Chapter 2:Audition


Chapter 2:Audition


Honey hummed to herself as she cooked breakfast for herself and her mother. This was all part of her plan. She was going to brib her mom with her favorite foods. Once her mom eats the food, that's when she was going to ask the big question. Her mom had to say yes and if she didn't, she was going to go to L.A anyways because it was her dream to be an idol.

Honey stopped humming as she place two pancakes, sausage, eggs, and hashbrowns on a granite plate. She poured a cup of orange juice, sat it on the table and went up the stairs to see if her mom was awoke yet.

Once she reached her mother's bedroom, she softly knocked.

"Come in." She heard her mother speak.

She opened the door and gave her mom a bright smile. "Morning umma."

She raised her eyebrow at Honey. "Umma? Since when are we speaking Korean?"

Honey used that word on purpose. She wanted her mom to know that she knew enough of the language to take care of herself incase she did pass the audition and go to Korea.

Honey shrugged. "Breakfast is ready."

"You made breakfast? Since when?" Her mom asked her, completely surprised.

Gin Ah looked at her daughter questionably. She knew Honey must want something. Everytime she cooked breakfast, she would always ask something that she knew she would probably say no too. Gin Ah decided not to say anything until her daughter asked for what she wanted.

"Thanks Honey Bun. I'll be down in a minute." Her mother said.

Honey nodded and left so her mother could get ready for work. Honey sat at the kitchen table with her own plate and started eating. Her mom was leaving for work again as usual, but she was going to cherish the little moments she had with her over breakfast.

Five minutes later, her mom came down in her scrubs and sat at the table.

"So, what is it that you want?" Her mother asked straight to the point.

Honey cursed in her head. She should have known. Her mother knows this scam. She never cooked because she didn't like to and although she was good in the kitchen, she rather eat take out any day.

"What?" Honey asked caught off guard.

"I know how this plays out. What do you want?" Her mom asked, her brown asian eyes on her.

Honey looked just like her mom except her skin was brown and her eyes did look slightly asian. Her mom's hair was dark brown while her was coal black. She looked mostly like her mom, but she did get something from her dad which were his bright smile and deep dimples on both cheeks. She was glad she had apart of her dad with her.

Honey cleared her throught. "Well, um, there's this audition and I wanted to try out."

Her mom nodded for her to continue. Honey looked down at her plate.

"And it's in L.A."

Her mom looked at her with curious eyes. "That's it? Of course you can go."

Honey let out a nervus laugh. "That's not all. The audition is to become the next Kpop idol and if I do pass, I'll be flown to South Korea where I'll be on a competition show called Idol Star."

Honey stared at her mother since she said all she needed to say. Her mom looked at her for a second then looked down at her plate.

Gin Ah sighed as she contemplated what she wanted to say to her daughter. She knew ever since she was born, she was going to be something special, that's why they named her Honey. She was sweet and the name was unique just like her. Gin Ah knew her daughter always wanted to be an entertainer. She would put on shows for her father and she would always brightened his day.

Oh how she missed him...

Marcus told her whatever Honey wanted to be, let her be it because it was all she wanted to do. Gin Ah knew what she had to say now.

She looked up at her daughter. "If this is what you really want, I approve."

Honey was stunned for a second, then began jumping and squealing like a fangirl. She was so happy and surprised at the same time. She was sure her mom was going to give her a hard time about this, but she was proven wrong. Her mom actually said yes!

Honey ran aroud the table to give her mom a huge hug and kiss. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She kept chanting over and over again.

Gin Ah laughed at her daughters happiness. She haven't seen it in a while since her father past away, but if this was just a step into an eternal bliss, she would say yes to anything that would make Honey happy.

Honey finally calmed down and sat back down in her seat, now eating happily.

"So, when is this audition?" Gin Ah asked.

"Oh, um," Honey swallowed her food. "The auditions start tomorrow through Sunday."

"Three days? So your leaving tomorrow?" Her mom asked.

Honey shook her head. "No. Me and Karen are leaving today so we can be the first ones there."

Her and Karen talked about it last night. If her mom said yes, they would leave as soon as possible.

Gin Ah tilted her head. "Are you sure your going to be the first ones? There could already be people there. There may even be a line wherever they're holding the auditions.

Honey's eyes widened in realization. What her mother said was true. She had to get there as soon as possible!

She jumped out of her seat. "I have to call Karen and fast."

