{untitled chapter two?}

A Story.


/////////////-Key/Kibum POV-
Finally I get a day off! Whew! Too bad Minho, Taemin, and Jonghyun have schedules. I can't wait to do stuff today. I hope Jinki has a clear schedule because he's accompanying me.
I went to the kitchen and started coffee maker. I heard shuffling and looked out the kitchen door and saw Jinki stretching in the hallway in front of our doorway. He looked in my direction and I froze for a second before quickly walking into the kitchen again. 'Such a creep you are Kibum! Get a hold of yourself!'
Then the door opened to reveal a half awake Jinki. His hair was slightly messy and I just wanted to run my fingers through it but pushed the thought away. 'Dang it, Kibum' I just remembered I needed to ask him something.
I sighed, "Hyung?"
He looked at me and I wanted to melt. 'Aish! Kim Kibum!' "Um... Would you like to accompany me today on a few errands I need to run?"
He pursed his lips and raised a finger to his lips, gently tapping it against them. 'Why can't that finger be my lips?' 'Aish! What the hell? Calm yourse-'
"I would love to." I heard him respond and he gave me a smile. I smiled back.
"I'll fix us breakfast and then we can get ready to leave."
He nodded and went off as I heard him go to the living room area. As soon as he left I started to jump up and down, squealing in my head.
We're at the mall if you're curious to know. I'm going in stores to pick up things but some stores are just to pass time. My last stop is at the jewelry store to pick up my custom order. I got matching rings. I think you can guess for who. Talking about my last stop...
I turned to Jinki, "Hyung, I'm going to that jewelry store." I pointed to across from where we are standing. "You can rest here. It'll be quick. I promise. I'll put the bags with you."
He nodded, "Ok. I'll wait here." He smiled a little.
I walked away and had a big grin on my face and walked in the store. I was greeted by the lady behind the counter who I remember from the month before when I came here. She asked for my name as I told her that I came to pick up my rings and she went into a room then came out with a black rectangular box in her hands. I felt a little giddy inside.
I opened it and saw the silver bands and necklaces with the letter pendants. I  picked up one ring and made sure it had the engraving I wanted, which it did. 'No matter what you are mine. We will never part.' , it read. I looked up and thank the lady before she put it in a bag and I left. I stopped a couple steps behind where Jinki was sitting and thought of how I wanted to confess. Not in a mall of course. I'm going to take him to a place I always go to think. Yeah. It's going to be the best day. I hope he gives me a chance.
I walked behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned and gave me a big smile. 'Don't smile so much, hyung! Do you want to kill me?' "We can leave now. I'm done for the day."
"Oh? But we haven't had lunch yet. Let me treat you." He stood and grabbed the shopping bags and offered an arm to me. I nodded and held on as we walked together.
"Airee-ssi is a lot prettier than Minho said she was. He talks about her like she's just a good friend but it's a whole other story when he's next to her. He stares at her with a longing look and when she giggles or laughs his eyes sparkle and he smiles like a goof. He's in love but won't admit it. And really who wouldn't fall for a girl like that, she's amazing." Jinki was talking about his meeting with Airee, Minho's friend or should I say secret-girlfriend-but-not-yet-girlfriend-that-should-be-his-girlfriend-already.
I was getting a little jealous of the way Jinki talked about her, "Seems like Minho's not the only hung up on her." I smirked but in the inside I wanted to find the girl and pu-.
"Nah. She's not the kind I go for. She's cool and all but I actually like another person. Minho can have her. Anyway she's hung up on him too."
I did a mental happy dance but stopped it short at his mention of a crush on someone else. 'Probably Jessica or Luna. Everyone ships him with either of those two all the time.' "Can you tell me who this person is?"
His eyes went wide, "What person? I never said anything about a person."
I narrowed my eyes at him, "Hyuuuung..."
He sighed, "It's someone in SM. And it's not a girl."
I froze. 'Maybe I have a chance.' "You're gay?" I asked slowly.
He gulped audibly, "Um... Yeah? Sorry if it bothers you or any of the members. I did-"
"No, no, no." I interrupted him, "I mean who are we to judge anyone. I don't see a problem with it."
