
Just One of the Guys


Joongmin’s birthday was the first proper part that Amber had been to since arriving in Korea.  His place had been transformed with decorations and people and by the time Amber, Sulli and Krystal arrived the boys were already beginning to feel the effects of alcohol. 


“Aiden, bro, have a drink,” Changhee urged, pressing a bottle of soju into Amber’s hand.  She took it hesitantly as she watched Sulli hand over her present to Joongmin, the boy’s face lighting up.  With her first mouthful Amber toyed with the thought that after this night, everything may finally be over.  The idea caused a mixture of relief and anxiety within her, as it always did and with another swig she was determined to celebrate the night.


By the time she reached towards the end of her first bottle Amber still had her wits about her, if barely, and she stood in the bathroom, washing her hands and face as she danced on the spot.  Her head snapped up as the door swung open and Kibum staggered in, a smile spreading across his face as he saw her.


“Aiden, my dear friend,” he cried, making his way over and Amber let out a laugh as he slung an arm around her shoulders.  “I’ve been looking for you; we need to have a talk.”


Amber felt a stab of uncertainty with his words, but tried to shrug it off as she drained her drink.  There was any number of things he could want to talk to her about.


“It’s about Kitae.  I know what happens at parties, in fact I think I might try and steal a kiss from Krystal if that’s ok with you.  Which I hope it is because I’m here to give you my blessing; I would much rather see you with my sister than some pompous, random guy.  But God help you if you hurt her Aid, I’ll fucking castrate you,” he babbled and Amber wished her bottle wasn’t empty.  With mild panic she escaped from Kibum’s grip.


“Thanks Kibum, but really, I can’t.  I mean I’m not here for much longer,” she stammered and his face fell.  It seemed he hadn’t thought about this fact and he clapped her on the shoulder.


“Right.  If I could have my way, you’d stay with us forever,” he said before stumbling off and Amber was left to stare after him, wishing that what he said was possible.



*  *  *



Another bottle of soju and half a beer later Amber, who wasn’t used to drinking, was the worse for wear.  The three boys, Sulli, Krystal, Kitae and herself sat in a circle in the lounge, Amber giggling at nothing.  Sulli and Krystal both sat hand in hand with Joongmin and Kibum and with every interaction Changhee threw a bottle lid at them.  Amber flinched as one hit her on the side of her head, distracting her from what she was whispering into Kitae’s ear.


“Yah, Heenim, what are you hitting me for?”


“Because you’re being as sickening as them, I’m not being seventh wheel,” Changhee said and Amber rolled her eyes, shifting forward with a wobble.  Suddenly she had grown tired of their teasing.


“Would you guys stop with that?  Kitae’s a beautiful girl, but nothing can happen because the truth of the matter is I’m a-” Her words were cut short as Kitae’s hand slapped over and Amber narrowed her eyes at the girl.


“Aiden, I know you’re about to go home soon, but please don’t talk about depressing things,” she said and Amber turned to find everyone staring at her, panic spread across Sulli and Krystal’s faces.  Immediately she realised her mistake and as Kitae took her hand away she tumbled forwards.




“I think you’ve had enough for tonight,” Kitae said, wrapping a hand around Amber’s upper arm.  “Your cousin doesn’t live far away does she?  I’ll walk you.”  Cries of protest from the boys rang out as Amber nodded and Kitae rolled her eyes, pulling the American to her feet.


“Come on guys, do you really think he’d be capable of anything?  Besides, I was going to head home soon anyway.  You should continue your night and I’ll make sure he gets home safely.”


“Fine, but I don’t like this idea.  Be careful Kitae, and take a taxi from his place please.  Text me constantly,” Kibum ordered and his twin agreed compliantly, reaching to hug him goodbye.  She muttered another happy birthday and an apology to Joongmin, before farewelling everyone.  Amber waved widely at them all, glancing down as Kitae grabbed her hand and pulled her away.


“You almost blew everything Amber,” the girl mentioned once they had started down the road and Amber hung her head in misery and shame.  “Why let yourself get so drunk?  You’re lucky I was there.”


Amber halted in her steps with the question, swaying on the spot as Kitae was brought short and turned to face her.


“Because I wanted to celebrate.  I can’t keep going like this forever Kitae-sshi, my job is done now and I have to stop.”  Both of them looked at each other sadly with the reality and it was a few moments before Kitae found the nerve to move, tugging at Amber and urging her to direct them to the flat she shared with Victoria.


It was a quiet trip home, the two barely talking and the only solace Amber found to make her think that Kitae wasn’t all that mad was their intertwined hands.  The girl refused to let her go, even after an old woman shook her head in disapproval and Amber had tried to disentangle them.  Eventually they reached the apartment and after being met by a bleary-eyed Victoria, Kitae assured her that she’d help the tomboy into bed.  As Amber’s knees knocked against her bed she let out a grunt, tugging at her shirt.


“This binding gets so annoying.”  Kitae let out a small squeak, her hands flying to cover her eyes and Amber let out a giggle as she shed her shirt and bandages.  When she deemed it safe, Kitae helped her into bed, tucking the covers in.  As she stepped back though, Amber reached out to grab her hand once more and the girl waited patiently.


“You looked really nice tonight Kitae.  I’m sorry things weren’t different.  I’m sorry I’m not really Aiden.”


“Thank you.  But don’t be sorry, I prefer you as Amber anyway,” she said and bent down, placing a kiss on Amber’s cheek.  The American stared after the girl in shock as she bid her goodnight and receded from the room.  Suddenly Amber felt rather sober and her cheek continued to tingle until she drifted into sleep.

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haha so true.
Waffles #2
Aw sad it had to end but happy everything is fine now and thank goodness Amber finally realizes Kitae feelings
Waffles #3
Aw Kibum accepts his sisters feeling towards Amber well that's what I'm assuming she said to him and yay the group is back I'm happy now
We shall see what happens, won't we? Thank you for your comments, they mean a lot ^^
Waffles #5
I hope she's going to get that ankle fixed first she can't possible make it all the way to the cafe with it like that even though it might bring some sympathy from the boys
Waffles #6
Aw man I so didn't see that coming I wonder what's going to happen next I'm on edge now
O.M.G. <br />
I wanna kill Kitae now =.= but I guess this is somewhat where everything else begins huh? Anyway, update whenever you can :)
Waffles #8
haha gosh Amber never get drunk again please and I hope she remembers what Kitae the next morning cause I dont think her hints can get anymore obvious
hahah yeah, I think Amber's a bit blind hey? :P
Waffles #10
Reddragon- Haha I guess I am but come on even Victoria sees it poor Kitae she fell for an oblivious girl