Happy Birthday

Stay With Me


You had no idea what to think. The whole day you’ve been walking around, shaking hands and opening gifts and receiving congratulations from everyone you knew. After all, it was your birthday and all of them had remembered. All except one.

You hadn’t heard from him all day, no call, no message, not even a tweet. It’s like he had disappeared from the planet and with that, had forgotten about your birthday. You understood that he was a busy man, preparing for his tour, but the least he could do was send a text to congratulate you. You even tried calling him but you kept reaching his voicemail and decided not to leave a message, you didn’t want to be a bother.

When you’d just given up hope, the sound of your phone buzzing send your heart in a leap. Was it him? Had he remembered after all? Quickly you lunged for your phone and opened the message, your heart sinking back as you read the sender. It wasn’t him. Just a friend.

"Get your down, we’re going shopping! My treat!"

In all honesty you weren’t exactly in the mood to go shop. Even though this was your birthday and you were supposed to feel special and happy and maybe even hyperactive… you weren’t. You felt the complete opposite actually. You felt like a mess. You didn’t care about any of the other people remembering, it was nice but the only one who you cared the most about apparently didn’t care enough to remember your special day. It wasn’t even a problem with time zones this time since you came all the way to Korea to see him. You were in the same zone. He just didn’t remember. You were disappointed.

Another buzz with another message from your friend, practically begging you to come downstairs and shop because she need a good reason to spend her money. That brought a slight smile to your face even though your heart was still heavy. And with a sigh you replied to her that you’d be down in a second.

Reluctantly you came down after fixing your hair a bit and greeted her. She greeted you back with a wide and happy smile, that soon got replaced by a frown.

“Why so moody? Aren’t birthdays supposed to be… ya know… happy?” she tilted her head.

“Not this year…”

“Why? What’s up?”

“He hasn’t called yet,” you sighed. “He probably forgot…”

She shook her head, “I bet he’s just busy…”

“Yeah well, even so. He could’ve at least send me a text? Like early in the morning, right? Just so I know he hadn’t forgotten about it?”

“Huh. Weird. He didn’t strike me as the forgetful type…” she tilted her head the other way in thought before grinning again. “Either way, forget about it! Let’s go shop and get some hot outfits and hit the clubs tonight to celebrate you finally being old enough to legally get inside those clubs!”

“You’re right,” you nodded and quickly flashed a smile. “I should focus on the happy stuff… But you’re paying right?”

“Of course! It’s my gift to you!”

You smiled, “Great! I’m going to get me a Gucci dress!”

“… Wait a minute… I-I don’t have that much money to spend!”

“Too late, let’s go~!” you laughed as you dragged her along.


After spending all afternoon shopping for dresses and accessories, you return back to your room to get dressed and ready for a fun night out. It was true, since you were now 20 you were now of a legal age and allowed to actually enter certain clubs. Some of them had an at least rule but most of them took it down to the legal age.

It was slowly getting later and darker and you were waiting for your friend who kept staring outside the window and her phone.

“So… Shouldn’t we be leaving? If we’ll wait any longer my birthday is going to be over soon!”

“Just a bit longer… I’m… uhm… Waiting for our ride.”

“Our ride?” you curiously raised a brow and looked at her.

“Ah! There it is!” she suddenly jumped and dragged you off the bed and out of your room, into the elevator. “See, tonight we’re traveling in style~”

“What do you mean…?” you frowned, not really sure what she was getting at. She just kept grinning this suspicious grin all the way down to the bottom floor and she practically dragged you out again, out of the hotel building and stopped in time for you to notice the beautiful black limo waiting outside for you. “Uwaaaaa!!!”

“It’s not any day you get to celebrate your birthday in a completely different country, we’re like V.I.P’s and not the Big Bang kind. So we have to act like it!” she grinned and waited for the chauffeur to open the backseat door for you.

You grinned and hugged your friend for a moment, “Best. Birthday. Ever!”

“I know, I know, I’m the best friend ever, now get your in that limo and let’s party like Krockstars!”

Both of you got inside the limo which was decorated in pink leather. It had a small mini fridge that was filled with cute little bottles of all kinds of drinks including strawberry milk. The seats were extremely well padded and made it so comfortable to sit in that you’d never want to get out of it.

Just as you got comfortable you noticed your friend facepalming herself and you gave her a suspicious look.

“I forgot my phone in our room, I can’t go out without it!” she threw the door open again and climbed out before popping her head in, “Back in a sec,” she grinned before slamming the door shut.

You wanted to tell her that she was holding her phone in her hand, but figured it was way more amusing to wait till she got back to your room and realize it herself, she usually overlooked a lot of obvious things when she was hyped up or excited about things.

Patiently you waited for her to return to laugh at her when you heard the engine being and not long after the limo started driving.

“Excuse me… We can’t leave yet!” you lean forwards towards the driver. “My friend is still inside so we need to wait for her to…-” you couldn’t finish your sentence as the darkened window that separated the backseat and the front zoomed up.

“Rude,” you frowned as you sat back into your seat and pulled your phone out of your pocket, immediately texting your friend about the fact that you’ve pretty much been kidnapped by your driver that she arranged for your girls night out.

