Dinner with Prince L.Joe

Dinner with Prince L.Joe



My father knew what type of guy I am. I'm sure of it! 
So, I'm sure that when he agreed to eating dinner with those people, he knew I already made plans but still, he took me along with him.
  Now I had to cancel my plans with the guys because I had to eat with people who didn't even know me! Great!

My dad scolded me about using my manners before entering the house, much to my annoyance.  "L.Joe, don't take your anger out on these people!"

I just huffed and rolled my eyes, "I'm not even going to say a peep." I decided in my head.

Dad greeted his co-worker happily as we entered the house.

"Ah, what a handsome young son you have!" The co-worker's wife had said.

"Thank you." I said bitterly through my teeth.

I wanted to go and be handsome somewhere else but I was stuck THERE.

She gave me directions to go wash up for the meal, but I honestly was no paying attention because I was in deep thoughts about all the things that I could've been doing instead of being there.

I nodded like I understood what she told me and headed my way up their stairs and wandered to a bathroom and decided that was watch she was rambling about all that time, and began to wash up.

"MIN HIIIIII!!!!!" The call of that name so suddenly startled me.  I almost tripped and fell just then.

"Huh?!?" I heard a delayed reply.


I thought it was the mothers voice.

I sighed irratably, still in the thought of where I could've been by now.

"Foood! Food! FOOD!" I heard a little happy chant coming closer to the bathroom as I turned off the faucet.

I regretted not closing the bathroom door to wash my hands because a little lost puppy wandered in to wash hers, and guess what? She didn't even notice me!

It was a weird experince to me...having someone just walk past me, like I'm invisible. Like I'm nothing.  What is wrong with her?  Not that I'm arrogant but... she must've been blind or something, I started to feel sorry.

"Hmm, I wonder what umma made today?" She mumbled as she gazed into the mirror at herself.

Then I decided that she did notice me, maybe she stole a glance or something because she just asked a question.

"Bimbap." I replied, still studying her.

She thanked me, then screamed in horror.  Turns out I was right the first time, she DIDN'T notice me. 
What kind of girl was this? To not notice someone in the bathroom and cause a scene!? She threw a roll of Toilet tissue at me (She had pretty good aim because it clomped me on the head) and accused of me being some sort of ert.

Before I could explain to her why I was in apparently HER bathroom and not the family one, she ran down the hallway screaming that I was a ert and calling for assistance.

I scratched my head irritably "Ugh, appa's not gonna like this...I better stop her." I thought to myself as I went after her.

She sure could run fast, but she had bad coordination.

As she fell down about 12 missed steps on the stairs, my eyes widened in shock.

"Min Hi! Are you alright?" Her mom cried.

To my, and everyone elses, suprise she just bounced right back up and explained that there was a ert in the house to everyone in the dinning room.

Her father seemed embarrassed and mine as well, because appa knew she was probably talking about me.

"Min Hi." A girl about a few years older than me got her attention while gritting her teeth "We've got company!"

Min Hi disregared everything her sister just said and continued embarrassing herself and now her sister by telling her that she should "Get your bra's out of the bathroom before the ert gets to them!"

I couldn't help but to crack into a little smile at what she said, why is there someone like this? She's so weird...

"MIN HI!" Her dad shouted. "We have company!"

"Ah, yes, hello sir, I'm sorry about the ert mis-hap, maybe you should return when we doon't have a ERT IN THE HOUSE!" She screamed, not knowning why she was the only one taking this matter seriously.

I rolled my eyes, still observing from the top step.

"Ah-ha, no need for that," My dad scratched the back of his neck "That "ert" was my son, ...L.Joe."

"Huh?" Min Hi asked confused.

"He said it was his SON!" Her sister gritted her teeth with bitterness "L.JOE."

"L.Joe?" She questioned.

"Yes, L.Joe." I said from the top step, causing everyone to look at me.


"The food that this woman cooked wasn't that bad... maybe because my appa doesn't cook, and Umma's to far away to cook, but it's not that bad!" I thought as I was eating.

Suddenly, our meal was interrupted once we heard footsteps coming down the stairs.  This time she didn't miss any.

"Ah, Hello." She bowed formally.

I couldn't help but to smile a little at her amusingly because she seemed so naive.

"Ah, Min Hi, have a seat." Her father said.

I remember trying to concentrate on my food and not trying to look around to see where she sat, but I felt a weird presence besides me causing to look up. There she was.

