Safe Haven

"I'm back." someone said behind me. That voice sent butterflies in my stomach. 

I flung my arms on him. "I missed you." I said, nuzzling on his chest. 

"You too, pabo Kyungsoo." he said, hugging me tighter. "Thank you." he suddenly said. 

"For what?" 

"For singing to me." A soft blush crept to my cheeks. "I always hear you and even if I can't show it, your voice brings me back to life bit by bit." he said. 

"Then I'll keep talking until you wake up." I said. 

He chuckled and kissed my temple. "I can't stay long. I have to go." he suddenly said. 

"I'll see you again, right?" I asked him. It took him a minute to asnwer, "Yeah, you will see me again." The tone in his voice doubted me. I knew his answer has a different meaning. But before I could ask him, he disappeared. 

"Kyungsoo. Pabo Kyungsoo." The voice rang in my ears. I opened my eyes to find Jongin staring at me with a smile.

"Jongin-ah, you just left right? Why did you come back again?" I asked groggily. 

"What are you talking about, you pabo?" 

"Ah, I'm so sleepy. Let me sleep some more." I said, feeling my eyelids droop again. 

"Alright pabo, sleep tight." he said. 

I drifted off into sleep again. Only this time, everything was black. My sleep was peaceful. The most peaceful sleep I've had. Then I felt as if someone stabbed my chest. I couldn't breathe. No air was entering my lungs. When I could finally breathe again, my heart tightened. I quickly woke up to see Jongin in the same position. I exhaled in relief.

But my relief was too early when I realized the comforting beeping sound was replaced with a series of long ones. I looked over at the heart monitor and I faced my greatest fear. 

I saw a flat line. 

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Felfel2 #1
Chapter 4: This plot twist hit me harder than Jongin hit Kyungsoo on bed

Chapter 4: Oh. And please write more fics~~ :3
Chapter 4: What a plot twist.

But seriously. I'm crying right now. Not my usual crying - tears falling down continuously - but much much worse. I wet my pillow with tears, and I had to bring my lazy ___ off the bed to reach the tissues. ><
This is just... Amazing. I was only halfway through the first chapter and there were tears falling already.

I was looking for a great angst fic before I go to sleep. Looks like I got to the perfect story. :D

Now. I'm gonna have a hard time putting myself to sleep. It's almost 3am here and I'm still sobbing. T^T

Thank you for the wonderful story~ <3