
Passenger Seat



 Third Bus that would pass, on its fourth to the last seat, near the window- is the girl that catches my eyes always take her sits. The girl that I secretly admire

Eight in the morning she ride this bus then six in the evening she also ride this bus on her way home. I’m not stalking her- I just love to observe her.

We leave near each other but we don’t know each other’s name- so near yet so far. I know she’s so close to me and yet I don’t even have the courage to introduce myself to her and to sum it up I don’t even know if she have notice my presence everytime I walk behind her. I don’t know if she have notice all the glances that I have thrown her every single day- I hope she didn’t notice if so, I don’t know what to do anymore

Honestly speaking I hope for the day to come that she would notice me and I would know her name, thinking about it- I looked like a hopeless romantic. All I can do for now is to look at her from afar. I admire her- I admire everything about her. Her brown wavy and silky hair, her beautiful eyes that sparkles everytime, her perfect nose, her thin pinkish and kissable lips, her slender body, her long legs, her milky white and smooth looking skin- everything about her is perfect. Her personality is perfect she is beyond perfect to me


 I won’t be seeing my Angel – yes I called her angel since I don’t know her name and in my eyes she’s my angel my one and only. I won’t be seeing her beautiful face for a week - I’m going to the country side to visit my grandparents it’s an eight hours ride. Thinking about it makes me tired.

I waited for my bus to pass, upon waiting the bus that we usually took pass by- I follow it with my eyes hoping that I would she her, at least I could see her beautiful face before going to the countryside. But to my dismay she is not on the bus. I look at my watch and it’s eight O one but why isn’t she on that bus? As far as I know at exactly eight o’clock she would be sitting on her favourite spot already looking on the window while listening to her IPod.

I was pre-occupied with my thought until my bus pass; I step in leaving that thought behind. I went straight to the back but to my surprise she is there sitting on the last row- looking outside and her eyes sparkle like a diamond. I started to feel anxious and I don’t even know why, I slowly took my step toward her. This is my chance should I grab it or should I let it go and regret it till the end. I’m not stupid- God is giving me the sign and I will grab it and never letting it go.

I cleared my throat on purpose for her to notice me- she averts her gaze on me. I gulp as her sparkling eyes stare at me; I unconsciously fix my hair and smile at her. She answered me with a smile and bows then she grab her bag and she put it on the floor – giving me space to sit.

I’m jumping for joy; fate is really on my side. “Thanks” I said and took my sit, I was expecting her to answer but she have put her earphone back into her ears. I sigh in dismay, if only I could hear her voice just for once then I would be the happiest person alive. I really want to hear her voice but up until now I still haven’t hear it yet       

One hour pass and I notice her looking for something in her bag, then she smile as soon as she grab a plastic of potato chips- I never imagine her, eating those things as far as I can see in her she’s the type of girl who loves to eat healthy food but trying those chips won’t harm her health right.

“Want some?” she handed the chips to she was smiling while chewing- finally I finally hear her voice it’s so angelic, calm yet clear and very soothing to the ears of the listeners

“Thanks” I grab some chips while looking straight into her dazzling

“Don’t mention it, It’s a long trip so we need to feel our stomach” I look at her as she shove a lot of chips into - not the kind view that I’m expecting from her but this side of her is cute too “Sorry about that, it’s been a long time since I last eat this kind of chips” she said bow apologetically at me

“No, it okay. You were cute thought” the word cute slip from my mouth- I mentally curse my stupid self “Sorry I didn’t mean to say that” I look on the other side avoiding her but on the corner of my eyes I could see clearly that she’s blushing 

“It’s okay thank you...” both of our body were thrown forward when the bus suddenly stopped. I hit my head on the back of a chair in front of me luckily for her she didn’t get hurt. As a gentlemen like myself though I know she’s okay I still need to ask since its still worries me “are you okay?”

She nodded her head and stood up, looking on her surrounding “What happen” she asks. Some of the passenger started to get worried and some other passengers went to the driver to ask

“Sorry just a small problem, I will fix it soon. So please calm down and don’t worry I can handle this” the driver assure as that everything is under control and there is no need for us to worry about “Please for the meantime please wait outside for some fresh air, I’ll call you if everything is okay”

The entire passenger started going out from the bus including us. If I was alone- sure I would be on my bad mode but since she’s here with me there’s no need for me to get mad.


Luckily for us the bus broke on a perfect place, we could see the view of the big city “pretty right?” she said I look at her while she is looking at the beautiful view- well she for me is a wonderful view

“My name is Soehyun by the way” she smile and extend her hand for a hand shake

I smile at her “I’m Luhan” I accepted her hand. Her hand is so soft as cotton, for the past years of longing for her name finally the day had finally come for me to know her even more


“Where are you going?” we sat on the big rock on the side of the road. Her beautiful eyes look at me as she waits for my answer “Busan, I’m visiting my grandparents” I answered “and you?”

“Same here, Busan to visit my cousin” she smile at me.

Tell me is this fate, we always took the same bus everyday, we leave near each other, we took the same bus on going to Busan and lastly we are going to the same location tell me this is fate right.

“If I’m not mistaken, you’re the guy who leave near me right?” she ask a little blush can be seen on her chubby cheeks she started playing the small stone on the ground

I jump for joy when she ask me that, so she did notice me all my effort hasn’t gone to waste. I control my wide smile “Neh, if I’m not mistaken we always take the same bus right?”

