



"i'm tired of this. let's just break up" 






5 years ago ..


[ dara's pov ]



it's my first day of college today and i'm waiting for my soul sister Bom to get down.


aigoo... if she doesn't get down in 15 minutes, we're going to be late! i hate being late! AND! it's our first day!




if she wasn't my bestest friend in the whole world, i would've just left her..


"BOMMIE! c'mon! we're going to be late! "  


i was already at the door, when she went down.


"sorry Ssantokki, i needed to look extra cute today. who knows, we might find our prince charming today! "


aigoo... trust Bommie to think about boys on our first day in college.


"that's okay.. we just have to get to school in. . ." i looked at my watch and !! " omaygahd! Bommie! we need to get to school in 10 minutes or we'll be late! " 


we ran --- no, i dragged Bommie to the car and i drove like a madman. 


when we got to school, we still had 2 minutes to spare. 


"yay! we made it just in time! "


"of course we would! you almost made the car fly for heaven's sake! "


*sigh* "Bommie, Bommie, Bommie, we can't be late on our first day! we need a good first imression to all our professors!"


"arasso, arasso, kaja! "


we were on our way to our classroom when,




i fell -first on the floor.


" hwlymthfckr! " the one who bumped on me cursed.


 "oh, i'm sorry" i apologized to him with Bom helping me to get up.


when i looked up, the one who bumped me, wes already gone.


what the? was he a magician or something? and he didn't even say sorry back!


okay, maybe i wasn't really looking at where i was going. But still! he shoul've said sorry.


"what an !" Bommie muttered.


"hey, are you okay tokki?" she said inspecting if i have any injury of some sort.


"i'm okay Bommie, let's go..." i smiled at her .




*** inside the classroom ***




"welcome to CWBS101, which basically means, computer workstation and basic skills 101. Here, sample recording, sequencing, mixing and processing will be covered. You will also be guided through the basic techniques of instrumental writing and the presentation of an instrumental score using computer notation software. I'm assuming everyone is serious in this course, so, i expect everyone to listen and cooperate in my lessons. I'm cool , as long as you are too. Skipping class-- not cool, sleeping in class--not cool, being late---- " our professor, Teddy , as what he wanted us to call him, was interrupted when a guy entered the room. 


"sorry, i'm late. i got lost" he told Prof. Teddy while giving him the schedule-slip (A/N: sorry, didn't know what it was supposed to be called..)


"it's okay, but please refrain from being late next time. Introduce yourself ."


"hey. i'm kwon jiyong" he said at his most bored tone looking at the class , then turned to Prof. Teddy and rased his brows


wow. a tough guy.


"sit down wherever seat is available " Prof. Teddy told him while looking at the slip.


The guy looked at the class and fixed his sight on me! shizz, this guy is hot, but ---- omy! he's coming nearer! 


He walked nearer, and nearer and, and ------sat at the seat at the back of mine. 


oh, he was looking behind me! -_-


----no, i wasn't disappointed! OKAY! fine, maybe, i was a little. A LITTLE.




*author's note*

sorry for the wait, and, this chapter wasn't even that long.


i'll try to do a longer chapter next time!

thanks for waiting and reading this.

sorry for the typos ..

oh, and if you think the story is kinda like a story you've read before,

it may or may or may not be influenced by it.

if i've read that story, this may have unconciously been influenced by it.

i'm saying SORRY and i didn't mean to in advance. :)))


***who knows how to make a banner - picture thing? i would've done it myself but i'm kind of a little busy because of the elections in my country.... so, can anybody send me one? pwetty pwease?




see you next chapter! :))


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Chapter 2: Aigoo... Dara thought he was looking at her?! Keke.... so funny! But sorry I can't make a banner for you... :/
Thank you for the update even though you're busy... hwaiting!! <3
Chapter 1: Haha... its okay!!! I will LOVE this fic even if its short!! And I will support you till the end!!! Hahaha.... It WILL be good!!!! Don't worry!!! Hwaiting and good luck!!!!!! Take your time!! <3
Angst!! Daragon!! Can't wait!! Hwaiting!!