Big News

Jongwoon's Choice

“Tell the boys I said, ‘Hi.’”
“I will.”
“I packed a lot so make sure everyone gets enough but especially Ryeowook. He’s too skinny.”
“I will, Mom.”
“Ask Jongwoon and Sungmin when they’ll come over for dinner.”

“You be careful, Kyunnie~”
“Of course. Bye, Mom.”

It was two years into his training. There were rumors about a new group being put together around the company and many eyes seemed focused on Cho Kyuhyun.

He had the rare day off though and he had taken the chance to invite Jongwoon, Sungmin and Ryeowook to lunch in the park (helpfully prepared by his mother).
Kibum had been unable to make it, currently filming in his first role. It was a tiny role in a television drama but he had two speaking lines and everyone had been so excited to hear the news.
They’d even begun watching the drama from the beginning so that when Kibum’s character did surface, they’d understand who he was playing.

Kyuhyun walked to the bus-stop, reminiscing about the agreement he and his mother had made three years ago.
Two weeks he’d sworn he’d be out of the theater and on his computer.
He lost.

Kyuhyun had been so entranced – not just by the works of the group but by each individual member.
After his audition, everyone had been stunned that this young kid played and sang as beautifully as he did. He was nearly tackled by Jongwoon and Sungmin after he stepped down the stairs, exclaiming, “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THIS TIME?”
He’d scored the role of Baby John alongside Ryeowook’s A-Rab.
Kibum had, as everyone expected, landed the role of Tony opposite Park Sun-young (whom everyone called Luna) as Maria.

Tall, handsome Siwon played Riff, the leader of the Jets.
Jongwoon played Bernardo, the leader of the Sharks, with Sungmin at his side as Pepe.
Donghae surprised everyone as an excellent Chino.

Not only had the rehearsals been a blast to Kyuhyun but when the final production premiered, he felt like he’d never been happier.
His mother cried and not just because of the storyline.

The experience had been amazing and he’d even managed to make it back to the summer theater group the next year.
As soon as he’d been signed on as a trainee, however, his schedule had changed drastically.
He was constantly training but the guys didn’t forget about him.

He was seventeen now and it’d been nearly two months since he’d seen either Sungmin or Jongwoon because of their conflicting schedules.
He saw Ryeowook a lot more often as it turned out the boy lived nearby. He and Kibum – who he often met online to play Starcraft with – kept him up to date with everyone and how they were doing.
He and Sungmin emailed each other every so often and Sungmin always signed the same thing, “With love from me and Jongwoon.”

Ryeowook had informed him that the two had moved in together when Sungmin turned 18 a year ago.
He was 19 now and Jongwoon 21.
The two continued acting – both attending the same University. Jongwoon was majoring in Theater with a minor in Music – specifically Vocals.
Sungmin was majoring in Music with a minor in Theater.

Ryeowook and Kibum were due to start University themselves soon – Kibum at a school famous for producing actors and Ryeowook at a different school from the others to become a chef.
He assured Kyuhyun though, that he still tinkered with music quite often.

Kyuhyun was excited. He was always excited when it came to seeing his hyungs but now he didn’t deny that he was particularly happy to get to see Sungmin and Jongwoon.

That first summer, he had realized that they were an item. Everyone knew – the two never bothered to hide the fact.
He had wondered, however, since there were still so many that would view their relationship as taboo.

Jongwoon and Sungmin seemed content though.
He had even walked in on them kissing one day when he was early for rehearsals.
Kyuhyun had stuttered out an apology and there had been blushing red faces all around.

The second summer he had grown a lot closer to Jongwoon as the elder decided to help Kyuhyun hone his voice.
They would arrive at practice a lot earlier than anyone else and leave later.
Jongwoon taught him so much and thanks to his tutelage he was accepted as a trainee on his first audition.

