
Love is Spelled T-I-M-E


Kim Jongin. Yes he is considered the most popular guy in our batch. I won’t contradict with that partly because a) he has the height b) almost half of the school envies his 12% tanned skin tone c) his intense stare could make spell bounded girl’s mouths drool d) his trademark playful smirk could seriously put his fans into a spell and mostly, e) (this is what I like most about him) his crescent shaped eyes every time he swags while dancing and while giving that I am so extremely good facial expression when he shoots a three point score ball.

Apart from being blessed with perfect physique and killer looks, he belongs to the first section not because of popularity and money but because he is really good in class. At first, it was really hard to believe but when he represented our batch for some sort of battle of the Brains during the first semester, he paved his way so easily and landed second, beating up the sophomores and juniors.

Do Kyungsoo. I don’t hear much from this person, even though he’s in the same class with me. He is the best friend of Kim Jongin, but up until now I still could not imagine them being best of friends, simply because I haven’t seen them together when in school. If I have a counterpart in our class that would be him but in a more blessed way because still half of the class speaks to him despite him being quiet when not asked. I would admit, he was the one I noticed first during my first week in this university because a) just like me, he rarely speaks b) he has this good sense of styling his hair c) he doesn’t forget how to smile when somebody approached him d) he always recites on class even though his answer is a bit far from the question, e) (this is what I most like about him) one can definitely know when Kyungsoo is confused because his eyes shows it.

Park Chanyeol. He is one of Jongin’s alliance when the group decided to have a pool of saliva along the hallway due to uncontrollable drooling even from the boys every time they (Chanyeol, Jongin and Kris) walks down the corridor. He has this habit of grinning from ear to ear showing off all of his teeth, literally all. He is way, way taller and fairer than Kim Jongin. He, together with Kris, are considered womanizers, however, despite those labels, girls were still dreaming of hooking up with them even just for a one night stand. (What the-) What I like most about him is that he plays the guitar really well, and has this overly deep voice that is most liked by the girls.

Wu Kris. The other member of the IT group freshmen batch. He is Chinese-Canadian. He is the tallest from the three, and has this great great obsession to basketball. I don’t know much about this guy because I rarely see him in school, except in basketball courts, and girls started flaking out from him because there was this rumor where Kris has been seriously dating a girl from another University.

Lee Donghae. I only see him thrice a month, if I am lucky or perhaps he just have this new girl in school, he’ll be appearing four or five times. I first saw him when he was walking his sweaty body, just came from a basketball game look, brushing his wet hair with his fingers while sporting that oh so hot smile on the fan girls screaming, and that’s the time when I can’t … I just can’t take my eyes off of him. I think it took me a month before I finally realize I should just forget about him ‘cause there is a very slim chance of him looking at me. So a few facts-mixed-rumors about him: a) he started playing with the girls when his rumored boyfriend, Eunhyuk, broke up with him and transferred to another school because of a girl, b) his family is one of the major stockholders of this school, c) he once tried dating his English professor, d) he is really good at basketball, he always play in an inter-school competition and always bag the MVP award for three consecutive years, e) he is extremely hot when dancing  … and f) (only a few knows this) he is still a .

                Honestly I didn’t believe it. I wasn’t eavesdropping back then, I really don’t mean to listen to their conversation. I was waiting for the guidance counselor because I want to confide over something, the door was open in his office and I was patiently waiting outside. Suddenly, I heard three voices of men, they were like arguing about a girl getting pregnant. One was the guidance counselor, the other one was Donghae, and the other one I am not familiar with his voice not until he came out from the office, it’s Siwon, another male hottie but he already transferred to another school right after the incident I am about to spoil to you. They were summoned because this Siwon attacked my used to be knight in shining armor, Donghae while he’s on a game, he was accusing him of sleeping with his girlfriend, because … this girlfriend got pregnant and she was pointing that the father of her baby was our MVP. Donghae wasn’t confirming anything rather he was just probably making this mocking face which forced this Siwon to land another hard fist over Donghae’s beautiful face, but before that … Donghae finally let out some words, “I didn’t got laid in front of your girlfriend, small s aren’t my type actually, plus, this thing inside my pants is still reserved for the REAL one. Next time you beat me, make sure you get your facts straight.” With those words, he tapped Siwon’s shoulders, and instantly strode off the office. Even though I was right outside the office, Donghae still did not lay his eyes on me. So there, the voice was unveiled when Siwon walked out of the office a few minutes after Donghae, his face plastered with self-pity.



[a/n:] This chapter already stinks in my folder, I already finished this part a few days ago, but I was too lazy to upload it. :)

anyway, Just a slight peak on who are the characters of this NO-PLOT just anything under the sun Series I am doing. ^^

Comment. please don't forget before leaving, I gladly appreciate it, and gives me motivation. hahha. :P



Kyungsoo, saranghae! <3

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