Tell me you love me

Tell me you love me
Yesung's POV
     I hope Ryeowookie likes these roses. Its Valentines day today and i want to do something nice for him. I counted all 12 roses and made sure the heart shaped card was perfect. 4 real ones, 4 fake ones, 4 glittery ones. Time to check my card. ^^
    I hope you love these roses and this card. They all mean something... A heart to show my love for you, real roses because my love is real for you, fake roses because my love for you lasts forever, and glittery roses because it reminds me why I love you so much.
                             Yesung "
    Perfect! ^^3 How come he has never told me he loved me? I always tell him "I love you" then he just says "So do I" but never "I love you" Does he not love me? No Yesung! Stop thinking like that! Of course he does! I sat in our room waiting for him to return. 
Ryeowook's POV 
     "Thank you! These are perfect!" I smiled at the sales lady as I looked at Yesung's gift. As I walked away from the stand and I began to wrap up his gift. I used a red heart bag to hold his gift. Yesung will love his stuffed turtle! :D It's so cute. Just like him. Keke. I walked back to the dorms and sang "No Other" the whole way there. I opened the door and ran to our room. 
"YESUNGIE! Where are you?" I flipped the lights on to see his handsome face starring right at me. 
Yesung's POV
     Should I tell him? I pulled the roses and heart card from behind and held them between our faces. 
"Awww! Yesungie! I love it!" Ryeowook exclaimed. But do you love me? I thought. 
"The card is so sweet too! :)" He praised the gift more and more.
"Yesungie I got you a gift too! :D" Ryeowook said after a while. 
"What is it Ryeowookie?" I asked. He passed me a bag and when I opened it there was the cutest turtle stuffed animal inside.
":O Ryeowookie it's so cute like you!!" I hugged the turtle then hugged Ryeowook. 
"I love you Ryeowook."
"You too Yesung." Really that's all you say? You too? Why don't you tell me you love me? I thought. 
"Ryeowook..." I said.
"Yes Yesung?" He said with cute eyes. 
"Tell me you love me. I want to hear you say it for once. Tell me you love me." I blurted out. 
"Yesung I do love you! I just never say it because I'm scared what you will say back to me."
"Tell me you love me."
"But I just did..."
"No. Tell me you love me. Say the words I Love You."
"I love you." Ryeowook said to break the silence.
"I love you too."  I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me back.
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Chapter 1: SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!! cute and everything else!! <3 :3