Im Sorry

Shy Boy



-Yoseob POV-    


It’s been a few years since I've heard from eomma about appa I'm kinda worried because he still is my Father after all.....


Junhyung and I including the others have started College a year ago we all majored in Music Arts such as Dance and still the shy boy that everyone knows n to prove it the only people i talk to are Hyunseung, Kikwang, Dongwoon, Doojun, Yongguk and Himchan and of course my Boyfriend Junhyung...Zelo and his friends Jongup, Youngjae and Daehyun still have a year to go before they graduate High School and boy i hope Zelo's grades stay up, he has been slacking off lately -_______-


Luckily today i have a day off from the university :D sadly i have to go to work with Kiki TT^TT well i do need money for personal things since i don’t want to bother my mom so oh well.... As i took the car keys i was about to leave the house when i suddenly got a text message..


From: Junnie


"Hey seob imma be home late today because i need help with the song im writing so don't stay up too late, take care~ saranghaeyo!! :*"


To: Junnie


"Ne~ just make sure u get home safely okay??!! Nado saranghae ^3^" 




After i replied i headed out and drove to work...


-Kikwang POV-


"If Yoseob doesn’t come here soon im not gonna be able to enjoy my break!" I said huffing under my breath as the next costumer walk in "what can i get u sir?" I asked not even looking up "hmmmm i wud like strawberry shortcake" a familiar voice said "get it ur self Yoseob!" I yelled chuckling as he went in the dressing room to get changed "ne!! Let me get into my uniform first ><" he said from the room.


After he got dressed he took my shift and i sat down by a window to take a long nice break kekeke "hey seob can u get me a latte and a piece of blueberry pie~?" I asked making sure not to order cheesecake since im still scared of Daehyun "no....but u can get it ur self!" Yoseob replied to me smiling "please????" I asked but then a costumer walked in "wud luv to but i have a costumer" He said smirking at me "dang it!!" I whined and got my food my self.


-Yoseob POV-


It’s been hours now and i was feeling really tired, i just wanted to go home and sleep. Im sure Zelo ate already anyway....


As i continued drawing invisible circles with my hand on the counter another customer walked in "What do u want for today sir?" i asked forcing a smile "A can of coke and.......YOU" he said smirking as i looked up at the person "JUNNIE!!" I yelled hugging Junhyung by the neck "yah Seob.....chocking!!" He said trying to catch his breath when i let go "i thought u were going home late?" I asked him curious "oh my professor let me go early she said i needed i decided to come here and pick u up" he said smiling "awww how sweet....well we gonna close up anyway so ill just get ur coke and we will leave" i said as i went to the fridge and grabbed a coke can to give to Junhyung.


-Junhyung POV-


After we got home i was about to jump on the couch when Yoseob beat me to it "Yah!! Im tired!! Gimmie some space!" I yelled moving his legs " tired too!! :P" he said spreading out more hogging the couch "Seob i warn u..." I said threatening him "what can u possibly do that can scare me?" He asked amused "he can u hyung" Zelo said as he entered the living room "Zelo shut up!! Don’t give him ideas!!" Yoseob shouted still laying on the couch "hmmm Zelo's idea is tempting....but i have a better idea" I said smirking while approaching Yoseob "yah wth are u doing?" He asked i just stayed silent and started tickling him like crazy "UWAHHH HYUNG!! HAHAHA STOP IT!! HAHAHA!! OKAY OKAY IMMA MOVE HAHAHAHA"

He said laughing while struggling from my grip "good boy~" i said sitting on the couch next to him "You two are amusing to watch" Zelo said laughing as he went up to his room "idiot" i mumbled.


Yoseob and I were watching "Reply 1997" when the phone suddenly rang, Yoseob just stared at me expecting me to pick it up so i did the same, after about a minute i gave up and got up to pick up the phone while he sat there doing a silent victory dance making me smile "Hello?" I asked answering the phone "uh Junhyung?? It’s me Yoseob's mom" Yoseob's Mom said through the phone sounding a bit upset "oh ne...What happened?" I asked "can i speak to Yoseob?" She asked "oh Neh..." I said motioning Yoseob to take the phone.


After a while Yoseob hang up and came to me cry "J-Junhyung..." He said burying his face in my chest "what happened Seob??" I said lifting his head up "A-Appa p-past away..." He said looking at me with his puffy red eyes..


-Yoseob POV-


"h-hyung....i still love him u know....e-even though he was a total i still love him cuz he is still my father.....h-he doesn’t deserve to die" I said through sobs "its okay Seob u still have Zelo and ur Eomma don’t be sad please..." Junhyung said rubbing circles on y back "Hyung idk what to do" i said sadly then the doorbell rang.


"Yoseob ur appa wrote a letter to u  few years ago, he couldn't give it to u since he knew ur anger towards him" my mom said as i opened the door i could tell she was trying not to cry, then i hugged "eomma its okay to let it all out" i said then she started crying "wanna stay for the night?" I asked "n-no dear its okay i have to go now cheer up ne?" She said to me "Junhyung please watch over my son" she said to Junhyung and he nodded, then she left the house.


"What does the note say?" Junhyung asked me as i sat back down next to me "imma read it" i said sniffing a little 


To my dearest son Yoseob,


I am sorry that i have been hard on u when u were younger....i was just to focused on creating a perfect son like how my own father wanted me to be, I then now realized that i shouldn’t force u into things that u don’t want, i want u to be happy, be happy with Junhyung i hope that he will take care of ur better than i did.....i am really sorry for all the misery i caused i really love u my dear son..


-Sincerely your father 


"Hyung he actually cares for me" i said sobbing again while clinging to Junhyung "see Seob he does care, like i do" he sad looking at me in the eye "Promise u will never leave me?" I asked looking up at him "neh i promise" he said while kissing me on the lips.


"Appa thank u for finally accepting me and Junhyung being together, where ever u r i hope ur peacefully enjoying ur self" i quietly said and then soon drifted off to sleep.




Hai there^^ this was supposed to be a oneshot but ended up being chapter fic xD hope u guys liked the update^^

i thank these ppl for subscribing~~







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luckywriterstories #1
Chapter 8: *le crying like a whale and clapping like a seal having a seizure* IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. Your stories are so simple yet so sweet and you have so many imaginations! *Q*
Chapter 8: this story was so perfect;;; thank you author-nim<3
waiting for your next story lol
Chapter 8: It's done? NOOO! :((
This is soo cute! the proposal is so sweet :')
Junseob is happeee~ ^-^
luv_b2st #5
Chapter 8: Omg eonni this is CUTEEEEE
Chapter 7: WAHH!! BEAST and B.A.P are so cute!!
I can't help but smile :)
I keep wondering where Youngjae is, though :3
Thank you for the amazing updates, eonnie :D
So sad it's gonna end though :(
luv_b2st #7
Chapter 7: Sooo cuteeeee xD
And funny~
Lol the best food critic I never knew there were such an awarad in school like dat one xD