
Complicated .


I fell hard for my best friend , Zelo , and the ending was a mean painful story .
It started off when our teacher moved our seats and I end up sitting RIGHT INFRONT of him . Zelo and I didn't know each other very well that time . We know each other as classmates . Never thought I will fall for Zelo . He is just one little cutie idiot .
Months later , we grew closer , closer and closer . I didn't realise that I fell for him until my heart starts doing "One Shot" dance in my body . We had holidays . Freak holidays . 2 months I didn't see him but we did stay connected through social media . Then I knew B.A.P . I met Himchan who was like a brother to me and Daehyun who was there when I need him . 
When Zelo went to Seoul , he got things for me . Himchan smirked . When school started , he gave me those things and the first day of school was great . Daehyun was being a good dear darling to me . When I was home on that day , Zelo said he had something to tell me . He couldn't tell me but I forced out the answer .
'I have feelings for you'
That was what he sent me . Then it hit me . I feel the same way too . So I told him how I felt and he was fine with it . But we never dated . We still stayed as friends , we laughed , we joked and our relationship was good .
Then he changed his seat . Next to Himchan . Infront of Himchan , was two girls whom I really disliked . All they did was turned around take things from Zelo and flirt with him . I wasn't jealous . I was hurt . Very hurt . I gave him a letter that he kept in his waller that Himchan never read but the girls did . He threw the letter away . My heart broke into a million pieces .
On the day we got our test papers back , I was tired , dead tired . I sat there on my seat . Crying . I was hoping Himchan or Daehyun would come to me and console me .. but they didn't . Zelo was the one who came to me and patted my back instead . My mood increased but I was still hurt .
He was still flirting with those two . He told me he wasn't friends with them because they were pretty . He was just being friendly I guess . Then he started on another topic . A topic which brings my entire mood and life gone . He talked to me about this girl , called Seohyun . 
She was my close friend , I stayed with her when nobody would . Zelo was overprotective . He said I never cared about her feelings , I wasn't fair to her . She always console me when I never did . I was hurt . Hurt that Zelo said that to me . I thought we were friends . He left my side . That was when Himchan told me to leave . I couldn't leave . I have to leave him as my crush and as my best friend . I was hurt . I haven't talked to him till now .
Then I met Taemin . He wasn't exactly very handsome but to me he is a nice person . But something was stopping me to him . Seohyun . She hit him on purpose . Say Hi to him . They didn't even know each other . I wasn't jealous . I was hurt . Hurt at the fact she is doing that when she knows I like him . My life isn't at an end here but I am losing Zelo .. maybe I might even lose Taemin ..
Just so you know , falling your best friend is not always good .
But who knows , I don't write this story . 
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Chapter 1: That is really sad D:
pandale25 #2
Chapter 1: Omg, please make a sequel!!!!