Chapter 3

The Singer, the Dancer, and the Jerk

It was the first day of Eunmi’s new school year at her new school. She was beyond nervous.

“Why are you scared, noona? You already have a friend.” Kai shrugged as he ate his eggs.

“So?! What I fail the diagnostic tests?! What if my teacher’s don’t like me?!” her face paled as she sat down. “Oh my gosh, that would be the worst. When teachers don’t like you, your grades never turn out good!”

“Ahhh, freaking out, are we?” Taemin appeared in the kitchen and sat down. Ms. Kim was getting Taeyeon ready upstairs and Hyunki was at work.

“No.” she glared at him. “And your shirt is supposed to be tucked in.” she pointed out, noticing his not tucked –and not ironed- shirt.

“And your shirt is supposed to be tucked in.” Taemin mimicked her. “Look at you, goody two-shoes.”

“And Jongin, tuck your shirt in too!” she slapped his leg.

Kai just continued eating, “You know I absolutely hate tucking my shirt in.”

“See, I have no idea how a cool person like him is related to a dork like you.” Taemin said to Eunmi, bumping fists with Kai.

“Blah.” Eunmi made a face and finished her breakfast.

“I’m going now! Sara’s meeting me at the crosswalk and we’re going to walk to school.” Eunmi stood up and put her coat on. Sara had come home yesterday from her trip to Busan and they had talked briefly about their plans for today.

“You guys coming?” Eunmi asked, putting her shoes on.

“No.” Taemin answered. “He’s coming with me on the bus later. I mean, who has time to walk to school?”

“Lazy butts. I can’t believe how well you two get along.” She muttered. “On second thought, I do.” she said after re-thinking it. Kai could be a very mischievous child and Taemin was king of mischief.

“Bye!” she yelled as she left the house.

“Have a bad day!” Taemin called, Eunmi rolled her eyes as she walked to the crosswalk where Sara was.

“Hi!” Eunmi greeted cheerfully.

“Hey.” Sara smiled. “Let’s go, I can give you a tour of the school. Where are Jongin and Taemin?”

“Please, I want to be away from Taemin as much as possible. He and Jongin are coming to school together.” She answered as they walked to school.

“Ohhh.” Sara nodded. “I hope we have some classes together!”

“Oh my gosh, me toooo.” Eunmi said. “I don’t know anyone except you and Jongin! And he’s a year younger so he won’t be any of my classes and we won’t have lunch together either!”

“You forgot Taemin.” Sara pointed out.

“That jerk doesn’t even count.” Eunmi snorted. “He’s so ugh!”

“A good looking ugh!” Sara laughed.

“Ew, no.” Eunmi wrinkled her nose. Both of them arrived at school a couple minutes later and went to the cafeteria to see what their homeroom class was.

“I’m in room 215, biology.” Eunmi said when they both got out of the crowd after they checked their names on the lists.

“Me too! Mr. Park, right?” Sara squealed.

“Yay!” cheered.

“Okay, I’ll show you around now.” Sara said, leading her away from the cafeteria. She took her on a tour of the school and told her where the different subject hallways were, where the gym was, where the office was and everything else she needed to know.

But the problem was that Eunmi had really bad memory, so she was doubtful she’d remember it all.

“Now, are you sure you’ll remember all that?” Sara asked after her 10-minute tour.

Eunmi shook her head, “Nope, but I think I’ll manage. Eventually, I’ll figure everything out.”

Sara laughed, “Okay. Let’s go ask the office lady where your locker is.” Both of them headed to the office and got the location of Eunmi’s locker.

“Hey, that’s not too far from mine!” Sara said cheerfully. “Let’s go, class will start soon.”

Eunmi found her locker and put her coat and everything in there. Sara had to go to hers as well, so she said she would meet Eunmi at her locker in a few minutes.

“Well, lookey here.” A voice Eunmi had hoped she wouldn’t have to hear in school said. “So you did manage to find your locker. Huh, I thought you’d misread a 2 and go to a locker in the 9th graders hallway.” Taemin snickered.

“Shut up.” Eunmi slammed her locker door shut. “Where is Jongin? Did you send him off properly?”

Taemin rolled his eyes, “Please, he is not a baby or an idiot like you.”