"Have fun~ ;)"

That was her only reply. Nothing more than two words and a suspicious smiley. Did she arrange this to happen? Is that why she pretended to have forgotten the phone she was holding in her hand and left the car just in time for it to drive off? What was going on?

She ignored all other questions you send to her and frustratingly you slid your phone back in your purse and opened the fridge to get some strawberry milk. You weren’t really in the mood for drinking anymore since you had no clue how this was even going to be fun on your own after your friend ditched you, and with a huff you stuck the straw inside the bottle and clenches your non-existing thirst.

After a while of driving the limo finally stopped and the driver lowered the window separating you again. “We’re here.”

You glanced out of the window wondering where here was, but one thing was sure, there wasn’t a club in sight.

“Where is this?” you frowned trying to figure out where you were even though it was too dark to tell.

He ignored you, getting out of the car and walking over to your door, opening it and gesturing you to get out. You were reluctant at first but as he kept staring at you, you decided to get out anyway. And as soon as he closed the door behind you he climbed back behind the wheel and quickly drove off, leaving you behind in the darkness.

You looked around for a moment, the cool evening breeze flowing through your hair as you found yourself in the middle of nowhere. There weren’t any people around, nor any sound or light. It was actually a pretty creepy place.

“Okay, very funny… You can come out now…” you hesitantly called and let out a nervous laugh, hoping that at any moment your friend would pop out yelling surprise. But she didn’t. “Hello?”

Suddenly lights flashed on, shining rays of dim gold on the area, revealing to you where you were. The limo had taken you to the other side of the park where they had a small pond and some beautiful cherry blossom trees. Most of them had already finished blooming and were nothing more than just trees, but someone had decorated them with pink lights to create an illusion of a fully blossomed tree.

In the middle was a table for two, decked out with plates and glasses and a single rose in the middle. It was surrounded by gold and pink lights that created something that looked like a heart around it and a path leading up to the end where your biggest surprise was waiting.

There, behind the romantically decked out table was Seungho, the man whom you thought had forgotten all about you, sitting behind his keyboard and dressed neatly in a suit. He smiled at you before he slowly let his fingers glide over the keys and a beautiful yet familiar melody began.

ileoljul mollass-eo
nega nal tteonass-eo
yeong-won hal geoscheoleom mid-eossneunde

He started singing your favourite song, Stay. It was a different rendition since it was purely piano and his voice as he turned the song into a beautiful ballad as he glanced up at you and stared into your eyes, a smile painting his full lips as he sang his song. You couldn’t help but stand there in awe, unable to control the smile on your face or even the tears of happiness that were building up.

You thought he had forgotten about it, something so special, while all this time he had all of this planned for you. And he even got your friend to play along. It all made sense now.

As soon as the song ended you raised your hands to applaud but kept them together, your fingers pressed against your chin as you felt slightly overwhelmed. He got up from behind his keyboard and walked towards you, never taking his eyes off of yours and smiled.

“Happy birthday jagiya~” he smiled as he now stood right in front of you.

“I thought you’d forgotten…”

He chuckled surprised, “Eh? Of course not! How could I forget your birthday?”

“Well, you guys are so busy, I thought it slipped your mind since I hadn’t heard of you all day and…-” you couldn’t finish that sentence as he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. Even though it had taken you by surprise you closed your eyes for a moment and returned his kiss before looking back into his yes.

“No matter how busy, I’ll always have you on my mind~” he smiled. “I want you to stay with me, forever.”

You nodded and smiled, trying to hold back the tears that were fighting their way through, “Of course.”

He smiled even brighter, “I’m so happy to hear you say that…” he fidgeted his hand in his pocket for a second before pulling out something and slowly descending down on one knee. “That’ll make this question a lot easier…”

You felt your heart starting to race as he watched him kneel down on one knee and slowly open the little black box he held in his hand, revealing a beautiful silver ring with a shining diamond stone on top. It was no use trying to fight the tears as emotion had completely taken over and your tears started streaming down your eyes, tears of joy and happiness and surprise, all of the emotions you were feeling at that very moment were forcing themselves out through tears as you stared at him.

“Would you do me the honour of marrying me?” he took out the ring from the box and held it up to you.

You looked at it and smiled through your tears, nodding your head as you held out your left hand towards him, watching as he slowly and happily slid the ring on your finger, as you noticed the twinkle of tears in the corner of his beautiful panda eyes and got up from his kneeling position.

“I love you jagiya!” he smiled as he wrapped his arms around your and hugged you tightly.

“I love you too oppa,” you smiled before locking lips and wrapping your arms around his neck.

This was definitely the best birthday ever.


The end. I hope you guys liked it, my friend surely was happy with the story! 

If you liked it, please check out some of my other stories~ <3

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Dalily #1
Chapter 1: hwaaaa...that is so romantic..love your fic..hope you can post more about Seungho..kekeke.. *he's my ultimate bias..wish this will be longer.. =)
nadyayang #2
Chapter 1: Huwa!! Good story!!