Stuck in the moment

Stuck in the moment


Everyone was so busy talking while one girl was busy studying. She was cramming because exams are approaching and she hasn't even made her reviewer yet. Suddenly the door burst open, a teacher went inside. Every one became quiet, others went to their proper places. The teacher looks mad, as if she would burst any moment from now. 
"DID ANYONE OF YOU DID YOUR CLASS PROJECT?!" The teacher shouted. Every one is panicking. They never did anything. The class representative stood up and ready to explain to her teacher when...
"Ne songsaeng-nim. We are done. It is at the back of the room, for drying." Said the busy girl who was studying. She never left her eyes on her book. 
The teacher went at the of the room, and there she saw a beautiful big "book" which is made out of paper mache, and titled "the class memories". This is what the teacher calls art! The teacher thought. "Very good, lee hana. You never let your class down." And then she smiles. Lee Hana just nods and focused on her books and notebooks, not minding the stares of the students.
The bell rang and the students went out immediately. Hana fixed her things, stood up and head towards the door. Suddenly she saw someone by the door... Like waiting for her. When she was at the door, she was surprised because he school's dancing machine was the one waiting for her. He approached her. And smiled. Yes, that smile. The smile that could capture every single ladies' heart... Including hers. 
"Hey!" He said. He just said hey to me... What do i do? Hana thought.
"Uhm... Yeah? Do you need something?" She replied. She was nervous. Any moment from now a fan girl of his could kill her right there and then for talking to him.
"Uh, actually, I just want to thank you." She looked at him confusingly. He laughed. "About awhile ago of course! The project you made for us??? It was very b----"
"Wait. Hold your horses. You are my classmate? Did you just transfer class this week or we are really classmate?" She asks. She never notices him or even felt his presence... Or maybe, he never goes to school... Just now.
"YOU REALLY DONT NOTICE ME?!?!" She shook her head. It was the truth. He suddenly burst out laughing. "Really?! You are funny! I'm your seatmate... Well, not really... Backmate perhaps? I'm the guy at your back! Wow. Everyone notices Park Chanyeol.... Except this one." She just nods. She doesnt want to argue anymore. She was about to go when Chanyeol grabs her arm. "Wait!" He turned her around to let her face him again and let go of her arm. 
"Yeah? You are not finished?" She asks innocently as she pushes her glass up, because they are falling.
"Not yet. You interupted me. Going back, thank you for making the project. You saved us... Especially me." He smiled. 
"Eh? You dont need to thank me. I dont want to fail. Honestly, i was about to not put all of your names but then it was kind of bad... So yeah. But i didnt put your name though. I had no idea that you are my classmate." She said. 
"Its okay. I can write my name. But really... Thank you. Thank goodness you did it, because my dad will kill me. Anyway, thanks again. I owe you alot. Bye! Happy eating, Lee Hana!" With that, he ran towards the canteen. He turned back and smiled to her and waved. For the first time, she smiled. She never knew that The Derp Prince a.k.a Park Chanyeol would be that grateful... Plus she never knew that they are classmates. She turned to the other side and went to the library.
After a month, the exams are finally here. Thge exams before their Christmas break. Every one was excited and nervous, except Lee Hana. She was confident enough to top this one... Again. She worked hard day and night. 
When she went inside the classroom, students are every where the place, studying. They are crammming. Its is not good for the brains. They should've studied last night.. Or weeks before. She thought. She sat on the third row and third column. She sat there patiently. Then, she decided to take a nap. She doesnt want to get distract from the noise coming from her classmates. She bow down her head and closed her eyes. In the middle of her nap, something poked her. She didnt mind it. It poked her again, but she still kept her eyes closed. Somebody shook her to wake her up.
"Lee Hana-ssi!" The voice said. She was pretty sure it was a HE. She opened her eyes and saw Chanyeol's smiling face near her face. She got surprised and sat straight. She fixed her full bangs and her glasses. He began to laugh. "Ha! You are now at my back! Since we are seated alphabetically, you are now my official... BACKMATE!" Everyone was surprised because Chanyeol is talking the girl that who seldom talks. 
"Im at the back of Jung Chae rin- ssi. Please go back to your seat, Park Chanyeol- ssi." She said calmly. She never showed emotions, except the day when the two first met. He pouted. "Fine." He went back to his seat. It is only one chair apart from her. She again bow down her head, but someone placed her hand on top of the table. Hana was again surprised. She sat back and saw a girl smiling at her. The girl always smiles at Hana and greets her good morning, but she just ignores it. She looks at the girl and said, "yes?"
"At last! You did not ignore me! Phew! For a minute there I thought you will again ignore me." The girl said. "So, do you know my name?" Hana just nods. The girl began clapping! "Yes! Ok, what is it?"
