
Kai Must Die

Your POV:

I pouted as I walked to the library to serve my time in detention. It was all their fault! I had nothing to do with this. They're just obsessive freaks that can't seem to get over the fact that Kai is a heartless player.

The librarian walked out after telling us repeatedly not to open our mouths. As soon as the door closed Nana, Suzy, and IU continued their argument.
"SHUT UP." I accidentally blurted.
"Excuse me?!" They all exclaimed. Oh . I did not just say that out loud. What was I thinking? Gotta think of something clever to say... "Oh.. Uh... Sorry.. It's just that... I feel that it's kind of.. I don't know.. Ridiculous that all of you are fighting over a guy.. who played with your hearts and.... dumped you. You should be angry at him, not at each other." I sighed in relief. Pretty smart of me to say, especially with all that pressure.
The girls looked at each other and back at me. "Maybe she's right. It's not really our faults that Kai is a jerk for playing us like that." Nana agreed, "What's your name by the way?"
"NO TALKING I SAID!" the librarian snapped. Great. I blew my chance at actually making friends. The girls turned back around. Detention has officially begun.


I was reading my book when all of a sudden I heard loud knocks on my door. I headed to the door only to find IU, Suzy, and Nana waiting outside.
"Hey! Bora, right?" IU asked. They walked past me into my own home without an invitation. Alright... I guess that's okay?
"Are your parents home?" Suzy asked.
"Uhh. No, they're actually in the U.S. right now. I'm staying here alone." I answered.
"Good." IU replied.
They made their way to my room after snooping around the whole house. I was beyond confused. Why would they be coming to my house? What do they want?
"I guess you're wondering why we're here and what we want from you." Nana said, as if reading my mind, "We all thought about it and realized you were right. It was stupid for us to fight about Kai, when we could've been taking our anger out on him."
"I'm not saying attack Kai! I'm just saying you guys should move on and  forget the fact that you guys all had any relation with that jerk!" I added. "I really don't want any trouble. I've known guys like him, and they're just trouble."
"But what Kai needs is a taste of his own medicine. He can't just keep going on cheating on innocent girls. He needs to know what it feels like to be dumped and heartbroken and lonely... and depressed." IU noted, murmuring the last part.
"Yeah, and what we were thinking was that you could be the one to do that. No one knows you. You'd be the perfect one to play with Kai. We all know and understand how much you hate him. This could change Seoul High's future, as corny as this may sound. You will be our school's absolute legend, only if you execute the plan the right way." Suzy stated.
I just stared at them blankly. "How can I possibly be the one to break Kai's heart? He doesn't even notice me! He probably doesn't even know I even exist." I added.
"All of that will be taken care of. We're here to give you the biggest makeover!" Nana exclaimed. Oh no.... I was in for a ride.


I'm sorry for the lame updates! I know they're short and Kai will be showing up very soon! Oh, also, I'm very sorry in advance if I don't update regularly! This semester is especially hard for me, so I'll be very much distracted with homework and studying. Please don't abandon me because I will try my best to update. Thank you!


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Chapter 12: u0pdate soon omo my feelsss for KAIRA~
Chapter 12: an update maybe?
Kittycatploy #3
Chapter 12: U did a very good job on this !!!
Update soon
Love u~~~
NinaNadhira #4
Chapter 12: This is so cool!!!!
Gud job...
Good job!!!
Chapter 8: PLEASE UPDATE CHAPTER 12!!!!>.<
Chapter 12: PLEASE UPDATE!!! I have nithing to read now ^^< this is the only fanfic i want to read!! I COMMAND YOU to UPDATE AUTHOR !! ... ^•^
Chapter 12: Pleaseee let iu understand that he's changed and that she'll tell the others!!!^_^ hope it's going to happen soon