He let out a breath he was holding and smiled at me and grabbed my hand over the table, "Kamsahabnida. I'm glad you don't see anything wrong with it."
I smiled back and mentally prepared myself for what I was going to do next, "Hyung. I want to take you somewhere. Can we?"
He nodded and we went to the counter as he payed for our food and walked into the street. I held his hand and practically dragged him to the park. I wanted to go to the center where there was a water fountain was. When we reached the place I sat on the edge and patted the spot next to me.
"So what is this place?" Jinki said as he looked around.
"Do you like it? I always come here when I'm stressed or just need some peace and quiet." I sighed.
I could feel his gaze on me, "And our dorm is anything but that." He chuckled.
I turned to him and he had his finger in the water, swirling it around. "Hyung? This guy you have a crush on... have you told him how you feel?"
He stopped swirling his finger and turned to me, "No I haven't. I want to but I don't even know how or if I should at all. I'm probably stressing for no reason."
I hummed and thought for a second, "Why?"
"Why what?"
I scooted closer to him, "Why haven't you told them?"
"Told what?... Oh! Um... well..."
He was hesitating so I grabbed his hands, he didn't protest. 'Could he feel the same way?' "Can I tell you something hyung?" He nodded. "I also have a crush on someone but it's more like in love. It's been two years and never have I confessed."
He frowned, "Why? I'm sure whoever it is will love you back. No girl can reject someone like you."
I smirked, "Who said anything about it being a girl?" His eyes widened. "Your eyes are going to explode if they get any larger, hyung."
He cheeks flushed and he looked at the ground. I smiled at the shy side he was showing. 'Going in for the kill.'
"Want me to show you what I got at the jewelry store?" I asked and he nodded. I let go of his hands. I grabbed the small bag from the floor and took out the black rectangular box and handed it to him. "Here. Look."
He opened it and gasped softly, "Wow. They're so beautiful."
I smiled, "Read the engraving, hyung."
He tried to but couldn't and huffed in annoyance. "It's in English."
"It says, No matter what, you are mine. We will never part." I explained and smiled as he frowned even more.
"Hm? Oh. Is this for your special someone?" He asked with curious eyes.
"Yeah it is."
"I bet they're gonna love this." He picked up the necklace with a J on it and looked at it closely, "You like Jessica-ssi?"
I frowned at him.
He pursed his lips, "Um... Give me a hint?"
"They're sitting right beside me."
He looked at me and then his eyes, again, widened suddenly as he realized what I was saying.
///////////-Minho POV-
I came back to the an empty dorm and decided to call Airee after I settled in. See if she wants to hang out or something. I think Onew and Key have a point in telling me to just date her already but knowing her, she wouldn't want to. She will if I convince her. Why didn't I think of it until now? What am I thinking? Trying to force someone into liking me. She probably doesn't anyway.
"Hyung, have you seen Onew hyung and Key hyung?" I looked to see Taemin at the door.
I gave him a confused look, "I just got here like two minutes ago."
He huffed, "They're missing. I got here and they were no where to be found. I've called them like sixty times and both of them don't answer. Something's wrong!"
I stood up as he mentioned the part of them not answering Taemin's calls. That wasn't like them to not answer. I had a bad feeling about this. "Try again. Call Jinki!"
Taemin didn't have to be told twice. He pulled out his phone and dialed at an incredible speed then put it on speaker. On the third ring, he answered.
"Yoboseyo?" The voice did not belong to Onew, it sounded dead.
Taemin beamed, "Hyung! Where are you and Key hyung at? I've been looking for you!"
"I'm sorry, Taemin. I'm at the front of the building." We heard a sob and the queasy feeling I had became worse. "He's gone. Someone took Kibum."
I ran out the dorm and almost flew down the stairs and could hear Taemin behind me telling Jinki on the phone to stay where he was before hanging up. 'Please don't let it be true. Let me wake up.'
What I was seeing really was a punch in the gut. Jinki was sitting on the sidewalk clutching something in his hand and had bags around him. I know they must of been Kibum's but what happened is what I needed to know. I ran and kneeled beside Jinki and he turned his face. He look horrible.
