Summer Fling

Summer Fling


“Hi” I glance at him thru my eyelashes. He’s beaming down at me like he saw a gift for him under the Christmas tree. Sitting under the tree, contemplating about the things I know I did wrong but because of my selfish needs I ignored everything and continue doing this sinful thing.

“I’ve been looking at you around the campus. Glad I’ve found you” he sat beside me closely, making our shoulders bump to each other. I sighed. This thing should stop.....



It’s a day before our summer vacation, as we fall inline waiting for our turn to sign our clearance Yonghwa approaches me.

“Hi” he muttered. I looked at him suspiciously. He’s not in his usual self right?

“Hi” I answered back, but glares at him suspiciously.

“Are you done with that signing thing?” he asked

“err. Not really we still got few professors to attend to. How bout you?”

“few more and we’re done” he grins. He looks more attractive when smiling.

“oh” I commented. What happened to him? The way he looks at me is making me conscious.

“do you want me to help you?” he asked me all of a sudden. I looked at him suspiciously again.

“err. I need to find my friends first. We’ll go together”

“Is that so? Ok” he’s about to say something else but ignored it. He taps my head softly and smiled at me. He’s always doing that to me, even though we’re not that close. But because he’s been doing that a lot of times, it just feels normal and it feels weird that I like it whenever he does that. I smiled back at him and walked past him to talk to my friends.




I just finished showering when I heard my phone ring. It was him

“hi” I said

“hi” he shyly said

“what’s up?”

 “what time are you going to school?”

“around 7? I don’t know. Why?”


“is that the reason why you called?”

“yeah” but then his voice is weird

“err. Something wrong?” I asked concerned

“no, not really. I just want to talk to someone” he honestly said

“oh. Why don’t you call suzy?”

Suzy is my close friend. He’s been courting her few months ago but these past few weeks they seems to became comfortable to each other and labeled their relationship as friends. Suzy loves someone, his friend Hongki. Yonghwa and Hongki knew they like the same girl but Yonghwa loves Hongki more and choose to step back but still keeping communications with Suzy, but as a friend.

“You don’t want to talk to me?” he teases me. I giggle

“well I need to do some thing”

“you’re always busy” he sighed. His voice made me shrugged. His voice husky like he’s talking to his lover or someone close to him. His voice so warm and felt like it’s embracing me fully. Stop that thought!!! My subconscious shouted at me

“err. Anything else?” I asked trying to sound bored

“no nothing more. Bye hyun” he calls my name softly. I shudder once again. I hang up.

I face-palmed myself. What the hell is happening to you Seo Joo Hyun?! For goodness sake!! He’s suzy’s admirer!! 



The day after that weird phone call he enters our classroom, his face sullen. I wonder what happened to him. He’s not his usual self again. Man you’re a Bipolar! He used to be the joker of the class but today as he enters the room he doesn’t even smile.

As I got home and was resting at the bed I texted him.

“what’s wrong” few seconds later and he replied. Like he’s waiting for my text Don’t be assuming Seo Joo Hyun!! My subconscious shouted at me again

“Family problem. How did you know I have a problem?”

“you’re not your usual self.”

“I rarely show this side of mine. I used to be very cheerful when I’m in school.”

“but when in your house?”

“I got another fight with my father.”

He told me that his father told him hurtful words that made me feel bad for him. I comforted him just like his friend and tell him soothing words. And yesterday as he enters the room he’s back to his usual self. He looked at me intently and mouthed a silent Thank you for yesterday. I blush cherry tomato red and just smiled at him.

And one time I was having trouble with my friends he also texted me

“any problem” he texted

“how did you know”

“just like what you said… you’re not in your usual self” he said. He sounds concerned

“err. Just got friend problem.” But a sob escaped my mouth before I stopped it

“hush” he said softly, his tone made me want to run to him and cry loudly

Yah Seo Joo Hyun! Watch where your thoughts are heading!!  My subconscious shouts at me again

“I’ll hang up now” I said, before I say stupid things

“wait. I just hope you’ll feel better. You’re more beautiful when smiling. Trust me” he said those words softly that I’m holding in each word he says.

“Thank You yong” I said. A small smile escaped my lips

“Anytime angel” it made me freeze. Angel? What the hell?! I hang up on him

Before I knew it, my heart is beating loudly like it’s gonna pop out ouside my chest. I placed my hand at my chest trying to stop this crazy heartbeat

Please God. Not him.



But since that day he used to call me every night and it feels like its already a routine of ours. Talking non-stop from 10pm up until 3am, talking about things under the sun, our troubles, crazy and funny stories way back then

We became really close that it came to the point where every time he missed a call at night makes me feel something weird at my chest. Like someone’s pinching it and it’s kinda hurtful.

But as he texted me my mood gets lighter.