“TAEMINNNNN! BUDDDDYYYY!” a loud voice said. Four boys came walking over to where Eunmi and Taemin were standing.

“Hey, guys.” Taemin bumped fists with them. Eunmi guessed that they were his friends, but she would have never thought they would be nice-looking friends. She hadn’t met them over the summer because Taemin always went out to meet them and Eunmi didn’t really want to meet his friends

“And is this your stepsister?” the shortest one asked. “Why, hello there. My name is Jonghyun, and around here I’m known as the king of-”

“Dinosaurs.” Taemin snorted, Jonghyun wacked the back of his head.

“I’m Key.” This one looked kind of like a diva, but with really nice skin.

“Minho.” The tallest one said in a deep voice.

“Onew.” The nicest looking of them all said, smiling.

“Yeah yeah, let’s not waste time on this nuisance.” Taemin waved Eunmi away. “Let’s go.”

“Wow, Taemin.” Key raised an eyebrow. “You’re mean to your family too?!”

“I’m like that with everyone.” Taemin smiled. “Let’s go. Bye, FatMuffin.” He patted Eunmi’s head before disappearing into the crowd.

“Let’s go before he takes someone else’s locker.” Key sighed as he and Minho followed Taemin.

“Goodbye, Eunmi-ssi. I hope to see you again soon.” Jonghyun smiled sneakily as he left as well.

“It was nice meeting you.” Onew smiled and shook Eunmi’s hands. He had the smile of an angel.

“You too.” She smiled back. So far, she liked Onew the best. How could Taemin be friends with someone like him?

“I see you've met them.” Sara had arrived at Eunmi's locker and gave her a knowing smile.

“What the heck? Them? Them who?” Eunmi gave her a weird look.

“The guys you just met! They're really popular.” Sara said.

“That is so weird, Taemin's popular?” Eunmi said flatly. “What's so special about them?”

“Well, for one, they are all very handsome. And 80% of them are nice.” Sara said.

“I'm guessing that the 20% is what I live with 100% of my life with.” Eunmi said sourly.

Sara laughed, “Yup. He's not cold-hearted as in gang fights and being cold. He's just cocky-”

Eunmi decided to continue, “Self-centered, selfish, rude, mean, unbearable-”

Sara put a hand on her shoulder, “I got it. He's the most mischievous, the older ones have to keep him in line.”

The bell ran and Sara said, “Let's go to class now.”

Eunmi nodded and followed her, “Are they like kingkas or something? Ew! That's so cliché!”

Sara shook her head, “They are popular, but not 'rule the school' type. They're too nice. No one's like scared of them or can't approach them. It's just that a lot of people like them. They don't like bully people and take their lunch money.”

“Except Taemin.” Eunmi added.

“No, he doesn't really bully people. He just enjoys being a bad boy and getting into trouble.” Sara said. Then she laughed and added, “And bothering you.”

“Funny.” Eunmi mumbled as they both entered their class. Eunmi forgot about Taemin and grew excited as the teacher handed out the schedules of the students.

First period went smoothly, Eunmi had made friends with the girl who sat beside her and Sara, Park Miyeon.

“What do you have next?” Sara asked Eunmi as they put their stuff away one minute before the bell.

“Ummm, math.” Eunmi replied, looking at her schedule.

“We're at opposite ends of school. I have English, will you be able to find your way?” Sara asked as the bell rang.

“Yeah.” Eunmi nodded.

“Okay, just go down the hall, to the right, then go down that hall and to the left and at the end of that hall is the math class.” Sara quickly explained as they got out of class.

Eunmi nodded, “Okay, thanks!” She waved before scurrying off to the end of the hallway.

Now, did she say to turn right or left? Eunmi thought as she came at a crossroad. She sighed and went left.

That was a big mistake, she was completely lost now and the bell would ring any minute! She would be late.  

People were slowly leaving the halls and going to their classrooms, except Eunmi and the last-minute stragglers.

Then she saw Taemin taking his sweet time with his hands in his pockets.

“Taemin!” She cried in relief and ran to him. Taemin looked at her in a bored manner.

“Can you tell me where my math class is?” She asked, catching her breath.

His lips curved upwards and into a smile, “You're lost?”

“Um, yeah.” She said sheepishly.

