
The Violin/바이올린

Sungjae analysed the three cases: Peniel. Changsub. Hyunsik. They all had a particular connection.

Not only they were of course members of their group, BtoB, but they also were murdered with violin materials, materials that looked exactly like his violin and Minwoo's.

If Minwoo and Sungjae's violins' were exactly the same, therefore leaving Sungjae's violin clean and crisp without a trace of flesh, bone or blood, then there was only one clue to this.

It would be Minwoo's ghost. He would have come back.


As Sungjae was preparing for bed, he called Ilhoon over.

"Hey Ilhoon," said Sungjae.


"Do you remember Lee Minwoo?"

"You mean the guy you hung out with a lot? Yeah, what about him?"

"I just noticed something."


"I noticed that at the scenes of Peniel's, Changsub's and Hyunsik's scenes, you know how all the materials that were used to kill them were all violin materials, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"They looked exactly like mine."

"But has that got to do with Minwoo?"

"That's when it struck me, when I realised something. You know how I stopped at the stage last time, when you asked me what was wrong? I just saw Minwoo's ghost, and - "

"You couldn't! Unless you really believe in ghosts....."

"I'm serious man, I really did see him. He scowled at me when I looked at him, and when I saw his violin, his violin looked exactly like mine. I guess he wanted to be part of the orchestra just like me."

"That's weird, how come I cannot see him?"

"I don't know, but I swear to you I did."

"Oh no, I'm not being mean to you or anything, I'm just curious about what happened. But now that you mentioned it, I do remember Minwoo playing the violin too."

It was true, Sungjae, Minwoo and Ilhoon used to go to the same music school as children, when they came to learn the piano and the violin, since they were in primary school, even though Sungjae and Ilhoon became friends when they attended the same middle and high school.


The rehearsals flew by until Saturday morning came, the day of their concert.

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Chapter 22: Found this a while ago but just have time reading it... really like it! ^^
How do i wish this story got a novel!! Jk :) i love ur work!!!
Chapter 22: Read this in one breath, i really like your way of writing, and how you organised the plot and everything, you just got me so excited over it, i'm heading to Violin 2~ ! You did great, i really enjoyed it !
Chapter 21: MYGOD!! One of the best mystery stories I've read so far! Good job! I was like really glued to this! :D
Chapter 22: I enjoyed this a lot!!! I admit it spooked me a few times but I love the twists and turns. This story has a Black Swan-esque feel to it if you know what I mean. :D
-Kawaii_Panda #6
Chapter 21: Woah... The ending.... Is just..... Wow. I'm speechless. But, the story is completed. Good work!! I really enjoyed it.