♚Slumber Party ≧◡≦

♛♥Would You Be My Girlfriend?♥♛

♛Kwangmin's P.O.V♛


 Minwoo was playing with his bangs, blowing them up, then fixing them to the side. Youngmin and I were sitting quietly at the end of the couch, just watching television. "Do you guys want PJs?" Shin had a few folded up pairs. Youngmin nodded and smiled, opening his hands to catch a pair. "Minwoo?" Minwoo already took one from Shin's hands. "Here Kwangmin." He tossed me a pair and then looked at his little sisters. "You should be in bed, you guys have school tomorrow." "Well, so do you!" His youngest sister snapped. "But I can make it through school with only a few hours of sleep. Now go." He patted their backs and pushed them in the direction of their rooms.

 "So...what're we going to do?" You could hear how Shin regreted asking us to sleep over. "I think we should play video games." Youngmin always suggested that. "Mm...how about we watch a movie until we fall asleep?" Minwoo had simple suggestions.

I looked around and then glanced at Shin. "How about pranks?" Shin smiled at me and shook his head. "Nice, dark Kwangminnie." I stopped giving a glance at Shin and looked around with wide eyes. "Why do you guys call me that?!" Minwoo smiled, Youngmin laughed, and Shin was already grabbing supplies.

"Alright...now who should we prank?" Shin pointed his finger at me. "How about we do a competition? Whoever manages to prank or scare someone the most wins." I nodded. "Yeah." Minwoo got taken back a bit. "We're not going to scare SooYoung, right guys?" Shin smiled mischievously. "How about we try to see who manages to scare SooYoung first?"

 "Uh, don't do that!" I stuttered a bit. "Awh, does little Kwangmin like SooYoung?" Shin teased. "Of course not! It's not right for four guys to scare one girl!" Shin already left the house with a mask on. "I'll keep it simple then." Minwoo, Youngmin and I chased after Shin.

"Shin stop! It's not cool!" Minwoo pleaded and begged with his body to the ground. Youngmin grabbed his shoulder. "C'mon, this isn't cool." I stood in silence in front of SooYoung's house.

 "It's alright. I won't scare her that much." Shin grabbed my arm and pulled me through the gate entrance. "Alright, so we'll go around back and knock on her window...okay?" He whispered loud enough for Youngmin and Minwoo to hear.

We weren't actually going to scare SooYoung...SooYoung was going to help us scare them.


We knocked on SooYoung's window, but she was already behind us. "Hey, what took you guys so long?" I jumped back, but Shin was already laughing. "Here, put this on." He handed her a mask and outfit. "What's this?" She held up the outfit which contained a japanese sailor uniform...a short one. "Uh...Shin?" She punched his arm. "This isn't funny." Shin smiled. "I know, but I have a feeling Youngmin and Minwoo are gonna get really scared, so we might as well have something to cheer them up." He gave a goofy grin.

"Look! Kwangmin likes it!" Shin pointed to my red face. I covered my blushed face with my right hand and looked down. "N-no I d-don't." My cheeks turned bright red, and SooYoung's cheeks turned to a rosy pink. "Mfm....I d-don't like it." I faced the other way and covered my cheeks. "But if you must wear it...it's okay."

SooYoung nudged my shoulder. "Hey, are you thinking nasty thoughts or something? I'm not going to wear it so don't spazz out." She cupped my face and looked at me. "Aw, you're blushing. That's cute." She put a mask on my face and walked away.

"You almost got lucky, Kwangmin." Shin tapped his elbow at my side. "She could've worn it for you." I punched Shin's arm. "Ya! Don't think dirty thoughts you !" 

♛Minwoo's P.O.V♛

Youngmin and I were searching for Shin and Kwangmin by the gate; we refused to intrude onto the Park's property. I jumped up to see if they were hiding behind the gate....they weren't. Youngmin was using his height as an advantage and just looking around.

"Dad!" The front door opened. "Dad, SooYoung's boyfriend is here." Mr. Park raced to the door and pushed SooYoung's little brother out of the way. "What!? My princess can't have a boyfriend just yet! She's only been in this country for two weeks!" I hid myself behind Youngmin, who wasn't really taking notice of SooYoung's family

"What?" Youngmin looked over to SooYoung's little brother. "I'm not her boyfriend." Mr. Park felt relief and relaxed his shoulders. "Ah...thank g-" Youngmin stopped Mr. Park in the middle of his sentence and pulled me by my shirt. "This is her boyfriend." Mr. Park tensed up again. "What?" He approached me and examined my face. "Hm...come inside."

 I followed SooYoung's little brother to a small table and sat down with Youngmin. "So...you're the boy my daughter has been talking about? She mentioned blonde hair and brown hair though...and she mentioned they were twins. You two obviously aren't twins." 

My heart broke. SooYoung never mentioned me?

SooYoung's little brother looked at me with a medium sized dog at his side. "I'm Adrian...I have a feeling I'll be seeing a lot of you guys." He walked into a room with the dog and slammed the door shut.

