieces of meat and offers it to Luhan. The elder takes it without fuss, and opens his mouth to be fed.

"It is," Chanyeol tells him, unconsciously invading into Luhan personal space to wipe the corner of his mouth where a piece of lettuce caught, then brings it to his own mouth to eat. There's a jut the festers through Luhan's body at the intimate act. His tongue glides over at the corner of his mouth; now warm and tingly from the redhead's touch. "We get to play a set this year. Its not big, but I would like if you came."

Luhan takes another drink of his cold beer to distract himself from the heat pulsating at the side of his lips.

"If you come, I'll buy you all the street food you want." The younger bribes, when the elder hasn't given him an answer.

"You don't have to buy me anything. I'll come." Luhan sits his can of beer down, heat settling long enough for him to answer.

"Really?!" Exclaims Chanyeol with huge glittery eyes and pearly whites that blind. Luhan chuckles. Of course he would, if that meant spending more time with him.


The younger immediately sets in work for Luhan to accompany them to this year's festival.




The night ends. Luhan pays the bill although the others fight him on it, he explains that this is his treat and that they can pay next time.

With goodbyes and later's said, Kyungsoo, Lay and Jongdae hop into the van. Chanyeol pulls the elder behind the van out of the other's view.

"So this is it?" Says the red head, surprisingly enough looking disappointed.

"More or less so. That is until the festival." Luhan replies tucking his hands into his pants pockets.

"That's like a two month away, though." The younger sulks like a dog who isn't given there treat for the day.

"Is that a bad thing?" Luhan inquisitively asks, oblivious at the moment.

"No -- no, it's just I won't see you until then." Chanyeol says shyly, hands curled into the front of his shirt, and eyes narrowed down to his shoes.

The skittish gesture immediately informs Luhan what Chanyeol is directing at. He smiles stepping in closer to the lad and reaches into his back pocket to retrieve his phone.

Chanyeol's breath hitches. "Hyung what -- what are you doing?"

The blond slides open his device and punches in a number. "Giving you my number," He answers.

His phone vibrates in his own pocket. He ends the call and saves himself to Chanyeol's contacts. "There," he says handing the phone over. "That way if you ever want to talk or see me you'll have my number."

The former marvelous in awe, gazing the new contact over as if it were engraved in gold. Without warning Chanyeol grabs Luhan by the neck into a crushing hug. "I'll call and text you everyday," he giddily murmurs into the latter's hair.

Luhan hesitantly hugs back, wrapping his arms around the taller's middle. "You don't have to call and text me everyday." He says relaxing into Chanyeol. The younger smelling of sugary sweets and a hint of spices. The perfect combination, befitting his personality Luhan thinks.

Chanyeol shakes his head. "But I want too. I like talking to you."

Through his short life of twenty-three years, Luhan has come to expect that everything isn't as good as it seems. But with how his night has played out; standing here embracing his favorite member of his favorite band is prime explain that sometimes it is

"Okay, then I'll make sure to answer." He tells Chanyeol, his back in elongated strides.

They break apart after a minute, Chanyeol looking dazed and ready to sleep. "Go before Kyungsoo leaves you." Luhan shoos him off.

"Okay," the redhead answers. Waving lazily as he steps backwards, nearly tripping over his own foot. The elder shakes his head at the clumsy but cute antic.

"Be careful." He tells him. Blushing with embarrassment Chanyeol rights himself frontward to pry open the van door. With one leg in he looks back to Luhan. "Get home safe."

"You too," the latter replies.

Luhan doesn't move a foot until the van turns the corner and is out of sight.




Its two-forty five in the morning, Luhan has yet to fall asleep; mind to rattle with tonights happenings. Mostly the ones he shared with Chanyeol and his gentle baritone so close to his ear and his glossy smile and warm course fingertips and.......

Luhan groans and lifts his bed pillow from beneath his head to smuder himself with. Hoping to suffocate his racing thoughts away. He doesn't succeed.

