Eighteen - The Wedding

A Gun-Shot Wedding


[ In Seoul Grande Hotel, Ballroom backstage ]


Jiyeon sat at the dressing table as she stared at herself on the mirror reflection blankly. The day has come. The wedding. The gun-shot wedding. Jiyeon took a huge breath in as she sighed. She is having mixed feelings about the wedding.

What if the wedding crashes by some person like Suzy? What if she fell more for Myungsoo during the wedding? She sighed as she look around the room. The backstage room was painted white, the ceiling were up high as there was a tall, huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Jiyeon sighed again as she was all alone in the room. Yura and her other friends were outside helping out with the wedding. 

Jiyeon had her make up done as she lean her body against the back of the chair. Her fingers were playing amongst each other as she looked down at her legs and sighed again.

She could only sigh. Her mind was at loss at the moment. She knew she would be happy to be married to Myungsoo, but married to a guy who is dating someone else, of the name Suzy. The thought of him kissing Suzy that day in the hospital made herself more furious. She clenched her fists as she threw her lipstick on the mirror.

Her inner anger rose as she slammed her table. She wanted to break down in tears that moment but she held it inside her. "Omma... when will my unrequited love end?!" Jiyeon screamed as tears started falling down her cheeks.

"All I want is somebody to love. I thought it could be him when I first saw him... but i was wrong... He doesnt love me at all no matter how much I try to not to love him... i love him omma." Jiyeon said to herself as she placed her head down onto the dressing table.


"Jiyeon.." Myungsoo called out as he opened the door. Jiyeon looked at him and buried her head in her chest, turning away from him, hiding away all the embarassment.

"Go.. go away! I dont want you to see my in this state." Jiyeon stated as she covered her face.

Myungsoo sighed as he hugged her from behind. "I don't want to see you like this... I don't like seeing you like this, in such an emotional, berserk mode." Myungsoo said gently into her ears. Jiyeon cried her heart out as she gripped onto Myungsoo's arms even harder.

"Op-" Suzy called out as she pushed the door open as her eyes scanned through the room, until it caught attention on Myungsoo hugging his bride, Jiyeon. Suzy bit her lips as one of her legs inched forward until was covered by Hoya.

Hoya pulled her out and slam Suzy onto the wall. 

"Yah, don't disturb them!" Hoya whispered to her.

"Yah, but hes my namja! Why is she hugging him?!" Suzy complained, in her low voice.

Hoya rolled his eyes, and replied, "You know you're a third party right? You left Myungsoo without any sound or any farewell, just poof and gone, you know how much Myungsoo suffered each day? Each day's a living hell for him!" Hoya shot death glances at Suzy as a tear fell down her cheeks. 

"When he graduated from University, he got a job, his job like hell. The boss despises him, no one gives him a decent thing to do in work. He's just do all the they give to him. He have no clients and his pay is low like hell. 


"But - " Suzy said but Hoya interrupted her again.

"He met Jiyeon... he used to play around, but hes getting serious ever since Jiyeon got pregnant. A true person would know he became more gentle, more considerate after Jiyeon's pregnancy. He started to care for people's feelings... He started to care for people. You know that?" Hoya said. "When you left him, he was a rascal, to sum up. He play with girls, toy feelings, acting all hooligans and stuff, so not gentlemanly - what his mother wants him to be." Hoya added on.

Suzy buried her face in the chest. "I thought he'd love me as much when he came back." Suzy mumbled.

"Jiyeon told me about this over the phone already. Myungsoo kissed you when he saw you in the hospital... am i right?" Hoya said. 

Suzy looked at him with a shocked expression over her face. She slowly nodded her head as she bit her lips. "I feel kinda bad now... I mean.. I don't want to interfere people's relationship. I didn't even know hes marrying Jiyeon until like a few days after we reconciled." Suzy explained as a tear dropped from her eyes.

"Myungsoo may not have feelings for her, but I'm sure hes developing them. He cared for her feelings as you see just now. Those two can get really well together, its just the matter of time. Give them some time, Myungsoo will definitely fall for Jiyeon." Hoya said.

Suzy sniffed and replied, "I feel like a right now. I shouldn't have accepted him." Suzy said. "I feel so selfish. I should have shrug him off in the hospital, and break off with him. Its like I made him sad, and suddenly I come back and claim him back, i'm like... playing with his feelings..." Suzy mumbled.

"Should... should I end this relationship?" Suzy asked.

Hoya looked at her and sigh. "I don't know, just let your heart decide for you. Yes or no, its up to you. Are you willing to give Myungsoo up? Do you love him a lot? Do you want to be a in your life? its all your choice." Hoya said. 

