A day just like any other.

Everything left unspoken.


Me and Seunghyun have been friends for as long as i can remember. He lived in the house right next to mine and out parents have always been close. We done everything together. He was like a brother to me. We hung out almost every day, helped each other out in school when we were bullied and even helped get each other girlfriends. It wasn't till around 10th grade that i realized my feelings for Seunghyun had started to turn into something more then brotherly love. As we got older Seunghyun got taller, broader and became even more handsome. At first it was nothing serious. I didn't think much of it but yet now i can't stop my heart from beating so fast every time he looks at me with  those deep dark eyes. My mind is full of nothing but him but yet these feelings can never be shared for id rather have him in my life as a friend then not at all.

The pain, the heart ache and my love must stay a secret forever for this is my unrequited love.

"Hey Jiyong what are you spacing out for"

"Oh hey sorry i was just thinking"

"Come on cheer up, Hey i'm hungry wanna go get something to eat"


"Yeah come on"

With that one little sentence my mood rose. We decided to go to our favorite noodle shop that was a 15 minute walk from our houses. We walked side by side down the narrow path. I could feel his hand slowly brush against mine. I wanted nothing more than to take his hand in mine but i knew that it would never be a possibility. A bit of sadness at the realization began to surface but i quickly pushed it away because i was finally able to hang out with Seunghyun again like we did when we were kids. He spoke the whole way while i just listen to his voice while remembering to nod every now and then to show him i was listening. I didn't realized we were there until Seunghyun hit my arm and began laughing.

"You're spacing out again"

"Oh sorry"

"What can someone like you possibly be thinking about"

"Are you calling me dumb"

He didn't reply just continued laughing. We ordered our food and chose a seat next to the window. I couldn't help but feel happy. The object of my desire was sitting right in front of me with the smile that sends my heart racing. The sun shined brightly through the window and hit Seunghyuns face perfectly. It made his jaw line stand out even more, i could see a slight shine coming off of his lips as he spoke but it was his eyes that made me not be able to look away from him every now and then he would turn his head into the sun and they would sparkle form the light of it. He was so handsome it was breath-taken. I was drowning in happiness until a familiar voice rang through my ears.

"Seugnhyun i didn't know you came here"

"Hey Luna what's up"

Luna was one of the girls Seunghyun went out with but even after they broke up they still hung out.

"Come hang out with me"

"I can't sorry im hanging out with Jiyong"

"Oh come on yous always hang out, just for a little while we haven't hung out in so long. I'm sure Jiyong won't mind"

No I don't want that.

"Right Jiyong"

No that's not what i want at all.

"Well if its okay with Jiyong"


"So how about it is it okay if she tags along with us"

"Yeah i don't mind"

"Yay come on then lets go"

We paid for out meal and began walking down the opposite streat me and Seunghyun had walked. At first we walked side by side but Seunghyun was so caught up in Luna he probably forgot i was there. He had his arm around her waist as they laughed and joked. Seeing them like that my heart hurt. I watched as they slowly disappeared into the crowded street. Why, why didn't i just say the truth tell them i didn't want her to come. That i wanted it to be just me and Seunghyun. That i wanted her to go. But yet how could I be so selfish for I know it wouldn't change at thing.

This pain, this heart ache and my love must stay a secret for ever for this is my unrequited love.

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Glitterintheair #1
Chapter 1: Awwww :,( jiyongssi. Thanks this is really good.