Twenty - The Day Out

A Gun-Shot Wedding


[ In the Hotel Room ]

Jiyeon woke up as she turned around to see Myungsoo beside her. They are both sleeping on the same bed as Jiyeon stood up from the bed as she ruffled her hair dreamily. She yawned as she look around the room. The room was brightly lit. She took a closer look outside from the windows. It was already morning and the sun was hung on the sky, shining brightly through the window, onto the ground.

Jiyeon yawned sleepily again as she went over and patted Myungsoo on his shoulders. "Myungsoo-ah, we have to wake up now." Jiyeon said but Myungsoo did not move an inch or respond to her.

Jiyeon bit her lips as she started shaking his body slowly. Still, no response from him. Jiyeon gritted her teeth as she pursed her lips and shook him more vigorously. 

Myungsoo rubbed his eyes and slowly mumbled in a hoarse voice, "mmm... what?"

Jiyeon patted on his shoulders again as she pulled him up. "Myungsoo-ah, its time for you wake up. We've a day in Paris to enjoy!" Jiyeon squealed in excitement as Myungsoo smirked at her coldly. 

"I'll go take a bath and freshen myself up. You better wake up and don't sleep anymore." Jiyeon warned him as she entered the bathroom with a towel and her clothes.

"This girl... she's really something.." Myungsoo mumbled to himself as he let off a loud yawn. 


"Myungsoo-ah, you can go bathe already." Jiyeon cried out as she came out of the toilet, with a towel wrapper over her head. 

"Ne..." Myungsoo said as he went into the toilet.

Jiyeon took the hairdryer as she plugged it into the socket and started blowing her hair. After a few seconds, a voice echoed from the toilet. Jiyeon turned off the hairdryer, and cried, "Ne?" 

"Jiyeon-ah, help me get my clothes on the bed! I forgotten to bring them in with me!" Myungsoo cried out in the toilet. Jiyeon looked around the bed as she saw a pile of clothes lying on the other side of the bed. She took them as she knocked onto the door. She turned the doorknob and slightly push it in weakly.

The door was unlocked. Jiyeon's eyes widened as she slowly pushed the door open, revealing Myungsoo, . Jiyeon's eyes widened as she hurriedly covered her eyes and threw the clothes to Myungsoo. "Aiiish, wear some clothes for god's sake!" Jiyeon cursed under her breath as she ran to the bed and curl her body up.

Myungsoo chuckled upon her reaction and shouted back at her, "You're gonna see me all the time wife!" 

Jiyeon bit her lips as she rolled her eyes at the toilet door. "AISH MOLLA!" She screamed as she went to do her make-up.


Both of them were soon done dressed up as they all gathered for breakfast in the hotel restaurant and after that they went out of the hotel. As they opened the huge hotel doors, they were blown away by the spectacular view that stood infront of them. They did not notice it yesterday given that they arrived here when the sky is already pitch dark. 

Jiyeon gasped in awe as she wandered around aimlessly. Across the road was a garden, a beautiful garden indeed. The grasses were all trimmed neatly and the grass were green and clean. Jiyeon lay her body against the soft grass as she stare at the beautiful huge blue sky infront of her. She closed her eyes as she breathed into the fresh air in the garden. 

Myungsoo smirked as he lay beside her as he started glazing the sky with her. Sudden flashbacks went back to his mind.

"Oppa! Lets go glaze at the sky!" Suzy called out as she pulled Myungsoo to the park behind the school as they lay on the grass and stare at the sky in awe.

"OMO! Look at that cloud, that cloud has bunny ears!" Suzy squealed as she pointed at the bunny shaped cloud as she chuckled in amazement. 

Myungsoo smiled at her as he pointed onto the cloud beside her. "That cloud, looks like you. Beautiful, bright and shinning. Its the most attractive cloud you have to say that..." Myungsoo said as he Suzy's hair gently.

"Oppa... then the cloud beside that is you! So hot and handsome!" Suzy said, teasing back as both of them leaned towards each other and kissed.

Myungsoo snapped out of the sudden flashback as he stared at Jiyeon. "Its so hard forgetting her..." He mumbled softly to himself. 

"Jiyeon-ah." He soon mumbled.

"Ne?" Jiyeon said as she open her eyes and look at him curiously, furrowing her eyebrows. 

"Look at that cloud." Myungsoo said as he pointed to a round, white fluffy cloud on the sky. The sun rays shone through it, brightening and illuminating the cloud. "That cloud is so bright and shiny." Myungsoo commented.

Jiyeon nodded her head as she clapped her hands excitedly. "Thats you." Myungsoo said. "No matter whatever sad happens, I want you to be like that cloud. Forever shinning bright like diamonds in the sky." Myungsoo added on as he started her cheeks. 

"Myungsoo...My.Myungsoo-ah... Gwenchana?" Jiyeon said worriedly.

Myungsoo wiped the only tear from his face as he pulled Jiyeon for a hug as they lay onto the grass comfortably. "Lets just stay like this for awhile." Myungsoo said as he shut his eyes tight. 

Jiyeon looked at him as she bit her lips nervously. Something's not right about Myungsoo. 



After that few moment of hug, Myungsoo pulled away from the warm embrace as he wipe off the remaining tears on his face as he stood up. "Lets go to the effiel tower already, time for sight-seeing, no more whiny whiny moments." Myungsoo demanded as he raised his hands at Jiyeon, as Jiyeon grabbed onto his hand and stood up as both of them, with hands interlocked went to take a taxi to the effiel tower.