 "I apologize for my children, not very respectful to new people. Adrian has quite a lot of friends, so he must feel like he doesn't need anyone. SooYoung doesn't really make any friends, so I'm surprised that she's socializing with boys...especially boys that look like you." He glanced at Youngmin and me. 

"I don't want you to be mean to my daughter." He gave a serious look and explained more about SooYoung and how she spent most of her life with her mom in New York. 

"Excuse me for asking, but if Adrian was born here, and SooYoung was born in New York, why does she have a Korean name and he has an English name?"

SooYoung's father leaned back a bit. "Ohoho, let me just say this. Their mother and my ex-wife is a crazy women. When SooYoung was born, she expected us to move to Korea. When we came here for vacation, she hated spending time with my family enough that she planned on going back to the US. Then Adrian was born, and well, yeah. That's the story. Pretty complicated." He gave a goofy smile.

"Now, since I've explained enough about my family, what're your names?" He squinted his eyes at the time. "And what are you doing in front of my house on a school night?" 

Youngmin raised his hand and smiled. "I'm Jo Youngmin and this is No Minwoo. I have a twin brother named Kwangmin, and your neighbor's son is named Lee Shin." Mr. Park shook his head. "Oh, believe me... I know Shin. We're old family friends."

"Old family friends?" I asked. Shin never mentioned knowing SooYoung, and SooYoung never mentioned Shin.

"Oh yes, in fact, when they were younger, Shin promised to marry SooYoung. He even gave her presents, how cute is that?" He rubbed his chin and looked at me. "But I guess Shin didn't remember her at all."

"Does SooYoung remember Shin?" Youngmin's voice cracked a bit, but it was filled with geniune curiousty. "I think so, she has a picture of them when they were younger and it has Shin plus SooYoung written on it. It was one of the presents that Shin gave her before she left for New York."

"That's....really cute actually." I leaned on the table. "Hey, don't put your elbows on the table!" Mr. Park snapped at me, then put his elbows on the table. "Now tell me. Where's my daughter?" He looked directly at me. 

"Well, umm...we actually don't know. We're going to sleep over at Shin's house, and Shin wanted to prank SooYoung...so we were trying to catch him and convince him not to, but we lost him and Kwangmin." I put my hands in my lap and played with them. "How could you loose two boys?" Mr. Park didn't seem to like me. "How could a boy like this date my daughter, I don't know."

Youngmin laughed. "Minwoo isn't really her boyfriend! Please, if anyone were to date her it'd be me." Youngmin rubbed my head and pulled me up by my sleeve. He towered over me. "We're going to go back to Shin's place, take care." Youngmin led me out through the door.

"Youngmin?" I poked his arm as we walked next door. "Why don't you think I have a chance with SooYoung? Or your brother? Or even Shin? You heard him, Shin promised SooYoung he'll marry her, and what if she remembered that?" Youngmin rubbed my head and began to open the door to Shin's house. "Dude, please. I was kidding, I probably have the second lowest  chance of ending up with her."

I was taken back. "Who has the lowest chance?" Youngmin smiled. "Kwangmin. I'm not saying we're ugly or mean, but I might be too outgoing and he might be too introverted. But then again who knows?" I smiled back. At least Youngmin thought I had a chance. Youngmin tried to open the gate, but the door was stuck. "Uh...Minwoo...The door is jammed." He jerked the door and jumped against it. "I think we're stuck out here."

"We can't be! We have school tomorrow!" I started to shake. "What if there's a serial killer out here!? What if there's some kind of monster!? Shin! Shin!" I began to hyperventilate. "Relax, Shin always goes out early in the day to check out the noonas heading to work, so we'll have enough time to get ready."

Youngmin sat down on the ground and let me rest my head on his shoulder. "If you tell anyone about this, I swear to god I'll kill you." He flicked my forehead and we slowly drifted to sleep.


I can now say I've slept with a man.


♛Youngmin's P.O.V♛

Minwoo sleeps like a girl. He has his legs curled up and his hands on my chest. "Are you gay or something?" I sighed. He adjusted his body and faced the opposite way. "Youngmiiiinnnnnnn." 

"What?" I nudged Minwoo. "What? I was sleeping." He sighed, yawned, then returned to his slumber. "Wait right here, okay?" I gently placed his head on the ground and peeked around the other hanoks.

"Excuse me?" I whispered loudly. "Youngmiiiiinnnn." I felt a chill come down my spine and turned around. "Shin, I swear. If that's you I will cut you."

I could hear giggling from behind me. Definitely not Shin. "So I guess this neighborhood is haunted...." I sighed and turned around to see if anyone was approaching me from behind.

"Wrong way idiot." It was the voice of an old man. That I was sure of. When I turned around, I heard more voices.

"Minwoo! Minwoo! Minwoo wake up!" Minwoo didn't budge.

"Aish, wake up!" I hit him in the arm. "Umf....what?" Minwoo shielded his eyes. "Oh, it's not morning?" He looked up at the moon.

