Test of Fate

Inseparable Hearts


                We were at a café, sipping coffee as we look at the outside view. I noticed how Kiseop stares at me with both his lips and eyes smiling. He never changed.

               “Your coffee might get cold, you should at least take a break on staring at me” I smiled at him. Actually, I was teasing him.

                “You’re really cute. No, you’re beautiful.” He’s at it again. Saying compliments all over again. “But sometimes you look scary”

                “What did you say?” I asked in a higher tone of voice.

                “Ah~ my wife really looks cute whenever she’s angry” He pinched my cheeks.

                I laughed at him. He never fails to give my face a smile. Even due to small things, I easily laugh at it as long as he is the one saying it. I sipped my coffee and he suddenly got busy writing something on the tissue paper.

                “What’s that?” I asked, curious about it.

                “Here, take this” He handed me the tissue.

                I giggled as I read the writings on it. “I, Lee Kiseop promise that I will love Eunhee, my lovely wife, through the bad and good times forever even after my death. I will love Eunhee till eternity, endlessly I will love her. Therefore, I will never leave her no matter what. Signed with overflowing love, Lee Kiseop, her good looking husband” And then I looked at him. He became so cheesy again.

                “I mean it my love.” He held both my hands with sincerity in his eyes.

                “I know. I love you and I will also love you forever with all my heart. I promise I will never leave you.” I said and he moved his chair beside me and held me in his arms, my head resting on his broad shoulder.


                After a while, we left the newly opened café. As we already crossed the street.

                “Wait!” I pulled him. “What is it?” He asked.

                “The tissue, I left it. Wait for me here, I’ll get it.” I left him standing beside the street light looking back at me… a few minutes after, I came back, I waved my hand and saw him smiled. I felt secured already.


                ----- “Hyung!” a boy cried as he pulled my shirt.

I turned to him and asked. “What is it?”

“My cat…” He then cried. “Shh~ don’t cry. Hyung will help you just tell me what happened to your cat.” I said patting his shoulder but the boy didn’t stop crying. “Where is your cat?” I asked. I held his hand as he led the way. I glanced at where Eunhee is, she’s still there waiting for the vehicles to stop. I waved my hand at her and pointed at the crying boy. And in one look she understood it and nodded.

… “Here you go” I gave the cat to the little boy. His cat stuck its foot in between the two vendo machines. It’s a good thing that the cat didn’t hurt itself.

“Hyung! Thank you!” The kid was delighted with the joy of having his cat beside him again. His face brightened up.

I brushed his hair as I said. “It’s nothing, hyung is glad to help. So go now and take care of your kitty, okay” The boy then nodded with a smile and run away happily. I looked at him as he run away, this makes me think that soon I will become a father and once I became one, I promise to be the best father.

… Suddenly I heard screaming voices, disturbing horns of cars, a clash of something, a woman shouting…“Help! Help! The lady is covered with blood.” My heart pounded continuously, getting louder that it became deafening in my ears. I know it’s not her, I just saw her a while ago, waving her hands at me, it can’t be her but I’m feeling nervous… Slowly I turned around. The first thing that my eyes had seen was a truck which hit the street light where Eunhee is standing a while ago. The driver looks dead as his head hit the window of his truck. And then the next thing that I noticed was a car not that far away from the truck, its driver was still alive, he’s outside but looking so dismayed. But “Where is she?” It’s a question in my head, I keep seeing other things but not her. My knees are shaking out of fright, I hate this feeling. I noticed a group of people making a big fuss. “Maybe, she’s there” I whispered with optimism… “Excuse me” I tried to get into the crowd and suddenly, I got weak as I saw the woman lying on the ground, her blood surrounding her.

I dropped my knees with tears filling my eyes. I embraced her so dearly in my arms as I cried. “Eunhee” Repeatedly I uttered her name in between the tears that I shed. “Somebody help me. Help my wife!” I exclaimed asking for help. “Please help my wife” My eyes continued to cry until the ambulance came…

Now, what is it again that fate brought us? I thought we already had enough…  “Eunhee” My heart cried. That time, I shouldn’t have let her go alone. It’s my fault, right?

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Chapter 9: Please update !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: PleASE update .

A sweet beginning turn into sad .
eniam27 #3