Accidents Like These

A Guy Like Me

One shot,
a very long one shot.
Sorry if it's too long and draggy.
I might come with a Rated M one shot soon,
Comments always welcome
Love & Peace



"Thank you so much Gary Oppa!"Ji Hyo thanked her castmate and friend. The Running Man cast and crew were filming an episode in Busan for the next 2 days. Ji Hyo unfortunately had some plumbing issues in her room which resulted in her calling Kang Gary asking if she could use his bathroom.She would have called the PD or her other Running Man castmates but it was already quite late and she knew Kang Gary was only a few rooms away from hers.

"Ahhhh Ji Hyo,why do you have such bad luck?"Gary teased Ji Hyo.Ji Hyo smacked his shoulder lightly before making her way to his bathroom.He heard the bathroom door close with a click,he had to smirk as he heard Ji Hyo struggling to lock the door from the inside.

"Gary Oppa!Your door doesn't lock!Don't come in okay!"Ji Hyo hollered from behind the closed door.

"Yah Ji Hyo!I'm too busy watching TV to come in!"Gary hollered back as he channel surfed,refusing to settle on a channel.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!"A loud cry came from the bathroom after he heard a loud thump come from the bathroom.Gary jumped out of bed,dashing to the bathroom door.He knocked on the door anxious that Ji Hyo might had hurt herself.

"Ji Hyo ahh..Are you okay?"

"OPPA!HURRY!COME IN PLEASE!" Ji Hyo called out to Gary hurriedly.Gary hesitated before coming into the bathroom,one of his hands covering his eyes.

"Oppa!My towel!Take my towel from behind the door!"Gary attempted to move his hand away from his firmly shut eyes.

"Oppa No!Keep your eyes closed!"Ji Hyo shouted.Gary jumped in surprise keeping his hand firmly shielding his eyes as he stumbled into the door grabbing the clean white towel hanging against it,before throwing it in the vicinity of Ji Hyo's voice.

Gary could hear Ji Hyo struggling as she tried to,he guessed,wrap the towel around herself.

Ji Hyo sat sprawled out in the tub,craddling her arm.She internally scolded herself for being so clumsy.After hollering to Gary earlier that the bathroom door couldn't be locked,she had undressed herself placing her red hoodie and sweatpants neatly on the bathroom vanity.She twisted the 2 knobs in the tub testing the water before she stepped into the tub where she lost her balance and slipped smacking her head.She screamed in pain when she felt shooting pains on her left shoulder and arm.

Ji Hyo bit her lip,she could barely get up even the slightest movement or jostle to her arm resulted in shooting pains.She had wrapped herself as best as she could in the towel.She looked at the her clothes sitting on the bathroom vanity meters away from her.She closed her eyes cussing herself once more.

"Ji Hyo.Are you okay?What happened?Can I open my eyes now?"

Ji Hyo had to smile despite the stabbing pain

"Yes Oppa you can open your eyes."

Gary removed his hand from his eyes,jumping in shock when he saw a wet Ji Hyo lying in the tub covered only in a towel.

"Ahhhh Ji Hyo!What's going on?!"Gary had turned his back against her in a flash as he faced the wooden bathroom door.

"Oppa!I fell and I can't get up I think I fractured my arm.Please help me!"Ji Hyo pleaded desperately.

Gary nodded,he knew Ji Hyo was a strong girl and was very independent.She wouldn't ask for help unless she really needed to.Gary spotted her neatly folded clothes on the bathroom vanity.He turned to Ji Hyo,slipping his arm under her knees and his right arm behind her shoulder.Ji Hyo grimaced in pain.

"One..Two..Three.."Gary counted out loud before he successfully cradled Ji Hyo out from the tub settling her on her feet.Gary closed his eyes and placed both his palms against his face the darkness embracing his sight.Gary could hear Ji Hyo stuggling in pain as she put on her clothes.

"Oppa.You have to help me get to the hospital."

