A picture is worth 1,000 words...

His Heart is like this wall.


The class bell rang and you leave the class room with your friend Jessica to go to the last period of the day that was also your favorite. Art. As you are walking in the hallway, you feel someone behind you grab your wrist. You turn around and see no other then Taemin.

"Hey Taemin! What's up?" i say pulling my wrist out of his grip

"I have a huge favor to ask you." he said to me in a serious tone. I could tell it was important by the look in eyes.

"Sure. Anything."

"Can you draw me a painting covering the back of my closet wall?"

"You closet?" 

"Yeah. I want a black wall with a huge red heart in the middle of it. I also want 10 smaller hearts scattered inside the big heart that i can place photos in that i cherish a lot."

I start to think of his closet. Its not the biggest one, but it's not small either. I start thinking of a bunch of ideas until Taemin interrupts my thinking.

"Can you do it Zoe? Please!! It would mean ssoo much to me." He told me while placing his hands on my shoulders. He looked at me in my eyes and my heart started to beat fast.

"Um. I guess. I'll draw some sketches in art and start today after school if that's good for you."

"Yeah today works." he said as a smile creeps up on his face. He then pulled me into a hug and whispered "Thank you" in my ear. He pulled away and waved to Jessica and I as we go our separate ways to class.

Once we turn the corner, Jessica looks at me weird. my heart is still beating fast, but i keep it cool.

"So what does he want a heart for?" Jessica said looking at me suspiciously.

"I don't know, and what's with that look?"

"Isn't it obvious? He likes you. I bet he's going to plan something romantic and confess to you!" She says while holding her hand together next to her right cheek.

That's what i love about Jessica. She is always in her own world letting her imagination roam free. 

"Ya! why would he like me?" i say while lightly pushing her arm "And get out of your imagination. Back to the real world. Ok?" i add on.

"It's so obvious her likes you. Your his only friend that's a girl besides me and he only allows skin ship between you two. When he is around you, he turns into a totally different person."

We finally reach the art room before the bell rings,

"Whatever. He does NOT like me in that way." I tell her before making my way to my assigned seat on the opposite side of the room.

During the class i sketch a few different ideas for Taemin's closet. I decided to make it special by adding white swirls on the bottom corners that flow towards the heart. On the two side walls, i will make them red with a black heart in the middle. If he wants, we can put a picture in each of the hearts too. I hope he likes this idea...

After class Taemin and walk to his house together since it's not far from the school. I show him the sketches and he totally loves them! 

When we reach his house, we make a snack and talk about our day. After that, he takes me to his room and i head straight twoards his closet while Taemin grabs one of his cameras and looks through the pictures. I open the door and find a bunch of dirty clothes on the floor, and his underwear on top of the pile. He also has pictures of him shirtless at the beach along with other things. I quickly gasp and cover my eyes. I may be 18, but I'm the most innocent and pure person there is.

I guess Taemin saw me cover my eyes because he quickly ran over to me and asked what was wrong while pulling my hands away from my eyes. I guess he noticed his closet because he covered my eyes with his hands and pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry Zoe! I forgot to clean up..." he said while brushing my long brown hair with his fingers.

He knows how innocent I am. Whenever we go to the beach, he always wears a shirt and i don't look at any shirtless guy. I don't curse, I haven't had a boyfriend or my first kiss yet. Taemin was my first guy friend actually. i'm not much of a social person either. Taemin and Jessica are basically my only friends.

Taemin brings me to his bed and sits me down on it while he cleans his closet up quickly. While he's at it, he takes out his rack shoes so I can get into it.

Once its all clean, I help him take off the door and i examine his walls. I start to touch his walls, looking for any bumps I would have to sand down. Thankfully, the wall was in perfect condition so i didn't have to prep it a lot. 

While Taemin went to get my the ladder, and buy the paint and brushes, i washed and dried the wall removing any dust that was on it. Taemin bought up the ladder and a pencil so i could outline my work while he went out to buy the other supplies. I told him what kind of paints to buy and i told him to go to my house to get brushes and a roller.

When he back, i already had the outline done and i outlined where the pictures would go. Taemin already had heart shaped picture frames so i didn't need to make any. They were painted white already too so i just outlined where they would go. I could do the swirls because they would disappear when i painted the black outlines.

I quickly taped his wall and painted the black base coat on the big wall and the the two small black hearts on the sides. I then applied the red where was needed. After that, since i was too lazy to wait for the paint to dry by itself, i took a hair dryer and dried the black area that i would make the swirls. It took about 30 minutes, but it dried and i worked on the swirls. Once that was finished, i went to go get Taemin so he could put the pictures in the frame so i could hand them up, but the was asleep on his bed. I looked at the time and it was already past midnight. I decided to hang the nails up so he could just hang the frames up when he had his pictures in them.

Since it was to late to go home and i was tired, I grabbed a spare blanket and crashed on his couch in his room.

I woke up with the smell of coffee and bacon that filled the room. I woke up and found Taemin holding a tray of breakfast next to me.

He had a bright smile on his face. "Good morning sleepyhead!" he told me as i sat up. He put the tray on my lap and i rubbed my eyes. Then i noticed i was on his bed and not the couch.

"How -"

"I switched spots with you last night.Hope you don't mind."


"Because you did my closet for me, so it was the least i could do." He said while sitting next to me. "hurry and eat your breakfast before it gets cold" he added on while making my bed hair look even worse.