We talk and text each other everyday. And it gives me a happy and complete feeling. Oblivious of the guiltiness that’s creeping inside me everytime we flirt on the phone and in text, sending sweet messages that leaves grin on our face. It makes my day complete. Just a simple text and it sends me to cloud nine.

One day as I’m waiting for his reply my subconscious told me. You’re inlove with him

  I lay at my bed, staring at the ceiling, analyzing further if what my subconscious said was true. And it dawned on me.

I feel sad whenever he’s not calling or texting me. I feel thrilled whenever I’m seeing him, whenever we talk, whenever our eyes met and stare at each other on God knows how long. I feel hurt when he’s talking to other girls.

I closed my eyes. Here come the consequences of me being happy throughout the summer break, for being ignorant, for being self-centered.




“Why are you staying away from me?” suzy confronted me one afternoon as we headed to the cafeteria

“I-I’m not” I can’t look at her straightly. Feeling guilty for all the wrong things I’ve acted.

“Did you do something wrong?” her cellphone rang

“oh wait Hyunnie” she said and answered it

“Oh! Yonghwa Oppa annyeong! Yes I received the gift! Thank You!!!” she said sweetly. I clutched my chest. It feels like it will explode anytime now.

“I need to use the comfort room suzy” I said loudly. Wishing he could hear me.

“Yes she’s with me. Why Oppa?” I heard her as I walked away. A tear escaped my lips and I ran through the school’s park, mending my wounded heart secretly.


[I reccomend this song as you read the next part. Click here to play ^^. Lyrics at the foreword]

That night he called me but I didn’t answer it, thus I ignored it and fall asleep. And then I unexpectedly woke up at 3am, I checked my phone. 50 missed calls and 30 text. And then another text arrived I accidentally opened it. It’s from him

“The stars look more beautiful here in your place” I froze. And then he called. I answered it hesitantly

“It’s been a hell of a week since you talked to me. Are we still good?” He said in a croaked voice. I answered him with silence

“I guess we’re not. I’m stupid” he confessed

“there’s so many vehicles here even at this time. Hmmm. Interesting” then I heard honks

“You’ll talk to me or “ then another loud honk echoed through the street.

My heart lurched. My scalp prickles. I burst out my room and was unlocking the door when I heard tire screeched loudly making my heart lurched. I hastily opened the front door and run as fast as I can outside the street and saw him standing at our gate looking at me intently with those eyes

I ran towards his direction and slapped him hard. I glare at him, his expression bleak.

“Are you some kind of an idiot?!” I shouted on top of my lungs.

“It’s the only thing I know for you to talk to me” his voice broke at the last part

“what do you want from me?!”

“I know what we feel are the same”

“Stop this Yonghwa” I tried to look calm

“Stop ignoring me”

“Stop talking to me!” I turn on my heel but before I turn away he stopped me and holds my wrist tightly.

“Slap me if that’s the only way you’ll talk to me”

“Go away! Away from me! Stop disturbing me!” I said. My heart bleeds as I see the hurt passed his eyes

“what happened to us?” he softly whispered that makes my eyes water

“Us? First of all there’s no us”

“Even though it happened fast I felt it”

“I’m not hearing anything from you” I tried to escaped his hold but failed as he tightened it more

“I like you” he whispered softly

“Suzy is my friend” and my heart bleeds because of this .I stopped my mouth from adding those words.

“Is that the reason why you ignore me?”

“This isn’t right and I know you know it. Even though you’re just friend you still courted her. Don’t you see the whole picture?? We’re impossible!” As much as I want us to be together. Keeping my emotion control, I think I succeed

“I like you” and you love her. I answered in my mind bitterly. I can’t take this anymore this is just too much for me.

“Stay away from me! Stay away out of my life! Yonghwa I don’t like you!” I love you! I shouted in my thoughts

I can see his pain mirrored mine. His let go of my wrist

“I don’t believe you.” He said desperately

“what do you want to hear? I like you too? What If I do? Does that change the fact that we can’t be together? Does that change the fact that you courted my best friend and you love her. I do hell know what you feel towards her. And what hurts the most? I like you, you like me but you love her! You love my bestfriend and I know deep inside you still do. So let’s stop this stupidity and pretend nothing happened between us. Let’s not hurt each other anymore Yonghwa please”

“Hyun” a tear escaped his hurtful eyes

“Don’t. please let’s not torment each other more Yong” I whispered painfully.

“If you like me let me go. I love Suzy more Yong. I’m sorry but we can’t be together. Let’s stop this” my voice broke at the last part

The truth is I love you. Yonghwa wants to say these words to her, but his subconscious tells him that she won’t believe it because it’s too early to say he loves her. He looked at her intently one last time and then turned back. Clutching his chest to prevent him from feeling the extreme pain of letting go of her




After 5 years

“Suzy-ah! Congratulations!!!” seohyun greeted her. Today is Suzy and Hongki’s wedding and suzy chose her as the maid of honor.