Gary took that as a sign that she was done getting dressed.He opened his eyes to see her in her hoodie and sweatpants.Her right arm was in it's sleeve while the left arm was tucked against her body leaving the sleeve empty and dangling.He would have laughed if he didn't see that Ji Hyo was grimacing in pain.


Lucky for the both of them,there was an empty taxi waiting right outside the hotel lobby.Gary pulled the door open letting Ji Hyo slip in before her,he told the driver to bring them to the nearest hospital insisting that he go as fast he could.As it was already pretty late,the roads were clear of traffic and it took them 10 minutes to get to the hospital.

Gary sat beside Ji Hyo in the half filled accident and emergency section of the hospital.He had a clipboard and pen in hand as he assisted Ji Hyo in filling up her form.

"Do you have any allergies?Other than IV drip?" Gary asked her.
She knew she had severe allergic reactions to a handful of Western medication since she was a child but wasn't a 100% sure which ones.She shrugged her shoulders,as she tried to forget about the pain that was growing unbearable.

"Do you have tattoos or skin lesions?No right?"Gary wanted to confirm with Ji Hyo,he was surprised when Ji Hyo tuned a shade of pink.

"Ummm..Just leave it blank."Ji Hyo replied softly refusing to meet Gary's eye.Gary was pleasantly surprised as he laughed aloud.

"Ahhh Ji Hyo!You have a tattoo?Does your mother know?"Gary after he finished completing the form.

"Oppa!You are so nosy!You're worse than my mother!"Ji Hyo replied as she smiled.She was glad that Gary was with her,she was in alot of pain and scared but with Gary beside her he made things a lot more bearable.Gary continued to as they joked and bantered til the wee hours of the night.


Gary glanced at his watch it was nearly 3am and they had just reached their hotel.Ji Hyo was humming softly under her breathe.The doctor had given her strong pain medication and placed her arm in a sling her shoulder back in it's proper place.
"Oppaaaaa..Why don't we go swimming!?"Ji Hyo turned to Gary as they stood side by side in the hospital,Gary clutching on a plastic bag full of Ji Hyo's medication.Gary smiled to himself for the 2 years that he had known Ji Hyo,he had never seen her like this,her words were slurred and she was giggling to herself.

"Ahhh Ji Hyo,you need to rest.We'll go swimming when your arm heals." Gary replied he laughed when Ji Hyo gave her classic Mong expression she was well known for,

Poor Ji Hyo she's so high on medication she probably doesn't even know where she is.

Gary walked Ji Hyo to her room,sliding her keycard in and gaining access to her room.He placed her medcine on the vanity table where her cellphone and wallet lay.He turned around to see Ji Hyo was already lying in her bed her eyes dropping from exhaustion.

"Goodnight Ji Hyo,I'll let PD know what happened.See you tomorrow."Gary called out before making his way out of her room.

"Oppa wait!"Gary walked back to Ji Hyo,maybe she needed a glass of water or an extra pillow from the closet.

"My hip.."Ji Hyo replied,as she snuggled on her side her eyes getting smaller.

"It's a tattoo of a daisy I got when I was 17..."Ji Hyo replied sleepily before she fell asleep.

Gary smiled to himself before walking back to his own room.He couldn't wait to about it in private,especially after she had sworn a few months ago she would never get a tattoo.

Song Ji Hyo,how you make me smile and laugh without even trying.


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Micalbautista #1
Chapter 2: Hoping for more updates :)
iamrainy #2
Chapter 2: please update
joaanneetraann #3
Chapter 2: Authornim please continue to update!!!! UR story is amazing!
zpa235_ #4
Chapter 2: Can't wait for next chapter. Fighting author-nim!! ^^
marchiandog #5
Chapter 2: This was amazing, I can't wait for an update.
P.S. I was half-expecting for her to say that she had a tattoo of a chinese character for courage.
Chapter 2: Love your story so far, it's really interesting! Any chance for any updates on this story?
Anyway, thanks for sharing your writing here!
poisedon #7
please update......T.T
vevina #8
Chapter 2: I love it so much...please keep on update
Chapter 2: nice update
maerd82 #10
Nice,where's the next chapter?