During the taxi ride, Myungsoo kept silent as his eyes were stuck onto the passing buildings as the taxi drove forward and forward. Jiyeon looked at Myungsoo worriedly. As a sign of concern. She moved herself closer to him as her hands patted on his. She wrapped her fingers around his hands as she lean her head on his shoulders.

"You'll not go down this path alone." Jiyeon whispered to him as she stared at the scenery together with him.

Myungsoo bent his head down as he caught a glimpse of Jiyeon watching the scenery outside the taxi. Myungsoo let off a faint smile as he rest his head on the seat as he turned and watch the passing buildings again.


Unknowingly, they've reached the effiel tower. "Sir, we've reached the effiel tower." The taxi driver said as he stopped the meter.

Myungsoo's eyes rolled down to the sight of Jiyeon. Jiyeon was still sleeping soundly on his shoulder. Myungsoo smiled as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and replied to the taxi driver, "Continue the meter. We'll stay at here for awhile. I don't want to wake her up." Myungsoo said as he glance at the clock.

It was 12:23p.m. local time. Myungsoo turned his head back at the window, watching and appreciating the glorious scenery outside the taxi, the scenery that belong to the spectacular, breath-taking France.


"mmm..." Jiyeon uttered as she open her eyes slowly as he saw Myungsoo smirking at her. "Omo... did I sleep a lot?"Jiyeon said as she panicked and looked at the clock. It was already 1:02p.m.. Jiyeon gasped as she looked at Myungsoo again, who was still smirking at her. Jiyeon punched his arms playfully as she grabbed her bags and made her way out of the taxi. 

Myungsoo chuckled as he handled over a pile of cash notes and left the taxi. "Keep the change" was the last words to the taxi driver as he went out and rush to Jiyeon, holding onto her hands tightly. 

"Thank you for the words just now. It meant alot to me." Myungsoo whispered into her ears as Jiyeon could not help, but to blush in reply.

Her cheeks were burning in embarrassment as she started fanning her face with her hands. Myungsoo pushed her hands away as he held on them tightly. "No need to be embarrassed infront of me." Myungsoo said as he pecked onto her forehead.

Jiyeon's eyes widened tremendously as her legs started shivering in shock. She was lost for words. Myungsoo tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows at her but Jiyeon remained at that position, stunned. 

Myungsoo grabbed onto her hands tightly as he pulled her to the streets as the approaching car zoomed past them. 

He just saved her. Jiyeon looked at him with wide, puzzled eyes as she clenched her fists in nervousness. "Gomawo.." She replied weakly.

Myungsoo smiled at her again as he lifted her chin and pecked onto her lips. "That words you said in the taxi keep ringing on my brain... I just really like your words you said. It gave me confidence." Myungsoo said as he her hair gently.


"Let's go in or we'll freeze to death here." Myungsoo said as he dragged Jiyeon to the effiel tower.


There it stood infront of them, the tall, magnificent, unique, one-and-only effiel tower. The beautiful contours of the building that joined together to form one straight line, the tall monument stood up tall, proudly and firmly onto the ground.

Jiyeon snapped several pictures of it on her phone, while Myungsoo was snapping some photos on his polaroid and his DSLR. Jiyeon raise her hands up as she started spinning around joyfully.

She took a huge breath of the fresh cool air in France as she let off a sigh. "Its so great to be in a foreign land!" Jiyeon shrieked in joy as she held Myungsoo's hands tightly. 

She then pointed to his polaroid, and screamed, "Lets take a photo together!" 

Myungsoo smirked as both of them stood side by side, as they snapped a polaroid photo together.

The photograph came out well, their faces were the centre of attention in the photograph, the angle was great and the lighting was natural, but used in a natural manner.

"Wah, its so beautiful, we must take more polaroid photos!" Jiyeon squealed in excitement as she pulled Myungsoo into the area under the tower where they started snapping photos on the polaroid continuously. 


That visit to the effiel tower was fruitful to both of them. They took many beautiful selcas there, as both of them began to become closer to each other. They've opened their hearts to one another more, as they laugh and chat together under the tower, with their bodies leaning against one leg of the tower.


After that, they went to visit many other heritage sites, monuments and famous tourist spots. They took and snapped even more selcas together, adding to the collection of the photographs they took in France. It was a wonderful, traumatizing yet heart-warming day out in France. The first day of their honeymoon was indeed magnificent. 



- Authornim

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moon_babydino #1
woah ! this is one of the best i've ever read in all myungyeon stories ! Jijja DAEBAK!!!! i like the way you made this stories. soooo good and awesome. :D hope you do more and more myungyeon stories cause im really haunting their stories lols. really shipper of this two kekekeke.anyway thank you so much authirnim for making this .im really enjoy it ! :D
Chapter 27: Hey, author-nim.
I'm your new reader and I've read it in 2 days.
i love it <3 ~ Happy ending for our Myungyeon
MyungyeonPanda #3
Chapter 27: Nooooo ! It End ... T-T Request A Sequel .
Authornim Hwaiting !
Chapter 27: It's done already., i hope u make a sequel author-nim. I'm looking forward to it!!
Chapter 27: IT'S DONEEEEEEE!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!
hyully #6
Chapter 27: wahhhhh.... happy ending <3
linhkju #7
Chapter 27: this fic make my feeling up and down . up cause them happy toghether . down cause this fic in the end . >_< please write yeonie more . i' ll support you
Chapter 27: * Tears Tears * Such A Happy Ending ! T-T Please Make More Myungyeon Fics .