"Jung Chae Rin." She simply answered. She got her bag and took out her pencilcase,  because in a few minutes, the teacher will arrive and the test will began.
"You know me! See Kai! She knows me!" Chae Rin looks at Chanyeol and stuck her tounge to him. Chanyeol just rolled his eyes and face infront... Again. Chae Rin looks back at Hana and asks, "but why are you always ignoring me? Did I do something bad?" Hana just shook her head. Then Chae Ri smiled. "Next time you see me, please dont ignore me. Smile, or just wave. Okay?" Hana again nodded. Chae Rin smiled and faced in front. The teacher who will administer the test came in. They will now begin the test.
After a month, the three became really good friends; eating together and talking to each other. It was a strange sight for the other students, but they didn't mind. One day, Hana decided that its time for a change. Besides, she has friends and she is starting to like Chanyeol. She shortened her hair, 5 inches below the shoulders, starts to use contacts. Everyone was amazed at her. She is pretty... No. She is beautiful. Inside and out. Chae Rin and Chanyeol entered and started to look for Hana. Chae Rin saw her and ran to her. 
"MY GOSH!!! YOU ARE SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!" Chae rin hugged her so tight. Hana smiled at her compliment. Jongin looked at her, he was amazed at her smile. It was his second time to see her smile... But it was not for him, which made him disappointed. At least she smiled, and only him saw it. 
Chae Rin released her and smiled at her. Chanyeol went to Hana and he smiled to her. She looked at him weirdly and she sat again and began reading. Her heart beats fast. 
Chanyeol smiled to me... Again. She thought. 
Chanyeol brought out food and placed it on hana's table. Chae rin left the two of them. Hana look at the food weirdly, then to Chanyeol.
"Erm, what is this?" She asks.
"What do you think? Garbage? Of course food! For you!!!" He smiled widely.
"I know its food, but what for?" She placed the food down.
"You are getting thin, plus, you are getting pale. You need to eat! Not just study. Have timetable. Prioritize EATING. Arasso? I made that for you. Dont worry, there is no poison inside. Eat it!!! Bye!" Jongin went to his place, beside Chae Rin on the back of the room. She smiled to herself, thinking how nice Chanyeol is to her.
Valentine's day. The season of love. The season of submission of projects too. Hana was again finishing her other essays in the library. She needs to be ahead of time to gain plus points to the teacher. Suddenly, she felt liquid running down in her nose. She touched it, and it was blood. Someone lift her head, for the blood to stop running down. When she look, it was Chanyeol, with tissues. He smiled at her. He place an ice on her forehead. 
"Hana. Chill. See? You're nose is bleeding. That is bad for your health. The essays are still due next next week. Pass them next week." Chanyeol sat beside her and began reading her essays. He noticed that its about love. He continue reading when hana snatched it from him. "Hana!" He shouted.
"SHHHHH!" The people around them were distracted because of the sudden loudness of voice of Chanyeol.
"That's what you get when you read other people's work without asking!" She said half whispering and half shouting. He chuckled. 
"It was good. Since when are you inspired to write about love? Wow! Someone's not sharing." He said trying to be mad to hana. She smiled.
"Its Valentines. What other topics do you suggest? Teachers love these kinds of essay. Sharing about girl being inlove... Blah blah." Hana said. Chanyeol stopped for awhile until he realized something.
"Wait. You are inlove?!?!?! With who?!?! This is news! You really are good hiding your emotions. Spill now." He moved closer to hana to hear the news. This is it. This is my chance. She thought.
She likes someone.... He thought.
"I li----" Chanyeol's phone interupted hana.
"Yeoboseyo? Oh jagiya! Where are you? Okay. I'll be there. Me too! Bye! (Put down his phone.) you were saying?" Hana was shocked. He has a girlfriend? She thought.
"Since when did you have a girlfriend?" She asks trying to be happy and conceal the hurt she feels. 
"You didnt know? Chae Rin and I are together since the beginning of the school year. Wow. You really are not interested in gossips." He laughs. She laughs along with him, then she focuses again in writing essays again. He looks at her, and asks "are you not happy for us?"
 She stops and looks at him. She smiled and pat his shoulder and said, "I am happy. Very. Happy." She forced a smile. 
Jongin hugged her and whispered, " Thanks hana! You are the best! Love you!" 
He let her go and ran outside the library where Chae Rin is waiting. She saw them hold hands. She again writes essays, but the word wont come out, only tears... The tears of pain.
--the end--
Sorry, its originally for Kai, but I thought I saved the edited one:( Sorry:) I changed the name already:) Sorry for the inconvience
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Chapter 1: I love your story!Sequel pleashhh!~><
Chapter 1: OnO i thought it was about chanyeol orz But the story's really nice :3