She's so not my style, her some-what curly hair was in a messy ponytail, she had dork glasses, and wore and oversized sweatshirt over her ugly grey sweat pants.  Nothing like my style.

"You're...in my seat." Her soft voice finally spoke to me.

My eyes widened, nobody ever said anything like that to me before, and it kinda angered me that she did.

"What?" I threatened her to say that again.

This time she said it louder with more confidence "You're in my seat."

I scoffed.

What kind of girl was this? To cause so much trouble for her guests and then not let them sit comfertably.

"Min hi!" Her mom spoke up and made her sit next to her sister, which was right across from me, right after my dad put of much debate on how I should've moved after causing trouble.

Although it was my fault of going to the wrong bathroom, it was her fault of not noticing me...dumb girl.

I glanced up at her, not because I wanted to see her face or anything, but because my eyes just happened to wander around, and then when my eyes met hers, she began to choke.

When being around her, even for the first time, makes me feel almost childish, like I want to pick on her, for fun.

"You should get that checked." I smiked and ate a mouthfull of food.

She rolled her eyes and took a gulp of water useing both hands to hold her cup.

"Heh, cute." I thought to myself. Then I thought that I was a lunatic if I thought that the monstrosity sitting in front of me could be "cute." and got rid of the thought.

Her mother went on to ask me how old I was and where I went to school and Min Hi's sister, Soo Bin, joined the conversation by saying that Min Hi was my age and that we actually attended the same school.

"Then why haven't I seen her before?" I thought.

I looked back at her for a respones. There was none.

But when Soo bin nudged her she finally replied out of shock.

"Ha, sister has narcolepsy." Soo bin played around. 

Childish L.Joe mode activated.

It was like Soo Bin flipped a switch when she started to younger sibling and then find out that the reason she hadn't answered before was because she was texting under the table.

Soo bin snatched her phone and began to read her sisters texts outloud "Kristey, I know you can give me this advice because you are in a sucessful relationship and are good at these types of things-"

I laughed hysterically as MinHi struggled to get her phone back and became a whining monkey.

"L.Joe-ya! CATCH!" Soo bin threw the phone to me to my amusement.

The silly me who caught the phone began to laugh and continue reading the text to Min Hi's embarresement.

"So kristey! I ask you as a dongseng, ...how does it feel to have a CRUSH!" My eyes dart to hers and she glares at me.

"Ohh, Sissy has a CRUSH!" Soo Bin gloated.

After an erruption of there mother, the three of us were sent outside to apparently "learn our lesson".

Soo Bin told Min Hi it was for revenge and walked off like a diva, which made me laugh.

Since it was just me and Min Hi on the porch, it made me somehow nervous.

Min Hi killed the awkward silence by scoffing "She's such a diva."

"Yeah," I laughed "Can you give me her number?"

She glared up to me harshly and sat down.

I couldn't help but to feel bad, for some reason, and I found myself explaning to her that I did NOT like her sister, and I lied saying I even had a girlfriend.  Which I didn't.

Eventually, Soo Bin returned with CAP HYUNG! To my suprise, so this was the girl he said he was dating? He said she was "deliqute" and "sweet" .... he lied.

As we started talking about how we knew eachother Min Hi suddenly spoke up and said "Yah, L.Joe, do you still want me to give you Soo Bin's number?" And RIGHT in front of Cap Hyung too! How dare that little...


I had to explain that I was kidding to cap hyung and Min Hi went on to say that I had a girlfriend. Again! That little...

"What girlfriend?" Cap hyung asked.

"Ok, I don't have a girlfriend! But I don't like Soo Bin, she's not my type at all!"

"Yah! that's my girlfriend you're talking about!" Cap growled.

Soo Bin ended taking the hot headed boy for a walk, leaving me and Min Hi once again.

I glared at her "You little!" I started.

She just smirked "I was getting my revenge you filthy little liar!"

I stood up and glared at her. "Well, soon I'll get my revenge on you!"

She got up and laughed sarcastically "Oh, I'm so scared."

"You will be!" I furrowed my eyebrows stepping closer.

"Oh please," She rolled her eyes "Unnie might have gotten good revenge on me, but nobody can touch me when if comes to revenge... plus! You'll never see me again after this...sorry" she ruffled my hair "Short stuff."

I only could stare at her as she went back into the house.  Usually, when someone calls me short, It's done for them, and when they touch my hair, it's even worse, but she just did both of those things and all I could do was watch her walk away and smile..

Later, it was our time to say goodbye and I orgianally planned to rush out to see if I could cath the guys, but now it was different.

