The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life








No One’s POV :


Jongup strode along the beach gazing the evening skies. He stopped under a shady tree that brought so many memories to him and sat on the soft sand. His hands trailing the sand and looked straight to the never ending blue ocean. The sound of wave echoed in his head making tears to shed from his squinty eyes. Memories started to rise.



Jongup and Jadee were inseperable. They were in the same class, they sat next to each other, had lunch together and walked home together almost everyday. The students at their school were envious of their relationship but not in a bad way. They shipped their relationship as well as their closest friends, Audrey and the BAP members.

BAP is a b-boy crew of the school. Every single one of the students adore them.  There were six of them including him. The charismatic leader, Yongguk. The mother of the group with lots of aegyo, Himchan. The puffy eyes Daehyun, whom is Audrey’s boyfriend. The smiling face with squinty eyes and lead dancer, Jongup. And the tallest baby-faced maknae, Zelo.



“Babe, let’s go out this weekend?” Jongup asked while walking Jadee home one evening. Arms linked together.

“Yeah okayyy..”

“I thought we could do some double-date since Daehyun and Audrey are going out too. It’ll be fun,” he smiled the most charming smile. Jadee nodded in agreement.

They’ve been in a relationship since Naddy transferred to their school. He was among the first friend Jadee had and she was very thankful to have such great friends and an amazing boyfriend when she transferred because or else her school days would’ve become gloomy as she doesn’t really know how to make friends. Despite that, both of their parents were collage-mates and that made their relationship more stronger as they have their full blessings.




“Oppa,can I have a cotton candy?” Audrey asked Daehyun when we were on our double-date.

“Sure babe, anything for you,” he smiled and got his girlfriend a pink cotton candy. Jongup and Jadee giggled at their cute actions.

Daehyun and Audrey were wearing cute couple tees while Jongup and Jadee were wearing matching converse shoes. That was coincidental.


Every Saturday night the eight of them will gather around at a park. The BAP’s have their dance practices and Jadee and Audrey were just cheering for their boyfriends and friends.


“Auchhh, “ Daehyun groaned when he fell from his formation. Audrey hurriedly went to her boyfriend to check if he was alright. But everyone especially Audrey was relieved it wasn’t something serious like a sprained ankle or broken bones.

Everyone startled when another loud groan came from Jongup at the other side of the court. All eyes turned to him. Jadee ran to him. Her eyes was all teary when Jongup resisted to get up from where he was lying.

“Oppa whats wrong?” Jadee gasped.

“My heart..”

“Oh my god oppa, are you okay? Please call 911,” she shouted looking towards the other members. Her eyes started to get all teary.

“My heart hurts when you left me alone to see whats wrong with Daehyun hyung,” he joked, trying to cover his face, acting all sad.

The other members laughed and let out a sigh. Jongup was acting so childish with his jealousy.

Jadee started to cry even more when she finally knew he tricked her. She sat on the concrete floor, unmoving. Jongup felt bad and apologized to her immediately. When she didn’t respond to his apology he hugged her and keep on apologizing. He knew it was wrong to trick her that way but he coudnt beat his jealousy out of him since the first time they met.

Jongup treated them for supper because he was sorry to make them worried eventhough he didn’t mean to. He then walked Naddy back to her house and the night passed by.


Jongup’s POV :


“Are you not feeling well today?” I asked Jadee as I saw how restless and puffy her face was.

“Aniya, im okay oppa,” she assured me and placed her head on my shoulder.

She felt asleep on my shoulder as we sat on the park bench one evening after a long stroll. I brushed her hair that fell on her face and tucked them behind her ears and stared at her face. It was windy so I slid off my hoodie and placed it on her figure slowly not wanting to wake her up. We sat there for almost one hour. I was gazing at her face when her phone rang.


I took her phone and answered it. She wouldn’t mind me picking it up since it was Audrey who was calling. As I hit the ‘answer’ button, I slid the phone to my ear. Befor I could’ve said hello, Audrey spoke up.


“Err hey Audrey..” I cut her off

“Wait you’re not Jadee,” I can hear her gasped.

‘He..he..yeahh bout that..” I chuckled.

“Where is she, why are you answering her calls? Oh I forgot you’re her boyfriend, but no I need to talk to her about this, its important..”

“I know, of course it is, but she’s sleeping. And can you help me out with something?” I suddenly got an idea.





Jadee’s POV :


“…thank you Audrey. I’ll see you in school tomorrow. Send my regards to Daehyun hyung…” and he shut the phone.