His first year of training had been rough and Kyuhyun had nearly given up.
Not wanting to disappoint Jongwoon and worrying that Ryeowook wouldn’t quite understand the pressure, he’d turned to Sungmin.
They spent a day together, talking it all out. Kyuhyun had even cried on his shoulder.
In the end, Sungmin’s advised him to make sure first of all that this was what he wanted to do.
Then, once he had that sure in his heart, make sure to do everything he could to fulfill his dream. Don’t let anything stop him.

Kyuhyun straightened himself out and his trainers had noticed the change in attitude.

He was progressing in leaps and bounds and had even begun applying to Universities a little earlier than most with his trainers’ approval.
There were many in Korea and he had applied to several. He had, without any of his friends’ knowledge, applied to the same University that Sungmin and Jongwoon attended and held it as first in his heart.
He had received a letter from the University just days before their meet-up and Kyuhyun felt like it was destiny.

It took him two hours to get up the courage to open the letter to find out if he’d been accepted or not.

Finally when he tore it open and examined the letter, he’d screamed so loud he scared his parents and the neighbor next door.
Kyuhyun’s father rushed in thinking there was a burglar and found Kyuhyun dancing and waving the letter.
Have you gone insane?”
The shout his father gave was nearly as loud as Kyuhyun’s.

Kyuhyun couldn’t put his finger on it exactly. He knew he wanted to be near them.
Both of them. It was always a happy surprise when he got an email from Sungmin and the even rarer text from Jongwoon because both were so busy.
The feeling though, wasn’t like normal happy joy at a letter from a friend.
But heart-pounding, electricity running through his veins happiness.

Kyuhyun wasn’t completely foolish, however.
He knew it would be unwise for him to tell anyone how he felt. So he kept it to himself.
Kyuhyun didn’t even realize he was smiling widely as he walked to the bus stop, thinking about the day and what it would bring.

It was an hour later when Kyuhyun’s bus arrived at his destination.
He said a polite goodbye to the driver as he made his way off and hurried to their meet-up.
He was chewing his lip nervously and he could feel his heart hammering away in his chest the way it always did when he saw his hyungs.

Kyuhyun looked out into the distance, eyes searching for the park bench between the two trees.
He could see two figures sitting by each other and he walked faster.
As he drew closer, one figure raised their hand and waved.
Kyuhyun grinned happily at hearing Sungmin’s sweet voice.
Sungmin and Jongwoon stood from the bench and waved at him.

He ran straight into their arms.

Their hug was brief but in that moment, Kyuhyun had never felt more at home.

“Did you get taller?” Jongwoon asked laughing, leaning back to examine the boy, “Look at you, you’re huge. That’s so unfair!”
Kyuhyun grinned, “I’m not huge, hyung, you two are just tiny.”
“And what’s wrong with being tiny?” Ryeowook asked as he approached.

Jongwoon laughed and waved him over, “Good to see you, Wookie-ah.”
Ryeowook greeted the three, “It’s been too long since we got together. Too bad Bummie-ah was busy.”

Kyuhyun pouted a bit. He had hoped Ryeowook would be a little late, just a tiny bit.
The youngest was looking forward to a bit of alone time with his hyungs.
He saw Ryeowook far more and he knew Ryeowook kept in touch with the two moreso than he did if only because Kyuhyun was afraid of looking desperate for their attention if he was more insistent.

The group searched out a shaded spot in the park and began setting out things for a picnic.

Ryeowook had, of course, also packed a meal for the group and he and Kyuhyun began taking out the food while Sungmin and Jongwoon looked on in anticipation.
“Mother’s homemade food and Wookie-ah’s homemade food? What did we do to deserve such spoiling?” Jongwoon asked as he tried to sneak a taste and was rebuffed by Ryeowook.
The eldest pouted at Sungmin who laughed and playfully comforted his boyfriend.

“I have big news.” Kyuhyun said, “And I wanted to tell you all first.” He paused, “I mean, after my parents but I already told them.”
He dug into his bag to pull out the carefully folded letter from the University, “My trainers and the higher-ups at the company have agreed that it’s best for me to begin attending University, even while I’m still preparing to debut. Uhm… so I’ve already applied and…”
He held up the letter, “I’ve been accepted.”

