Chapter 4

Tutor Me This

Sehun's P.O.V.


"Sehun-ah...wake up..."

"come on...Sehun-ah..."

"WAKE UP ALREADY!!!" Joon yelled as he poured cold water on me.

"Aah! Joon what the hell is your problem!" I yelled.

"Hey I tried to wake you up nicely but it didn't seem to be working."

"So you poured cold water on me?!"

"Yes." He shrugged his shoulders and walked to the door. "Your tutor is going to be here in about an hour so get up. I'm making chicken and noodles, want some?"

"Ugh I don't wana meet him. I'm going to go back to bed, and yes please. With extra chicken." I said as I laid back down on my comfy bed. I wish that the tutor ends up being sick today so I don't have to meet him. What kind of person volunteers to tutor a total stranger anyway? It's just stupid.

"No! Get up Sehun! I'm not your babysitter so quit acting like a chlid!" He yelled while constantly hitting me with my own pillow.

"Stop it!"

"Not unless you say you'll get up!"

"Fine already just stop!"

"Good, now it up and get ready to meet your tutor."

"Ugh! Fine mom!"

"Do you really want to push me right now?" Joon said as he raised his pillow ready to strike again.


"Good and just letting you know, when he gets here, I'm leaving."

"What? Why?"

"I don't want to get caught up in the awkwardness."

"Please don't leave me alone Joon! Please?" Time to put my aegyo to work.

"No and don't even start that Sehun! The only way I am staying is if by some chance he turns out to be hot. Otherwise, I'm going drinking with Kai."

"You Joon."

"I know now get ready." I watched as he left to the kitchen to make our lunch. Well my morning oficially now. First I'm rudely woken up, then I find out that Joon won't even stay to keep me company. What else can go wrong today? Oh I know maybe she will show up to stomp on my heart again. That would just make the day perfect. 

15 minutes later...

Knock Knock

"Sehun, answer the door, it's probably your tutor." Joon yelled from the kitchen.

"I don't wanna! You answer it!" I whined.

"No, I'm busy!"

"Please Joon?"

"No! Now answer the door or I will spit in your food."

"You wouldn't!"

"Just try my Sehun."

"Ugh, jerk! Don't spit in my food! That's nasty!" Stupid Joon. How come he couldn't answer the door I mean he was closer than I was. I slowly got off the couch and headed towards the door. Time to meet the nerd who's going to make my life a living hell. I sighed and opened the door to see something completely opposite of what I was expecting. This boy wasn't nerdy or ugly! Damn he was cute! And he looked so young too. There's no way he's in college with those adorable doe eyes. He also had the cutest face that I'd ever seen and his hair was just so touchable! And y! Maybe he's one of Joon's friends because there's no way that this can be my tutor. I'm just not that lucky. "May I help you?"

"U-um hi, I'm Luhan. Is Sehun here? I'm supposed to meet him today." The boy named Luhan said. I smiled and nodded.

"That would be me. You must be my new tutor, huh?" Oh my god please say yes!

"Um, y-yeah I guess. It's nice to meet you Sehun." Awww he stutters! 

"Yeah, you too, why don't you come in." I stepped aside and couldn't help myself from staring at his . It was so tight in those jeans. Mmm. He might be the perfect rebound for me. Damn Joon you were right! I did get a hot tutor! Now if only he had glasses...

"Thanks. So can you tell me why I'm here exactly? My father didn't really say much in his text."

"You mean you don't know?" Damn maybe he isn't my tutor.

"Well kind of. I know I'm supposed to tutor someone named Sehun but I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to be teaching." Luhan shifted his feet and loooked at the ground as he spoke before looking back up. "Sorry my parents were very vague about everything."

"It's fine. It's trigonometry by the way. Come on let's go to the living room to talk more." Yes! I grabbed his wrist and brought him to the couch but he pulled his wrist away suddenly. 

"Um, actually do you mind if I use the bathroom real quick?"

"Sure, down the hall, first door on the right."

"Thanks." He smiled and walked away right before Joon walked in .

"So, how's your tutor? Is he all dorky and nerdy, huh huh?" He teased while poking me.

"God no! Oh my god Joon! He was so cute! Damn his ..." I closed my eyes and couldn't stop thinking about it until Joon hit me with a pillow again.

"Well then, looks like I might stay after all." 

"Back off Joon! He's mine! And you really need to stop hitting me with pillows you know that right?"


Luhan's P.O.V.

Oh my god, Sehun was too cute! Why'd he have to be cute? Come on Yixing...pick up already...Man why does it take him so long to answer his damn phone!?

"Hello?" Finally!

"Xing Xing, thank god you picked up. I need your help."

"Luhan? Why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be with the kid right now?"

"I'm in his bathroom."


"Xing Xing I'm in trouble here. I don't think I can go through with this."

"What's wrong now? Is he annoying? I bet he''s annoying."

"No he's not annoying, he um, opened the door for me, and-"

"And what? Is he stupid?"

"I don't know, I just met him, but, he um, he let me in and-"

"Oh now I get it. He's cute isn't he? Dang Lulu, I didn't know you went for high schoolers. You tiger you."

"W-what? N-no! I h-have no idea what you're talking about! And how could you even say that!"

"Wow, even on the phone you're a crappy liar."

"I know."

"You have the worst luck Lulu."

"That doesn't really help me."

"It wasn't supposed to."

"You are no help. Anyway I don't think I'll be able to tutor this kid with his cute face."

"What is it with you and cute faced boys?"

"I honestly don't know myself. I think I might have a problem."

"You think?"

"Okay okay, I have a problem. It's just he's so cute! And he has the softest hands. They wll feel amazing around my-" 

"Woah, slow down there Lulu. I don't need to know about your fantasies with a kid."

"He's 18 Xing Xing! He's not that young!"

"Whatever you say. Anyway, you think you can handle teaching him without currupting him?"

"No. I mean you should have seen his cute face."

"Well, it's too late to say no now I guess. Just try to think of your dad every time you think innaproporiate thought of the kid. That should help."


"What? I'm just trying to help. I don't want you getting a while you tutor him! Anyway, I have to go. Good luck."

"Wai-" Well that call was pointless. Why do I even ask him for help anymore?  Ugh! I flush the toilet and wash my hands beofre I head out to see my student again when I see Sehun and a familiar face. "Joon?"

"Oh my god Luhan? What's up?" He asks as he walk up and gives me a hug.

"Nothing much really. How have you been?"

"Good except I'm single yet again." He sighs while I just laugh at him.

"Yeah how long will that last for?" I quickly dodge a punch from Joon.

"Quit it! And why does everyone kepp saying that? I can be single if I want to be!"

"Sure Joon keep telling yourself that."

"That's exactly what I told him yesterday," Sehun poped up out of nowhere. Oh my god I almost forgot about this y maknae, "Luhan how do you know Joon anyway?"

I smlie up at him. "Oh our friend Kai set us up on a blind date about a year ago. He's not my type at all." I said as ran my eyes over Sehun's amazing body.

"Ha ha very funny Lulu don't be like that. You know we were perfect for each other!" Joon said while fake crying into my shoulder. "Why couldn't you have given us a chance Lulu? Why?" 

"Hahaha oh Joon baby I'm sooooo sorry, you were just too much for me."

"Haha yeah I know. You couldn't handle me even if you wanted to"

"Yeah your probably right Joon."

"So hey, your Sehun-ah's new tutor?"


"Well Sehun-ah, your in good hands here. Lulu is one of the smartest people I know."

"Thanks Joon but I'm not that smart."

"He's lying Sehun-ah. Don't listen to him."

"Oh and I should listen to you Joon?" Sehun questioned.

"Of course I'm your roommate. Oh and Luhan your just in time, I just finished making dinner want some?"

"I can't actually. I just came to meet Sehun today, I wasn't really planning on staying long."

"Come on Lulu, I haven't seen you in awhile. We need to talk."

Sehun looked at Joon like he was on something, "I thought you were going drinking with Kai tonight?"

"He cancelled on me. Anyway, please stay Lulu."

"Maybe tomorrow. Anyway, Sehun you said I was helping you with trig right?"

"Yeah, is that okay?"

"It's fine. Not my best subject but I'm pretty good with it. I'll stop by from 3-5 tomorrow then if that's okay with you."

"It's fine but Joons right. You should stay with us please?" Sehun pouted as he grabbed my hand. I could feel myself start to blush at the feel of his hands on mine. "U-um, s-sorry. I really can't. It was nice meeting you but I have to go now. See you tomorrow Sehun and Joon, nice seeing you again."

"Fine Lulu, I see how it is. You can't seem to love me even now. " Joon began fake crying again except this time on Sehun's shoulder. "I swear Sehun-ah he's a heart-breaker."

"HEY! I am not!"

"It's okay Joon, there are more fish in the sea for you. You will probably find another one tomorrow anyway." Sehun comforted while patting Joon's back making me feel jealous and awkward. "Anyway, I'll see you guys tomorrow. I'll let myself out." And with that I left back to my apartment.






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Chapter 4: Jelly lulu
Chapter 4: update soon.. ;)
Chapter 4: Ngahahaha.. both are struck by arrow.... lulu is shy.. and sehun is so strractive
great story!
Chapter 3: Come on lulu I know you love sehun