

"The power of words is unlike the power of anything else. It can dominate everything: people's minds, people's emotions, people's rationality. Words can make people bow down to you, or they can make people your friends."

Ryeowook spoke nervously, his heart pounding furiously. He swallowed, hoping the action would soothe his dry throat, but to no avail. Looking up from his cue cards, he timidly glanced at his audience. After all, speeches were all about the presentation factor.

Ryeowook felt a surge of irritation when he noticed what his classmates were doing - some were reading a book, other's doodling in their notebook, and the good-for-nothings were dozing off. Was anyone even paying attention?

There were a minority that were sitting politely, looking at him. They're quite convincing, Ryeowook thought. Sure, they were listening, but they weren't hearing.

Ryeowook was oblivious to this, but there was one boy that was watching attentively. All his focus was on the petite boy, and he was listening. Marveling at the words coming out of Ryeowook's mouth, hearing what Ryeowook was saying, and understanding what the boy wanted to convey.

To everyone else, Ryeowook was merely speaking.

To them, words were just words.

How foolish they were.



I never finish my stories... and yet I start new ones... I'm sorry.

But I just haven't had the inspiration to continue my current stories; I tell myself, "Okay, I'm going to update today" and then I sit in front of the damn computer, and I just don't know what to write!

So, we've been doing speeches in class recently (ugh), and I got this idea. It's probably going to be short and sweet, but seeing as how deprived I am of time and creativity lately... I don't know...

Again, I apologize.


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katharine #1
this story seems interesting,but i want you to finish it and don't be like your other stories.
update soon.
good luck