Gosh. why does he do this to me? Everything he does makes my heart beat fast. 

After i finished my breakfast, i looked over at his closet. I noticed he put the door back on. I got out of bed and made my way to see how the paint dried, but Taemin stood in front of the door blocking it.

"get out of the way. I want to see how it turned out." I said in an annoyed voice. I didn't mean to sound that way, but that's how i always sound in the morning.

"No. I'll show you later, when your in a better mood." He walked over to me and turned me around. He guided me to his dresser and opened up my part of it. Since we spend so much time at each others house, we keep spare clothes at each others houses. Taemin picked out an outfit for me, gave me a towel, and told me to go take a shower.

i went and took a nice shower. I had some paint on my hands so i washed it off before i cleaned my hair. When i finished showering, I dried my hair and body and got dressed, My hair was still damp and so i just put it in a messy bun. I looked at the outfit Taemin gave me. A pair of black skinny jeans with a white tank top and a red V neck T shirt to go over it. I put the outfit on and wrapped my hair back in the towel so it could dry. I walked into Taemin's room and noticed he changed too. He was wearing a tuxedo. I looked at him confused and he gave me a smile.

"Why are you wearing a tux?" i said while rearranging the towel on my head. I knew he would not give me the answer right away because he is mysterious like that.

"i'll tell you later. Did you dry your hair?"

I looked at him with a are-you-stupid-or-something face."No, i just have a towel over my hair for no reason." I sarcastically say. Taemin guides me back to the bathroom and does my hair. Thats his other talent. Doing hair. He gave me curls in my hairs that were big and y. 

He took me out to his uncles photo shoot shop and took a few pictures of me. He still wont tell me what he is planning. 

I was sitting down on a brown box in a white background with my hands in my lap. My head was turned to the side just a little as he took a picture of me. Then Taemin uncle took a picture of him standing up in a white background. He had his hand with his watch up towards his face, his other hand fixing the sleeve. He gave a y look to the camera.

That seemed to be the theme. y.

He got the photos printed out. Two sets of each. He gave one set to me and he kept the other. After that, we went out and got lunch and went back to his place. I went to his living room and started watching Tv. He went up to his room to put his pictures away. I kept mine in the kitchen so i could take them when i go home. Since i was still tired and full from lunch, i took another nap. 

I woke up and Taemin was sitting next to me, my head on his shoulder.

"You know you sleep a lot, right?" he said in a joking manner.

"Shut up. Wait. Wasn't my head on the seat your on?" I said lifting my head off of his shoulder

"Yeah. But you know this is my seat. I always sit here, and i was too lazy to move you."

"oh. how long was i asleep?"

"About four or five hours. You hungry?" 

"Yeah. A little.

"Great! Dinners ready. I have a surprise for you so stay here for a minute." He said with a smirk on his face.He stood up and walked to the kitchen, came out with food and walked upstairs, and came back down with a bandana.

"What are you planning now..."

He didn't respond. He pulled me off my seat and blindfolded me. He walked me to the stairs and then picked me up bridal style.


"You can't look and i know your clumsy on the stairs. I'm just preventing you from hurting yourself." he told me. I try to keep my chest away from him so he can't feel my heart beat fast.

We finally got inside his room and he took off my blindfold after putting me down.

I was speechless at what was in front of me. He transformed his room. he had white sparkling lights lining his room and the lights were off. Rose pedals surrounded a table that had fried rice on it. My favorite food. Rose pedals were also by his closet. It was so romantic looking.

He grabbed my hand and took me to his closet. The door was closed, and he turned my body so we were face to face and he held my hands.

"Zoe. I like. No love. I LOVE you a lot Zoe. More then anything. Right now, today I am telling you my true feelings. I'm confessing to you. I want to call you more then my friend. I want to call you my girlfriend, and hopefully my wife in the future. I want to be with you and only you."

I  was speechless. I could not say anything. My eyes started to get blurry with tears and he let go of my hands. I quickly wiped away my tears as he opened the closet door. He the closet lights and exposed My artwork and the pictures. The pictures were of me and him. 

He pointed to a picture in the red heart. "This was us when we first met at the park. Remember that day? our parents set up a play date for us even though we thought we were too old for them."

He pointed to another picture. "This was when i first realized i had feelings for you. The first day of school in 9 th grade."

"This was us at my parents funeral." he said extending his finger to another photo.

He pointed to the two black hearts next. One of them had the picture of me from today, the other a picture of them. "These represent today. The first time i confessed to a girl." 

I took time to examine each and every photo he had of us until he grabbed my hand.

"Zoe, will you please be my girlfriend? I will be the best boyfriend ever and i will always love you."

It took me a minute to process everything he said. I looked at his eyes. They were sincere. while looking deeply into his eyes i shook my head and said "Yes".

He pulled me into a hug and then looked at me in my eyes.

"I love you Zoe."

"I love you too Taemin" 

Then his face inched closer to mine, his hands holding my head bringing it closer to his until our lips met. Our eyes closed as he kissed me gently, yet with lots of passion. I kissed back and everything felt right at that time.


So it's 5 am and i can't sleep so i wrote this. I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to comment! You don't have to, but I would love it so i can know if there is anything I could improve on. I'm tired now, so I shall sleep. Bye Bye and good morning :)

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Chapter 1: So romantic nothing beats having a friendship bloom to love keke
nice fanfic