A great joy is coming

A great joy is coming

You excitedly peaked through the curtain that gave you sight on the chattering crowd in front of the stage. The CN Blue members were about to go on stage to hold a fanmeet in Busan, Yonghwa’s hometown. Needless to say you were also excited to be here. You and Yonghwa had left yesterday with the car in Seoul, taking your time to get here and staying with his parents. They were more than excited to see you, especially with the current state you were in.   “Yeobo, you okay?” his voice sounded, feeling how he gently glided his hand over your swollen belly. He would constantly insist you looked radiant and gorgeous to him.  Even though the pregnancy made you feel like you were a balloon that was about to pop. Not only had your belly swollen in the last eight months and a half to a size that you didn't think was possible. But also with your fingers and feet there was a noticeable effect that worried you. Hopefully after delivery, all the fat would be gone soon.

“I’m fine.” You smiled, enjoying the feeling of his warm hand against you. He worried about you, you could see that in his eyes. In fact, he didn’t even want you to come all the way to Busan with him. But neither did he want to leave you behind in Seoul, knowing the baby could arrive any time now. It was a difficult decision to make, but in the end taking you with him had been the best for everyone. You could relax with his parents if he had his performance tomorrow night and he didn’t have to worry about you being alone if your water just so happened to break during that time.

Not that you thought it would happen anytime soon. Even though you felt like you were about to explode, it had been like that for the past two weeks now. In all honesty you couldn’t wait until the baby was there, since you felt rather uncomfortable at the moment. No matter how many times other people said you were glowing, you had enough of it by now. “You are blushing, are you nervous?” Yonghwa asked, pulling you out of your daydreams again. “Hmm? Oh no, you know my cheeks are only rosy because of the increasing blood volume and all.” You shrugged, only to poke him harshly as he laughed and spoke. “You look beautiful.” “Stop it, I look like a whale.” “Aah ,yeobo! I’ve told you so many times you are gorg-“ “Aish, stop! Get on stage!” you giggled, pushing him in front of you into the direction of the other members. He let out a chuckle and turned around to kiss your forehead before he quickly disappeared into the direction of his loudly cheering fans.

With your smile still plastered on your face, you waggled your way to the refreshments table and reached forward to get yourself some water. “Let me get that.” A friendly staffmember said, handing you the cup with a big smile. You knew you were lucky enough that everything had gone this way. At first the company hadn’t been too eager about the two of you dating. But after a while they realized that you two were serious and going public would show a more mature side of Yonghwa that his fans would enjoy. Soon, all fans had agreed you two made a lovely couple and despite some occasional hate everything had gone smoothly. After you two got through the first periods of criticism it seemed you could handle everything. Marriage had been the next step and then of course, a family. Both of you knew a baby would change a lot in your life, but it was a logical next step for the both of you. And now, the whole CN Blue fandom – and probably a lot of other people too – knew you were pregnant with Jung Yonghwa’s first child.

“Thank you.” You smiled, lightly sipping the drink before you awkwardly stood there and waited. You heard how the boys greeted their fans and started to answer questions. It was fun to do this, just see and hear how he interacted with his fans. You knew how much he cared about them and it pleased you to see him doing what he loved the most. Even when fans asked where you were and Yonghwa asked you to come on stage, you did so with a smile.

“Everyone, look at how beautiful she is, my wife __________.” He spoke with so much love in his voice; you couldn’t help but smile even more brightly. Despite feeling so uncomfortable yourself, it was impossible to not be happy. How could you be unhappy when you were pregnant with his child? The fans cheered and shouted compliments, making you blush for real this time. Out of reflex, you said your thanks and took a quick bow. That was a mistake.

Whether it was the bow or it was just the time it was supposed to happen, you wouldn’t know. The only thing you could register was the sudden gush of water followed by a steady, uncontrollable leaking. Your gasp for air and the fact you didn’t move back up was enough to have Yonghwa jump up from his chair and race to your side. “_____? What’s wrong? Yeobo?” he was panicking. You remained frozen for a bit, your mind trying to catch up with what just happened. In many ways it felt like the pressure of the bow had just made you pee accidentally. Which wasn’t unlikely to happen if you thought about low the baby had dropped down to your pelvis. But as another small gush came out, you knew you had been wrong. “I think my water just broke.” You brought out, slowly moving back up to stare in the eyes of your husband. The crowd almost simultaneously gasped for air, while Yonghwa’s eyes grew even wider than they already were and he seemed to be in another world. “Uhm, I think I should go to the hospital…” you slowly added, carefully nudging his arm to pull him back to earth.  “Oh! Yes! Hospital! Yes!” he then almost yelled, suddenly supporting you as much as you could and walking you over to the exit doors. “Somebody please bring my car keys!” he yelled, as he did so.