"I... to be honest... my feelings is weird after leaving him all this while... That special feelings did returned when I first saw him. I missed him a lot. But something tells me that his feelings have changed. I think.. I think I should leave him... I don't want to hurt Jiyeon or him anymore. I think if i leave him, it'd do them good." Suzy said.

Hoya nodded his head and ruffled her hair playfully. "It's your decision, hope it works. But do it after the wedding." He commented.

"I hope so." Suzy muttered to herself as she bit her lips nervously.


Back inside the dressing room, Jiyeon and Myungsoo were hugging each other tightly as Jiyeon cried her heart out on Myungsoo's shoulders. Myungsoo did nothing, spoke no word as he Jiyeon's back gently. "Don't cry anymore. We've got a wedding to host." Myungsoo said. "We're the attention today, remember?! We own the spotlight!" Myungsoo said in a spirited voice. 

Jiyeon pulled away from the hug as she wipe off the tears off her face.

Myungsoo smiled as he placed his hands and help her wipe off the tears off her face. "Aigoo... you cant clean for nuts, I'm going to get the stylist to come and do your make-up all over again." Myungsoo said as he patted on Jiyeon's head and went out. 

Jiyeon looked at her hands as she mumbled to herself, "Why are you treating me so well again now? Please do not do it, It'd only make me fall for you deeper..." 



It was a few moments later when the wedding hall is crowded with all the guests and the family members. Myungsoo and Jiyeon's parents were all sitted on the grand table, while the other relatives and friends are all seated behind them, as they eagerly watched the centre of the stage in the wedding hall in awe. 

Myungsoo went inside the dressing room to see Jiyeon bitting her lips as she play with her fingers in front of the mirror. "Are you nervous?" Myungsoo said as he smirked at her. Jiyeon looked at him and nodded her head silently.

Myungsoo patted on her head silently as he warmly smiled at her. 

Jiyeon clenched her fists as Myungsoo reached out his hand at her. Jiyeon looked at his hand as she looked up at Myungsoo again. Myungsoo was smiling at her as his eyes rolled down to his hands, signalling her to get her hand on his. 

Jiyeon pursed her lips as her hand slowly landed on Myungsoo's hands as both of them went out of the dressing room. 

"It's about time! The music's gonna play soon!" Yura said as both of them stood behind the huge doors. 

Yura peeked through the gap between the doors, through the gap, it was seen that most of the guests have arrived, the whole wedding hall was lively and crowded. The guests were all chatting amongst themselves, some playing with others, laughters and talks filled the wedding hall as Yura bit her lips and turned to the wedding couple.

"It's gonna be a blast." Yura commented as the music started playing. 

"Okay good luck, me and Hoya gonna follow you, so if you are nervous to death, just turn around and I'll make a funny face to you!" Yura said as she patted Jiyeon in comfort. Jiyeon nodded her head and gave a thumbs up at Yura.


This is it. The time of her life. Weddings as one would say, is one's life most important event. Weddings are one-and-only, no one could ever replace one's wedding, no matter how many times you have them. Weddings are extraordinary, unique and special in their own way. Their always unforgettable moments in everyone's life. 

The music glorified the spirit of the people in the wedding hall as they gave a standing ovation to the couple. Myungsoo and Jiyeon, with their hands interlocked, strolled down the wedding hall harmoniously. Yura and Hoya, being the best man and the flower girl, was behind them, Yura was throwing rose petals across the red carpet. 

As they stroll down the red carpet, inch by inch, they passed by many smiling faces of the guests. The rose bouquets beside the red carpet was lit with a huge candle in them, as they illuminate the red carpet to the grand area, the area where they make their vow, and where they'll become officially husbands and wife. 

Jiyeon bit her lips as she turned around and Yura immediately stuck her tongue out and her eyes widened playfully. Tears were about to fall, but Jiyeon held it back and let off a laugh. 

Both of them stopped in front of the priest as Myungsoo and Jiyeon turned and faced each other.

Jiyeon do not know how she is supposed to be feeling this moment. She expected herself to feel sad throughout the wedding, thinking about Myungsoo and Suzy together. However, she was instead feeling happy and excited. Though it seems absurd since her husband doesn't love her at all, but loves Suzy, she feels happy to be in the wedding hall, to be married with Myungsoo. Unrequited love is after all, unrequited. 


"Please repeat after me." The priest said. "Do you Kim Myungsoo, take Park Jiyeon as your lawfully wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?" 

"I, Kim Myungsoo take Park Jiyeon as your lawfully wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better... for worse, for richer.... for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us apart." Myungsoo said.

Jiyeon saw the sincerity in his eyes as she let off a sigh. She knew that Myungsoo isn't really true for what he said, after all Suzy's the only in his heart. But whatever, what she wants now is to take care of her mother and child. That's the only goals in her life left.