Honey ran up the stairs to her room and dialed Karen's cell. After five rings, the phone was picked up.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice asked.

"Karen! We have to leave for L.A as soon as possible." Honey yelled in a rush.

"Uh? Oh! Your mom said yes?"

"YES! Now hurry and get over here so we can leave and get there before there's a line!" Honey practically screamed.

"Okay, Okay, I'm up! Pack some clothes, we don't know how long we'll be out there!" Karen screamed back.

"Okay! Be here no later than an hour, bye!" And with that they hung up.

Honey started to pack some shirts, pants, and shoes. She took her toothbrush, brush, and other things she'll need when going on a roadtrip.

As she was packing, her mom came into her room. "Honey Bun, I'm leaving okay?"

"Okay!" She shouted back from her bathroom.

Gin Ah smiled to herself. Good luck Honey. And with that she closed her daughters door.

Forty five minutes later, Karen honked her horn so Honey could come out. Honey rushed out with her belongings and put it in Karen's Toyota.

"So, your ready?" She asked Honey.

Honey put on her seatbelt and smirked. "Yep. Let's do this!"

Karen laughed at her enthusiasm as they made their way to L.A.

During the two and half car ride, they jammed off of some Kpop songs that Honey burned on a CD. Karen hummed and sung only the english parts of some songs while Honey sung them all as best as she could. She couldn't really speak Korean, only a little and she hoped if she does pass the audition and go to Korea, the language wouldn't be a barrier for her.

"Hey, I got a question." Karen asked turning the volume down.

"What?" Honey stopped singing and asked.

"Well when you audition, do you know what your going to do?" Karen asked glancing at her.

Hm, what was she going to do? Honey never thought about it. There were a million things she could do, but she still had no clue.

She shrugged. "I'll figure something out."

"Well you better hurry because we're almost there."

Honey turned the music back up and sighed. She couldn't back out now, she was so close. She'll know what to sing when the time was right. She's sure of it.

Finally they arrived in L.A. It was beautiful and looked very high class. The sun showing high in the sky, the weather a good seventy eight degrees with a light breeze. Yes. This was a good place to be.

Karen typed in the address to the building where the auditions were being held and got there before three p.m. Yes there was a line, but not a long one, maybe around forty or fifty people. Honey guessed they were going to stand out there all night until the auditions began.

"Let's check into a hotel until Sunday." Karen suggested.

Honey nodded as she googled the Idol Star auditions in L.A. They started at eight in the morning, so her and Karen should be there at least two hours earlier than that.

Karen found them a good looking hotel and they checked in. Once they were in there room, they started to discuss what might happen tomorrow.

"There were a lot of Asians in that line." Karen mused lying on her own double bed.

Honey nodded. "I bet you not all of them knows Korean."

"Hell ya they don't. I bet none of them even knows how to say hello in Korean."

"Annyeonghaseyo." Honey answered simply.

"See! Your in it to win it!" Karen said bolting up excitedly.

Honey laughed at her best friend as she skimmed through Korean songs she could possible sing to. She still had no idea and it was starting to get on her nerves.

She needed to go relax somewhere. "Hey do you wanna go explore L.A?"

Karen jumped up, almost falling on her . "Let's go!"

The two girls toured L.A. like it was no tomorrow. They ate, took pictures, and shopped knowing tomrrow was going to be a hectic day.

At exactly six in the morning, Honey shook Karen to wake her up. She wanted to at least be at the building before seven.

"Whaa?" Karen slurred sleepily.

"Get up, we have to leave soon." Honey said.

Karen sighed tiredly, but she would do anything for her friend even if it is geting up at ungodly hours in the morning.

Once they were dressed they ordered room service and ate breakfast. Honey was fully awoke now, but Karen still was a little sluggish. She felt bad for her friend,but she had to do what she had to do.

Ten minutes before seven they arrived at the building. Somehow the line had gotten even longer, maybe around one hundred people. Oh well. This was a competition.

They waited out there the whole hour and finally at eight, they let everyone in. They escorted everyone to this big meeting room with lots of chairs.

There were four people behind a table with laptops making sure everyone signed up before coming and gave everyone a number.

Honey was number one hundred four. She sighed. She knew she was going to be there for a while, so she decided to call her mom. When her mom didn't answer, probably saving someone's life right now, she decided to leave a voicemail.

"Hey mom, it's Honey. So Karen and I are in L.A. It's really pretty here, actually, I wish you were here with me. Wish me luck. I love you. Bye."

The one time she actually hoped her mom would answer her phone call, she didn't, actually she never did. She was far to busy. Now Honey was in a foul mood.

Karen, now fully awake, suddenly sensed her best friend's mood change. She put her arm around Honey's shoulder.

"It's alright Honey Bun. I bet she wishes she was here with you too."

With that little statement, it made Honey feel a little better.

They waited there the whole day. Karen even had to get food for them because they were there for so long. Some people even chickened out when some people came out crying because they made a mistake.

Honey wanted this dream just as much as they did, but she wasn't about to cry about it in front of these people. She would do it in the confinements of her own room.

Finally, around eight at night, it was Honey's turn to shine. Honey was a little nervous because she still had no idea what she was going to sing, but she would try her best either way.

"Good luck Honey Bun." Karen said happily.

"Thanks." Honey then hugged Karen.

Karen hugged back and then let go as she watched Honey being escorted in a room.

Karen wished the best for her friend. Ever since her father died, she's been noticing that Honey didn't have a spark in her eye anymore, but when she came across Kpop, that fire started burning and she wished that fire would burn forever.

Honey took a deep breath as she stood at the door.

"Good luck." The lady that escorted her said.

Honey gave her a nervous smile as the door was opened for her. She put a smile on her face. One thing you always do, especially if your being judged, is to smile. Always smile no matter what and that's what she did.

There were three Korean people at the judges table. Two were men in there late thirties or early forties, and the other was a beautiful female that had to be in her twenties.

"Hello." One of the men said.

"Annyeonghaseyo." Honey said back politely.

She saw his lip twitch up in amusement. Doesn't look Korean, but knows a little and very polite too.

"You know Korean?" The second man asked surprised.

"Yes, a little bit of it actually." Honey said in perfect Korean.

The three judges looked at each other impressed. They started speaking in Korean, Honey not understanding any of it.

"She's the first to actually say something in Korean." The first male judge, Jongwin, said in Korean.

"Yes, now let's not judged her to fast. Let's see what she's got." The woman judge, Yuna said in Korean.

The second male judge nodded in agreement. His name was Sinhyuk.

They looked back at Honey.

"What is your name?" Yuna asked.

"My name is Honey Byun, nice to meet you." She said still smiling.

"Byun? That's a Korean last name." Jongwin said surprised again.

"Yes. My mother is Korean and my dad is African American. They decided I take my mothers last name instead." Honey answered honestly.

"A half blood. Interesting." Sinhyuk said in Korean.

Honey had no idea what he said, only the interesting part.

"Before we move on, you do know the requirements if you do pass this audition?" Yuna asked looking Honey up and down, analyzing.

No wonder people ran out scared and crying. Honey thought.

"Yes. Fly to South Korea and be on a singing show?" Honey asked more than stated.

Sinhyuk chuckled at her.

Jongwin smiled at her."Yes and then you'll have another audition in Seoul. If you pass you'll be on Idol Star competing with nine other people, but the show is not only just for singing. You have to sing, act, and dance. It's different every week. So, do you think you can do all three?"

Honey thought about it for a second. This was all surreal. This is what all her performances she did for her dad was for. It was time to put what she knows into action.

"I can do all three sir." Honey said confidently.

"I like her spunk." Sinhyuk said in Korean.

Jongwin and Yuna nodded.

"Let's do acting first, then dancing and singing." Jongwin said.

Honey nodded even though she was getting more and more nervous. All she thought she had to do was sing, now she has to dance and act too? How was she going to select a scene to act too? Or which song to dance too? Or what song to sing too? She didn't know what she was going to do.

Now she had to wing it.

"Do you have a scene you want to act?" Sinhyuk asked smirking like he could sense her distress.

Think, think. Maybe she could act one of those scene's from a Korean drama her and Karen always watched. Yes! It was perfect.

"I'm ready." Honey said. She had no idea what drama this was from, but she was going to make it worth her while.

"Can I have a male standing beside me while I'm doing this?" She asked.

They got her the boy she asked for, who was actually cute, and got into character.

Honey took one of his hands in hers. She looked him straight in the eyes, forcing tears to shed out of her eyes which they did slowly.

She started sobbing quietly. "Please don't leave me. I know what I did was wrong, but I did it for us."

She looked down at the floor still sheding tears. "If you leave me I'll follow you! You belong to me!" She said her voice raising.

