collateral damage


they were both damaged by the lies they feed themselves with, and now,

it was time to put an end to it.

barrel of the gun, rounds one two three
he says i have to pick: choose you, or choose me
metal to the temple, the explosion is deafening
the blood that covers me
he’s the last one standing


the soft swirls of smoke wafts through the dimly lit room, the walls painted with graffiti and words scratched on the surface. a small chortle can be heard in the air, and then another voice chuckles. a jointed laugh is heard, the dim shadow of two bodies clashing with each other barely visible.

a small glint could be seen in the darkness.

it is a revolver.

story by exothermc//2013
warning: character death, abuse, alcohol.
lyrics are from the book 'where she went' by gayle forman - track 11 of collateral damage: roulette.


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can't wait for the update! ^^