His eyes were red and puffy. He had a cut on his lip and a bruise forming on his cheek. His nose was red and he had tears running down his face. The sight of it made me want to cry but I had to keep myself in check and find out what was going on.
He stared to sob and more tears ran down his face, "I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened! I was just with him and we were walking back to the dorm when six big guys came out of nowhere and pounced on us. They pinned me to the ground and put something in me that me out! I heard him scream! I heard him scream for me! I didn't do anything. They took him from me!" He almost screamed this but it came out in whispers. "They took my Kibum. We had just confessed to each other. I didn't even get to kiss him. I didn't... I didn't even... I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry Kibum!"
Taemin kneeled down too and pulled Jinki up with him. Jinki immediately wrapped his arms around the maknae and kept crying.
I looked to the ground and saw a CD at his feet.
We're all in the dorm living room sitting after listening to a threatening message from a man named Rein. He spoke in both English and Korean.
I knew who it was and what he wanted. Not gonna happen. Not now. Not ever.
"You have a month to come and find me. I will be waiting Choi Minho. Don't bring Airee or anyone with you. I have eyes everywhere."
All members looked at me expecting me to say something but really I have nothing to say. I have to go.
BANG! BANG! BANG! We all turned to face the door. Taemin went to open it and as soon as he opened it a girl walked in past him.
She went up to me then hugged me, "Please. Don't go. You don't know what he's capable of." She whispered.
"Um... Minho? Who is she?"
//////////-Airee POV-
I turned to Jonghyun, been learning the members name due to the Shawols in my classes. "I'm Airee Rein. I'm sorry to barge in this way but that man in the recording is a dangerous man."
The one who answered the door went up to me, this is Taemin I believe, "So this is your fault? Why are you here?"
Minho stepped in, "It's not her fault. It's that guy on the recording. He's threatening me not her. So don't try to put any responsibility on her. She tried to tell me that he might do something but I never knew he would go after you guys." He turned to Onew-ssi and for the first time since entering the room I looked at the broken man.
I never meant for this to happen. He looked so...dead. When he looked up, I felt guilt run through me at what I had done for being selfish and wanting a friendship with Minho. I ruined his life. I'm ruining everything by being here. I look at Minho. "Let me go! Please. This is my fault. Don't go. Rein is not a man that will just give up something without wanting your life in return. Please!"
"I'm going, Airee. I have to go. This is about getting my friend, my brother, my band member out of that man's hands. I'll do anything." Minho was still looking at Onew, who is on the couch with a blanket around him, but I knew he was talking to me.
I fell to the floor and breathed in deep to not let my tears fall. I reached up and grabbed his wrist, "Don't. I can't lose another loved one in my life. Please."
He looked from me to Onew then back, "I'm sorry. I have to."
----three days later (Minho POV)
Hyung is still dead but alive. He's been up in his room for the past three days since Airee left the dorm after I told her that I was going to that man to get my band member back, no matter what. I can't even imagine what they have done to Key. It's heartbreaking having to hear Onew cry himself to sleep every night and he may think we can't hear but his sobs are pretty loud and the puffy, red eyes we see in the morning are enough evidence.
I'm sitting at the table with Taemin and I can even see the strain on his young face. The company gave us the month off in order to fix our issues. We had no choice but tell them what was going on. We don't really go out at all because we need to avoid any contact with fans as we prepare for my day to confront Rein.
"Hyung! Where are you going? We aren't suppose to go anywhere." I looked up at Taemin talking to someone and looked at Onew with his hand on the door handle.
He looked at us, "I need some time to myself. I'll be at the park if you need me." With that he turned to the door and opened it.
I knew where he was going. He had told us all of the day and I would be lying if I said I didn't cry after hearing it all. The guilt I feel is tearing me up inside. Suddenly I felt an arm around my shoulder and a tear fall down my cheek.
"Don't feel bad, hyung. He's going to come back soon. I feel sad too but we need to be strong for Onew hyung." Taemin said to me as he wrapped his other arm around me.
