Chapter 1

A Thousand Years





It was 2005. Eunhyuk was in his freshman year of high school at Sungjae High school for Boys in the heart of Seoul. He started off like any other student had, excited and feeling like they were beginning to truly grow up.

                It was a whole new school where the students sported bubblegum pink or other crazy hair colors and piercings in places that weren’t acceptable before, all in the name of the social tree that people choked over to be at the top. Even with all this, the biggest change for Eunhyuk was something entirely different.

It had everything to do with a new Korean student that had been born and raised in America. His name was exotic; Aiden Lee. It wasn’t only his name that caught people’s attention but his overall handsome physique and goofy self. He grew crowds to listen to his experiences at Disney World, NYC, and LA, eating American staples like cheeseburgers and hotdogs.

Eunhyuk was among those who listened to him nonstop. Free time became Aiden time for whatever class he was in. It was perhaps the way he told his stories that made the class so intrigued since they had all seen plenty of American movies before.

Aiden’s appearance was also that of unique. He was average height but was well muscular. His hair had been dyed gold in the States and was style just so. His clothing was always laid back but he’d always wear something flashy and random with it like a sparkly blazer or a hat with horns on it. He always tried to add something to separate himself from others.

By the 1st month, Aiden began to fully acknowledge the single student that was Eunhyuk.

“Yah! You won’t give it?!” A voice threatened.

Aiden stopped in his tracks. He was on his way out to the field for gym after changing into his gray T-shirt and navy blue gym shorts when he heard the voice. He back tracked his steps, peering over a bush to a secluded area on the side of the building.

Two guys were pressing a shaking but familiar student up against the wall.

“I…didn’t bring my money today.. I’m ssorry.” The student began to cry.

“You’re such a , I know you have the money!” One of the guys slammed him up against the wall.

Aiden frowned, standing up from his hiding spot behind the bush.

“Looking for weed money?” He snorted.

The three students looked at him, two with anger and one with relief.

“ off, Aiden! This is none of your business.” One of them threatened.

Aiden looked at his nails, walking casually forward. “I didn’t want blood on my fingers today but…”

He then was close enough and landed a punch to the first guy, making him drop to the ground, holding his jaw in pain.

Instantly, the second took the advantage and caught Aiden square in the nose. Aiden’s head whipped back. He touched his nose that was still bleeding.

“School pictures are in a few days you !” He shouted, kicking the guy hard in the stomach.

The guy fell to the ground, gasping for the wind knocked out of him. Aiden took Eunhyuk’s hand in his, running out onto the field into view where they’d be safe.

“Are you okay?” Aiden’s eyebrows creased in concern, checking Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk shook his head. “I’m fine. You’re the one bleeding!” He pointed out.

“Huh?” He asked having completely forgotten, Aiden touched his nose to see blood glisten on his fingertips.

Eunhyuk reached into his pocket, taking out a crumpled up tissue. It was the best he could do at the moment. He took Aiden’s hand, placing it in and closing it.

“You aren’t going to do it for me after I saved you?” Aiden teased.

Eunhyuk took the tissue, carefully reaching and dabbing Aiden’s nose and upper lip that were covered in fresh blood. Aiden kept staring at him all the while, making Eunhyuk turn pink.

After that, they became closer. Aiden even came up with the adorable nickname ‘Hyukkie’ so every time Eunhyuk heard it, he’d know it was Aiden. Aiden then began to ruffle his hair every time he saw him. Then it upgraded to hugging. Eunhyuk looked forward every day to the times he’d see Aiden and receive a hug from him. Sometimes, he’d go out of his way just to see him to get a hug.

Aiden would wrap his arms around him and Eunhyuk would secretly breathe in his thick scent of cologne. Eunhyuk knew he sounded ridiculous but he couldn’t stop himself.

5 months had passed since Aiden saved Eunhyuk from the school’s druggies. It was when they had both gone out like usual after school for ddokkbokki and sometimes chicken feet. Eunhyuk had introduced it to him when they first began to hang out and Aiden could never get enough of it ever since.