"Min hi!" I spoke up at the door way earning everyones attention.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you, I hope we could start over and become friends!" I acted as if I was the nicest human being in front of our parents.

She squinted her eyes at me, not buying it at all.

I spread my arms out and tilted my head "A hug of forgivness?"

"No." She rejected me within secounds.


"Get used to him?"  her voice became soft as she reluctantly started to walk toward my arms.

"Yeah, were doing this every two weeks, and plus he's my boyfriends best friend soo..."Soo bin chimed in.

"FRIEND!" I smiled happily crushing her with my hug, I heard her groan in misserableness.

As I released her secounds after, I whispered in her ear "Revenge starts now."

She shivered and looked me in the eyes, concerned.

I just laughed and patted her shoulder. 


Just as Soo Bin and her mother predicted, I was at their home quit often, and became just as part of the family as everyone else.  I even could search for food without permission or remorse, and I still used Min Hi's bathroom, just to bug her.

She had gotten used to me, but at the same time, she still didn't like me, which made me smile.  She was always in her room, and I'd always figure out how I could bug her, like randomly strolling in and un-plugging her recharger whcih made her lose her comfortable spot on her bed.  Or sometimes I would turn off her lights, or steal one of her manga books.  One time I even got brave enough to turn off her laptop, which made her so angry I feared my life!.....


It was awesome.


One day, I decided that I was hungry and went into their cabnent for food.  I heard footsteps and my eyes met hers and she scoffed realising that I was over and in the kitchen with her.

I smirked.

She ignored my presence and began to look for a snack as well, and just as she was about the grab the last banana, I snatched it from her, peeled it, and began to consume it at the speed of light.

"YAH!" She screamed angirly to my delight.

"Wha, yo wanm fum?" I asked with my mouth shamefully full.

She scoffed and replied "No, you seem to like banana's more then even I do!!!"

I thought for awhile then my eyesfurrowed "YAH!"

She just laughed and walked away amused in her own cleverness.

Just then, her mother called both of us in the dinning room and told us that we were going bowling, I laughed at her dramtic reaction because she didn't want to go, and she laughed when it turned out that I was going too. It was for Cap Hyungs suprise birthday party.

I was suprised when she came downstairs after she had gotten dressed, she looked actually...cute. And I didn't even bask myself for saying that she looked cute.

She does know that she's gonna shine bright under the lights of the dark bowling alley? Ha.. she doesn't like to be the center of attnetnion too! This should be fun.

In the car, I sat behind Min HI and took the advantage to mess with her.  I hit her chair multiple times, flicked her ears and played with her soft hair, which of course was in a ponytail.  It was aggravating because she didn't even flinche at me the whole time.

She just kept reading her STUPID book and let me play with her hair.

Stupid girl...not noticing me.

When we got out of the car, we hid in the dark bowling alley, since there were no more spots to hide, I hid next to Min Hi under a table and she hissed at me to "Find my own spot" and shoved me, at least she noticed me that time, much to my amusement.

"SUPRISE!" We all yelled as Cap walked in with Soo Bin, and he smiled like an idiot.

I started chatting with the boys, (Cap, Chunji, Niel, Ricky, and Changjo) and then some females came to flirt.  Cap rolled his eyes and left to find Soo Bin, Niel started to get awkward, Ricky was to invloved into his food to even notice, Chunji looked like he was on the top of the world, and changjo didn't give them the time of the day, he was just waiting to bowl.

Me on the other hand, I would've been right with Chunji, but everytime a girl spoke to me, my eyes kept roaming around the room to find Min Hi. Even when my supposedly "crush" Hae Ra spoke.

I ended up spotting her and cut Hae Ra off, by walking away and joining min hi at her table.

She STILL didn't notice me, she was too into her book. It depressed me and I laid my head against the table and moaned miserably.

She glanced up from her manga and looked down at me and I gave her a pout.

"What is it?" She groand.

"I was wondering-"

"No." She ignored me and went back to her book.

I squinted at her. "Ok! I CHALLANGE you to a bowl off."


"If you win, I'll leave you alone for a month."

When her eyes darted at me, I instantly regreted what I said.

"I'm listening."

"And If I win...you have to do what I say for TWO whole days. Deal?" I stuck out my hand, reaching across the table.

She looked at it skeptaclly before she placed hers in mine. "Deal."

I rememberd trying to mask my shiver with a smile and leading her by her hand to the bowling lanes.

Shortly after we had been bowling, I realised that she didn't even know how to bowl at all, she does live in her cage of a room afterall! 