As he tried to put my phone back in my pockets, I questioned him, head still on his broad shoulder.

“What was that about?”

“Oh babe you’re up?” he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Nothing, Audrey called but you were sleeping so I answered it. I didn’t want to interrupt your sleep,”

“Okay, what did she said by the way?” I sat up straight, facing him. He smiled and made his eyes to squint even more. He’s so adoreable I cant deny it.

“She randomly just called you but I told her you were sleeping. But don’t worry nothing important though,” he took my hand and caressed it.

“Now, shall I walk you home? Its getting darker,” he asked again.

I simply nodded and we both stood up. He offered me his arm and I quickly clinged to it as we walk home.





I felt so tired as I walked into the school gate. My eyes were blurry at times and I almost fell a few times. Luckily I depended on the walls for support. Jongup and Audrey along my other friends had been asking was I feeling well all day long. I didn’t want to worry them so I said I was fine instead of telling them the truth.

I was about to walk out of class with Jongup and Audrey since we were in the same class, to the cafeteria when everything seemed so dark. I can only hear Jongup’s and Audrey’s voice but it wasn’t clear and I collapsed.


The next thing I knew I was in a hospital room. It was so white. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Jongup beside me, his head was resting on my arm and he didn’t let go of my fully wired hand under the blanket.

Across the room there was Audrey and Daehyun sleeping on the couch. And the rest of the BAP members, Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae and Zelo too.

The doctor’s heavy footsteps waked them up. Jongup rose up and slightly bowed to the doctor. He listened intently to what the doctor was saying. His eyes started to get watery when he doctor finally said that I was diagnosed with some kind of tumour. But it was still in the early stage and the chances for me to suvive is still high, only if I get the treatment. And he informed me that he already spoke to my parents, and they were on their way to the hospital.

My friends surrounded me and gave me a lot of encouragement and wise words to lift up my spirit. I couldn’t thanked them more and I just let myself cry. Then they choose to leave me and Jongup alone. He was still silent, only crying his eyes out. He looked at me and wiped my tears.

“Babe please don’t cry? It hurts me to see you sad. I’ll stay beside you, I promise I wont go anywhere,” he pinky promised me.

I nodded and drowned myself in his hug.




No One’s POV :


Jongup never failed to accompany Jadee to every of her treatment appointments. He always make time for her. Not that he didn’t have time for her before she got sick but now, he spent most of his time with her, not wanting to regret it later.


Jadee’s birthday finally arrived. She forgot her birthday herself. She was blindfolded by Jongup and he took her into her house. When she removed Jongup’s handkerchief that was used to close her eyes, she was greeted ‘SURPRISE’ by her parents, Jongup’s parents and her friends, Audrey, Daehyun, Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae and Zelo.

She cried her tears of happiness and thanked them before blowing the candles of her 18th birthday.

Right after she blew her candles, she was blindfolded by Jongup again.

“Yahh, what’s this? I had enough suprises already…” she didn’t continue her sentence as Jongup shushed her to be quiet. She felt like she was being pushed outside her house door, and she heard the parents shouted “Have Fun” in the background and her friends’ giggles as they went for a car ride. No one spoke anything. She didn’t know how all of them, like LITERALLY all of them fit into one car. She laughed at her own thought but of course they had their ways.


The car finally went to a halt. Jongup led her out of the car and slid off her blindfold. He walked from in front of her to her side, exposing the huge, massive Big Bang banner.

Jadee was extremely surprised she was speechless. She had both of her hands in front of , while looking at Jongup and then her friends. They gave her a smile and nodded. She hugged Jongup tightly and thanked him. She didn’t even have the idea that Big Bang was having a concert on her birthday. Maybe because she was too preoccupied with her treatments and lost her time that she always used to fangirl over Big Bang with Audrey.

“You know, this time we get to fangirl again, after such a long time. I miss you babe,” Audrey said, making both of us cried and the boys had to cheered us up.

We wiped our happy tears when Yongguk said, “Are we going to watch the concert from the VIP area or would you prefer to stay here cause im definitely going in,” earning Himchan to slap his back. “Okay, sorry sorry but im excited.” He grinned.


Jadee’s POV :

Woah we really got the VIP area tickets. I was still in the state of disbelief.

I looked at Jongup and he smiled. He put his arms around me and whispered “Happy Birthday babe,” butterflies started to fly around inside my stomach.

“Thank you, thank you so much for an amazing birthday surprise. ” I whispered back to him as we made our way into the concert.

He winked me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I blushed.