He relaxes into bed, and snuggles into his pillow to force himself to sleep and begins to count sheep. It nearly works, his eyes dropping close every four seconds, until his phone twinkles and the yellow indicator light flashes bright in the dark bedroom. He turns to the bedside table in displeasure, asking himself who could be messaging him at such time. Surely no one he knows would be up for the hell of it. He takes his phone from the table and taps in the unlock code and hits the tiny envelope in the top left corner. The number is unfamiliar. He opens it.



To: Luhan


Did you get home safely?


For awhile Luhan stares at the message; reading the text three, four times over until it hits him who it is. He edits the number into his phone.


To: Chanyeol

From: Luhan


I have, thanks for asking. Why are you still up?


From: Chanyeol

To: Luhan


Why did you take so long to message back? Did you forget to save my number???


Yeah he did, but he won't be telling Chanyeol that.



To: Chanyeol


I was in the shower.


He so stupidly answers, facepalming himself in the forehead seconds after he realizes what he typed.


From: Chanyeol

To: Luhan


Hyung, its almost 3 in the morning. What were you doing in the shower??????


Luhan groans.


To: Chanyeol

From: Luhan


That's not important. You haven't answered my question. Why are you up?


From: Chanyeol

To: Luhan


Maybe I was doing what you were doing in the 'shower.' Or maybe I can’t sleep.


The younger smartly replies. 'This cheeky brat,' he thinks. Neck and ears hot from inappropriate thoughts building up in his mind. He blinks them away, because breathy pants, smooth curvy hips and long, wet and tightly coiled fingers aren’t any of his business.


To: Chanyeol

From: Luhan


I wasn't doing ((that)). Honest. So lets move on.


From: Chanyeol

To: Luhan


Hyung don't be embarrassed, we are men. These are the types of things we do. But whatever, moving on.


Luhan groans long and hard and picks up his pillow once more to try to suffocate himself.


The night continues on like so. Luhan even braved himself to call, Chanyeol after an hour of excessive back and forth texting. They don't talk about the natural need to pleasure oneself (thank god.) But Luhan does tell Chanyeol about his parents quaint tea shop. In exchange Chanyeol tells Luhan about his lemonade and rice crispy stand he had when he was ten.

Luhan founds that he likes the sleepy, deep rumble of Chanyeol’s voice and how it drops pitches lower the longer they talk. It lures him in and engages him to take it into memory.

"Hyung, its nearly daylight." Chanyeol says softly into the receiver. Luhan looks from under his cover and out the window. The once dark sky beginning to shade a light blue as the sun starts to rise.

Luhan checks the time on his digital clock -6:50am. The latter gets up from his bed and goes to stand before the window.

"Watch the sunrise with me." He says pulling the curtains back and opening the window. He hears a rustling in the background, footsteps, then a door unlocking.

"Are you outside?"

"Yeah. My windows don't face east." Chanyeol chuckles.

Luhan feels guilty, had he known he wouldn't have suggested this idea. "You should hav-"

"Hyung, its rising," the younger cuts him off knowing what Luhan is about to say.

The morning sky bursting into vivid waves of amber, tangerine orange and coral as the sun climbs.

"Woah, so beautiful," Chanyeol breaths into the phone. Luhan's lips curl up at the corners and his eyes scrunch into crescent moons. Thinking the same.

"Good morning Chanyeol."




After that night passes, it becomes natural for Chanyeol and Luhan to speak on the phone through the late hours of the night.  Talking about their days and nothing as usually. Even when Luhan knows he has to be up early the next morning and Chanyeol has to go to work himself or meet with the band.

There was one morning when Chanyeol surprised him with coffee and donuts; walking in the shop an hour and a half after Luhan had unlocked the doors. Saying - 'I thought you be tired, so I googled the shop and the nearest coffee shop closets here.'

The elder had no time to protest, Chanyeol walking past him as if he had done this plenty of times and settled at one of the tables forcing Luhan to come before their drinks turn cold.  

