
The Forgotten Birthday

And now we'll return for the crappy drama!

Himchan: I hope this will be the last part of this drama... -eating again while watching tv-


Before Miihi told Yongguk where they would be going...

Mihi: Yongguk-ssi! I wanna ask you something. What are you doing here late at night? And why aren't you picking up your phone!? >"<

Yongguk: Oh,right...  Since it was my birthday,my schedule was quite packed. Well,I was kinda busy today but finally...I got the time to have a rest. After the schedule, I noticed that I got many miss calls from you and a message. So, I went to your house.

Mihi: Ouu... Any others? =''= *curious*

Yongguk: Yeahh, Himchan told me that he had heated the meals that you made. It was delicious! *flashes his gummy smile*

Mihi: Ashhh,don't make me blushed! >///<" *punch Yongguk's arm slowly*

Yongguk: Heh,it's true though. Ou yeah! Later,I asked Himchan where were you and he said that you were looking for me. I got worried and went out to look for you. Well,that's all... :)

Himchan: Wow, that was quite a long explanation,hero-ssi. -eating the food sarcastically-

Mihi: Ahh,okayy. Well,here's your present... *gives the matoki figurines* Sorry,I don't have much time to search for a better present since I was in a hurry searching for you and...ukhem! And I got the tickets for the movie that you really want to watch. =w=)>~ *flip the tickets*

Yongguk: Oh,you mean that new war movie!? I thought you hate watching actions and war movies.By the way,thank you for this gift! I'll use it well. Now,let's go! *lock arms with Mihi*

Mihi: Y-yahh! Don't be in a rush or- *trip and fell down again* I'll fell again.... T^T

Himchan: Aigooo...that girl...Just a while ago she got hurt and now...Aishhh!! *facepalm and slowly swallowed the food*

Yongguk: Ah! Sorry!! *helps Mihi to get up* Are you sure that you're okay? I think it's better if...

Mihi: J-jahh! I'm fine! Yeapp! Now,let's get going! The movie is waiting! \"OwO)/ *quickly got up*

Yongguk: I think that can wait...Let us just have a sit and I'll treat you first. *push Mihi downs on the nearest bench and help her out*

Mihi: (Aishhh...why is he so closed?? =///=!| ) Ahh,no no! You're a birthday guy! So,I'll treat you.*slowly move away from Yongguk but he comes closer* (Omo! He's getting closer!?)

Himchan: *blushing like a teenage girl covering his face when watching the drama scene* Omo omo omonaaa!!!!!!! >_< 

Yongguk: Ahhh,I don't think you should go anywhere now. I guess it's better for us to spent our time together like this..*lands his head on Mihi's shoulder* Since it's my birthday,sing the birthday song to me. =_=) +

Mihi: Heh,how old are you? xD 10??

Yongguk: Just for this time...Come on. :D Sing sing sing~~~

Mihi: *sigh* alright... =_= here it goes... *singing the birthday song to Yongguk*


After Mihi finished singing,he saw that Yongguk was holding his laugh... (Mihi: Yahh!! How cruel!    Narrator: Shhhh!! It's my story! You just an actor!)

Mihi: Wae?! You're laughing! Dx

Yongguk: Yeahh...Haha,you can't sing aren't you? :D

Mihi: I know I'm bad but please appriciate it once in a while. >xT Sheshhh!!

Yongguk: Okay,okayy. Thanks for the song anyway. I really appriciate everything that you've done.

Mihi: Haha,good fiance. =w=)b *patting Yongguk's head*

Himchan: W-wait!! That's her fiance!?! Whatta!? How can she forgot her own fiance's birthday!? I hate this heroin and this drama!! ...but I still wanna watch it.... OwO)b *continue watching*

Yongguk: lemme sing a song for you.

Mihi: It's not my birthday yet but continue on...I want to hear how perfect are you now. =w=

Yongguk starts to sing a song to Mihi. She felt so comfy by his side.So she fell into a deep sleep without Yongguk noticed it. After he finished,Yongguk saw that Mihi had already slept but he didn't mad at all.He just smiled and carried her on his back and send her home.When he arrived at Mihi's house,Himchan quickly took his sis from Yongguk. 

Yongguk: Thanks for everything,Mihi...Good night,sleepy-head. *pat her hair*

Himchan: *hit Yongguk's hand from waking  you up* Yahh! Not to much  there,romeo...She's still my sister.By the way,you made me missed my drama now so you better get going before I kicked you. =_=)o

Yongguk: Ahh...A-arasso.. O_O!| So,bye... *quikcly ran away from himchan*

So,after Yongguk left.Himchan just "TOSSED" her sis to bed (LOL!) and continued watching his drama but it had already ended. So,now he felt frustrated for not knowing the ending of the crappy drama...



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