Best For Last

Best For Last


Yong Junhyung had dated a lot of women. He was good at flirting and girls fell for his bad boy look. He had been hurt many times but ______ is the one person that truly loved him and knew everthing you could know about him. She knew more about him than he knew about himself. She could always make him smile and cheer him up when he was depressed from a breakup.

Hong ______, had always been in love with Junhyung and it hurt that he never saw it.

‘I’m going to it up and just confess to him…it couldn’t hurt.’

“Junhyung Oppa…I need to tell you something.”

“okay…what is it…”

“Oppa, I…I love you..”

“I know…I love you too. You’re my best friend…”

She sighed.

“that’s not what I meant.”


“Oppa…I’m in love with you.”

“wh-what?” he said.

“Oppa…we’ve been best friends forever and I’ve been holding in my feelings because you’ve always had a girlfriend. I wanted to avoid drama. I’m always here when they brek your heart. They think you’re a bad boy but I know you the best…you’re a good guy…romantic, thoughtful, sweet, and protective. You look strong and tough on the outside but inside you’re just a man who gets hurt easy…you’re fragile…I love being around you. You’re the one man in my life I felt like I can really depend on. You’re the one that is always there whenever I need you.”

“______-ah…i…I don’t…I’m sorry…I can’t…we’re best friends…we have been all our lives…that’s it…I’m sorry. I have to go.”

He grabbed his jacket and walked out the door.

‘______-ah…she…she loves me?!’ he thought. “no way…she doesn’t really love me. It’s not possible…Dammit., I need a drink.”

He took out his cell phone and called his friends to meet him at a club.

“you rejected ______ Noona?” Dongwoon said sadly.

“we’re  friends…she thinks she feels like that…but she doesn’t…she’ll get over it.”


“Stop!” she screamed. He kept trying to kiss her andtouch her.

Junhyung was about to go over until she punched the guy and kicked him in the crotch.

“Don’t touch me you disgusting drunk pig!” she snapped and threw the drink on him. “I don’t take drinks from strangers…I don’t trust you and don’t wanna get roofied.”

Girls and guys were cheering.

“He tried to get me 10 minutes ago.”

“well that’s for both of us then.” ______ said and they high fived. “I’m Hong ______.”

“Bang Minji.”

B2ST came over. The guy got up to grab her from behind but Junhyung grabbed him and shoved him against the wall.

“touch her again…and I will castrate you…you hear me?!”

Junhyung looked scary, especially when he was angry and the guy wet his pants before running out.

“you’re okay?”

“yeah oppa.” she said rubbing her wrist. It was red and sore from when the guy grabbed her roughly. “my Oppas taught me to defend myself against jerks like that.”

Lately, ______ had been spending a lot of time with Minji and they became really close friends.

“______ has a new friend huh? a girl. She’s never had many girls as friends before.”

“are you jealous of a girl?” Doojoon asked.


“hyung…I think you’re in love with her too…”  


“name your ideal woman…the traits.”


“______.” Yoseob said.



“good personality meaning a genuinely nice and kind person.”


“No…not too whiny and clingy.”


“no…someone that is pretty but doesn’t obsess over looks too much…”


“what about physical traits.”

“Long dark hair… nice big brown eyes…nice smile.”

“I’m not the only one that notices this right?” Yoseob asked looking at the rest of B2ST.


“Not At All.”

“you’ve already met that ideal woman.”

“really?! Who?! When?!”

“what have I been saying the whole time?” yoseob asked.

“I don’t…I’m not.” He stuttered. ‘she’ll change her mind and want someone else and then what happens to our friendship?’

“that sounded so believable~~~” Hyunseung said, his tone overflowing with sarcasm.

“ugh! Whatever…I’m bored. I’m going go for a walk. ALONE!”

Junhyung was walking through the park.

‘I’ve been single for 4 months…I’ve never have been single for this long before. It’s so boring…but no girls grab my attention…maybe I am in love with ______. She’s the perfect woman and I can completely be myself around her..’

 He saw her, ______, and Minji with a guy.

‘wait…that’s ______.’

“Isn’t my little brother so cute?!~” Minji squealed pinching his cheek.

“Yah!~ Noona! Stop it!~ Ouch!”  said rubbing his cheeks.

“Minsoo!! That’s because you have no body fat!”

“Oh!~ Oppa!” ______ said when Junhyung came into her line of sight.

“Annyeong!~” he said slipping his hands in his pockets.