Ryeowook hugged him first, “Congratulations, Kyu-ah!  Wow! You’re going so early! What are you going to study?”
Jongwoon took the letter as Sungmin claimed the second hug, “Congratulations!”
“Well, I want to study music and minor in theater.”
Sungmin brightened, “Like me?”
“Just like you.” Jongwoon said, “You’re even going to our University.” He grinned at Kyuhyun.

The eldest looped an arm around Kyuhyun’s shoulders to hug him, “Well done. This is really exciting, we’ll get to see each other a lot more now.”
Kyuhyun blushed happily, eyes darting to Sungmin to catch his reaction.
The second oldest of the group smiled but Kyuhyun couldn’t help but think that the smile looked a little forced.

He blinked and Jongwoon pulled away to show Sungmin the letter.
“So Minnie is studying western music and you’ll be studying classical?” Kyuhyun nodded and Sungmin’s smile looked perfectly normal.
“Woonie’s minor concentrates on his vocals.” Sungmin said, “Hey-“ He clapped his hands together, “The new semester is due to start and we’re going to be preparing for our next show- you’ll be able to perform, won’t you, Kyunnie-ah?”
Kyuhyun nodded, “So there’s the big news! I’m going to University!”

“Aw, I’m really jealous. Everyone else is going to be together except me and Bummie-ah.” Ryeowook pouted, “You all have to come see us some more!”
“No worries, Wookie-ah,” Jongwoon said through a mouthful, “You can cater the afterparty.”
“Ah- hey!” Ryeowook and Kyuhyun cried, “Hyung!”

As Ryeowook and Kyuhyung were distracted with Jongwoon, Sungmin managed to steal away another bowl.
The park resounded with laughter as the two youngest tried, in vain, to defend the food from their quick-handed hyungs.


It's going slowly, I think. What do you think?
Sorry for taking so long to update, I have many things to do ; 3 ;

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sorry im taking so long with this story, may be a while before an update u A u;;


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389 streak #1
Chapter 3: uuuh, where's the next chapter button? I want it so much! T_____T
Chapter 3: I still pray that there would be kyuwook (though it wasn't even on the tag) kyaa yemin >__<
KcuLL22 #3
Chapter 3: Oh I hope kyu wont take any step between yemin. Did..did I just wrote that? I'm a kyusung shipper and ur story affects me this much? 0.o
Chapter 3: Going slowly? O.o You just skipped two years! Haha, just kidding. ^^ You're doing well! :) The slowly developing relationship seems more realistic than if it were to happpen right away. >.<
So Minnie is jealous.... but of Kyu or Woonie I'm not sure... Both? Excited for the next update! ^^
summrxx #5
Chapter 3: Interesting I think I detect a teeny tiny bit of jealousy from Sungmin? XP love it lol
I like that its going slow it makes it more realistic how the relationships change and evolve over time :)
Can't wait for next update!
Chapter 3: It will be a delicate balance to maintain between those three... And Jongwoon and Sungmin are living together too. Someone will get hurt... '~'
But not yet, they are currently happy together. =)

Oh, don't worry about the pace. It's alright, you need to set the scene. ^^
The real thing will probably begin when Kyuhyun starts going to University. That chapter was like the last carefree moment before the storm or something (Woh... What am I saying ?).

Till next time !
lalilula413 #7
Chapter 3: Is Sungmin finally jealous with Kyuhyun? I hope they'll be okay.

Thank you for writing this ^^
summrxx #8
Chapter 2: Yesung and Sungmin are really close. Ive never read any Yemin before so cedit to you for introducing me :) they're so cute!
So curious to see where this is going :)
summrxx #9
Chapter 1: My mum calls me Kyunnie... lol i actually laughed here XP poor kyu
This sounds interesting. Im trying to work out who the pairing is in this or is it three way? Or do they fight over Yesung? Or Sungmin? Or Kyu? I cant figure it out!!!
Cant wait :)