This time, Aiden seemed nervous. He kept blanking out, dropping his phone, and kept tripping over his feet. Eunhyuk couldn’t help but giggle. Aiden was always so calm, cool, and collected. It was a whole nother side to him. They sat down on a nearby swinging bench to eat.

Aiden stopped Eunhyuk from taking his first bite.

“Eunhyuk…I have something to say.” He said, half mumbling.

Eunhyuk plopped his rice cake back into the Styrofoam cup, jutting out his lip in a pout. He was hungry and his growling stomach could attest to it.

Aiden looked down at his hands for a minute in silence, wringing them, before he looked back up and straight into Eunhyuk’s eyes.

“I like you.” He said outright.

Eunhyuk was glad then he hadn’t been eating anything then or else he probably would’ve choked and died from the shock. His heart pounded thickly in his chest.

“Do you like me?” Aiden asked, nervously.

Eunhyuk bit his lip, trying to keep from drowning in his soft brown eyes.

“I’ve liked you…since the first day of school.” He confessed.

Aiden’s smile then would’ve killed him there if he was weak hearted. He leaned in slowly towards the wide eyed boy. Before their lips touched, Eunhyuk squeezed his eyes shut. This was it. His first kiss. He felt Aiden’s lips finally reach his. They were warm and soft. Eunhyuk could almost swear he heard fireworks like in those movies.

For 4 months, they were the happiest couple in the school. Aiden and Eunhyuk walked everywhere in the halls together with their hands linked. Aiden would always walk Eunhyuk to his class, giving him a quick kiss that was enough to make Eunhyuk melt before he left.

After school, they were stuck like glue. They went to Lotte World, Neverland, Caribbean Bay Waterpark, saw movies, went skiing while it was cold, and when the weather turned warm, they went swimming.

It was the happiest 4 months of Eunhyuk’s life. He never looked or thought about an end. Aiden and he talked about summer plans within the last few weeks of school, planning to go everywhere. They even talked of plans of going and staying by the beach for a week. It would be just the two of them. Eunhyuk was excited, his mind refused to think of anything else except Aiden. It was him 24/7.

It was the night of the freshman graduation at last. Eunhyuk went over to Aiden’s house like usual. Except that night, they slept together. It was the most special night in Eunhyuk’s heart and he made a promise to keep it always in his mind. He never wanted to forget it. Aiden’s scent. His touch. His lips. It was engraved forever.

The next morning, Eunhyuk waited on the front steps like he usually did, waiting for Aiden. But Aiden never came. Feeling kind of disappointed, he forced himself to class, thinking Aiden was busy or possibly sick. But wouldn’t that mean Eunhyuk was sick too? He felt fine.

It wasn’t until 3rd period that things took a sickening turn. He was in the middle of his Joseon history exam- his last school exam, when an office lady came in with a pink slip. Eunhyuk grew sick at the way she whispered in his ear something urgent while his teacher’s face stared at him grimly.

“Lee Hyukjae.” He called, motioning Eunhyuk forward.

Eunhyuk slung his backpack over his shoulder, bringing his half-finished test to the teacher who handed him the pink slip solemnly. Getting panicky, Eunhyuk bolted from the classroom to the front office where the phone was waiting for him on its cord.

Once he reached it, he stared at it. If he picked it up, only bad things could come. Taking a deep breath, he shakily picked it up and pressed it coldly against his ear.

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 4: Poor hyuk, but if he decide to leave siwon....arrrgggnhh poor siwon too T_T...
looking forward for the next chaps, good luck
HaeHasANiceButt #2
Chapter 3: Poor Hyukkie...
jewelsvalencia #3
Chapter 3: Poor Hyukkie, and don't be that harsh Yunho! You're so meanie >_<
jewelsvalencia #4
Chapter 2: Aideeeeen!!!!! Ahhh Hyuk chase him!!! DX
HaeHasANiceButt #5
Chapter 1: Oh this seems so sad but so good at the same time!
blancanieves #6
Chapter 1: Omg, this is so sad D: