Lovely Road Kill


The only thing on your mind was to catch the thief that stole your handbag. But what you didn't think of that moment when you glanced over your shoulder was the speeding car heading striaght in your direction.


Main Character: You!! (Personally, I like the kind of stories where I'm the main character that's why I decided to write this way. ^.^) You'll find out about her/your personality once you start reading.

Other Characters: I sort of usually come up with the plot as I go and I add in other characters where I need them soooo.... ya ;)

My first asian fanfic! Woohoo!! (I have other fanfics I've written but theyre not on this site...) I usually right action-y pieces but this is my first time really giving romance a try. So don't be to hard ;( But I do enjoy feedback and advice to making a certain chapter better :)

I'll try to get in the first chapters soon and then from then on I'll update based on how much school work I have Dx

Umm okay, I think that's all for the foreword I guess... I'm still getting used to all the features :D


By the way, what are karma points?? D;


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Chapter 1: I love it it's great plz update