I choked out a sob, "I need to bring him back. But I'm scared of how I might find him. I can't stand this guilty feeling I feel. I just want to see our leader happy again." I felt more tears spill as I tried to keep in my sobs, it was difficult.
I don't know how long we were there for but when I looked up it was already midday.
///////////-Onew/Jinki POV-
I kept looking down to the ring on my left hand and touching the K pendant on my necklace around my neck. 'No matter what, you are mine. We will never part.' The tears fell before I could even stop them. I don't even remember having so much water in my body. I felt someone pull my leg. I looked and saw a small girl.
"Ahjussi, why do you cry?" She asked.
I wiped my face, "I'm just missing someone dear to me."
She tilted her head to the side slightly, "Where did they go?"
I looked at my ring, "I don't know. I wish I knew."
"They'll be back, ahjussi. Just keep believing."
I looked at the small girl and she smiled at me. 'I need to believe my Kibum is ok. He's a strong guy.' "I will."
She turned at the sound of a lady calling for someone then she looked at me, "I have to go. Ahjussi, fighting." She pumped her fist up in the air and ran off towards her mother.
I felt a smile creep onto my face in these last three days. I brought the finger with the ring to my lips, kissing it. "I promise to get you back Kibum." I ran off in search of the place I knew would help me find the person most important to me.
/////////////-Airee POV-
Well not much has changed. I talked to Kyu yesterday about everything going on and she agrees with Minho. Unfortunately, we ended up arguing and I hung up on her out of pure anger. I can't take how everyone is telling me to back out of something that I caused. Everything is my fault.
I looked at my left hand then removed the bandages, the wounds had now become scars. I traced the scars with my fingers and felt the guilt punch me in the gut. I promised to stop and I did it again. I slammed my hurt hand onto the table and punched it with the other as tears fell from eyes onto the table.
I quickly removed my hands from the table and re-bandaged my hand then walked to the door.
I grabbed the gun at the table close to the door. "Who is it?"
"It's me."
I quickly put the hand with the gun down and opened the door quickly and saw the last person on Earth I expected to see at my door. Onew was standing at my door. He looked absolutely horrible too. His hair was sticking out in all directions, he had huge sunglasses covering his probably puffy red eyes, and he looked pale.
I almost cried at the sight of him, "Onew-ssi?"
He shifted from foot to foot, "Can I come in?"
I stepped away for him to go into the apartment. He walked in and sat on the couch where I was at. I put my gun back in its place and walked to the couch in front of the one Onew was sitting on.
He looked up at me, "Do you think you have an idea of where Key may be at?"
I looked at him for a few seconds, "I might."
He sighed, "Would you- would you help me?"
I frowned in confusion, "Help with what?"
He took off his sunglasses before looking up again, "Help me look for him."
I saw the serious, almost pleading, look in his eyes. I swallowed, "Why do you want me to help? I'm the one who caused this whole mess."
He sighed, "I'm so tired of hearing that." He stood up and started pacing, "That's all Minho does! He just blames himself! I don't ing care who's fault it was! I want my Kibum! I want to hold him! I want to see him alive!"
I just stared wide eyed at him and thought for a while and subconsciously touched my injured hand. Onew's eyes darted down to my hand and I put it behind my back but it was too late. He saw it.
"What did you do?" He walked towards me.
I shook my head, "Nothing."
He grabbed my arm and pulled it out from behind me and started to unwrap the bandage. I winced when I heard his sharp intake of breath.
"Why?" His voice sounded hoarse. "Why would you do this!?" He screamed as he let go of my hand.
I started to sob and clutched my hand to my chest.
"Are you that dumb!? How can you do this to yourself!?"
I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders, "Airee. It's Rein's fault. You never asked for this either. Don't feel guilty for anything. We can work together to look for Kibum. Please. Help me."
I looked up, "I will."
/////////////-Minho POV-
It had already become night and Jinki still isn't back. I had Taemin call him but he wouldn't answer and then we discovered his phone was still in his room. He told me to try and call Airee but I doubt she knew or wanted to talk to me anyway. I heard my phone beep in my pocket and pulled it out and checked the text someone left me.
