First Day

That's My Girl!



Namjoo was still grumpy as ever.

Zelo sighed as his now estranged seatmate sat wordlessly beside him.

Namjoo had read the notes the boy gave her weeks ago.


Hey, did I do something wrong? Please, don’t ignore me.


I’m really sorry. If you could just tell me what I did wrong, I’d try to change it.


Truth to be told, Namjoo was unreasonable to be angry like that. It’s not like she had an obligation to give him chocolates on Valentine’s and that he’d have an obligation to give back on White Day.

And, it’s not like Zelo likes her.

So, what was she expecting? A bouquet? A teddy bear?

No. It wouldn’t even cross his mind to give her something as simple as a thank you letter.

So, what was her problem?

Well, this stupid part of her had actually held on to a small probability that Zelo would remember her gift and that he’d somehow reciprocate.

Who was she kidding? Every single person on campus knew who Zelo liked.

Jung Eunji.

Her senior. Her vice captain. Her friend.

So, what’s up with her?

A suffocating feeling was gnawing inside her.

She’s jealous. Jealous of the attention Choi Junhong was giving Jung Eunji.

And, no.

She’d never friggin’ admit that to anyone.

Like, ever.



Like Zelo, Eunji wasn’t having any luck with her seatmate.

For the first few weeks of the term, Sandeul showered her with unnecessary attention so now she’s wondering why he started giving her the cold shoulder.

He was still attentive to her needs but he was now refusing to speak to her. He often whined whenever he’s forced to stick with her and grumbled when he noticed she needed him for something.

It wasn’t helping her tumultuous mind that her junior Namjoo was drifting away from her.

She now always stuck close to Hayoung and Yookyung when she used to hang around her and Bomi.

Eunji missed her dongsaeng and she wondered if she did something wrong. She had asked but Namjoo had shrugged her off. She tried asking the others about it but they, too, had no idea what’s going on Namjoo’s mind.



“Wasn’t that thoughtless?”

“No. I’ve been considering it for sometime now, to be honest.”

Bomi grabbed Eunji’s shoulders, forcing the latter to face her, “Are you starting to like him?”


Bomi started stomping like a five-year-old, “Then, waeeee yoooo?”

“I want to give it a shot.”

“Then, you are starting to like him.”

“No. It’s different.”

“It’s not! Why would you give someone you don’t like a chance like this?”

“I just want to see how far his persistence would go.”


The girls turned. Mr. Knight-in-Shining Armor is here.

“Gotta go,” Eunji waved Bomi goodbye but the latter grabbed her arm.

“You sure realize that your argument was invalid, right?”



“I’ll walk you home.”

“I don’t want to go home, yet.”

“Then, where do you want to go?”

“You decide.”

“Is this a date?”

“No? After school?”

“Yeah, after school date.”

“Well, okay. It’s a date, then.”

Zelo pulled her to the nearest arcade. It wasn’t her thing but seeing Zelo play like a little child made her smile. Soon, she joined on the games and felt like her childhood was coming back to her. Not that she did these as a child. Exhausted, she sat on a bench while Zelo continued to play on. She still cheered him on even if she’s sitting behind.

After a few more rounds, Zelo sat beside Eunji to rest. He felt something cold against his cheek making him open his eyes.

“Thank you,” he accepted the icy lemon-flavored Fanta.

He popped the lid and a loud fizzing sound came out. He gulped down the fluid thirstily making Eunji stifle a giggle at the contrast of his manly actions to his childlike features.

“How did the tryouts go?”

The question came as a surprise. Yes, Zelo was kind of nosy but she didn’t know he’d be interested in trivial things like basketball varsity tryouts.



“We’re considering only three new players and two of them are seniors. That’s bad for next year’s team.”

“I’m sure they’d get by.”

They didn’t say anything more and Zelo dragged her to a nearby jajangmyun shop. He loves this cuisine and he wanted her to know what he liked, too. To his surprise, Eunji liked jajangmyun as well and that she was a really huge eater.

“You’d get fat if you don’t stop, noona.”

Noona. When did he start calling her noona? Where’s the ‘Eunji-ssi’?

He’s starting towards banmal and it made her uncomfortable - too uncomfortable that she missed the fact that he almost called her fat.

After the meal, Zelo brought her to a nearby park. It was a silent date and Eunji was thankful for it. She’s new to this dating stuff and she didn’t know the right things to do and right words to say. She watched the remaining few kids playing by the sandbox while Zelo intently gazed at the evening stars.

By eight, they were riding a bus home. Eunji fell asleep and subconsciously laid her head on the younger boy’s shoulders. He had to slide down his seat to make her comfortable. To hell with his friggin’ height. He shook her awake when they arrived on her stop.

Eunji stood to get off the bus. Zelo was about to follow when Eunji stopped him.

“I’ll go by myself from here.”

“You never let me walk you home before but now we’re dating so I can’t allow that.”

“No, we’re not official and no, my dad will kill you if he casts an eye on you.”

With that, Eunji waved a goodbye and stepped off the bus.



A/N: HERE’S THE PROOF THAT I AIN’T DEAD! After exactly nine friggin’ days, TADAH! New chappie. I’m so sorry for not updating! >____< I was rushing my contest entry for the past few days (thank God the deadline changed) plus I had writer’s block on this one. OTL Cheongmal mianhe! /bows 360 degrees because I’m sooooo sorryyyyyy/ Anyway, I should be updating later tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

Classes would start on Thursday for me so here’s the bad news: I would only be able to update every two weeks on weekends but I’d try my best to make those double or even triple updates if my drained brain allows me. Updates on weekdays would be some sorts of a miracle so don’t put too much hope on that. Cheongmal mianhe but my chance of graduating this year depends on the next few weeks. /bows 360 degrees again/ Hopefully, I’d be back on track by June.

@KoalaLand97: Hoho. Wait for it. ^^

@sujulove44: Yey! You subscribed. XD I was really wondering how you’d be kept up to date but anyway, yes, here’s Zelo’s last chance. XD

@violin852: Hey! Hey! Can’t post on your wall soooo I’ll just say it here: Thank you for subscribing! Hope to hear from you soon! ^^

@CherryTotomatoZELO96: Nado saranghaeyo! I LOVE YOU MOOOOOOOAAAAAAR. <33333



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Can anyone make me a bg? XD I just found the one I'm using right now on Google. OTL I placed it on the disclaimer but I really still need my own. XD


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tiffani123456 #1
Chapter 9: zeji is impossible the is so big un less ….
u make eunji younger like when she saw her birth certificate she was 15
tiffani123456 #2
Chapter 7: daeji 4ever
tiffani123456 #3
Chapter 7: i ship daeji
Chapter 9: The more Zelo gets comfortable the more Eunji gets UNcomfortable ahaha fighting Zelo you're getting there XD
Chapter 5: Sorry late reply ><
That why I ship DaeJi‌ xD‌
for B1A4 I ship‌ YoungJi‌ and ChanJi‌ x)
Chapter 5: Sorry late reply ><
That why I ship DaeJi‌ xD‌
for B1A4 I ship‌ YoungJi‌ and ChanJi‌ x)
sujulove48 #7
Chapter 9: now i feel bad for sandeul... and i even miss daehyun,,, :(
but fighting!! eunji and zelo :D
BTW, can anyone make me a bg? XD I just found the one I'm using right now on Google. OTL I placed it on the disclaimer but I really still need my own. XD
Jenicakrung #9
Chapter 8: This is his chance!! I will wait for more .. I love u author~nim
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #10
Chapter 8: Haha^^ UNNIE HWAITING!!!! SARANGHAE!!!... I hate school too:(