IMAGINE with Zelo (Type B)

IMAGINES:) With LuKaiHan

Scenerio: Zelo's the last one to finish signing the albums, and as his coordi-noona he asks you to keep him company since he's scared of being alone.

Imagine Zelo sitting down by a table full of BAP's latest album 'One Shot', still signing his pages of the photobook dilligently. As you're about to leave since the manager said you could, you feel Zelo grabbing your wrist suddenly, as you turn around blushing slightly at the contact. He looks up at you with his slightly-tired eyes, and mutters a soft 'stay'. With his arm still holding your wrist, he speaks up. "Noona, wait for me. I'm almost done and I'm scared to be alone. So please?" He says almost desperately. Your voice gets caught in your throat as he stands up, and drags you by the hand to the couch, puts a blanket over your legs since you're wearing shorts, and goes back to signing the albums.

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K0r3aL0va #1
Chapter 16: UWAAAAHHHHH~~~ that was sweety fluffy time power x1234567899876543153895!!! Hahaha
Thank youuuuu :)))
I could totally see Kris proposing to mehhh~ hahaha I'm kidding :P
No seriously, I LOVED it!! (I still do hahaha)
Thank you again for taking time to do my request! :DD <3
Btw, do you have kakaotalk? :3
K0r3aL0va #2
Hellooooo~ do you remember unnie? :DD Hahaha
I request a Kris imagine in type B!
For the scenario..I want him to propose to me in the most romantic wayyy!! <3
Good luck~ ;D <3
Chapter 15: Me!! I want a d.o imagine ;D JKJK I want lay imagines :) u never read my new one! *cries* my head hurts cause of math...
Chapter 14: oh my god.
this is so awesome and sweet
when i read this i was so o my god i can't describe it
i really like this autnor-nim
K0r3aL0va #5
Chapter 14: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~~~~~~~~~ >////////<
This. Was. AWESOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!! <3333333
Thank you thank you thank youuuuu~
When i made my request, I though you'd only write like, one paragraph, but you wrote ALL OF THIS!! And it's FREAKIN AWESUM!!! >//////<
It was much better than what I was waiting for, and Kris asking me out is just sooooo sooooo sweeeeeeet~~~ it was a wonderful idea! Thanks for adding it :)))
Today I was feeling really depressed because of school problems, but you brightened my day with this imagine, and I'm very thankful for that :)
I really needed something sweet and fluffy, and you gave me exactly what I was looking for! :D
Thank you again :)
May I add you as a friend? If you're okay with that, I'd like to talk to you a bit more :) its okay if you don't want to though :p And can I make other requests if I have any ideas?
Anyway, I'm gonna upvote your fic now, bai bai~ ;DD
K0r3aL0va #6
Hello :D new subbie here!
I'd like to request a Kris imagine!
Something like a sweet fluffy date where he asks you out!! >////< in type B pleaaaase :DD <3
Chapter 13: OMG OMG OMG, don't make me abandon hunhan!! >:(
Chapter 12: PSH, You ah.... Anyway, loves it!! :)
Chapter 11: Me want Minho one :)