"Minwoo I think we're going to die." I sat him up. "What?" He rubbed his eyes and sat mermaid style. "Why?" I shook my hand off to the distance and shook my body as I whimpered. "There's ghosts out there and they know my name and now I think we're going to die because everyone locked their doors and SooYoung is asleep and Shin and Kwangmin are missing and I don't know if I should be scared or brave so I think I'm going to be scared."

Minwoo grabbed me by my shoulders. "It's alright hyung...just go to sleep and we'll wake up extra early tomorrow to get breakfast in town." Minwoo leaned forward and returned to his sleep.

"Youngminnn.....come over here........" The voice was high pitched. "Why should I? I've seen scary movies before, I'll die if I go over there!" I shook my head and hugged my knees. "Youngmin just come over here." I shook my head again. "Anniya! Ani, ani, ani, ani, ani, ani!" I put my head in between my legs and put my hands over my head. I'm not going to die. I'm not going to die. I'll never die because nothing can kill me...except eomma, she probably could.



After a few minutes of me shaking, I grew enough courage to go scope out the area. I couldn't let Minwoo get killed by a ghost.....not that the ghost would try to hurt him, Minwoo would probably start crying until his body ran out of water.

"Shin...Shin I will kill you once I find you, oh my god." I looked behind corner until I saw my brother. "Kwangmin?" I whispered. Then the shadow ran away. "Sheesh." 

When I turned around, a shorter figure was standing if front of me. It had long brown hair covering the eyes. The hair was slightly damp and when the figure looked up, it had a pale white face and bloodshut eyes as well as blood from the mouth. "Uhhhhhhghhh....." It began to moan and stick out its arm to me; attached to the pale arm was a limp hand that pointed one finger.

"Hello." I turned around and saw a tall man behind me. He also had wet hair, but his was black. His face was a bit more tan, but his head had blood dripping from it. 

"M-M-Minwoo!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then I screamed even louder. "Youngmin, don't be scared." A wicked grin appeared on the man's face.

"Yeah you baby." The smaller figure took off the damp hair and through contacts to the ground. "It's just us."

SooYoung wiped off her makeup with her hands and Shin shook his wet hair and wiped off his head.

"T-that wasn't f-funny! It wasn't f-funny at all!" I was on the brink of tears. "It's not funny!" I shouted.

Shin kept laughing at me, and SooYoung just stood there. "Are you upset?" She asked. "No!" I snapped back and ran back to Shin's house.

Minwoo was already gone, and Shin came back laughing. "You should've seen how scared you were! Hysterical. Wait 'til everyone in school hears this." He rubbed my head and then walked inside. "Minwoo was already brought in, so unless you wanna sit here and cry, come inside."

"Hey Youngmin." SooYoung sat down next to me and put her arm around my neck. "Don't be upset, it was just a joke." She played with my hair and leaned on me. "But it wasn't really nice, I'll admit that. We should've waited until halloween to scare you. I'm sorry." She hugged me as a few tears fell from my eyes.

She pulled me away from her and looked at my red eyes. "Hey, don't go cryin' on me." She smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "I'm really sorry for scaring you too much. I won't do it again." She held up her pinky. "Pinky promise!" She giggled as I intertwined my pinky with hers. "Alright." I sniffled and wiped my eyes. 

"I think we should get to bed, we still have school tomorrow, and it's already midnight." I smiled at her and wiped my eyes once more. "Good night." I hugged her again. "But you guys really scared me!" I wailed like a little kid. "Hey....man up!" She lightly punched my shoulder and headed inside her house.

In the distance I could see Kwangmin standing with his hands in his pockets and his hair was covering his eyes.


❥Just sayin', if I was Youngmin I would probably be crying too :1
Anyway, I have state testing this week, which will actually mean new chapters ^^;;;

not really.

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SeungRinnie #1
Chapter 17: Ahh when Minwoo confessed to Sooyoung at the cafe was when Jeremy confessed to Go Mi Nam on the bus :( It made me cry! I loved this story ^0^
Justmaili #2
Hahaha Kwangmin fainting at the end xD it was a good story & i really liked reading it authornim!!
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 17: Kwangmin fainted again lol!!! Nice story!! I enjoy reading it ^^
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 12: Awww kwangmin fainted!!!! So cute ><
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 2: Wow!!! It's crazy how Soo Young is the same age as me and Adrian is the same age as my brother!!! LOL
KpopLover415 #6
Chapter 17: L
XD kwangmin fainted again
Ah a happy ending (I guess xD)
Great story :D
KpopLover415 #7
All my feels cannot be stated here D: sooo much feels
KpopLover415 #8
Raging on a phone is very hard. .-.
But OMG minwoo the ever adorable not manly man (xD lol)
Now has to step up his game!!! XD lol I might give him a lecture on being manly even though I'm a girl .-. XD yup minwoo, you gotta step up your game!!! :DDD
KpopLover415 #9
Chapter 13: Omg you have to update because my kwangmin feels are acting up xD
gabypdd #10
Chapter 13: Author~nim!!! Please update more often! :(( what's taking you so long...? :'( :"< But i like this chappy :) Minwoo is soooo innocent X*> KYA~~~! :))