We  raised our light sticks to the beat of the music. Seeing Big Bang on stage, live, in front of me like seriously just a few metres away from where im standing is just unbelieveable especially seeing my ultimate bias, TOP. “Gosh he’s damn charming and handsome too,” I thought to myself. It felt like a dream. A happy dream.

When they sat on their stools, taking a break from singing, they started to interact with their fans. All five of them was holding a piece of paper. Its about time for them to read out the fans’ mails. I was excited though  didn’t send any.

“Okay, here’s a special mail. Its form Jongup, Audrey, Daehyun, Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae and Zelo,” TOP paused, tried to catch his breath. The crowds laughed at her cuteness.

I immediately turned to my Jongup and my friends when I heard their name, I was a bit disappointed when my name wasn’t stated. They raised their eyebrows and I turned to TOP on stage again..

“So, yeahh the names I just called, they mailed me saying it was their friend’s birthday. Aww its Jongup’s girlfriends’ birthday. Um, the birthday girl is Jadee. Ms Jadee can you please wave your hand?" TOP said from the stage.

I was flattered and I rose my hand. I heard the crowds saying “Here, she’s here”

TOP walked towards me and reached out his hand to welcome me on stage. I looked at Jongup and he nooded. He helped me to get on stage. Gosh he’s so sweet. He even pushed his jealousy to the side.

When I was on stage TOP faced me and sang me a Happy Birthday song. So does the crowd. I was amazed, I let out the tears of happiness. It was just so mesmerizing. The crowd cheered and TOP took a few selcas with me on stage, the crowd went ‘awwww’


Later when the concert was over, I thanked my friends and Jongup for an amazing birthday gift and they went home. Jongup accompanied me walking in the park opposite my house, just breathing the night air.


“Jonguppie, thank you so much for an amazing birthday present. I love it so much,” I thanked him with our fingers lacing together.

“Its nothing, I know you would’ve love it do much, Audrey helped me a lot though,” he said, still smiling.

“You’re an amazing boyfriend anyone would’ve wanted to be with you..”

“I only want to be with you..”

“Me too, im so gonna miss you after this..”

“Don’t say that babe, im always by your side..”

“Promise me you wont cry if I leave..”

“Jadee, what  are you talking about..” he grabbed my shoulders making me to face his face.

“Promise me..” I looked into his eyes that was starting to get glassy.

He nodded. “ I only love you and no one else,” he stated, cupping my cheeks in both of his palms.

“I  love you too, Jonguppie,” with that he kissed my forehead and I felt pebbles of his tears rolled down my face.


No One’s POV :



Jongup let out a smile when every detail of his relationship with Jadee came back to his mind. And he got drifted listening to his mp3 by the beach side.

He sat up to the evening rays, thinking about Jadee, the girl he once loved and will always love. It has been a year since the night of Jadee's birthday. Jongup was proud that he had made her dream came true to watch Big Bang’s concert live. He played the last song Jadee gave her in his mp3, it was a song by Park Bom, entitled Don’t Cry. A smile appeared on his face as he watched the beautiful waves and with the  wind hitting his body.


It has been 4 months since the love of his life died and he has continued on life without the one he loved by his side. Today he simply came by the beach because he missed her just too much, the world hadn’t been the same without her in it

“Babe, I miss you so much,” he said gazing up to the sky.

“ And Happy Birthday to you my love, I wish you’re here by my side to celebrate this day like last year,” he couldn’t help but to shed tears.

“Im so thankful to have you in my life even not for a long time, but you made such an impact to my life, Jadee, I love you so much and I promise you I wont love anyone as much as I love you. Jadee  love, I cant wait for the day to meet you again. I’ll never get over you. You’ll always be my one and only. It’s hard for me not to breakdown in front if the others but im holding on the promise I made to you not to cry. But I couldn’t contain myself when im alone like this.” Jongup stopped and wiped the tears on his cheeks.

“Its getting late now, I’ll get going.” He stood up from the sand.

“ Babe, don’t forget to rest okay? I miss you and I hope you do too. I’ll love you with all my heart and never forget that okay?” Jongup smiled.

“Goodbye, Jadee.”and he walked back to his place, with the smile that never fades from his face, the smile that was Jadee’s favourite.


The wind swoosh…

“I love you too Jonguppie…”









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SyaBlackJack #1
Chapter 1: Author-nim.... You made me cry
Chapter 1: Omg!!!! U made me cry, dear.. Fyi my bias is jongup.. Thts y im so into the story.. Thx for the story. ^^