The Wish

Wishes and Consequences

AN: Hi guys. I decided against starting this when Jong and Key were kids, it'd be too long xD So yeah, I hope you'll enjoy this.

It all started on a clear yet chilly night. A scrawny blonde boy, probably around seventeen was sitting on the cool, moist grass, his head turned towards the sky. A gentle smile played on his thin lips as he examined the full moon and the tiny yet bright stars surrounding it.

He couldn't help but remember what his mother used to tell him when he was little.

"Kibummie, if you wish upon a shooting star, like the one you had just seen, you can wish and it will come true." His mother would say as she would point at the sky, smiling when she saw how her son beamed at her.

"Really, umma?"He would ask with shining eyes, clapping his hands together excitedly. 

"Really, baby."She would answer, kissing his forehead tenderly."Really."

Years ago, he believed her, but now as he was gazing at the sky, he couldn't help but think about how stupid he had been. He had made wishes many times, and none of them had come true. He had wished for many things : for his mother to let him have a dog, for his father to quit smoking, for his grandmother to be completely healthy and so on. 

But now, as a sigh left his lips, he knew that he was just wasting his time, waiting for stupid miracles. Still, the moment a part of the dark blue sky flashed, the shooting star making it's way towards what seemed like another star, he closed his eyes, clasping his hands together, and made a wish.

"I want to have a boyfriend who truly loves me."He murmured, his voice barely audible, though it's not like anyone would have heard it. Immediately, he felt stupid for making the vow he had made last time he had made a wish, that he wasn't going to make the same mistake again. Because it was useless.

Slowly, a cold wind started to blow, making the slender boy shiver slightly, his teeth chattering together for a moment. He had been stupid enough to go out at night in only a light hoodie paired with one of his thinnest jeans, but only now did he realize how could it really was. 

Sighing, he stood up, glancing up at the sky for a moment before he started walking home slowly.

There was no one out on the streets at this hour, for which the blonde boy was slightly thankful. Even if he had walked the short distance from his house to his secret hiding place, the tiny meadow he had been to moments before, he was still a little scared whenever he walked home. Somehow, the moonlight that seemed so friendly and inviting when he was lying on the grass, looked much duller and gloomier at times like this, sending chills down his back. The stars seemed to laugh at him as they twinkled, the occasional cars passing by him making him jump up a little. 

He even hated passing houses that had dogs since the animals would wake up and growl at him, sounding much more intimidating at night than at daytime. At least he still lived pretty close. He couldn't have imagined living more than half an hour away from his little meadow. He was almost sure that he wouldn't have gone there at night if he lived farther since he was truly terrified once the sun set.

Luckily, the blonde reached his house soon, his eyes lighting up the moment he noticed the dark gates that surrounded the rather small but fancy building. Maybe it wasn't too big, but even the windows in which huge, colorful flowers sat screamed wealth. There walls were the softest of blue color, almost white, giving little contrast to the white door and windows. Normally, there would have been people that didn't like the colors, but somehow, on this house, everything looked it.

When Kibum was younger, he often wondered if his mother had wished that their house would look good to everyone, so much that most people who would pass it would turn back and gasp in awe. He knew that the woman was crazy enough to wish things like that.

A shiver ran down the boy's spine as he fiddled to open the front door, pressing down the knob once he had unlocked it. He smiled when the first thing he that filled his senses was the sweet scent of cookies and hot chocolate. When he had left, his mother was mixing the batter for her special cookies and he couldn't help but sigh happily as he realized that by the strong fragrance, they were still fresh. 

Slowly shrugging his shoes up, he put his jacket on the hangers neatly and closed the door, locking it, a smile still tugging at the end of his soft pink lips. Walking into the kitchen, he noticed his mother sitting on one of the high chairs, drawing into into a small sketchbook. She was humming ever so softly, sometimes stopping in her drawing to look at the picture she was creating slowly.

For once, her long blonde hair was tied into a low ponytail. She usually hated to tie it up since she didn't like how she felt like she wasn't free enough. And of course, she looked better if her hair was down.

"Hi, mom."Kibum greeted his mother quietly, snatching a steaming cookie from the tray before hugging her briefly.

"Hi, sweetie."The woman smiled widely as she hugged her son, smiling when she the boy dropped the cookie, yelping at how hot it was."Patience is a virtue, you know."She said, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Thanks for feeling sorry for me."The teen grumbled before grabbing the cup of hot chocolate that was near the tray of cookies, feeling relieved when it didn't feel as hot as the sweet treat he had wanted to eat before.

"Have you wished again?"The woman asked as she started washing some dishes, glancing at her son who was sipping his drink slowly, a delighted smile dancing on his lips.

"Yeah."The boy muttered with a sour look. "It's not like it'll come true though."He added bitterly, the slightest of pouts on his lips when he realized that had drank all of the sweet drink.

"Who knows, baby, who knows."The elder said, a knowing smile sitting in the corner of . "You just have to wish something from the bottom of your heart."She added, sighing when she heard no answer as her son had left the room with the tray of still hot cookies."Kids these days."She mumbled, rolling her eyes a little before going back to washing the dishes.

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Chapter 1: Great first chapter!!!! Looking forward to more -- the idea is really intriguing~ ^^
Chapter 1: Ooooo this makes me excited. I really like the first chapter!
Chapter 1: Nice first chapter~ lol at Kibummie being scared... I like walking home at night... It's tranquil ^^
Chapter 1: This is so good! I can't wait for your next update!
cat-turtle #5
Chapter 1: This seems really interesting!
I can't wait to see where you go with this.
musicismyworld #6
Chapter 1: The first chapter is really good! Not only does it give an insight to his personality but his family life as well. I really like his mom.
Oh gosh another one. I love discovering your fics lol it's like just when I expect to not find one, I find like five more xD
So excited for the first chapter!
doyce228 #8
subscribing :)
This fic sounds really good. Can't wait for the first chapter :)