"Then do you, Park Jiyeon, take Kim Myungsoo as your lawfully husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for the better, for the worst, for richer, for poorer in sickness and in health, until death do us part?"

"I, PArk Jiyeon take Myungsoo as my lawfully husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better. for worst. for richer.... for poorer.... .... in sickness and in halth until death do us part." Jiyeon repeated as she closed her eyes.

This is the moment. 

"Now I officially announce you two, husband and wife. Groom, you may kiss your bride now." The priest said.

The crowd was now getting more excited, their eyes glowed in awe as they leaned forward towards the stage. All of them were eyeing and waiting for that kiss. That kiss which I don't even know whether Myungsoo would want to do it at all.

But then, she felt soft lips planted on her lips as my eyes opened to see Myungsoo, eyes closed, kissing her as he hugged her by the waist. Jiyeon was shocked. She did not except a passionate kiss by Myungsoo, lips to lips. Her heart was throbbing in anxiety as she roller her fingers up as she returned the kiss unknowingly. 

They kissed for that minute until Myungsoo's lips pulled away from hers. Jiyeon looked at him with those dazzled eyes as in the next second she place her head down and stared at the ground in embarrassment but Myungsoo pulled her in for a hug, burying her face on his chest. 

"You're my wife, so obey me now." Myungsoo .

Jiyeon smiled. "Arraso." she replied.

Suzy, who was far from the stage stared at them as a tear fell from her eyes. "Stop deceiving yourself Myungsoo. You are starting to have fond interest in her. You love her in fact." Suzy mumbled to herself as she slowly walked off the wedding hall.


"Okay, now lets have your friends to say something to you both." The MC said as Yura was the first to stand up from her seat.

"Jiyeon-ah... its been quite long we've been together since elementary school, since we're so young back then. You are one emotional, cold girl, as one would say. You don't make a lot of friends, you are like a pineapple, hard from the outside, soft in the inside. You let your inner self out when you know one well. I am that one. Its been a nice journey with you. From now on, you'll embark on a different journey, a journey as a wife, as a mother. You'll now have more responsibilities, for things to fulfill, more things you need to show off, more things you have to worry about. But I'm glad Myungsoo would be able to walk on this journey with you. Although he is a little bit SHY and COLD to you still, but trust me, he'll love you soon and he'll open his feelings out to you." Yura said. "Jiyeon... fighting!" Yura added on, as a tear dropped from Yura's face and Jiyeon's face.

"Gomawo... unnie!" Jiyeon said as she sniffed.


"Myungsoo---aaaah!" Hoya shouted as the guests chuckled and laughed at him. "Yah, you finally grew up. Your mom taught you to be a gentlemen, but you weren't one when you're young." Hoya continued, making the guests laugh and laugh. Myungsoo rolled his eyes in embarrassment. 

"But I'm glad you found Jiyeon. Though this wedding is a gun-shot, it might be embarrassing and quite hurtful to both of your image, but I'm sure you two will do well in this wedded life. Myungsoo-ah... you might not have those obvious special feelings for her... But from what I see, you're developing them. Keep it up and enjoy your life from now! The world is yours!~~~" Hoya said as he raised his glass.

"LETS DRINK FOR THIS WEDDED COUPLE!" Hoya shouted as the guests all raised their glasses.

"LONG LIVE PARK JIYEON x MYUNGSOO!" Hoya shouted as the guests repeated after him.


This moment... was gorgeous.

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moon_babydino #1
woah ! this is one of the best i've ever read in all myungyeon stories ! Jijja DAEBAK!!!! i like the way you made this stories. soooo good and awesome. :D hope you do more and more myungyeon stories cause im really haunting their stories lols. really shipper of this two kekekeke.anyway thank you so much authirnim for making this .im really enjoy it ! :D
Chapter 27: Hey, author-nim.
I'm your new reader and I've read it in 2 days.
i love it <3 ~ Happy ending for our Myungyeon
MyungyeonPanda #3
Chapter 27: Nooooo ! It End ... T-T Request A Sequel .
Authornim Hwaiting !
Chapter 27: It's done already., i hope u make a sequel author-nim. I'm looking forward to it!!
Chapter 27: IT'S DONEEEEEEE!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!
hyully #6
Chapter 27: wahhhhh.... happy ending <3
linhkju #7
Chapter 27: this fic make my feeling up and down . up cause them happy toghether . down cause this fic in the end . >_< please write yeonie more . i' ll support you
Chapter 27: * Tears Tears * Such A Happy Ending ! T-T Please Make More Myungyeon Fics .