“Well, don't keep me from letting you get lost.” He grinned and walked away.

“Hey! Wait! Tell me where to go! I'm going to be late!” She took his arm.

“Wonderful.” Taemin smirked and ran away.

“YAH! I hate you!!!” She screamed miserably as the bell rang. She absolutely hated being late.

After five minutes she found her class. She nervously entered it.

“If you're on time-” the teacher stopped talking as he looked at Eunmi who bit her lip. He was bald and looked very strict.

She bowed, “I'm so sorry!”

He raised an eyebrow, “Uhuh. Let me tell you something about this class, miss….?”

“Kim Eunmi.” She squeaked. This teacher was scary.

“Miss Kim, in this class if you are early you are on time. If you're on time, you're late. And if you're late,” he looked her in the eye. “You're dead.”

Eunmi gulped and turned red, the entire class was staring at her.

“Are you new?” The teacher, Mr. Lee asked.

Eunmi nodded.

“I'll let it pass today. But don't be late ever again. Sit down.” He cocked his head towards a seat near the front beside an odd-looking boy.

She nodded and sat down as she hid her face.

This is all your fault, Lee Taemin!

At lunch, Sara walked to Eunmi's locker.

“So, how was math? Did you find your way, okay?” She asked as Eunmi put her money in her pocket and bag in her locker.

“No! And when I asked Taemin for help he just ran away! I was embarrassed in front of the entire class!” She crossed her arms and frowned.

“Well, that is the Taemin thing to do.” Sara shrugged. “Let's go eat!” They hooked arms and walked on. As they were waiting in line, a group of boys were creating a ruckus in the front. They were throwing things at each other and pushing each other around.  

“Now, they are trouble.” Sara said. “Stay away from them.”

“Why? Who are they?” Eunmi blinked.

“BAP, more like BAD. There are a lot of rumours about them. Drugs, alcohol and other bad stuff.” Sara shook her head. “Just stay away, okay?”

Eunmi nodded as both of them bought their lunches and went to the back of the cafeteria to eat.

“After this, give me your schedule and I'll show you where the rest of your classes are.” Sara said, biting into her rice and side dishes.

“Okay.” Eunmi agreed..

“Hello, Eunmi-ssi.” Jonghyun appeared out of nowhere and sat down beside Eunmi.

Eunmi looked surprised as the rest of the Taemin’s friends piled onto their table.

“Um, hello.” Eunmi said, exchanging glances with Sara.

“Why are we sitting here?” Taemin groaned. “The smell of dork is flaring into my nose!”

Eunmi threw a piece of kimchi at him.

“Because Jonghyun thinks your stepsister is pretty.” Key snickered.

Jonghyun gave him a look and smiled at Eunmi, who scooted away.

“You are disgusting, hyung.” Taemin shoved him aside and sat down beside Eunmi instead.

“Hyung? He's older than you?” Eunmi asked, looking at all of them.

“We all are.” Key told her.

“Can't find any friends your age, Taeminnie?” Eunmi questioned mockingly.

“Course I can, and I do.” Taemin yawned. “Personally, I'm more independent. They just choose to follow me everywhere.” He said cockily.

“If it wasn't for us you would have been expelled a long time ago.” Minho pointed out.

Taemin smiled sweetly, “And I am ever so grateful.”

“You should be.” Key snorted.

Taemin shrugged and bit into his sandwich.

“Yah, why are you eating lunch with me? I want to see you the least amount as possible at school!” Eunmi tried to push him away.

“They dragged me here, I'm not going to sit here and starve myself.” Taemin said with his mouth full of food.

“We want to get to know our new sister well!” Onew said cheerfully, biting into chicken.

“They do.” Taemin corrected. “Not me. I know enough about you already. Too much, really.”

“Oh yeah? When's my birthday?” Eunmi challenged.

“June 7th.” Taemin fibbed nonchalantly.

“Wrong! September 18th!” Eunmi shouted. Taemin acted like he didn't care –and like he didn’t know.

“Hey, her birthday is exactly 2 months after yours.” Key said. “You should be able to remember that!”

“I remember things I care about.” Taemin smirked.

“Do you guys fight like this at home too? Don't your parents say anything?” Key wondered.

“They did. At first. I was even grounded sometimes! I spent half my summer at home cuz of her!” he pointed at Eunmi.