To: Minho
From: Airee
I'm sorry...
I suddenly all blood drain from my face and raced out the door. Taemin and Jonghyun yelled after me but all I wanted to do was find Airee and Onew before they did something stupid. Then my phone rang. I stopped running and answered it.
"I guess Airee couldn't get Kibum back for you. And now I have another captive in my cave. Really thoughtful of you."
I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. "Let them go. Your problem is with me not them."
He chuckled. "Actually. It is with Airee and you that I have a problem. She likes you. Maybe even love you. She started to rebel against me when she met you. -But she belongs with me. I raised her. I could've easily killed her and you would never meet her but I guess I made the wrong choice on keeping her alive.-" He must think I didn't hear the last part.
"Where are you?"
"Come and find me. Boy." With that he hung up.
I banged on the door to Airee's apartment but received no response what so ever. Until I turned around and found our leader leaning on the railing, clutching his side. I started to panic and grabbed his shoulders. "Where have you been?" I almost screamed.
He winced and looked up at me, "I-I'm sorry. I tried to stop them."
My arms fell to my sides as I stared at him trying to process what he had just told me. I didn't want to think about what his words meant. Airee couldn't have gone. I told her not to. I should've known better than to think she would just back off.
He spoke again, "I came to Airee-ssi to ask for help. We were so close to the front of where they had Key but someone grabbed me from behind... and... and..." He tried to hold back a sob and continued, "she fought the guy and told me to run and find you. Last thing I saw was her pushing me and yelling as two huge guys dragged her away. I wanted to go back but I know I have no chance of getting in alone."
I kept looking at him as I felt the my heart beat faster when he told me she asked him to find me. Now I was more determined to find Rein and end all of this once and for all. "I'm going."
He stood up and grabbed my arm as I walked away from him, "I'm going with you. And don't tell me no. I'm going."
I saw the seriousness in his eyes and we both nodded to each other.
"Now what?" He whispered behind me.
I turned to him and jerked my head in the direction of the two huge guys at the front of the door. "We have to find a way to sneak you in. Rein told me not to bring anyone but I can't say no to you, hyung." I whispered back.
He peeked around me then snapped back against the wall as he thought for a second. Then I saw a smirk appear.
"What are you thinking hyung?" I whispered.
He shushed me and climbed up a ladder beside him. 'How did that get there?' I suddenly heard a bunch of shouts and when I looked back to the door. The guys who were standing there had left. 'I said sneak you in, not me.' I sighed and made a run for it and reached the doors when I felt a push behind me and looked to see Jinki. Then I saw the guys chasing him and ran for it.
"We can't go in there!" One guy shouted.
"Let them go. Rein will kill them anyway." Another one responded.
I still kept running when suddenly I was pulled into a room by a pole that grabbed my wrist. And so was our leader getting pulled but by another pole that locked on his wrist. We stopped in front of a glass window. Everything was black on the other side of the window... then two light shined on two people kneeling on the ground, one with long dark brown hair, the other with short blonde hair. I knew it was Key and Airee.
Key looked up but his stare looked empty, like he wasn't alive. He stared at the window but I guess he couldn't see us or something.
"Kibum", I heard Jinki breathe out. I looked at him to see the tears fall out his eyes.
I looked back and saw Airee trying to look up but she would just let her face fall again whenever she did. Key looked at her and grabbed her hand and then she started to sob. We could hear her sobs even through the window and then she screamed. So long and loud that it broke my heart having to witness it.
"Enjoying the show, Choi Minho?" I heard a man ask behind me.
I turned to see the man. This man that caused so much pain to me, to Airee, to my brothers, to my family. I didn't respond.
He clucked his tongue, "Isn't it rude to not answer someone when spoken to?" I just stared at him. "Well... I hope you know there is a price to pay for not obeying my orders."
Jinki spoke up when he heard that, "Shouldn't you be the one paying a price for your actions? What the have we done to you?"
Rein narrowed his eyes at Jinki, "I would watch my tongue, Lee Jinki. I just press this button", he gestured to a button on his jacket above his heart, "and we all go... Kaboom!" He laughed evilly.