“Junhyung-ssi…it’s nice to see you again. Well…I’m going to go.”

“why?” Minsoo asked. “I wanna stay and talk to ______ noona.”

“Shush…let’s go.” She scolded and whispered to ______. “I’ll call you later…don’t have too much fun.”

“Yah! Unnie!~” ______ said turned red at her comment. Minji grinned and left dragging Minsoo with her.

“Bye ______ noona!~”

“He’s so adorable!” she giggled.

‘that thing is adorable?! Are you kidding me?!’ he thought getting a bit angry. ‘Wait why am I mad? She’s not my girlfriend…I rejected her. Why did I reject the only woman that means anything to me…my chance…is probably gone.’

“Oppa! what are you doing? Where’s the rest of the guys? I thought you were all hanging out today?”

“they were being loud and irritating so I wanted some peace and quiet.” He said and was interupted when his stomach growled. “Aish…have you eaten yet?”


“Let’s go get some dinner. I’m buying.”

“Well if you’re buying…I think I’ll order one of everything on the menu!”

“Yah!~” he grumbled. She hugged his arm and smiled. “I miss it being just us…it’s never just the two of us anymore.”

“Well let’s make time for each other. We’re besties…we should always make time to hang out…like we used to you when we were kids. You’re actually single…and that never happens. Not for this long anyway…”

He looked at her beautiful face and his heart skipped a beat when she smile.

‘…I am in love with her!’

“Oh did I tell you about my blind date last night?”

“B-Blind date?!” he shouted. “what blind date? You shouldn’t just go out with random guys like that! What if they turn out to be a psycho killer?!”

“Oppa! Aish! Chill out!” she said. ‘What the…he’s such an overprotective freak…why do you act like this?! All jealous…when you don’t love me the way that I love you…it just hurts me more.’

“Okay fine I’m listening…”

“So we ran into Hyunseung oppa..”

“He never told me either.” Junhyung said. ‘Damn Hyunseung hyung! You’re making fun of me and don’t tell me this?! No…me freaking out like I just did would give it away.’

“I think he was too embarassed.”

“Why?” he said looking at her with a confused expression.

“Let’s just say my date…seemed a little more interested in him.” she revealed. He just blinked, still not getting it.


“Well…apparently he was bi…and no one told me.”

Junhyung covered his mouth to stiffle a laugh but he couldn’t hold it in.

“Oh! HAHAHA!~~” he laughed out of control. “Ahaha!~ Waa~ I needed that…”

“I’m glad you find it funny.” She said and pouted. “Stop laughing already!~~”

“You’re so cute!” he said and pinched her cheeks.

“Yah! Oppa!~” she growled while glaring at him.

“Oh…mianhae, ______-ah.” He said and calmed down. He pointed at her. “See?! I told you! Blind dates are a bad idea!”

They found a cute little restaurant to sit down and have dinner.

People kept commenting on how cute of a couple they were.

‘They all think we’re a couple.’ He thought. ‘why aren’t we? Why did I reject her? It hurt when she mentioned a blind date…Did she feel like that when I came to her with my woman problems?’

“What a sweet couple.” An older lady said. “Your girlfriend is very beautiful.”

“Oh I’m not his..” ______ began to speak but was cut off by Junhyung.

“She really is.” He said.

“Have a nice date.” The old lady said and walked away.

“What was that?”

“what was what?”

“I’m not your girlfriend…you’re not my boyfriend.” She said. ‘it hurts to say that…but it’s the truth.’


“what, Oppa?”

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known…”

“Just stop it!”

“No! I won’t.”

Tears were forming in her eyes and threatened to fall any second.

“Please don’t.”


“Stop!” she snapped and got up. “I’m done. Thank you for dinner! I’ll talk to you later.”

She ran out and let her tears fall.

“!” he muttered feeling a stab of pain in his heart. “Waiter! Keep the change!”

He chased after her.

“Where did she go? Dammit! Why didn’t I realize it sooner!”

He ran to look around for her. He kept calling her phone but she never picked up.

“Please pick up! DAMMIT!”

It began to rain hard and he was soaked. He got to her apartment and knocked on the door.

“______-ah! I know you’re in there! Please let me! Talk to me! I love you…I’m sorry I was so blind. I hurt the most important person in my life without even realizing it. Please…I’m sorry…just open the door.”

She was sitting with her back against the door listening to him.

“Why can’t you say it from out there?”