“I wish you find your happiness too Hyunnie” he’s still waiting for you. she hugged her tight and tapped her chubby cheeks



It was already evening. She’s happily gazing at the happy couple dancing at the center of the dance floor. As her eyes travel through peoples faces she froze on her spot as her eyes clash on the too-familiar-eyes that make her quiver inside. Making her heart beat faster. She saw him stride along the other guest and was heading towards her direction. She step backward and walk away from him. Without looking back, she headed through the beautiful garden. Staring at the beautiful moon shining above her, when she felt big and strong arms wrap around her

“Yah!!” she’s about to shout and call for help when he speak

“Hi” he whispered in her ears huskily

“Hi your face. Get off me!”

“I’ve been looking at you ever since the wedding starts”

“I don’t care”

“I love you” then her world stops. She can’t think of any words to say to him, he released her from his grasp and let her face him. He looks more mature, more handsome and hotter.

“say something sweetheart” he said, his voice croaked

“Until now?” she whispered in disbelief

“eh?” his eyes widen. Not expecting her answer

“you like me 5 years ago and you love me just now?”

“err…” he touched his nape in embarrassment “actually I love you ever since.. I told you I like you because you might not believe me when I told you I love you back then. You’ll just think of me as a womanizer. Yes I courted Suzy but that only lasted for a week I think? Because of you I let her go, I chose you over her and told her everything. She insisted that she’ll help me get close with you and help me court you but it’s just not fair right? That day when you heard Suzy talking to me on the phone, I gave her an apology gift, she told me that I need to call her that time and that’s when I found out that her motive is to get you jealous. She told me you’re jealous but your jealousy made you ignore me for a long long long time. I’ve waited for this day to come. And” before he finished his confession, she stopped him. She tiptoed and kissed his lips lightly and looked at him shyly.

“I love you too. For a long long long time ago” she smiled. He gaped at her for few seconds

“Hello Jung Yong Hwa????”

She waves her hand to his dumbstruck face, and suddenly he grabs her hand and pulls her close to him. As he cups her face and lean down to her closely he whispered through their only inches apart lips

“I’m a greedy man for your information Seo Joo Hyun-ssi. I don’t share what’s mine” he growled. She can feel his breath closer to her lips

“well I’m a greedy woman too Jung Yong Hwa-ssi” she raise her brows, challenging him

“Should I kiss my woman now?” he whispered huskily

“yes you should because this woman is so eager to kiss his man” he chuckled and kiss her with love and passion

“I love you Seo Joo Hyun”

“I love you too Jung Yong Hwa”

They lay at the grass, looking at the sky with the moonlight shining them from above. He intertwined his hands with her and stared at her with so much love and sincerity

“I knew this is worth the wait” he said huskily, he smiled down at her, showing his megawatt smile   

“Are you flirting with me Mr. Jung?”

“No. I’m seducing you sweetheart”


=========================================The End=========================================


Author's Note

I just want to thank you guys for commenting and for reading my stories. kyaaa~ Albeit I haven't got the time to update fast because of my kinda busy schedule. I'm a quidnunc yes. hahahah! Thank you so much from the bottom of my big big big heart. haha! 

Oooh. Leila123 I hope you see this one sweety.haha! I just want to say thank you for the sweet comment yesterday? I was kinda feeling down that time but when I saw your comment my mood lit up. kkk~ Thank you for that! <3 although I don't know you personally. heeee~ ^^

I've read your comment regarding the scandal! HAHAHA! I freaked-out and I know it's kinda weird but I felt happy when both agency denied the rumor. haha! well that's what Gogumas are. more happy when they're denying it.lolol

I'm a proud Goguma Shipper! stay strong and keep the ship sailing yongwonhi~<3




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Chapter 1: I literally rolled on my bed because of too much kiliggggg at the last part wahhhh
pipipink #2
Chapter 1: Another sweet ending ...
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Chapter 1: Horeeeee...... Happy ending
ShinHye24 1340 streak #4
Chapter 1: awesome <3 and the song just great !!!! thanksssss
Chapter 1: aacccckk. so sweet. i love it!!
Chapter 1: sequel :3 pls pls
kmrsanchez #7
Chapter 1: I love this story... but 5 years is kinda too long. But im still happy coz they ended up together. Please update some more... yongseo forever.
Chapter 1: omo which scandal huh and what's with you guys using greedy so much in your story if it has something to do with yongseo please send me a link please
i loved this oneshot
Chapter 1: Omoooo yongseo
Author-nim daebak
goguma08 #10
Chapter 1: This oneshot is DAEBAK and it's super cute! Write more stories author-ssi! FIGHTING!!~~^^