I laughed "Why did you agree if you don't know how to bowl!?"

"It seemed easier on my Wii!" She cried. 

I laughed harder at her failed attempts, as I got strike after strikes, (Althought Changjo was beating me, even though I told him we were playing by ourselves, ...competitive mankae.)

Once she slipped and fell as she tried to bowl, and got an embarrassing gutter ball, I felt bad as everyone else started to laugh at her, and Hae Ra invited me to bowl with her instead of "Mrs. Clutz".

I denied the offer, and sighed and took my turn.

Right after my turn I haulted Min Hi and boldly placed my arms around her and showed her how to bowl correctly.  As I was doing that I heard a whole bunch of whispering gossip like "Why is he holding her?" "Who is she?" "What is that doing with he prince?" and "I thought he liked Hae Ra."

Gulping, I ignored them and continued to help Min Hi.

"That's how you bowl." I cleared my throat stepping away. "Now you try."

She took a deep breath and rolled the ball and eneded up getting a strike.

I crossed my arms and smiled at her as she jumped up and down ecstatically.

"NOW!" She suddenly pointed at me. "The game is on."

My eyes widened.

Her threat turned out the be empty, because soon after she was rolling gutter balls again and begging me to show her just one more time, but the thought of her being held so closely by me was just to nerve wrecking which made her mad at me.

"Min Hi!" 

We turned to see a couple of girls and HAE RA standing behind us.


"Come with us, please?" Hae ra tried to act nice which irratated me.

"Don't go." I said sternly.

Min Hi scoffed at me.

"I can do what I want."

My eyes darted to her  "Seriously, don't do it!"

She rolled her eyes and began to walk away.

I grabbed her arm. "No! You can't go with them! Trust me! And you have to finish this game, so... STAY WITH ME!"

Her eyebrows furrowed and she snatched her arm away. "Don't tell me what to do!  You can finish the game by yourself! You're ahead anyways! Plus, I don't trust you! ..Don't follow us." She wipped her hair and left with the girls,and when I looked at her back, I felt a pain in my heart.

I bit my lips and turned around and picked up my bowling ball.

"Freaking Babo." I muttered to myself as I rolled the ball.


I heard a scream coming from the snack bar. 

My heart sank to my stomach when I saw Min Hi covered in nacho cheese.

I shoved my ball to some random person and ran towards the laughter.

"My nachos!" Ricky had cried,  as he sat next to Changjo at the bar who looked shocked and confused at the situation.

He probably bought the nachos with niels wallet anyway.

"Hae Ra." I gummbled.

"Would you like some ketchup with that?" She ignored my prescense and picked up a bottle and squezzed it.

I stepped in front of the ketchup, sheilding Min Hi, even though a lot had already gotten on her overalls.

"HAE RA!" I yelled, finally getting her attention.

I told her that she was being rude and she needed to stop.  I informed her on how annoying she is to everyone around her  and Ricky chimed in and let her know how he felt about his nachos.

"I WANT YOU TO REPLACE THESE NACHOS!" He practically yelled pointing at the chips that fell on the ground. "RIGHT NOW!"

"What does SHE have that I don't have!?" She ignored Ricky's demand.

I feel like everyone was taken back by what she said, so I questioned her. (and her sanity)

"She's obviously not right for you! She's not even cute! All she does is sit and read those stupid little mangas. She's the type of person that when you walk past, you wouldn't notice.  She's the type of person you'd groan if you get picked to be partners with her.  She's a loser, look at her...she doesn't have a spec of confidence but tries so hard to act like it.  You're not strong.  I can tell, you can't even give me eye contact! You're a-"

At that point I couldn't take anymore so I spoke up on behalf of Min Hi.

"Hae Ra!" I yelled.

"That's too much." I heard changjo scoff at her.

Min Hi had already taken off running.

"I really hate you Hae Ra." I looked directly into her and said.

Maybe, that was too harsh, but at that momment, It felt like the right thing to do.  But either way, Hae Ra ending up dealing with Soo Bin, and Soo Bin ended up being dragged away by all 5 of the boys.

When I got outside, my heart frowned when I saw Min Hi sitting under the moonlight.

I didn't know what to say so I just quitely sat down next to her and tried to figure out what to say.

"I can't tell if you're crying, or got cheese in your eye." I laughed.

She looked at me, and sniffed. "That's not funny."

I sighed, agreeing with her. "I know."

There was another silence.

"You know, those things...weren't true." I finally asked.

She just glanced at me.

