


You looked at yourself at the mirror again to check yourself one last time. You wore a baby pink dress with a belt and heels. Suddenly your phone beeped. You opened it. It was a text from Chanyeol. "Babe, I'm already in front of your house! Can't wait to see you :*"

'Wow. It's his first time being early. It's not yet 9am." You grinned really wide as you checked your watch, grabbed your bag and went out of the room excitedly.

"Yo!" You said the moment you saw him outside standing by motorbike holding onto his helmet. He was wearing a red shirt, jeans and sneakers. His hair is all messed up because of the helmet.

"Wow, look whos stunning today." He said to you while smiling as he put his left arm on your shoulders. "You are, oppa." You grinned at him.

"Yah. Why did you wear a dress anyway? You know I always use this baby wherever I go." Frowning as he handed you his helmet.

"I want to look pretty for you! Dont you like it?" You pouted. "Dont worry. I wore shorts under it. So, lets go already!" You said while putting on the helmet.

He sighed and started his engine. You hopped on at the back and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Okay, okay." He said as he drove off with such speed.

He is driving really fast that your dress is flying along the wind. People you passed by cant help glancing at you and your exposed legs and thighs. They cant be blamed anyway. You have the perfect body and face. Anyone who wouldnt even look at you is either blind or just blind.

You buried your face on his back as he drives. Then suddenly, you heard someone shouted, "Nice legs you have, lady!" Followed by a whistle.

Chanyeol got distracted from driving because he want to stop and look for that guy who shouted. But he was at the intersection. He lost control of the bike and it crashed with black van crossing the intersection. The next thing you knew is that youre in the hospital.

You tried to get up but you cant. "Eh? I cant move. What is this? Why cant I move?!" You, with half closed eye, screamed in your mind. "Wheres Chanyeol? I have to see him!" You said as a tear fell from your right cheek.

You examined yourself noticed that the left part of your face is covered with bandages. Your left arm and leg are too. ". Just what the hell happened."

You tried your best to move once again, but it hurts like hell. You looked around for someone to ask for help. But theres no one near you. You saw a wheelchair next at your bed. Carefully you sat up and throw yourself onto it. You didnt care about the pain anymore. You want to see Chanyeol.

You went out of the room, hoping you can bump into a nurse or anyone. Its hard and it hurts like to steer the wheels with one hand. But you couldnt care anymore.

Along the hallway, a nurse noticed you. Why would an injured person is strolling alone at such condition. She went to you and was about to say something. But you suddenly cried hard and shouted "Please help me! I beg you to take me to Park Chanyeol! Where is he?! Please! Let me see him! I want to see him!"

The nurse rubs your back trying to calm you down. "Ma'am, Park Chanyeol is in the ER at the moment." You widened your eyes. "We should wait in your room until its done, okay?"

"What?! No way! Take me there! I cant.. I want to stay beside him. I--"

"But, you need to rest. Itll be bad if--"

"I dont care! Please.. Im begging you.." You looked at her with teary, swollen eyes. Your hands and lips are already shaking from all the emotions that has been building inside of you.

She then finally gave up and sighed deeply. "Okay, but if you feel anything or something tell me okay. We will just stay there for half an hour because of your condition."

You nodded. She went behind you and strolled you until you two reached the ER. The moment you got there, the doctor came out with a shocked face because she saw the two of you.

"Oh crap." You heard the nurse mumbled.

"Yah. Why is that patient here? Shes supposed to be resting in her room!"

"I.. I-- She wanted to see Park Chanyeol. And she wont stay calm unless she does."

"Doctor.." you said out of nowhere. "How is he.." "is he okay. Hes okay right? Im sure you saved him.." Yoi were almost whispering as you finished your sentenced.

"I-- I'm sorry.." he sighed. "We cant do anything to save him anymore. He lost a lot of blood.. Good thing youre wearing a helmet that time. We were still able to save you." He said as he pats your shoulder lightly.

You went blank. Everything went black. You were crying so hard. Like really hard. Then, you woke up. Your pillow and blanket is damped with your tears.

"Agh! . My eyes are swollen." You sniffed. "Its just a dream what the hell." You got up and looked at the watch. Your eyes widened at the time. "! I overslept! Ugh. I need to stop myself spazzing at night!" You hurriedly went to the bathroom and got ready for school.

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110 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well, it was a nightmare!!! Very creepy and sad hihi. But good it was nothing serious ^_^ I like the story! Thanks ^_^ oh yes, I'm also curious, is Chanyeol really her boyfriend? :)
yeollieka #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha i thought Chan died already.. But turn out it's just a dream.LOL
So, is she really Chanyeol's girlfriend? Or is her being Chan's girlfriend also the part of her dream?
Nice story :D I like it XD