Then the guy said, "I don't love you any more. Your a psycho! I belong to no one!" He shouted back at her, then he gently pushed Honey to the floor.

Well at least he wasn't standing there and doing nothing. He's actually helping me. Thank you cute guy. Honey thought.

She then fell to the floor pounding her hand on the floor while wailing, "No! Come back! Don't leave me! DON'T LEAVE ME!!"

Honey laid on the ground then stopped, wiped her fake tears, and stood up smiling again.

Throughout the whole scene the three judges thought she did a good. They gave you your mark for acting.

"Now, time for dancing. Do you want to dance to your own steps or cheographed?" Jungwin asked.

Honey thought for a second. "Both."

Sinhyuk chuckled again. This girl is something else.

"Put on any music and I'll dance to it, then after that play, um, "Believe" by U'KISS." She told the DJ.

She wanted to dance to a song she knew, and she knew every step to "Believe."

Once she was ready, the DJ started playing some hip hop song. Honey knew how to dance that.

She started moving her body first, then her arms, and finally her legs. Her body just fowed witht he music. She didn't know exactly what she was doing, but she was doing something and giving her all.

A minute later, "Believe" started to play.

I do believe you, you, you

I do believe you, you, you

I do believe you, you, you

Honey immediately started the dance and she gave that part with the back arch everything she had. She loved the song and dance and she was actually having fun performing in front of these judges.

When the song ended she smiled while trying to catch her breath.

To say the judges were impressed were an understatement. They gave you your mark for dancing.

"Now it's the singing portion. A lot of people can act and dance, but when it comes to singing, it all goes down hill." Sinhyuk said smirking.

Honey looked him straight in the eyes. She wasn't intimidated by him. She wanted this and she was going to have it.

"I'll try my best." She simply answered.

Yes, I really like her spunk. Sinhyuk thought, liking your attitude.

Honey still had no idea what she wanted to sing. Should it be in English or Korean? Korean definetly. That way, they know that she could actually survive in South Korea.

"Start whenever." Jongwin said wth a neutral face. Let's see what she can do.

Honey decided to sing one of her favorite songs.

"Into The New World" By Girls Generation.

She took a deep breath and started singing.

Jeonhae jugo shipeo seulpeun shigani
Da heuteojin hueya deullijiman
 Nuneul gamgo neukkyeo bwa umjigineun maeum
Neoreul hyanghan nae nunbicheul

 Teukbyeolhan gijeogeul gidariji ma
Nunapeseon uriye geochin gireun
 Al su eomneun miraewa byeok bakkuji ana
Pogihal su eopseo

 Byeonchi aneul sarangeuro jikyeojwo
Sangcheo ibeun nae maeumkkaji

Shiseon sogeseo mareun piryo eopseo
Meomchwojyeo beorin I shigan

Saranghae neol I neukkim idaero
Geuryeo watdeon haemae ime kkeut
I sesang sogeseo banbokdweneun
Seulpeum ijen annyeong
Sumaneun al su eomneun gil soge
Hwimihan bicheul nan jjochaga
Eonjekkajirado hamkke haneun geoya
Dashi mannan naye segye

Saranghae neol I neukkim idaero Geuryeo watdeon haemae ime kkeut
I sesang sogeseo banbokdweneun
Seulpeum ijen annyeong
Neol saenggangman Haedo nan ganghaejyeo Ulji anke nareul dowajwo

I sungane neukkim hamkke haneun geoya Dashi mannan uriye

Honey smiled to herself as she sung the song perfectly, even though her Korean was terrible, but she did hit the high note just right.

She breathed heavily as she smiled at the judges again.

This girl has it all. Sinhyuk thought as he gave her a mark for singing. Jongwin and Yuna did the same.

"Thank you, that is all. You will get a call whether you made it or not." Sinhyuk said dismissively even though he really didn't want her to go.

Honey bent ninety degrees. "Gamsahabnida." She said with her everlasting smile.

With that she left the room.

"I smell talent in the air." Sinhyuk said looking at the other judges.

Jongwin nodded. "If she makes it on Idol Star, she's going to have a hard time because of her mixed race."

Yuna noddedd. "Yes, but is she overcomes that, she is truly meant to become an idol."

Jongwin and Sinhyuk agreed, Honey's talents leaving an imprint on all three of their minds.



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pauale98 #1
Chapter 2: OMG yo también inicie con Girls Generation las reinas en mi opinión
pauale98 #2
Chapter 1: Good