“It’s freezing in the hall…it’s pouring outside and I’m dripping with rain.”

The guilt hit her.

‘He’ll catch a cold…if he stays out there…and he’s too stubborn to leave.’

She stood up and unlocked the door. She turned the knob to let him in. In one swift motion he pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately, putting all his heart and soul into that one kiss. He broke it off and sighed. She was just staring at him.

“You’re the one person that truly loves me! The one I don’t need to lie to impress. You know every detail of my life. You’re the one person that I can’t live without. Over the years we became…inseparable and when you’re not around…I miss you like crazy! When you confessed to me. I freaked out. I was afraid to be loved and I thought it would mess up our friendship but I realized, it can only make it stronger and bring us closer! I realized how much I love you. I sabotaged every relationship because you are my ideal woman and no one comes close to you. They don’t even compare…Please…accept my heart.”

She stared at him.

“Oppa! I already have!”

She kissed him hard and closed the door.

“You’re soaked…lets get you out of those clothes before you catch a cold.”

“are you suggesting something?” he asked with a smirk. “you like the way my wet clothes clings to my body? Want me to take it off?”

“you’re such a guy! No! Op-Babo.”


“Cross between Oppa and babo…that’s you.”


“I meant…you have clothes here… can change into something dry. Such a ert. I’m not an easy girl…”

He smiled.

“I know.” He said.

“Go change!”

He went to change his clothes into something dry and had a towel to dry his hair.

She was sitting on the couch and he sat on the floor in front of her. she towel dried his hair for him. She leaned down and put her arms around him, hugging him tightly,

He smiled.

“no more girls for you!” she whispered in his ear.

“I don’t want anyone else…I want you. Remember when we were kids…I made a promise to you?”

“Oh yeah you promised that you would marry me..”

“I intend to keep that promise…” he said softly. “You’re mine. I’m Yours. I don’t need another girl in my world. All I need is you.”

They kissed and he came to sit on the couch with her.

“Oh now you want to take my clothes off?” he smirked. “you just told me to get dressed.”

“Wow! Like I said. Op-BABO!~~~I can’t believe that you’re still a !”

“Yah!!” He said. “That’s a secret! You said that loud! I have a image to uphold!”

“Image? Hmm to look like a bad boy, player?”

“Yes!” he said.

“Yong Junhyung, I know you…you’re about as bad as a lemon is sweet.”

“Lemons are sour..”

“Oh so you understand what my point? You’re too good a guy. You’ve never been a player.”

“Yeah but people think I am. That’s awesome”

She snuggled against him and he kissed her forehead. She giggled.

“Yah… Yong ______.”

She looked at him.

“What was that?”

“I’m just testing it out.”


“I love you…I really truly do.” He said. She looked at his eyes and she knew he meant it. That was the thing about knowing him her whole life. She could easily read him and knew when he was lying or telling the truth.

“I love you.” She said softly. He kissed her lips.

5 years later.

Junhyung and ______ were sitting on a bench in the park.

“Kids are still afraid of me..”The little boy whined. “and Jia Yi is only 2 and a half.”

“yeah yeobo…that’s a little drastic…we’ll be old by the time we get grandchildren.” ______ said

“that’s okay…they can just be li

“appa!~ I not scared you!” a little girl said with her cute baby voice.

“Aw but you're my baby girl...just watch you’re not dating until you’re 35.” He said. “Same goes for your brother.”

“But Appa!~ that’s 31 years!~” The little boy whined. “and Jia Yi is only 2 and a half.”

“yeah yeobo…that’s a little drastic…we’ll be old by the time we get grandchildren.”

"Well they could be just like us. It took us years. Yah! Listen to Appa!~ Find someone you know for a fact is the one you're destined to be with. Don't settle for just anyone. Be like Appa I saved the best for last.”


She smiled and kissed him.

“EWWWWW!~~ Umma! Appa!~ That’s gross!”

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NappeunYeoja #1
Gaaaaaaaah<br />
Cavities<br />
<br />
Too sweet<br />
<br />
<br />
XDD<br />
<br />
LOL.<br />
<br />
This story is so cute~!!!
"I have a image to uphold!” that's just xDDDDDD made my day.
Hamsterland_95 #4
so cute!! :D
hehe so cute!
awww that was cute :]
FanficLover96 #8
Awww.... It's so sweet!!!! :)
how sweet is it :)
aww so sweet :) op-babo XD