I pushed the secret button on my jeans and spoke up for the first time, "What do you want?"
He looked at me, "I just want my daughter to be safe. I want her away from your kind."
"You and I aren't so different then. I also want Airee to be safe. I wish she didn't hang around me because I'm afraid of what some fans will do to her if they found out about my love for her. But there is one thing I don't have that you do. Possessive issues." His eyes widened for a second before glaring again. I kept on going, "You want her to yourself. You feel like you have to control because you couldn't control her mother. Your ex-wife cheated on you and had her. You couldn't take the punch to your pride since you never suspected her. You feel like everything is Airee's fault, when she did nothing to you. You tried controlling her mother and in the end, you couldn't anyway. People like you disgust me." He opened his mouth but I interrupted him, "I know why you chose to take Key too. You don't like love. You've never felt it ever since joining this kind of work field, if it can be called that. You hate how my best friends were falling in love and hated how much it inspired me to continue being friends with Airee to someday be like that with her. You hate the attention she receives for being so beautiful on the inside and out. You hate how much she must remind you of her mother, your ex-wife. You hate everything about her but still want her to yourself. You killed her father because of what he was doing to Airee. I salute you for that but at the same time you didn't like the attention she got. That's why you wanted to control everything. The places she could go, with who she could talk to, who could be her friends, what she did, what she ate, what she said, every little thing. You hate it. But you can't admit to it."
His face had turned red from anger and I saw a vein on his forehead popping. Then the hold on my wrist from the machine loosened and so did the one on Jinki's hand. When I looked up I felt a punch on my stomach, then a sharp stinging pain and saw Rein smirking. I looked down again as he pulled away his hand to see him gripping a knife. I fell to my knees, clutching the wound.
He crouched down and got close to my ear, "You're right. I hate the attention she gets because she belongs to me. And don't worry, I'll tell her about your feelings after you're dead." Then he falls and look to see Jinki on top of the man, punching the man over and over.
"You. You disgusting, worthless hog! You won't kill him!" I saw three men appear at the doorway and quickly crawled to Jinki, pushing him off Rein when I felt another sharp pain to my arm. I looked to see a man put a knife on my arm. I used my good arm to grab the knife and drive into his neck before standing up to face the other guys. They laughed.
"Come at me, bro." I said in English.
The guy closest to me jumped in front and I easily punched him in his face and he stumbled back, stepping on his buddy's feet. The guy whacked him and they started to fight on their own. So I took the chance to pull out my phone and see if the guys were still on the line.
"You still there?"
"The police will be there in 3...2...1", sirens could be heard outside.
"Thank you so much"
The guys stopped fighting when they heard the sirens and ran out the door. Jinki was no where to be seen until I saw the broken window. I climbed through it careful to not get anymore cuts but as soon as I stood on the other side, the pain on my stomach returned. My shirt was drenched in blood and then a small hand was on the wound pressing on it to stop the bleeding.
"Minho! Minho! Please stay with me!" It was the last thing I heard before I saw Airee then my eyesight became black.
I slowly opened my eyes and was welcomed by a bright light as I blinked to adjust to it. I tried to lift up my hands but found was weighed down by the hand holding mine. When I looked at the hand, the tears could not be stopped as they fell down my cheeks.
She was looking right at me with tears of her own falling then she spoke, "I was so afraid. I'm so sorry, Minho-ssi."
I immediately shushed her, "No. I'm sorry."
She shook her head, "You saved us, Minho. You finally put the man behind bars. He was sentenced to life in prison and is on death row. He's getting what he deserves. His goons got life in prison too."
He couldn't help but sigh in relief to know that the police got him but... wait, "How long have I been asleep?"
She gently tapped her finger against her lips, "About four to five days. Media found out about everything but SM got them to shut up but everyone knew already. The fans support you though. And they've been really nice to me. My classmates told me they send their love and are so proud of how brave you are." She was smiling.
I shrugged, "I'm not that brave. I was scared for my life. I was scared that I would find you and Key dead or in pieces. I'm glad you're ok though."
She smiled softly and placed her free hand on top our joined hands. I looked and saw it wrapped up. I started to panic.
