second street.

Down That Little Street

It clicked in Hee Sun's mind, "I know what to do..."

She marched up towards his canteen table, clenching her fist in a mixture of fear and resentment. All around her, disapproving faces scorned and scowled at her defiance. It was a revolt.

L.Joe took a peek around, the crowd's noise had prompted his detachment from his music. As he glanced upwards, a familiar figure strode towards him. 

"What's she coming here for?" Niel hissed. While Changjo's face cringed, CAP cleared his throat loudly. On the other hand, Ricky continued munching on his food. Besides him, Chunji kept his eyes fixed on his phone screen, but his eyes still shifted up and down.

With a brave front,  Hee Sun fixed her eyes on L.Joe who glared back at her. "Stop harassing Hyunseong's eatery anymore."

He rolled his eyes, thoroughly bored with the conversation, "Who is that huh?"

"He's part of BOYFRIEND, and I suggest that you stop harassing all of them. If not...", she paused and lowered her voice, "I'll spill out your secret."

L.Joe's eyes widened for a moment, under his breath he muttered a curse. He looked over at CAP, who shook his head slightly, he shifted his gaze towards Niel who shrugged his shoulders. Drats, I can't afford her spilling the beans. He pushed back his chair unwillingly and coughed out a reply, "Fine."


At L.Joe's house.

"I can't believe you gave in like that, you could at least threaten her or something!" Little Ricky grumbled, adding more fire to L.Joe's anger cauldron. "Shut up, I didn't have a choice!" L.Joe snapped, he picked up a cushion and punched it hard. He then hastily got up, "I'm taking a shower."

"Hyung's stupid," Ricky chirped, again disturbing L.Joe's peace. "Hey shut up kid, I can hear from inside. You want a good beating?" L.Joe called out from the bathroom. 

"We'd better report it to the old geezer." Niel face palmed himself as he braced himself for the worst reactions.

"NO WAY WE'RE TALKING TO HIM!" CAP, Changjo and Ricky chorused in unison.

Outside at the balcony, Chunji lazed on the chair and folded his arms. I hope L.Joe  doesn't make trouble for Hee Sun...


At Hyunseong's eatery.

The wind chime jingled as Hee Sun entered Daebak Eatery, which was opened by Hyunseong's grandmother. "Oppa~! I'm here." Hyunseong's head popped out from the kitchen, "Oh you're here. I'll whip up your usual."

Ever since Hee Sun was young, her parents would bring her here to enjoy their signature beef ramen. So she also knew Grandma Kim's grandson, Hyunseong from a tender age. During the holidays, she would park herself inside and help out by waiting tables. 

Now that Grandma Kim was immobile from her failing health, Hyunseong runs the whole shop with the BOYFRIEND members helping out.

Hyunseong reappeared from the stuffy kitchen, this time with a bowl of piping, hot beef ramen. He placed the tray in front of Hee Sun and settled on the chair opposite her. 

"Does Teen Top still come to harrass you?"

Hyunseong shook his head, "Nope. Strange, they always use to come here..." Unless you told them something, Hee Sun...

"That's great!" Hee Sun slurped down her springy ramen, "Mmmm, still as great as ever!"


i'm back with the second chapter, sorry for disappearing and leaving the story with a cliff hanger. :<
so please do leave some comments, subscibe to this story~
meanwhile you can check out my other stories 

here are the profiles of the characters mentioned so far:



leader. 24 years old. the most mature in the group.

member. 19 years old. childhood friends with Hee Sun, has a brother-sister attachment with her.

member. 19 years old. the playful and least mature member of the group. extremely easy going.

member. 18 years old. the elder twin. he gets particularly irritated when someone mistakes him for kwangmin.

member. 18 years old. the younger twin. always in a daze, as blur as a squid. his mind is 4dimensional. no one can figure him out.

maknae. 17 years old. the most daring member of the group. pretty much willing to anything and everything possible. 


omg and on a side note. 



the dorkiest kids you will ever see in your life. i can't.
till the next update ^^

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on long hiatus ubtil further notice


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