
Friends and lovers


I stare at my ceiling just as i woke up. Its still early because i often awoke before my alarm clock could ring so i close back my eyes and waited till the alarm ring.. After hearing it, i quickly close it and  head out to bathroom to prepare myself for another one and a half year studying at school.. After finish everything i went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. As always i’m the only one because most of my family have finish study and now working. I finish my breakfast and waited till the clock strike 7 a.m to get to school..

This is the day for my registration at this new school so i think this day activities only walking around the school to get to know it and hearing some speech from the school head student..  When the clock strike 7 a.m i said goodbye to my mom and headed straight to the school..

After reaching the school i wait a while for my bestfriend to arrive.. The school was crouded at this hours. Maybe that because i’m little bit late today..

 “ Hello, Gyu hyung” someone hand patted my shoulder but i know who is it.

 “Oh, hello Myungsoo. You are early today not like usual”

“ Its just that my mom don’t want me to be late on my first day in a new school”

“ Oh, lets go to the hall then because we are suppose to gather there”


Then we headed to the school hall where i can see many people are gathering. Maybe they are coming for registration like us. At the hall i can see that most of them was women, only a few of them was men. So, we go register and sit at the hall waited for the event to start. There are many new face and also familiar face coming to this school so its doesn’t feel to awkward for me.

The event for freshmen that is us take a week to settle. On the last days, we get to pick our course to arrange us into classes. I pick business and geography study and Myungsoo pick the same as me because we don’t like to separate much and i think that the only choice we had because the other course look difficult.

After finish picking our course, we been arrange to classes and for my surprise most of the  student pick the same class as us so its kinda crouded. After finish arranging class, we follow the senior to show us our classes. Before that we need to pick the class presiden, even though they don’t even know me some of them want to assign me as the class presiden but i rejected the offer and gave it someone else. At the end i chose someone with the name Jang Dongwoo as presiden for  a while and all of them agree on that.. after that, we settle the thing and headed for the classes.

In the class, as usual i would pick a seat near the window but as usual i spotted Myungsoo replace my thing with him and make me sit beside him..

“ Yah Kim Myungsoo, that was suppose to be my seat”

“Not anymore, i liked to sit close to the window and you always know it so you can seat beside me. Ok?”

I signed and let out a pout but nothing will change because i know he wont switch place so i just sit beside him and take out my book to write something to reduce my anger and boredom. I choose the second row seat because i don’t want to be in front or at back because that where teacher always ask question. Behind us was a student name Nam Woohyun and our not permanent class president and in front of us a friend of mine name Lee Howon and Lee Sungjong that are still stranger to us i think. We just introduce ourself formally so there are a lot of things i don’t know about them.. The class was silent even though our class has the largest number of freshmen, i think that is because most of us just  still doesn’t know each other that make it seem awkward.

After that our homeroom teacher come in to take our attendance and discuss a little about our new system of studying.. He also discuss about the class presiden role but we just state our apinion and making Jang Dongwoo as our permanent class presiden. I can see that he’s a bit startled but he got no choice anyways so he accept the role and we vote for a girl with nickname Suzy to be our vice presiden.. But they get me work as the secretary of the class just because i look like someone who are reliable. Just like Dongwoo, i don’t have a choice and forcefully accept the role.. I can hear Myungsoo chuckle when i got the role but i just ignore him because i will teach him a lesson when i go to his house this evening...


And the rest of the day flew swiftly until in time to back home... even though i said swiftly, the day actually a tired days because of certain someone name jang dongwoo that always bothering me when the teacher asked him to do some work.. because i have known almost half of the location on the school, he drag me along every time he need to submit something to the teacher...

The school end early today because today just an introduction day for us, so the teacher doesn’t start their teaching yet. On the evening, i always have the same thing to do every days that is hanging out at myungsoo house. He always have something to brag about especially about video games. i can say that he is a game maniac because every time he speak to me its always about game, game, and games... Sometimes i feel a little bored and i always concern about his future when all in his mind is to become a programmer but he always slacked off when studying.. but i think he will think about it later.

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Chapter 1: I think this story is going to be very interesting^^ if you need any help with editing for grammar & stuff, you can always ask me(: update soon^^