She pulled her hand away quickly, "You weren't suppose to see that." She said quietly but I still heard every word.
I felt anger at her, at myself, at what happened. "We're you planning to never tell me?"
I heard her sob but I didn't look at her because I knew my anger  would go away as soon as I looked into her eyes. "I was going to but not in state you're in. I know I broke my promise. I was mad that night you told me to back out of something that had to do with me. I felt useless and the guilt that I brought this upon your group mates killed me. Next thing I knew... Blood was dropping onto the floor and a knife was in my other hand."
I finally looked at her and felt her hold on my hand tighten. I really shouldn't have asked her not to get involved. This was her battle as much as mine and who knows what he could've done to her in those three days they didn't talk. Gladly she's here. "Don't do it ever again. Things are getting better. Don't hurt yourself anymore."
She turned her head towards me and whispered a simple, "I promise. Things are getting better."
'I hope they become even better soon.'
///////////-Onew/Jinki POV-
"Hyuuuuuuung! Jonghyun hyung won't give me my banana milk!" Taemin whined doing puppy eyes at Key.
All four of us were sitting in the living room area as Jjong and Taemin, sitting on the floor, kept bickering over the drink they were sharing. I was laying on the couch with my head on Kibum's  lap. I smiled when I saw Kibum roll his eyes and then stare hard at Jonghyun. The singer held out the drink to the maknae. Taemin smiled brightly and hugged the singer before grabbing the drink.
"Hyung", I looked up at my lover and saw the smile on his face. "Do you love me?"
I sat up and sat beside him, putting my arm around his shoulders, "I have for a long time and will until the day I die. 1000 years, I will always be by your side."
He smiled then turned to me and the look in his eyes told me he liked what he heard. I raised my  free hand and cupped his cheek and pulled our faces closer. Then ever so gently our lips touched. And I swear the world disappeared around me and all I could see, smell, feel was him.
When we pulled away the smiles on our faces were enough to explain the amazing feeling we were having.
I grabbed his hand with the ring on it and kissed it before saying, "No matter what, you are mine. We will never part." I said it in English.
Kibum's eyes teared up and then our lips touched again.
Neither of us noticed the two other leave us alone.
I hope to have a forever in this life and the next one and the next one and so on with Kim Kibum, the man I love with all my heart.
///////////-Airee POV-
I'm sitting on the bench where I had told Minho, who was a stranger before, everything about me. To think that if I had walked away I would probably be dead by now or something. Minho really saved my life. I remembered what my classmate told me when our dance class ended.
"Why aren't you and Minho dating yet?" She asked as I was taking a drink of water.
I sighed, "It's a bit complicated."
She scoffed, "Complicated? The man saved your life. And not to mention that whenever they ask him about you on interviews he gets this longing look in his eyes. If that isn't enough to convince you that he loves then you, my friend, are very blind."
She walked away as I looked after her and thought of what she had said.
--end flashback--
'I know I love him. I have for a while. But does he love me back?'
"Is the seat taken?" I heard the voice I longed to hear say.
I turned and smiled, "It's reserved for someone actually."
His smile fell a little, "Oh? Should I leave?"
I laughed, "Silly. It's you. I was waiting for you."
His smile brightened again and he sat on the spot next to me, "I was going to look for you. I want to tell you something."
I looked at him but he was looking up at the sky. "What happened?"
He looked at me, "I really like you."
I giggled, "Me too."
He blushed and chuckled, "I mean as in I love you, Airee. I've been in love with you for a while but was afraid that our friendship could be destroyed because of my feelings towards you an-"
I shushed him by putting my finger to his lips then replaced it with my own lips on his. The kiss was just lips. When I pulled away, I almost laughed at the dazed look he had. "I love you too, Choi Minho."
His smile grew even more and then we kissed again and nothing else mattered. I had everything I ever wanted. The best friends, the best family, the best life.
Things, life, were certainly getting better.
♪Thoughts are overflowing, This is my love. Increased even more and more. All I can not tell immediately. I want to tell someday as if I took 1000 years but always by your side.♪
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Repost. (Had to edit it more.)


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