I always fall for your type...


      Kim Kibum has always fallen for the wrong type. He's been hurt and cheated on but it never clicks in his head that maybe he's falling for the wrong type. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he is incredibly stubborn and how he is always worrying about everyone else but himeself. 

      Choi Minho is the ultimate playboy. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, and somethimes his best friend Jonghyun (who is just as big of a player). He has never had a constant boyfriend or gilrfriend and he doesn't plan on having one. He is a comeplete who only thinks of what he wants. He's filthy rich and what he can't get he thinks he can buy with money.

      When Key meets Minho he already realizes that there relationship is going to be a bad one. He tries to stay away from Minho but he doesn't give up easily. Key starts to think that maybe their relationship can work when he starts to see a different side of Minho, but.. does Minho think the same? 

GET READY FOR A ROCKY ROLLERCOASTER RIDE! This couple is going to have some serious problems. I know I'm suppose to be writing Godess of the Temple but this story hit me like a rock to the head! Insperation: Fall for Your Type by Drake! I found out that I at updating on a time limit and I... kind of... forget... that I'm suppose to be... writing something... but thats okay because this will most likely... hopefully just be a oneshot! Easier! Enjoy! JAZZYA OUT!


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Chapter 5: jdoktldk so excited for the next chapter.. TT____TT I feel really sorry for Key.. I hope you'll be back soon ;)
Chapter 5: when will you be back? please update soon!!! im missing it soooo much!!!
Chapter 4: Whoa poor kibummie i hope things get better for him and minho gets what's coming to him; jerk. Lol
salome620 #4
Chapter 4: uuh, Minho is kinda scary. i hope Key keeps away from him. he needs to know how to treat Key well in order to win his love. so, can you please punish that tall frog-face?
Chapter 4: I feel bad for Key.
He should stay away from Minho and not give in. so Minho would realize what he really felt for Key and how of a jerk he is..
Chapter 4: Oh my god! I looooove it :3 I hope you update soon! And I hope your mom doesn't remember your punishment so you can update faster XD FIGHTING AUTHOR-NIM!
Chapter 3: jealous minho is the best.
yes key.. keep doing that.
u r doing great
salome620 #8
Chapter 3: hmm... things are getting VERY interesting.

you got me hooked so bad. hope you update soon. and i hope your mom and sisters are all good and fine.
Estrangedother-half #9
Chapter 3: Ah I love when the pairing are playing games of who's going to break who's patience first! And having a jealous Minho is always a plus, since he's supposed to be the untamable, no strings attached type I this fic.
salome620 #10
Chapter 1: oh wow, this story is smoldering. the interaction between MinKey makes me squirm in my seat.

*hurries on to the next part*