Week Of Sunday: January 20, 2013

Taemin's Diary: University Life

Sunday: January 20, 2013

            I’m so excited for the new semester to start. I can’t believe that I’ve already been in university for one whole semester. I’m taking sixteen credits this semester which sounds like a lot but I know I’ll be able to do it. I mean my major is dance with a minor in Korean Literature. It can’t be that hard, but anyway I signed up for a creative writing class this semester and Minho is even taking it with me. I don’t know why though since he’s a biology major; remember I said he wanted to be a physical therapist for athletes? So yea, I guess he’s just taking it as his writing class that we need to graduate. Aren’t liberal arts schools great? Anyway I should get ready for bed. I have three classes tomorrow and dance is the first one at 9:30 in the morning. Why anyone would want to be dancing that early in the morning I don’t know but hey, I guess it’s my fault for making my schedule the way I did.

Monday: January 21, 2013

            Well the first day wasn’t too bad. Most of my classes were cut short since all they did was give us the syllabus and let us leave. Not that I’m complaining or anything. I met up with all of my friends today and we caught up on what we all did over winter break. Apparently Kibum, or Key he likes to be called, broke up with his girlfriend over break. Jonghyun tried to hide the smile on his face when Key told us all but I definitely noticed it. Jonghyun needs to grow some balls and just admit to Key that he likes him. I mean he’s a junior and only has a year left; he should at least make it count. And if you ask me I feel like Key hyung swings the other way anyway. I mean why else do none of his relationships with girls last more than a month. It’s either that or he’s just a completely to girls. I would like to believe that Key hyung isn’t a bad person and that he simply likes the “D.”

            Minho’s still single and he asked me if I was dating anyone and I simply told them that I haven’t found the right person yet. Hey, maybe that will change this semester. You never know.

Tuesday: January 22, 2013

            Well now I know why everyone recommends Mr. Lee’s Creative Writing class. I mean as soon as the professor walked in it looked like everyone’s jaws dropped; boys and girls alike. I can’t lie; I was checking him out too. He doesn’t look any older than twenty eight. I wonder if he’s married, not like I would pursue him or anything. I mean he’s a freaking professor. He did give us homework though. We have to describe something we did today in a creative way so that he can see our creative writing levels. Well here goes nothing:

            A shrilling noise woke me up this morning as I rolled onto my side and slammed my hand down to make the sound stop. I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened them, trying to shield the sensitive balls from the sun shining in through my window. Once adjusted, I turned my eyes to the clock to realize that if I didn’t get up now that I would be late. So I quickly stood up and stripped off my clothes before grabbing a towel and rushing to the bathroom across the hall. The water felt like tiny masseuse hands on my skin as it loosened my tense muscles from dance the day before with its warmth. I almost fell asleep until the water turned into a shocking cold stream that jerked me awake to only remind me that I was, sure enough late for class.

            What do you think? Pretty good if I say so myself. Let’s just hope Professor Lee thinks so too.

Thursday: January 24, 2013

            He thought it was good! We all had to read what we wrote out loud and Professor Lee complimented my use of concrete language. He said it could be better but that we would work on it as the semester progressed. Minho read his as well and the professor told him it needed work but I reassured Minho that I thought it was good and he smiled at me as he started to right on his paper and fix what he thought was wrong. I’m actually surprised to see Minho taking the class so seriously since he always made fun of me last semester; saying my major was a girly one and that all we do is sit around, read books, and talk about our feelings. I couldn’t even deny it at the time because in some of my classes I did feel like that’s all we did.

            Anyway, the point is that Professor Lee liked what I wrote. He even gave me a small smile revealing a tiny dimple in his cheek. Ok, maybe I lied. I think I might be crushing on him slightly but again he’s a professor so it’s never going to happen. Anyway he gave us another assignment. This one we have to describe this picture he gave us of a sunset in the most descriptive way we can. Here we go:

            The burning round fire ball in the sky, you’re usually so high but now you’re coming closer to me. Am I you equal now? Or are you lesser than me as you continue to sink into the ocean, changing colors from the vibrant yellow your normally are to a mellow yellow and soon a soft orange. To them meet with the sea and turn that a soft purple. I guess our relationship for the day is over but don’t be sad. Clear those clouds and don’t rain down tears for me because the moon will keep me company until you can come back tomorrow, to hold your rightful place in the sky.

            I think that one was really good. I can’t wait to see what Professor Lee says on Tuesday.

Saturday: January 26, 2013

            It is currently 3:37pm and I just got back to my dorm room with a horrible hangover. Minho threw a party last night and insisted that I came. I wasn’t going to turn down going to my first party of the semester so of course I went and I drank way too much. I knew that my tolerance but I didn’t think it was this bad. Whatever, I’ve learned my lesson. I can remember most of my night though. I danced with a couple of people and Minho even pulled me aside a couple of times to dance with him. He kept putting his hands on my waist but he was probably trying to steady himself. I mean Minho has to be the straightest guy out of our group of friends. Key would beg to differ but any man that gets pissed when their nails get messed up is not completely straight. Again, I can hear Key arguing with me right now, even though he had no right because I saw how he was dancing with Jonghyun last night. Best friends simply don’t dance like that, crotch to crotch, and definitely not for more than 2-3 minutes. Then it looked like Key let him kiss on his neck and stuff. Now it could have been the alcohol or it could have just been Key embracing his inner gay; I would like to go with the latter.

            I also woke up this morning in Minho’s room and in his bed. We’ve often shared his bed though when I slept over since it was a king size bed. This time was a little different because he had his arms wrapped around my torso and was spooning me from behind. Plus I felt something hard poking my . All I did was pull myself out of his arms and he soon turned away and grabbed a pillow. I guess he thought I was a girl. Most people say I have such a thin frame that they usually mistake me for a girl, especially when my hair is long.

            On the other hand my roommate didn’t care that I was missing all night. I swear Kai ignores me most of the time! He’s too concerned with ing anything that moves. I mean as he said, and I quote, “College is the time to as much as you want before you get married.” Yep, that’s exactly what he said. Let’s just hope he doesn’t bring back an STD because I refuse to deal with that. Anyway, my head is killing me so I’m going to take a nap.

I need to stop starting stories. If I don't finish one soon I think my subscribers will actually kill me. Anyway this one popped into my head one day in class while I was staring at one of my hot professors and then I decided I could make a fanfic out of my day dream. So here it is. Hopefully the first chapter was interesting. 


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Chapter 2: Ahha, I love this story tooo :D I like Taemin's POV, and I'm excited to see what comes next when you update it again :P
Chapter 2: im glad u updated!!!!
yh Taemin keep dreaming about professor lee....keep dreaming lol
im sure if u ask minho....he'll tell you that he's into dudes Taemin...trust me ;p
Chapter 1: OMG this was really good i love the fact that kai is his roommate n also
i like how he well you put the assignments Mr. Lee gave in the entries
my favourite was the last one n Minho is definitely into you Taemin
just to make sure...Mr. Lee is Donghae...right?