"You,.. are notacible." I admitted awkwardly. "And you aren't mean like Hae Ra.  You're not noticable for being too fashionable, or having the greatest looks. But...you are noticable."

I confessed.

She looked up at the moon. "But, it just...makes me sad that people like her can't see me the way I see me."

I remember just staring at her.

"People like her don't matter." I admitted again. "You have things people like her can't obtain, like respect, a sense of humor, you don't get embarrassed easily ...and well, a lot of other things." I smiled to myself.

She glanced at me and then studied her shoes.


"For what? That I had a crush on her." I scoffed.

Just then her eyes widened. "You did."

I grinned and nodded my head. "Yeah, but like,...I didn't realise how disgusiting of a personality she had..." I shook my head.

"Oh." She said to herself. "Kristey said that a crush is when you feel tingley and happy around someone, you didn't seem happy around her...so I guess your crush is over" She spoke wisely and I nodded.

"Well anyways, I meant I was sorry for not trusting you..."

I Grinned and leaned in to flick her head.

"Ow." She winced.

"Babo, next time listen.  But you'll make it up to me in this next two days."

I remember her sounding so depressed that she lost the bet and I ended up laughing at her and pulling her into a hug, boldly.

"ANYONE NEED A NAPKIN....OR ...NAP..KINS? ...With an S?"

We both looked up startled to see Niel (Cockbloking) handing us a whole napkin dispenser.


The very next day, around noon, me and the guys came over and awaited Soo Bin.

When she came down the steps, I asked her were Min Hi was and she said she wasn't coming.  I furrowed my eyebrows and fixed the crown on my head (which the boys thought was stupid) and marched up her stairs.

"Yah!" I busted the door of her room opened.


"You. Me. Park. NOW!" I took her arm and dragged her downstairs reminding her about the bet while fixing my crown.

Eventually we got to the park and the guys thought it would be cool to start playing childhood games.

Unforutnatly, I was "it" and I had to find everyone.

I told Min Hi to reveal herself and reminded her about the bet and she did.

To my suprise, she was sitting in a tree.

"Umm, I can't climb down."

I pounded my head against the tree trunk and made a plan to catch her.

She refused to jump so again, I reminded her of the bet.

When she fell down knocked me down and landed on top of me.

She sincerly apologied and said she broke my crown and I laughed. Silly her, I was more concerned that SHE wasn't broken instead of some plastic hat.

She got off of me and offer me a hand, I took it and pulled her down, and unfortunately, she landed in a mud puddle and screamed at me.

"You even got mud on my face!" She cried, still laying there.

"Let me see." my courage grew again and hovered over her body. I smirked to myself as I felt her tense up due to being nervous.  Now she knows how it is for me to be around her.  Silly girl.

I studied her face intensly and rubbed her cheek with my thumb.

"There." I smiled as the mud was removed. "all better." I finsihed my work by placing a small peck on her cheek where the mud once was. 

When I quickly got off and helped her up, to my suprise her face was totally red.

"Come on." I took her arm.

She questioned me so many times about where we were going and what about the rest of the guys? They probably left us anyway.

I took her into a ice-cream parlor and all she did was complain about how weird we looked covered in mud, but I really didn't care.

The waiter came and asked us what we wanted, I ordered a large strawberry milkshake with two straws and she ordered a small sundae.

She smiled at the waiter before he left, which made me suddenly angry.

"Yah." I growled at her when he was out of site.


"Don't look at him anymore, ok?"


"Because I say! I say!" I began to act more and more like a toddler everytime I was with her.

When the waiter came back with our stuff, I couldn't help but grin when I saw her close her eyes and say "Thank you".

How cute she looked with her eyes squeezed closed sittinig across from me that day.

I placed two straws in my milkshake and demanded that she helped me finish the monster shake they brought out.

She tried to put up a fight but ended up leaning forword and drinking out of her straw.

We ended up fighting over who get the cherry, honestly, I didn't want the cherry, but I ate it anyways. Childsish me.


The last day of my princely rule I climed up the step and entered her room.

When she took notice of me she took of her headphones and said "hey."

Wow, not even "UGH! You're here." just "hey"...our relationship got to that point.

I just grinned goofily because I had a plan.

I took a pillow and hugged it and sat down next to her on her bed.

Taking a book off her bed I looked at the cover off it, she probably already finished this one.  "You read this?"

"Yeah, I liked that one." She said as she continued looking at her computer screen comfortably.

Something possesed me to poke her hip and she shivered a little, but still focused on her laptop.