The next nine hours were the most excruciating ones you ever experienced. It was only four or five hours after you left the fanmeet, that contractions had started and made a worried Yonghwa run out to find a doctor. Enormous waves of pain that felt like you were being poked with needles from the inside were flooding over you like tsunami. Every time you thought you were close to being able to take a breath, yet another contraction came your way.  You knew you would regret cursing at Yonghwa later on, but in the moment there wasn’t anything else you could do to deal with the pain. And neither was there for him, as he stood there and underwent the stream of curses and the pressure you were applying to his hand. He looked pale… even more so as the big moment came.

-push – push – push – push – push – breathe – breathe – push -  You were ready to slap the midwife as she urged you to followed her pattern. You just wanted to scream instead of breathe and push all the time. “Baby, listen to what the nurse says. Maybe it’ll make you feel better.” Your husband said as you screamed in agony yet again. “Feel better? Would you feel good if your privates were being ripped open!?” you hissed to him when you found enough breath to do so. It was enough to make him shut his mouth with a worried look on his face. Or perhaps it was only because you were squeezing all the blood out of his hand. Another session of pushing came, making you grit your teeth as you tried your best to put all your force into your push. More obscenities rolled of your tongue, generally cursing at everything.  “Why did we decide to have a baby?” you whined desperately, falling back into the pillows as you had to ‘breathe’ yet again. “Mianhae, mianhae, mianhae.” Yonghwa answered, making you hit him arm and glare. “Don’t say that, he or she might hear you!” you complained, ignoring how he looked at you with wide eyes since you had practically said the same thing as him. Fortunately ‘he or she’ soon decided it was time to show himself to the both of you. “It’s a boy!” the doctor confirmed, making you sink back in the pillows in relief and Yonghwa jump up in excitement. Soon, he was brought to you and gently placed into your arms.

“Congratulations!” Minhyuk, Jonghyun and Jungshin cheered as they entered the room an hour later. Both you and the baby were all cleaned up and ready to see people. Logically they had followed right after the fanmeet and had been patiently waiting in the hallway for him to arrive. “Oh look at him!” Jonghyun said with the widest smile he could manage on his face. “Guys, meet Jung JaeHwa, our son.” Yonghwa introduced. For once he was the one looking radiant with happiness, but you figured you were also glowing. JaeHwa looked more perfect than you ever imagined, his eyes as wide as he could get them as he stared at the three men, who obviously weren’t his daddy, appeared above him.

“Woah, he looks totally like you hyung!” Minhyuk said, poking Yonghwa happily. Ofcourse the older one laughed in return and nodded. “I think his nose is more similar to _____’s.” Jungshin remarked calmly, giving the little boy a small smile. Jaehwa made a cute happy noise in return. You figured he enjoyed all the sounds and new sensations around him. “Yaaa~ you’re supposed to take my side.” Yonghwa suddenly remarked to his bandmember, earning a glare from you. “I just went through four hours of labor, do not get me started.” You warned, though there was a playful undertone to your words. But it was enough to make a sheepish smile appear on his face. “See, she deserves more credit for the baby. What did you do besides making it?” Jungshin joked, smirking at Yonghwa. “Well, I… I was there! I was being supportive!” he tried to defend himself, making you chuckle as he did so. “He just underwent it all, holding onto my hand and looking pale.” You clarified for the other men. But of course, that had been more than enough for you. Just having there was a blessing already. “Well, it wasn’t like I could do much else…” he then decided with a sigh, knowing he couldn’t compete with you anyway.

 “Well how about, with the next one, you carry it for nine months and go through labor?” you said, sticking out your tongue at him as he made a face at you. “It wasn’t even the full nine months!” he reacted jokingly. “Oh, so you’re agreeing to it?” you returned the joke, not expecting him to be silent right after while the other chuckled. It seemed he was trying to think of a comeback until, “I wouldn’t be able to play guitar with a belly like that.” He suddenly brought out, making the whole room shut up and stare at him before you all started to laugh again. “Yaaa, hopefully the baby does take after her instead of you, hyung. I can’t believe you’re actually considering it.” Jonghyun replied in shock, only to get smack on his shoulder from Jungshin. “You guys, a man can’t even get pregnant.”  “Oh, right.” Both Yonghwa and Jonghyun suddenly let out. You giggled and softly kissed the little boy in your arms.

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llAsianNerdll #1
Chapter 1: Adorable ~ good job Author-nim :3
I laughed at the end....Only Yonghwa would seriously consider the possibility of him getting pregnant xP