I notice that she was taken aback from my question or it just my imagination since she went back on being shy “neh”

A short silence was between us but I break it anyway since I don’t want to have an awkward conversation with her. I want her to see me as a friendly, approachable and trusted guy friend “to tell you the truth I really want to be your friend ever since I first saw you”

She was startled, she straighten up from her sit and look at me in the eyes. I swear everytime she looks at me, I always had Goosebumps- those mesmerizing eyes will never fail me to fall in love. I swear only a fool who would think that Seohyun’s eyes are not beautiful and mesmerizing. Only a fool who would not fall in love with this sweet, kind and caring girl not to mention beautiful

“Please don’t misunderstand but ever since I saw you I think I’ve fallen in love” God had given me a chance I will grab it, this might me my last and only chance to talk to her. And since she’s with me right now I will not let this opportunity pass. I don’t care what she might think about me, as long as I had confessed my feelings to her then it’s more than enough. It’s more than enough that she had found out that I have feelings for her. I want her to know that there’s a guy like me who hopelessly wishing for her to take notice.

I look straight into her eyes “I maybe I am stranger to you, but I want you to know that I am observing you for a very long time, I am looking at you from afar and I am keeping this feeling from you for a very long time. It’s okay if you won’t accept me for now since I understand –no- I completely understand, you don’t want to have a complete stranger to be your boyfriend right?” I chuckle in my own word “but please give me a chance for you to know me even more for you to know that I’m capable enough to protect you from any harm and I promise you that I won’t ever hurt you, I won’t ever make you cry and I will not hurt your heart” I slowly reach for her hands and grab it. I tighten my grip as I look into her eyes.

Her eyes- it seems teary have I disappoint her without me knowing? “I’m sorry” I stood up with a heavy heart; I stop my tears from coming. But still I didn’t regret that I have told her about my feeling,  it’s a good thing for me though- since I won’t be hopelessly waiting for her love, I won’t be expecting her to notice. Guess I need to put an end into this hopeless heart of mine- end of being a hopeless romantic

“Wait” a can feel a pair of hand stopping me from moving “can you wait for my answer?”


Week pass and I’m finally back from Busan, for some reason I miss the big city of Seoul I miss the noisy cars, the crowded places and what I miss the most is the Bus that we ride together

Finally the bus is here, does it mean that Seohyun is also in the bus? It’s been a week since I last hear her response. She wants me to wait and I’m willing to wait for a long time, I can wait forever just to be with her in the end

I step on the bus and unfortunately the bus is deserted, I took my step to my regular seat- across Seohyun’s favourite place to sit. I was looking down as I walk to my seat and when I rise up my head I saw her looking at me. She gives me her sweetest smile, and it gives me the shiver. I stop from my spot. I saw her standing up- walking her way towards me with a sweet smile plastered on her beautiful angelic face, right now she is like an angel from above walking her way to a human being.

“You want to know my answer right?” she ask as soon she reach my spot, I nodded nervously. What if she rejects me from this very place- the place that I first saw her

“Please sit there” she pointed on her favourite seat “and look on the window and tell me what you see” she smile at me. I give her a puzzled look but still do what she told me to do. I saw her walk her walk to my regular seat and sat there. She motions her hand telling me to sit.

 I sit and look on the window like she told me, my heart jump from what I see- I’m over flowing with happiness. I turn my head to her and she gives me a playful smile. All this time I thought that she was blankly looking at the window and all this time I thought that she love looking outside but to my surprise she was looking at my reflection, all this time from the very beginning, now I understand why she always choose that place to sit- just to because she want to see my reflection on the window

As for me I always choose my regular place just to steal some glances at me but it seems like we are both equal. We love looking at each other from afar; we love stealing glances from each other

“So now, you know my answer” she walks towards me with her playful smile still plastered on her face.

I grab her and put her into my tight embrace “Thank you for accepting me and I promise I won’t ever hurt you” I loosen the hug but still holding into her waist “I love you” I didn’t stop myself anymore; more like I couldn’t, I kiss her passionately - pressing my lips into her soft lips- the lips that I’ve been longing for. I’ve been longing for- for a very long time. This lips that I’m kissing is mine all mine and the girl that I’m hugging is mine all mine



I never thought that the day would come - that I become so happy because the bus that I rode broke in the middle of my ride. When that incident happen God give me the chance to have a Love Life on my hopeless romantic life . Yes, I did out an end to my hopeless romantic life- in a good and better way



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theresia #1
Chapter 1: i didn't expect that Seo for all this time choose to sit on that spot to steal glance toward Luhan..

this story is simple but i feel awesome,,
thanks for making this story Author
Chapter 1: Sweet :D
So their feelings are reciprocate :)
Glad that Luhan was brave enough to confess his feeling to Seohyun :)
Eycha_sk11 #3
Chapter 1: Aww so sweeeeet n cute ! Both were looking at each other
Chapter 1: Omg thats so cute!!!! Loved this story :)
ambai90 #5
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaa....seohan!!!love this....
nanjang #6
Chapter 1: Cuteeeeeee!!!!!
Thank you for this story!
:) will Seohyun notice Luhan? :D
nanjang #8
New story!!!!
Update soon~