"It's annoying when she doesn't notice me, why does she do that?" I had thought to myself.

I smirked and laid my head in her lap and looked up at her, smiling.

Her eyes widen in shock. 

"Hey." I grinned as she kept looking at me amozonly as I stayed in her lap.

I shifted my eyes to her computer screen and sat up.

"What's that?" I asked her.

Her face was deeply red and she finally answered me. "I...write mangas."

I grinned. "That's cool! So that's why you have so many mangas!" 

She glanced at me, still red.

"Can I read it?"

"NO!" She shielded her computer from me.

Silly her, who makes the silly me more and more childish.

Long story short, I ended up sitting on her back and scrolling through her manga.

There were two main charecters, It was a girl with curly hair and overalls, and a boy that looked the girls age with patterned clothing and a crown.

I grinned to myself as I looked at their relatioship throught the strip, the prince seemed annoying and the girl seemed annoyed, but always had these blush circles when the prince was around.

"Dinner with A Prince?" I questioned, looking at her.

She just muffled a groan into her pillow.

I got off her and sat on the side of her bed, but she didn't get up.

"Min Hi, that was really daebak."

She didn't notice me.


When Min Hi ignores me it makes me lose sanity temporarily and I do anything and everything to gain her eyes looking at me.

So I tickled her ribs and she couldn't help but roll over.

"HA! GOTCHA!" I also laughed, hovering over her and holding her wrists.

She bit her lips and looked away.

"Tell the turth Min Hi, that was about...us...wasn't it."

When she didn't answer I just pressed up and told her about the bet.

She ended up shoving me off of her and yelling that I was abusing my power.

Just as she got to her door, I slamed it closed in front of her and pressed my body against hers and lifted up her chin, making her look me in the eyes.

I bite my lips before I asked her if it was about us again, and she finally nodded her head yes, which made me feel relieved for some reason, and I smiled.

"It was cute." I said softly before finally caputuring her lips with mine, which practically melted my heart.

Being the childish person that I was, just as she began to kiss back, I laughed and backed away, leaving her speechless.

"Well, come here." I sat on the edge of her bed and patted a seat next to me.

Her face was till red and she was still quite.

"Well, since I obviously...like you...and you like me, we're....officially together now." I stated, and was again realived as I saw her nodd her head. "That means I'm gonna embarrass you on a whole other level now."

Her eyes widened.

"Starting now, When I call you Jagiya, you have to answer. No matter what." I smirked. "Prince's rules."


I ate dinner with them and my father, just like the first time we met.  And I still stole her seat.

Once it got quite, I loudly said "Ya, Jagiya." Everyone turned their eyes to me, even though mines were on my food.

"Pass me the salt please?"

Min hi shyly passed me the salt.

"Thanks Jagiya." I grinned and contiuned eating.

A few minutes later, it was still quite so I thought I would amuse myself again.



I looked up at her suprised, her face was pink, but she was still smiling at me shyly.

I grinned and shook my head. "Nevermind, Jagiya."

There was another silence.


"IS THIS SOME KIND OF BEAUTIFUL JOKE!?" Soo Bin finally cracked.

We both laughed.

"Are you...perhaps...dating my ... daughter?" Her father looked at me. 

"Yes, Sir."

Her mother clapsed her hands together and our fathers exchanged looks.


"No, I have a prince." She softly corrected, that so only my ears could hear.

I winked at her.

"A erted prince."


Well so that's done! And I'm glade! I worked hard on it! I hope you enjoyed, and sorry for the errors that may be! And that this tool a long time to upload, I've been stuck with this paper I have to right! Eww. But, here it it regardless!

Comment and Subsribe!





(But have some Changjo nip slip to make it up)





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Chapter 1: Can you make a fulll storyy??? ㅠㅠ
safeyya #2
I love this!!! ♡♡♡
It's cute!!
Awww that was so cute and adorable ^^
This is exactly how I feel l.joe would act with a girl he likes :P
Great job ^^ haha
kaeryunsoo #4
Chapter 1: Ahh.. Cute~!!! No other comment.. Just cute, cute, cute, and CUTE~!!!
Chapter 1: Omg!!!! So cuteee~
Chapter 1: Omg!!!! So cuteee~
SarahChunji #7
Chapter 1: KYAAA! So cute!
imma_addicted #8
Chapter 1: whahaha! whatta cute story!;">>>
Chapter 1: Oh ma god so kyeoptaaaaaaa. Lol Ljoe is a _______ed prince