Many more days like these came. The younger would either be standing outside the shop before he arrived or sitting inside with his parents; asking questions about different teas and if there were ones that could help shrink his ears. Mr. & Mrs. Lu would laugh and tell him his large ears are what give him character along with a few other things. Luhan would stand in the background quietly listening, until his parents spot him. And Chanyeol would then quickly turn in place and his face would stretch wide with a smile the moment he lay eyes on the elder male and run to his side as if he hadn't hang up the phone with him just hours ago.

In time Luhan begin to live for the days, that his phone rang with Chanyeol's face appearing on the screen and the mornings he bring coffee and cream filled pastries. But it soon become too little for him. And if the wary, reluctant looks Chanyeol give him when it was time for them to part ways wasn’t any indication to go by, the younger's feeling the same too.




Taking the chance, during an evening when business became slow and Luhan has a bit of free time to relax. He nervously pulls up a seat next to Chanyeol, and asks him if he wants to go out to eat with him. He of course embarrassingly has to ramble on about how he isn't asking him out on a date of anything, but asking him out as a friend, with whom he wants to eat food and drink drinks with. And maybe stroll through the city with afterwards, or even catch a movie if he felt up to it.

Chanyeol laughs at how contradicting Luhan is sounds. He's obviously asking him out on a date no matter which way he explains it. Not that he's complaining, secretly waiting for when he did. He shuts Luhan up with grabbing the front of his shirt and pressing their lips into a soft kiss. Chanyeol knows the kiss should come after the date, when the elder has wined and dined him, but he's much too excited to wait until then. And Luhan's not making an argument to stop him.


Their date comes two days later. Luhan takes Chanyeol out to a chill restaurant, with dim lighting, a live performance band he's surprisingly not heard of, but would like to know more about and colorful sorts of people with whom make up the decor. Chanyeol's in awe the whole night through. They miss their movie; wanting to stay an extra hour to listen to more of the band play. They still stroll through the city, hopping in and out of stores, buying and checking out small things like hats and jewelry. Chanyeol even suggest they buy each other couple bracelets. Which Luhan teased about because he hasn’t even asked him to be his boyfriend. The younger then replied with a cheeky 'but you will.' Face rosey and tongue tied, Luhan set out to pick Chanyeol’s bracelet.

By the time the date ends, Chanyeol's cab, only moments from arriving, Luhan asks Chanyeol to be his boyfriend.

"You said I would ask you anyways, so why not now." Says the the blond wrapping his arms around the younger's waist to bring them in closer.

Chanyeol retorted with an 'I at least thought you would wait until our third date.' But agrees nonetheless, kissing the other in yes.



Hello I'm back, I hope you aren't to unset with me for going on a standstill without telling you. But I'm finally writing again and I have an awesom beta reader with me this time to help me through the way. So I hope you're okay with the new update. 

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Chapter 3: What happened next? It's been a long time but I hope you didn't give up on this.
The kid should be born by now, ready to celebrate the first birthday
thecrud #3
Chapter 3: Omg, i almost cry. What happen next???
choiandlee #4
Chapter 3: Holy chanyeol why did you even suggest with the abortion. Both of you make a heavenly cute couple and should get married anyway ;_;
wu-nifan #5
Chapter 3: I love yor writing,the way story is goin,
...but sometimes life is not kind enogh for leting us to have happy life everafter...what i'm trying to say that is it's ok if canyeol abort the babe...and a littel angest is fine........maybe years later they can have a child again!!<<<333
eine08 #6
Chapter 3: OMG OMG keep the baby please and OMG update please >_<
ZacTripleZero #7
Chapter 4: Omg, I just started reading this. When was getting to chapter 3 the first one I read is Not an Update...I thought Luhan's departuare will affect this story but thank God you made it clear that you will continue this.
Chapter 4: Thank you so much for not neglecting this story :)
And yes, in the group or not, he's still (and will always be) our Luhan ^^