“But we complain about each other too much, so the rest of the family pretty much stays out of it.” Eunmi shrugged.

“Wow, both of you managed to explain one thing.” Minho said, fascinated.

Taemin smiled, “You got it.”

Eunmi rolled her eyes, “Let's go, Sara.”

“Great!” Taemin grinned.

“Don't leave.” Onew said. “You can sit beside me.” He smiled.

“Hyuuunnggg.” Taemin complained. “If she wants to leave, let her!”

“We have to go anyways, I think I should show Eunmi around now.” Sara spoke up, finishing her lunch.

“And I lost my appetite.” Eunmi muttered, about to throw her tray away.

“Actually, I was told that you have to eat all of your lunch.” Taemin said, pulling her down. “Before you start any other activity.”

“Says who?!” Eunmi furrowed her eyebrows.

“Says your brother.” Taemin stuck his tongue out.

“I ate everything!” Eunmi pointed to her tray. “Except the fruit salad, but there are berries in there. I’m allergic to those.”

Taemin blinked, “You are? What happens if you eat berries?”

“Wow, Taemin. Don't even know what your sister is allergic to.” Jonghyun snorted.

“Step-sister.” Taemin elbowed him. “Well?”

“Yes, I am. They're quite severe; I get a bad rash and I can't breathe.” She explained. “Even if I don't directly eat it and some of it rubs onto something else, it's bad.”

Taemin grinned and picked a berry up with a fork, “Say ahhhhh~”

Eunmi glared at him, “I am not surprised. If I was to die, it would be at your hands.”

“You got it.” Taemin winked.

“You're such a bad brother.” Key remarked.

“Stepbrother, get it right!” Taemin exclaimed.

“Let's go now.” Sara said, standing up.

Eunmi nodded and got up again.

“Bye!” Jonghyun winked.

Minho waved, Onew gave her a smile, and Key also said goodbye.

“Hurry up and leave.” Taemin snorted. Eunmi pushed him and walked away with Sara.

She dug through her bag and gave Sara her schedule.

“Oh! We have art together last.” Sara said excitedly. “You have physics next, the physics class is this way.” Sara led her to the physics class and then showed her where the art class was.

When the bell rang, Eunmi and Sara separated and Eunmi went into her physics class.

She sat down on a random seat and waited for the teacher to arrive as the other students piled in. Miyeon also came in and sat down beside Eunmi.

“Hey! I thought I’d be a complete loner in this class.” Miyeon said, putting her bag down.

“I figured I’d be a loner in all my classes.” Eunmi said sheepishly. Miyeon laughed and both of them continued to talk until the bell rang and the teacher entered. The students quieted down and Ms. Choi put her books and stuff on her desk.  

Then came the late people, and it seemed like Hyunki had jinxed them.

Eunmi’s jaw dropped as Taemin casually strolled in, “Sorry I’m late, teach.”

Now I know what my least favourite class will be. She thought miserably.



Pointless chapter, but the tiny details here matter (:

Next chapter is when stuff relevant to the plot happens  :D



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Haha I really shouldn't tell you guys the next time I'll update... cuz it never happens xD it's coming soon! I promise!


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harlibug #1
this is great. Keep it up. :)
Chapter 38: Excellent. That was... excellent. I literally can't even..... XD Thank you for making this. I needed it in my life.
quinachups #3
Chapter 38: >~< 'THE TAEMIN' nervously thanked daehyun !!!!
quinachups #4
Chapter 37: Woahh ~ daebakkk !!
quinachups #5
Chapter 35: it's not suho? then who's the one that do that? hmm.. maybe suho has another hater there XD
Corona19 #6
Chapter 35: Heeeyy... Who trashed the studio? T^T pleaaassseee....! Hehehehe,please update ^___^
quinachups #7
Chapter 34: Nooooo !!! :(
Chapter 34: Suho, i love you but i hate you! Why don't you confess you did already? Poor, Taemin! He didn't do anything.
iLoveYuh #9
Chapter 33: Please update soon! I really love your story! Author-nim, fighting!~ :3
Chapter 31: I at making noodles too but i enjoy making them.Sometimes, i put to much water or not enough water.Or, i'll over cook them TT.TT Update soon! :)